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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

[POT5] [Quesh World PvP Event THIS SATURDAY!]


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I am going to try this out .. why not - its not like the devs have given the PvP community anything to do except grind the same gear, over and over.


You'd be disappointed if you didn't. We don't need the devs to have an awesome time pvping. That's what I've always tried to impress upon people. The community can host events that are just as fun without their help!


That being said, I hope those searching for a new server home check out my stream of this event and see what's in store if they transfer to POT5!

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Cilas, a great idea indeed, looking for that general spot, as a sage healer, is going to be easy stay alive with some vanguard/shadow/guardian shield.


Looking foward to meet you. if you can...


That area has a lot going for it. Two canyon type approaches between the bases that will make for good skirmishing, not to mention all of the buildings accessible to both factions inside the pub base. I fully expect to see fighting inside the buildings

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Remember to spread the word to your friends, guild partners, lovers, family, relatives, pets, business associates, co-workers, and the guy that changes your oil!


On a side note I was showing a couple coworkers your last video you did. I believe it was on Voss.

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Nothing like this happens on The Bastion. As an Imperial there. I lose in regs constantly. It's like they have no concept of PvP tactics. If they offer server transfers. I am thinking of coming to PoT5.


I'm confident POT5 will welcome any and all that decide to transfer! The more people, the stronger the whole community is

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Events like this show why people who constantly scream on these boards "We need Bioware to give us a reason to do world pvp" are complete idiots. If you need a carrot to do world pvp other than "red is dead" you're not a real pvp'er. World pvp is about killing the other dude because it's fun. Nothing else. No incentive needed. No rewards needed.


So to all of you whiners, if you want world pvp so much, leave the station and go do it. We on Pot5 are.

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Events like this show why people who constantly scream on these boards "We need Bioware to give us a reason to do world pvp" are complete idiots. If you need a carrot to do world pvp other than "red is dead" you're not a real pvp'er. World pvp is about killing the other dude because it's fun. Nothing else. No incentive needed. No rewards needed.


So to all of you whiners, if you want world pvp so much, leave the station and go do it. We on Pot5 are.


POT5 has the best world pvp community IMO, events like this one are easy to organize because the community is so strong!

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POT5 has the best world pvp community IMO, events like this one are easy to organize because the community is so strong!


Hmmm....as cool and amazing as we all are on POT5, you deserve an absolute crap ton of credit Cilas. It's easy to say we're the reason world PvP is strong, but YOU are the one who does the work and gets the players excited. Please don't discount the massive role YOU play in this, nor discount how valuable a person like you are to a server. Without you, POT5 is no better than the Bastion, or any of the other RP servers...with you, we're freaking AWESOME. POT5 is VERY fortunate to have you on the server...YOU make a huge difference.


Thank you for all the work you do for our community!

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