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[POT5] [Quesh World PvP Event THIS SATURDAY!]


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The lag was unbearable. Example - I'd toss a Sticky Grenade, with a 15 sec cooldown...by the time it showed it leave my hands, it was already reset on the cooldown. It wasn't MY lag, as I could run around and still move (to an extent), it was abilities taking 15-20 seconds to trigger. Cloning and standing there, unable to buff for 20 seconds.


It just seems like far too many calculations for combat are made server side. I don't know how other games do it, but it's terrible here.


Cilas, many thanks for starting this event. I wish it would have been a bit smoother, but even in the lag, it was enjoyable. The turnout was great on both sides...thanks to all who showed up!


It's terribly disappointing this game just doesn't seem to handle large crowds. For some reason it seems like that is all MMOs now days and I am not sure why. Guess I will just play some Skyrim and Planetside when I want PvP; which actually handles a lot of crap going on in a single spot.

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You all come here and complain, whine etc about the event turning out to be a bust. "The Imps had 4x more people than us" "The lag was unbearable" "Wheeeehhhhhh"


Well, that's EXACTLY why I took half of our Quesh force to Tatooine and started a battle there.

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You all come here and complain, whine etc about the event turning out to be a bust. "The Imps had 4x more people than us" "The lag was unbearable" "Wheeeehhhhhh"


Well, that's EXACTLY why I took half of our Quesh force to Tatooine and started a battle there.


How did that go?

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Since it's a much bigger planet and used to having larger crowds, there was little to no lag and we actually won.


Tatooine was a great Republic victory and drew a crowd comparable to our initial (Republic) force on Quesh. We took Imperial Outpost Zaroshe fairly quickly. Holding it was a different matter. Because we were in an Ops group, we couldn't use companions so our healing abilities were limited-- especially when the champions respawned.


Just for future reference, for anyone who decides to organize these PvP battles in the future, choose a planet that can handle more people. Also thanks to the Imperials who ambushed us on Quesh and outnumbered us 5:1 :)

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I wonder if part of the problem with imbalance was that the pubs were on defense. I mean, really, it's so much sexier to be attacking. :D I know we (the pubs) had some problems staying on defense at the beginning. I don't know if the Imps were doing it on purpose, but they would sort of feint, and then 2/3s of us would run off chasing them, with people chatting "come back, we are on defense, they are trying to lure us out!" But, of course, no one wants to sit and wait.
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Since it's a much bigger planet and used to having larger crowds, there was little to no lag and we actually won.


Tatooine was a great Republic victory and drew a crowd comparable to our initial (Republic) force on Quesh. We took Imperial Outpost Zaroshe fairly quickly. Holding it was a different matter. Because we were in an Ops group, we couldn't use companions so our healing abilities were limited-- especially when the champions respawned.


Just for future reference, for anyone who decides to organize these PvP battles in the future, choose a planet that can handle more people. Also thanks to the Imperials who ambushed us on Quesh and outnumbered us 5:1 :)


quesh handles more people than tatooine, tatooine has less graphics to render due to the sand.


Tatooine is on the list of planets that will be involved in the player made galactic war I'll be setting up in the future

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I wonder if part of the problem with imbalance was that the pubs were on defense. I mean, really, it's so much sexier to be attacking. :D I know we (the pubs) had some problems staying on defense at the beginning. I don't know if the Imps were doing it on purpose, but they would sort of feint, and then 2/3s of us would run off chasing them, with people chatting "come back, we are on defense, they are trying to lure us out!" But, of course, no one wants to sit and wait.


I agree. It was pathetic that we allowed the Empire to go so far as to invade our medcenter. Sad. That's when me and a bunch of others left for Tatooine. The ops lieutenants on Quesh were furious at us, but come on. They were mostly incompetents who didn't know when to fall back.


When the NPCs were respawning we were driven out of Zaroshe. The Empire used that to their advantage, and their Quesh fighting force began relocating to fight us out of Tatooine. We got reinforcements, but it was near impossible to get back into the base at that point. The Imperials kept luring us into tripping the NPCs, which would of course result in our slaughter. I decided to beat them at their own game by luring them to Thorazan, but our best healer ragequitted and called us "*******" for "retreating". It wasn't a retreat, it was a strategic maneuver to give us the upper hand :)

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quesh handles more people than tatooine, tatooine has less graphics to render due to the sand.


I originally thought that a less-feature-rich planet would be desirable because of this (less graphics to render), but my rig was fine (well, "ok") with frame rate until people started casting abilities. Then it became unplayable. So, for me at least, the problem with frame rate seemed to really be all the xfects of the powers trying to go off all at once. Which I don't know any way to really help.


Tatooine is on the list of planets that will be involved in the player made galactic war I'll be setting up in the future


I know you are probably still planning... but are you thinking this is going to be a sort of "coordinated from the fleet" kind of thing, where some guilds on teamspeak will be shouting out to chat "need more pubs on Taris stat!" - and then we all hop in our ships and take the 5 minutes to transition to Taris and hope we get there while there is still some action going on? I guess it wouldn't have to be from the fleet - if a few guilds were dedicated to having members sticking to each planet, then they could coordinate amongst themselves where forces were needed and use chat to let the rest of us know. Or something like that...

[Edit: BTW I'm geeked just thinking about this - major cudos for trying to come up with whatever you are trying to come up with. :) ]

Edited by Banderal
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While a Galactic War sounds pretty epic, I think we need to steer clear from having these massive 500 person battles on one planet. Crashing the server (or just the map) isn't a good goal to have.


Forgive me for speaking my mind here, since you could say I'm a relative "newcomer" to the PvP forum. Having said that, I am not new to Open World PvP. One of my ex-guild officers and I initiated this Tatooine battle from a few months ago

and it was a major success.


It would be really cool to literally fight for control of the galaxy, PvP wise, but I'd prefer not to discuss it here. I don't want to leak any valuable information to the Imperials :)

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I originally thought that a less-feature-rich planet would be desirable because of this (less graphics to render), but my rig was fine (well, "ok") with frame rate until people started casting abilities. Then it became unplayable. So, for me at least, the problem with frame rate seemed to really be all the xfects of the powers trying to go off all at once. Which I don't know any way to really help.


Agree, it was mostly when 200 people started using their abilities. Quesh has the highest instance population cap of any planet I've seen. That allowed for even more players to be near each other adding to that lag.



I know you are probably still planning... but are you thinking this is going to be a sort of "coordinated from the fleet" kind of thing, where some guilds on teamspeak will be shouting out to chat "need more pubs on Taris stat!" - and then we all hop in our ships and take the 5 minutes to transition to Taris and hope we get there while there is still some action going on? I guess it wouldn't have to be from the fleet - if a few guilds were dedicated to having members sticking to each planet, then they could coordinate amongst themselves where forces were needed and use chat to let the rest of us know. Or something like that...

[Edit: BTW I'm geeked just thinking about this - major cudos for trying to come up with whatever you are trying to come up with. :) ]


I'll be setting up a global chat channel as well as chat channels specific to each base area. That will be the main communication means. This will require a little more coordination but the payoff is better I think.

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While a Galactic War sounds pretty epic, I think we need to steer clear from having these massive 500 person battles on one planet. Crashing the server (or just the map) isn't a good goal to have.


That's the idea. By spreading the fight out over multiple planets, we ensure we won't have the 500 people battles. Imperials will probably control more of the bases at any given time, but they'll also be required to leave folks back to defend a base. It'll be on the pubs to use gimmicky tactics to take and hold bases.

Edited by Cilas
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You all come here and complain, whine etc about the event turning out to be a bust. "The Imps had 4x more people than us" "The lag was unbearable" "Wheeeehhhhhh"


Well, that's EXACTLY why I took half of our Quesh force to Tatooine and started a battle there.


Yes, and that was much, much better than the event on Quesh. One of these days we need to get a group together and raid Mos Ila, even though its a bit of a pita to get there.

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Overall it was a really great event, once the people who weren't really interested in actually having pvp left. These events should happen more often to try and force BioWare into taking action and fixing their systems before 2.4, or to at least make them put it as a priority for 2.4.
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Quesh has the highest instance population cap of any planet I've seen.


Quesh, the smallest map besides starter worlds, has the highest pop. cap.

Yeah, that seems about right for this group of devs.

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How easy was it for you to get on top of the building before it started?

Yeah.. I saw you.. creeping around, peering down at us like the almighty PvP God.


Ha, and then someone knocked him off and we killed him. It was our shining moment. It only went downhill for us from there. :D

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