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So...what you're saying is your "faceroll pre made" got facerolled by a PuG? LMAO!!!


Actually we are having quite a laugh at bads too :). Though when I see such uselesness when I pug, I just go afk on the bads, no point trying to carry them :).


On a side note, some of you bads are actually THAT bad that it is simply impossible to carry you LMAO.

Edited by SajPl
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Actually we are having quite a laugh at bads too :). Though when I see such uselesness when I pug, I just go afk on the bads, no point trying to carry them :).


On a side note, some of you bads are actually THAT bad that it is simply impossible to carry you LMAO.


It's cool man, no need to make excuses as to why you get beat by PuGs. Making this public knowledge was kind of an interesting decision. Know what's worse than a bad? A bad that thinks they're good.

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It's cool man, no need to make excuses as to why you get beat by PuGs. Making this public knowledge was kind of an interesting decision. Know what's worse than a bad? A bad that thinks they're good.


No idea where I stated we got beat by pugs?


Statement : if 2 premades come against one another the pug factor determines who wins, or rather who has the less useless pugs :). You know ... all those 70k damage nightmares that fail to get a medal.

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So im in this overpowered faceroll premade and the stats of the warzone we lost are :

-premade dps : 900k damage (top)

-premade tank 200k damage 210k protection (1 protection of wz and 3rd dps of team)

-premade healer 1 -1.1 milion healing (1st of wz)

-premade healer 2 - 900k healing (3rd of wz)


-pug 1 - 83k damage, and 191, YES 191 protection

-pug 2 - 73k damage, 0 protection

-pug 3 - 63k damage, 0 protection

-pug 4 -smasher sent, he was actually ok, made 5th or 6th dps of wz.

All 3 of those pvp-atrocities finished the hypergate that lasted 10 or 15 minutes witn no medals because they didnt even contribute, not at all.


The enemy team average damage was around 500-600k.


My point here is that a premade is at best 50% of the team and you pugs make or break a game as much as a premade.

So if you keep loosing it's not because premades are rolling over you and are allways on the other team, its because ; YOU ARE SO HORRIBLY BAD THAT YOU DRAG DOWN EVERY SINGLE GAME AND EVERY SINGLE TEAM THAT YOU ARE IN BECAUSE YOU ARE SO COMPLETLY BAD AND USELESS AT PVP.



AND That LADIES AND GENTLEMAN is the problem, ANYONE TAHT CANT HIT over 200k AND GO FULL OFFENSE should stop queuing and learn to do DPS rotation. I find it demeaning for people to just roll into FP, OP, or WZ with a half assed attitude, this is whats killing SWTOR.


Instead of people learning to do proper rotation they slap buttons and hope to do a lot of damage. The problem is ALL classes are capable of hitting a million but people seem to think that if you slap some buttons and auto fire you will do well. THIS is whats the problem here.

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  • 3 months later...
Sadly this is largely how PvP words when stat-gear makes the difference - get the best frikken gear possible, then abandon ranked and steamroll the normal PvPers nuts in a meat grinder... god it is horrid. And I just got my brains blown out by a Smuggler's shotgun - one hit kill... 20k frikken damage, its just downright idiotic.
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Sadly this is largely how PvP words when stat-gear makes the difference - get the best frikken gear possible....

Bolster. Bad gear is buffed by this game mechanic so it's almost as good as proper PvP gear. If you're getting pwned, it's because the other guy is better than you.

...And I just got my brains blown out by a Smuggler's shotgun - one hit kill... 20k frikken damage, its just downright idiotic.

Oh, I'm sorry. I hadn't realised you meant this necro as some sort of fantastical joke. My apologeis for treating it remotely seriously.


Check your combat logs (if you have them turned on) to see what actually hit you. I'd be surprised if a Scrapper has ever broken even 10k on one hit. No-one has ever hit 20k in one hit in PvP on anything.

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Bolster. Bad gear is buffed by this game mechanic so it's almost as good as proper PvP gear. If you're getting pwned, it's because the other guy is better than you.


Ok, you have right on this, Bolster its cool.

But what you say when your team have 0 healers and the opponent team have 2-3 healers ? Its cool ?

You know since beggining you have low chances to win....

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Apologies to all who replied to OP, TLDR. So maybe someone has already asked this?


How often do you find that tank-healer combo giving a PUG teammate some love?


If the healer gets burned down and is a few ticks behind the gate, how often does that Tank switch to the PUG healer?


How often do the DPS's from that pre-made peel for the PUG healer who's in trouble?


Answer: Never. They have guildie stats to pad. It's a bias, I tells ya'! Pure and simple prejudice.


As an exclusively independent PUG, those of us outside of the pre-made are always left to the wolves before the match even starts. And yet we are there hitting the objectives, drawing fire, or calling out incoming or ticks on the gate. We cc. We heal. And yes, we pass the Hutball. Hell, we even score a few goals every now and then.


Too bad that the scoreboard doesn't have stats for assists, or kudo's for the 5th man. We know who's really carrying who. We are the Horace Grant's to your Micheal's and Scottie's.


If you don't like it, take your 4-man overpowered pre-mades and queue ranked with another like-minded 4-man pre-made. Or wait for 2.4 and then stretch you e-peens in the Arenas.


By the way, I understand what the OP is trying to convey by "over-powered" (assuming he's no troll). Because he knows there are plenty of matches where the PUG's are at the top of the list, scratching our heads and wondering "Why didn't that pre-made carry us? Man, they really sucked. Oh, they weren't 'over-powered.' Okay."

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Too bad that the scoreboard doesn't have stats for assists, or kudo's for the 5th man.


Yes. Pure assisting in others to get the objectives through NEVER appears on the scoreboard.


Only healing & damage - and deaths and a few more points no-one really is interested in.


And that alone makes people believe that they contribute to the game by doling out high damage or healing numbers.


I once made a thread (ir in a thread) in which I suggested to get rid of the scoreboard altogether - to keep people away from looking at high numbers alone.


I was called insane.

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One day I'm going to create a sorc/sage and make sure the be the best ... at being the worst.


In huttball I will make sure to

1) extricate my teammates into the fire, or into the pit if they are close to the other teams endzone

2) grab the huttball and run into my own endzone and wait

3) stand in my endzone and jump up and down when a marauder/jugg has the ball


In Void Star I will make sure to

1) extricate anyone on my team who is close to capping

2) extricate members into holes

3) call out in general when our team seems to have a small advantage


In Nova Coast I will make sure to

1) stand in front of the panel to make it a pain for my teammates to right click on it from a distance (only after the other team capped of course)-will make sure to choose type 4 male body type.

2) extricate node guards into the ravine behind the bunker forcing them to slowly run back up

3) extricate anyone who runs outside respawn back in right before the door reappears


In AH I will

1) always make sure to use consumption to get my hp to very low then force speed into an enemy group while extricating a capping teammate with me.

2) extricate teammates outside the shield when pylons explode

3) stand next to stealthers trying to ninja and jump around so that an enemy AoE will get him out of stealth and more defenders come


And throughout all this, I will always make sure to remove markers from healers and put them on tanks instead, emote every member of my team before the match starts and give extra props to any good stealthers on my team.


Will call incoming when I see my team heading to cap the other teams node on the map, and will call out fake incomings on our node.


And when people yell at me I'll just reply with a "you mad bro?".



Now you ask why would I do this? So no matter how dreadful a teammate you end up with could be, he will never ever be worse than me. And that will spread love around the game ... by hating a common enemy.

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Your problem is that you do not understand that there should be only a rated que because that way the bad players would have low rating and would be put against other bad players thus they would never face op faceroll premades :).




Its the perfect system and ironically exacly what the pugs are asking for as well. They want a proper match making system and the only way it can happen is if every WZ was rated. No regs.

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  • 5 months later...

Its the perfect system and ironically exacly what the pugs are asking for as well. They want a proper match making system and the only way it can happen is if every WZ was rated. No regs.

Of course this is the best and it is ironic how BW is killing its own game by not realizing this. PvP would be a lot more fun with even matches and the forum crying of the losers now farming PuGs hours after hours would be of epic proportions. Priceless ...

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Of course this is the best and it is ironic how BW is killing its own game by not realizing this. PvP would be a lot more fun with even matches and the forum crying of the losers now farming PuGs hours after hours would be of epic proportions. Priceless ...


First Bobbafatter holy nerco


Rated queue is ----> that way.

He is partly right most of the time people complaining the other team has a premade don't break 200k damage. Was solo qued with people complaining in a hype gate the other team was a premade i did 700k dps the rest of the team did 150k as dps. I only died 3 times we had 0 healers which means there premade was bad as well. Bad players will always blame a premades. because they cant face the truth there the one bringing a team down

Edited by Neoforcer
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Had a premade farming tonight, but really, if they get tired of arenas and want to play the fun maps, what else are they to do? What was just sad though was one of the premades having an Imp side guildie queue in so they'd have someone to leap to in Huttball. Pathetic.
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