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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Status Update on Game Update 2.1.1


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Hey everyone,


I wanted to give you a quick update on Game Update 2.1.1 which, as you know from an earlier post I made, was scheduled to release tomorrow on 5/29. I am sure many of you already noticed we haven't posted maintenance messaging yet either. The reason is that during the QA process with 2.1.1 we found some pretty nasty bugs which will unfortunately be delaying the release of 2.1.1. I am still not sure when 2.1.1 will be released, but we are working to resolve the issues as fast as we can. What I can tell you is that there will not be a maintenance tomorrow morning, 5/28, to deploy 2.1.1.


Just to give you a bit of insight, one of the issues we ran into was that there were some critical Class mission blockers. We clearly don't want to release an update and have you unable to complete some class quests!


I will give you more information as soon as I have it. Specifically, when Game Update 2.1.1 will be released.


Thanks for your patience while we work this out!



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Hey everyone,


I wanted to give you a quick update on Game Update 2.1.1 which, as you know from an earlier post I made, was scheduled to release tomorrow on 5/29. I am sure many of you already noticed we haven't posted maintenance messaging yet either. The reason is that during the QA process with 2.1.1 we found some pretty nasty bugs which will unfortunately be delaying the release of 2.1.1. I am still not sure when 2.1.1 will be released, but we are working to resolve the issues as fast as we can. What I can tell you is that there will not be a maintenance tomorrow morning, 5/28, to deploy 2.1.1.


Just to give you a bit of insight, one of the issues we ran into was that there were some critical Class mission blockers. We clearly don't want to release an update and have you unable to complete some class quests!


I will give you more information as soon as I have it. Specifically, when Game Update 2.1.1 will be released.


Thanks for your patience while we work this out!




Again, don't announce a date when you're not sure you can meet it. This has been happening a lot lately with your game updates. Continue with what you're doing, you'll have more fans that will love you for delaying.

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Again, don't announce a date when you're not sure you can meet it. This has been happening a lot lately with your game updates. Continue with what you're doing, you'll have more fans that will love you for delaying.


As long as you're open & honest with us.

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As long as you're open & honest with us.


Testing should've been done way before announcing a date. It's like every time Bioware launches an update, they do their testing a day before it goes live. If the QA team are testing the patch for bugs weeks before, the planned patch update will not be delayed.


Going again with the track record of Bioware Austin in releasing patches, this shouldn't be new and surprising - always delaying a patch due to the last minute testing. To some, Bioware's word including you Eric doesn't carry any more weight, sure you're honest and all but when someone in the Bioware Austin team say something, it goes to one ear and goes out to the other that quick. We'll believe when we see it.


Again, we don't expect those planned 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 game updates to release on time. That will save us the disappointment to not expect anything because the developer rarely meets a deadline in time.

Edited by Mark-JPS
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Testing should've been done way before announcing a date. It's like every time Bioware launches an update, they do their testing a day before it goes live. If the QA team are testing the patch for bugs weeks before, the planned patch update will not be delayed.


Going again with the track record of Bioware Austin in releasing patches, this shouldn't be new and surprising - always delaying a patch due to the last minute testing. To some, Bioware's word including you Eric doesn't carry any more weight, sure you're honest and all but when someone in the Bioware Austin team say something, it goes to one ear and goes out to the other that quick. We'll believe when we see it.


Again, we don't expect those planned 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 game updates to release on time. That will save us the disappointment to not expect anything because the developer rarely meets a deadline in time.


If there is one thing I have learned watching Double Fine's Adventure Documentary is delays happen... a LOT. Its not Bioware... or EA... or any class/group/section of developers... its all of them. There is nothing wrong with delays, and I much prefer them telling us a projected date rather than no date at all. Soon was practically coined on this site, because they would NEVER give out dates until you saw the maintenance post... Heaven forbid they post that and then have to pull it before the maintenance happens.... OH NOES!


So just a little insight, they set a goal and a deadline and stick to it until it comes down to the absolute last second and they know 100% they cannot meet the deadline. If there is even a 1% chance they can meet that deadline, they will work their butt off to get there.


You are also assuming that they "just" discovered the bug, and are "just" realizing they need to fix it. This could be true... I mean it is a class story bug... do you REALLY expect QA to play through all 8 class stories, picking EVERY dialog option to make sure its not broken, for EVERY minor update??? I mean please... be realistic. So the fact that they even caught this issue is surprising to me. It was probably some dev just happened to load up their 30 something to screw around with the build and noticed this issue by sheer luck. Now that being said, they could have discovered this weeks ago, or maybe days, or hours, we don't know... but again, they are not going to pull a maintenance just because a bug is found unless there is no chance to fix it before the deadline. This was one of those cases and thus it go pushed back.


If you don't like the level of communcation on the forums, please go away from the forums... and then you will happily be back in the dark with no clue of when a patch is coming until you go to log in and see you have a download. I for one appreciate the honesty and them telling us what is going on (good or bad) rather than the dead silence we had from 1.2 to 1.7... You want silence... stop reading the Dev Tracker.

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Again, don't announce a date when you're not sure you can meet it. This has been happening a lot lately with your game updates. Continue with what you're doing, you'll have more fans that will love you for delaying.

They just can't win can they? People complain when they don't give dates for anything and people complain when they give dates and miss them. They can't please everyone. At least they are being up front about it.

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While I don't like that the patch has been delayed, I would have liked it even less if the patch had gone through with those bugs. And I VERY MUCH LIKE that you explained SPECIFICALLY WHY the patch was delayed instead of being vague about it. Thank you!
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Hey everyone,


I wanted to give you a quick update on Game Update 2.1.1 which, as you know from an earlier post I made, was scheduled to release tomorrow on 5/29. I am sure many of you already noticed we haven't posted maintenance messaging yet either. The reason is that during the QA process with 2.1.1 we found some pretty nasty bugs which will unfortunately be delaying the release of 2.1.1. I am still not sure when 2.1.1 will be released, but we are working to resolve the issues as fast as we can. What I can tell you is that there will not be a maintenance tomorrow morning, 5/28, to deploy 2.1.1.


Just to give you a bit of insight, one of the issues we ran into was that there were some critical Class mission blockers. We clearly don't want to release an update and have you unable to complete some class quests!


I will give you more information as soon as I have it. Specifically, when Game Update 2.1.1 will be released.


Thanks for your patience while we work this out!




You mean the Quality Assurance group did a good job?! Outstanding...

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Again, don't announce a date when you're not sure you can meet it. This has been happening a lot lately with your game updates. Continue with what you're doing, you'll have more fans that will love you for delaying.


Everyone got their own opinion, some people want dates some don't. I say it doesn't matter as long as they communicate in some way.

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I think I prefer that they haev advised us of when they want to do a patch, then found an issue with said patch, then made an announcement advising of the issues and that the patch is postponed with no ETA until they have corrected the issue.


It is much better than the old way it was done.


CM "Patch is postponed until further notice"


Forum Poster "What's the problem"




CM "OK Patch back on, we're doing it in 15 mins!"




This is a much better way of communicating.

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I'm curious, how did the update break a class quest?


I mean, aren't those quests launch content? Are you editing those files much these days?


Maybe they were trying to further limit the exp/rewards for F2P players.

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I'm curious, how did the update break a class quest?


I mean, aren't those quests launch content? Are you editing those files much these days?


They could be tweaking something completely and utterly unrelated to anything even resembling a quest and a quest might be affected. I really wish people would watch a youtube video or something about basic software development. We would get less complaining that way I'd wager. :cool:

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They just can't win can they? People complain when they don't give dates for anything and people complain when they give dates and miss them. They can't please everyone. At least they are being up front about it.


I have to agree with this post.

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They just can't win can they? People complain when they don't give dates for anything and people complain when they give dates and miss them. They can't please everyone. At least they are being up front about it.
I was just thinking the exact same thing.


Personally, I'd much rather be given "expected" dates and then be told when they're gonna be missed.

Sure, I'm disappointed but it's not the end of the world.


Then again, I'm more rational than a lot of the people here.

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Again, don't announce a date when you're not sure you can meet it. This has been happening a lot lately with your game updates. Continue with what you're doing, you'll have more fans that will love you for delaying.


I would much rather they tell us what their plans are, with the understanding that they are targets, and not written in stone. It keeps me and my guild mates interested in whats going on, and what's coming up.


The alternative is to be left completely in the dark...


No thanks...

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