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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

ETA on Advanced Class change?

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ACs are not totally different classes from each other. They share the same set of basic class skills.


The AC's don't have to be totally different to be different classes.. Look at a Mage and a Warlock in WOW.. Two classes that are almost completely identical.. Yet they are different classes..


One just has to wonder when you are going to realize that you don't make the rules on what is or isn't a class.. If Bioware calls the AC different classes, then that is all you need to know.. There is no argument.. Just like Blizzard, even though a mage and warlock are almost exactly the same.. Nobody argues that they are the same class..


Those are just the facts man.. I hope you can accept that.. ;)

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The AC's don't have to be totally different to be different classes.. Look at a Mage and a Warlock in WOW.. Two classes that are almost completely identical.. Yet they are different classes..


One just has to wonder when you are going to realize that you don't make the rules on what is or isn't a class.. If Bioware calls the AC different classes, then that is all you need to know.. There is no argument.. Just like Blizzard, even though a mage and warlock are almost exactly the same.. Nobody argues that they are the same class..


Those are just the facts man.. I hope you can accept that.. ;)


They use the same main stat. You are wrong.


Either way, stop trying to ruin other people's gameplay because of your beliefs, it's selfish and greedy.

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The AC's don't have to be totally different to be different classes.. Look at a Mage and a Warlock in WOW.. Two classes that are almost completely identical.. Yet they are different classes..


One just has to wonder when you are going to realize that you don't make the rules on what is or isn't a class.. If Bioware calls the AC different classes, then that is all you need to know.. There is no argument.. Just like Blizzard, even though a mage and warlock are almost exactly the same.. Nobody argues that they are the same class..


Those are just the facts man.. I hope you can accept that.. ;)


Same can be said to you.


Even if they are different classes -- BW could, very easily, decide to let people change them.

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But is under NO obligation to do so.

And they are under no obligation to keep things as they are. Will they change to allow AC swap? Probably not. But you refuse to accept the possibility that they might.


Why does this make you so angry?

Edited by branmakmuffin
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I am against AC change, but I have made it clear i would bow to whatever the majority wants.


That said, I think any sensible person has to concede a few things....


1) "permanent" means nothing in this game. That is a dinosaur from the original dev team and the game did not fare well based on that vision.

2) AC's are not as meaningful and unique as they probably should have been, and that muddies up the waters as to whether or not they truly feel like unique classes.

3) Anything is on the table with respect to the new team. Plenty of things that the prior dev team stated would NEVER come to SWTOR or were contrary to the design intent are already here.


AC choice, just by the very nature of the state of the game and the environment it exists in is subject to consideration for change. Everything is.

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I don't think it makes anyone angry, but it is made perfectly clear when you select your AC that it is Permanent. If someone gets to level 11 or level 23 or level 40 and realizes that they don't like the AC then they should just delete/reroll.


Leveling in this game is mind numbingly simple. You can get to 50 in a negligible amount of in-game time. And level 55 doesn't come very long thereafter.


At this point in the game there is zero quantifiable reason to allow it.


The only argument anyone in the "pro" camp can come up with is "I want to respec so I don't have to reroll".


I would be far more amicable to deleting the ACs altogether and having 5 talent trees per story than to endorse AC respec. That in and of itself becomes a pre-NGE SWG level nightmare for game balance.


The game is now 19 months post launch. Do you really expect us to believe that you could not research your chosen AC prior to permanently selecting it?


It is not the Devs job to compensate for your personal level of laziness.

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They use the same main stat. You are wrong.


Either way, stop trying to ruin other people's gameplay because of your beliefs, it's selfish and greedy.


Actually you are wrong too. At least in part.


A Tank spec'd PT/VG does not use the same main stat as a DPS/Heal specc'd Merc/Mando. Same for any Tank vs NonTank of the same story. So a full 3/8s do not fall into your example.

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They use the same main stat. You are wrong.


Either way, stop trying to ruin other people's gameplay because of your beliefs, it's selfish and greedy.


Mages and Warlocks in WOW also use the same main stat.. In fact, they also wear the same clothes, use mana, cast many of the same spells under different names, perform the same role, do the same quests when leveling, and use the same weapons.. All this and nobody argues with Blizzard that they are a different class.. Did I mention that a priest is yet a third class in WOW that uses the same main stat, the same clothes, same weapons, same quests, and can fill the same roll.. Priests can also be healers, where mages and locks can not.. Still the 3 class all use the same main stat as they are all casters.. They all use mana and all are considered a different class..


You might be wondering why WOW has any relevance here.. Well.. It is relevant because in order for your logic to apply, it has to apply equally in other games.. Otherwise you are guilty of using a double standard.. No other class in any other game can share their main stat.. Otherwise, the main stat is irrelevant..


I see you have missed my point as usual..


But to be completely clear.. Main stat is irrelevant.. Nobody elected you a governing body of classes.. So you don't get to determine what is or isn't a class.. That duty falls on the respective gaming publisher.. In this case Bioware.. In the case of WOW, then Blizzard..


The sooner you people realize that the better..


Oh.. I am not wrong..

Edited by MajikMyst
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Same can be said to you.


Even if they are different classes -- BW could, very easily, decide to let people change them.


Actually the same can't be said of me.. I am not attempting to define a class in a way that Bioware hasn't defined it.. I am accepting Bioware's definition and not attempting to undermine it so that I can justify AC swapping..


It has always been Bioware's choice to make.. And they have made it.. The game says your choice is permanent.. There isn't much more to add to that.. I was there for the beta when this was debated.. The choice has been made.. It says in the game REPEATEDLY that our choice is permanent.. I fail to understand why people don't understand permanent.. Why somehow that means they will change their mind and insulting them or their definitions of a class will some how get them to change their mind..


So no.. You can't say that about me.. I am simply showing how their logic or attempts at logic are flawed.. ;)

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ACs are not totally different classes from each other. They share the same set of basic class skills.



Yes, "intentionally annoying" is a great feature in mass market entertainment.




Yes, ACs are separate classes. That is a fact. Shadowknight and Paladin are totally different classes, but share a skill tree, and same base class. So that argument really holds no merit.


As for "intentionally annoying"...oh noes...choices has consequences.

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And they are under no obligation to keep things as they are. Will they change to allow AC swap? Probably not. But you refuse to accept the possibility that they might.


Why does this make you so angry?


I accept the possibility that BW MIGHT allow class changes. I also recognize that the POSSIBILITY that they MIGHT allow class changes does NOT mean that they WILL or that those class changes will be allowed anytime soon. Given the devs absolute silence on this matter, even in the face of this 200+ page thread, I do not see class changes being implemented anytime in the foreseeable future.

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You say it's to avoid people that are noobs to the class- Guess what, the point you never addressed yet, you still get noobs that are new to their AC at level 55 now. So you still have yet to provide a reasonable explanation on why you are offering such a biased, greedy, and pathetic reason.


Why 3 times? Why not? Do you pay their sub? No? Then it shouldn't matter to you, oh wait you want to control how other players play, I gotcha. You're greed is showing.


Once again- I provide choice to players, you offer ridiculous red tape which translate to no choice at all.


So your solution to the current noob situation is to encourage more noobs? Awesome!


Why 3 times? Because it seems too arbitrary. I already explained why 3 is mathematically too many. You only ever should "need" 2. One to respec and one to respec back. Any more than that is frankly childish. So grow up.


Do I pay their Sub? No. Do they pay my sub? No. It does matter to me because I will have to suffer through all the madness I already laid out in addition to FoTM respeccing.


The game told you that it was a permanent decision. Decisions have consequences. Deal with it like the rest of the adult world.


Stop trying to change the rules to suit your own personal interest. That is the definition of greedy.



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What's that you say, the sky will fall if AC changes are allowed?


Tempest in a tea cup, mountain out of a molehill, first world problem, pick your poison.


I can easily quantify how AC respec would be bad for the game.


Can you quantify how it would be good?


Once AC Respec is green lit, what is to stop total Respec? Or is that your end game?

I've laid out my ideal criteria. What is yours?


Once per toon? Twice? Any more than twice might as well be unlimited.

What restrictions would you apply? Any? None?


Rather than delve into hyperbole, why not have a discussion?

Edited by ekwalizer
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Actually you are wrong too. At least in part.


A Tank spec'd PT/VG does not use the same main stat as a DPS/Heal specc'd Merc/Mando. Same for any Tank vs NonTank of the same story. So a full 3/8s do not fall into your example.


Oh I didn't know a tank PT/VG needs cunning/str/willpower...oh wait they DON'T.


They use the same main stat as a merc AKA Aim. Wow, who would of thought.


Like I said, same class, if they use the same main stat.

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Mages and Warlocks in WOW also use the same main stat.. In fact, they also wear the same clothes, use mana, cast many of the same spells under different names, perform the same role, do the same quests when leveling, and use the same weapons.. All this and nobody argues with Blizzard that they are a different class.. Did I mention that a priest is yet a third class in WOW that uses the same main stat, the same clothes, same weapons, same quests, and can fill the same roll.. Priests can also be healers, where mages and locks can not.. Still the 3 class all use the same main stat as they are all casters.. They all use mana and all are considered a different class..


You might be wondering why WOW has any relevance here.. Well.. It is relevant because in order for your logic to apply, it has to apply equally in other games.. Otherwise you are guilty of using a double standard.. No other class in any other game can share their main stat.. Otherwise, the main stat is irrelevant..


I see you have missed my point as usual..


But to be completely clear.. Main stat is irrelevant.. Nobody elected you a governing body of classes.. So you don't get to determine what is or isn't a class.. That duty falls on the respective gaming publisher.. In this case Bioware.. In the case of WOW, then Blizzard..


The sooner you people realize that the better..


Oh.. I am not wrong..


This is not WoW, stop trying to compare it to WoW. Last time I checked we are playing SWTOR. So until you can offer something meaningful in the context of the game, well then you have nothing to offer.


You have been debunked.

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So your solution to the current noob situation is to encourage more noobs? Awesome!


Why 3 times? Because it seems too arbitrary. I already explained why 3 is mathematically too many. You only ever should "need" 2. One to respec and one to respec back. Any more than that is frankly childish. So grow up.


Do I pay their Sub? No. Do they pay my sub? No. It does matter to me because I will have to suffer through all the madness I already laid out in addition to FoTM respeccing.


The game told you that it was a permanent decision. Decisions have consequences. Deal with it like the rest of the adult world.


Stop trying to change the rules to suit your own personal interest. That is the definition of greedy.




Oh no, more noobs. I thought you didn't like getting grouped with noobs in the first place? Oh wait you aren't making any current threads to change the system in place now but only want to change it when a AC change is brought up. So that means you flat out lied that you even care about noobs being in your group, thanks for owning yourself on that one.


Glad you admit you don't pay their sub, so stop telling them how to play how they want. It's not up to you, once again you provide zero choice, while I provide unlimited choices to cater to everyone. You only bask in greed and selfishness and have yet to prove otherwise.


Why 3? Why not? Oh wait you are worried about a FOTM class? Then you don't have to worry after 3 months, so like I said before, stop worrying about how other people play their game. If they want to play the class that got the most buffs, let them. They pay for the game, they should determine how they go about it, not you.


You have been debunked and utterly destroyed in this topic.

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Oh I didn't know a tank PT/VG needs cunning/str/willpower...oh wait they DON'T.


They use the same main stat as a merc AKA Aim. Wow, who would of thought.


Like I said, same class, if they use the same main stat.


Main stat for a tank is Endurance. Aim/Strength is secondary. Not that it really matters because a lot of MMOs have different classes that use same main stat. Assasin is a different class from Sorc and there really is no way around that.

Edited by Soluss
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This is not WoW, stop trying to compare it to WoW. Last time I checked we are playing SWTOR. So until you can offer something meaningful in the context of the game, well then you have nothing to offer.


You have been debunked.


You are correct. Last time I checked, In SWoTR, you are not allowed to change your class either.

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This is not WoW, stop trying to compare it to WoW. Last time I checked we are playing SWTOR. So until you can offer something meaningful in the context of the game, well then you have nothing to offer.


You have been debunked.


Well.. See that is what I did offer.. Was a context.. You just missed it.. Nothing new there..


As for me being debunked?? Not hardly.. Not only does your post prove that you don't understand basic comparisons and contexts.. But it also proves me right.. See.. I doubt you are as stupid as you would like others to believe you are.. You just can't argue with me, because you know I am right..


Instead of attempting to make your point about main stats, (Which of course you have no point..) you went on to attempt to discredit my example of WOW.. Then went on to ask me for exactly what I gave you.. A meaningful context of the game..


Yes this is SWTOR, but as I said.. In order for your logic to be valid here, it has to be valid in other MMO's.. For logic to work, it has to work everywhere.. You can't say that two classes here are different classes because they share a main stat.. When in other games, a main stat does not determine a class.. Double standards are not logical.. Not to mention double standards sort of make you look like a fool..


As for being debunked?? Well.. You better get close to your mirror.. That is the only way you are going to see someone debunked..

Edited by MajikMyst
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I would love for them to bring in planet kamino or just the Kaminoan cloning tech. Just imagine being able to keep your original character and reroll/clone to get a new one at the same lvl but have the option to pick a new AC. Of course there should be some kind of requirement like, character has to be atleast lvl 32 and u need to have maybe a certain legacy lvl or rep or something. This idea is not new and if amyone played TR was a great time saver. Also i'm sure they are not gonna make it a subscriber reward which would be awesome but not likely. Cloning would be a better option for CM as well, more value, say it costs 2000cc or even more to basically have two characters. That would be a good value and well worth it and create alot of money thru the CM.
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I would be fine with AC reroll under very specific circumstances.


A.) Tie it to a max Legacy level. I've been LL50 since May of last year and there is no real benefit to maxxing out your legacy at the moment.


B.) Character being rerolled must be max level. You might suspect that you won't like an AC, but you don't know for sure until you give it an honest assessment at max level.


C.) Must have max leveled mirror AC you want to reclass to. You need to make an informed decision. You might leave Operative to go Sniper ... only to find out that you actually enjoyed Operative more.


In my world, if you met all three of the above criteria, then yes, you should be able to respec your AC (ONE TIME ONLY). If you don't meet the above, feel free to manually reroll and play.


I'm not trying to force anyone to "play my way". But on the same token, I don't want see in GF chat every day "ohi I uzed to be a lightning sorc but naw I'z yer tank, and I needz gear!".


Disclaimer: Yes I have replayed multiple stories. I have at least one max level toon in every AC. I have 2 max level BHs, 2 max level SIs, and 2 max level JKs. I have 22 character slots, and while I'd rather respec my Operative to Sniper, I have no qualms with rolling a new toon.


Your very specific circumstances are actually worse than just saying 'reroll'.


1) Legacy level 50. This is a pointless requirement that just limits the choice available to those players who are likely to have a stable of characters available anyway or players that have been running dailies on the same solitary toon for a very long time. It makes no distinction between player ability just that they have been sat at their keyboard for a long time. AC changing is more likely to be wanted by those who get to the mid to high levels and find their end game rotation is not what they imagined.


2) Must level unwanted class to 50. Having found out that you are not enjoying an AC at 30 you must now grind out another 20 levels on a character you don't enjoy playing going through all the unique story quests, ruining them for the character you would enjoy playing them on.


3) Must have the AC you want to swap to already at 50. Um, if you already had a level 50 of the AC why would you need/ want to do an AC change in the first place?


I find the argument tend to boil down to two camps, those fixated on the mechanical aspects of class distinction and those who are more influenced by the story aspects of the class.


Given Bioware's focus on story and wanting the player to engage with their character, companions and personal story (ACs share a core set of skills, the same companions, the same class quests, the same legacy unlocks, the same achievement unlocks (except that pesky PvP one... come on mercenaries get into PvP so I can finally kill 10 of you ;) ) it has made the distinction that the AC are supposed to be individual classes less than clear cut.


While my original suggestion was to allow for a two stage unlock with a cool down period for AC changing I think it would be easier to code and keep track of by just allowing an AC Change token in the Cartel Market (lets say around the 1,000 cc price tag). Subs would be able to save that in two months or purchase it on the GTN for however much folk want to sell it for.

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Mages and Warlocks in WOW also use the same main stat.. In fact, they also wear the same clothes, use mana, cast many of the same spells under different names, perform the same role, do the same quests when leveling, and use the same weapons.. All this and nobody argues with Blizzard that they are a different class.. Did I mention that a priest is yet a third class in WOW that uses the same main stat, the same clothes, same weapons, same quests, and can fill the same roll.. Priests can also be healers, where mages and locks can not.. Still the 3 class all use the same main stat as they are all casters.. They all use mana and all are considered a different class..


You might be wondering why WOW has any relevance here.. Well.. It is relevant because in order for your logic to apply, it has to apply equally in other games.. Otherwise you are guilty of using a double standard.. No other class in any other game can share their main stat.. Otherwise, the main stat is irrelevant..


I see you have missed my point as usual..


But to be completely clear.. Main stat is irrelevant.. Nobody elected you a governing body of classes.. So you don't get to determine what is or isn't a class.. That duty falls on the respective gaming publisher.. In this case Bioware.. In the case of WOW, then Blizzard..


The sooner you people realize that the better..


Oh.. I am not wrong..


Things may have changed a lot in the 5 years since I last played WoW, what with the Cataclysm, but even I can recall that most classes in WoW had a few specific quests. Notably the Warlock had to quest to get their pets.

Also WoW's classes were not faction specific if I recall in as much as the Horde Warlock was no different than an Alliance Warlock in gameplay terms.


The Class story defines a vast aspect of the character choice in SWTOR, most character defining elements are shared within the umbrella class choice such as initial appearance options, voice over, companions and class quests. For many players these are the defining options and the mechanical AC distinction is less relevant in their eyes being little more than an arbitrary selection of skills that a character is currently employing at any given time.

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You are both ignoring the fact that if allowed, unrestricted respec will help certain players and certain guilds but as a whole, damage the game. ACs are not classes within classes or even "Prestige Classes". Your AC is your class.

I still can't see how changing the AC (Powertech to Mercenary, Juggernaut to Marauder) is that different to changing a particular skill tree (Shield to Advanced Prototype, Immortal to Rage). Both require a change of gear and core rotation. The AC change entails a slight additional change in the gear used.

I would never argue for unrestricted respeccing. Personally I find the current state of respeccing skill trees a little too available, as a subscriber and having paid the 200,000 credits for field respecialistion I can respect wherever and when ever I want at zero additional cost. With AC change I have previously suggested a cooldown of at least a week however for simplicity sake and on reflection think if it was a one use token on the cartel market for 1,000cc it would have its own price limited restriction.


How many GF groups have you been in where player X ticked the wrong role box? Dunno about you, but I've been in hundreds of groups where we wind up with 3 DPS and a tank or 3 DPS and a healer. They made a simple, honest mistake and forgot (or didn't know) to deselect a role box ... but their mistake affected me and two other people.


It will be very much the same if unrestricted AC respec is allowed. We will, without question, be forced to suffer through players that do not know their role or have the appropriate gear to clear an area. Simply because they wanted to "pay and play the game their way."

The best solution to this to make sure you don't waste your time or anyone else's is to join a guild or if you find yourself grouped with players you synergise well with add them to your friends list. Bad players are bad players full stop, some seem to be incapable of playing well in a group others just require a few helpful pointers to learn their class and the group content better. Nothing about the availability of an AC change will make a player who will not learn how to play their class any more prevalent in PUGS. Good players in this situation take the time to relearn their rotations and drop down a tier or two of content until they have their playstyle under grips again. And lets be honest, unless you are regularly going into Hard mode or Nightmare mode content there is nothing that demanding about rotations that an average player can't pick up the basics.



I used to be in the camp of "allow it". And it isn't a "protect the tab" issue for me either. It boils down to "what is best for the overall state of the game."

The 'overall state of the game' seems to be focused on Cartel Market development and opening up content to casual players. Both of which have the potential for being boosted if the AC change is implemented as a one shot use token purchased from the CM and resalable on the GTN.


Some players have the Legacy bound gear and stockpiles of appropriate gear to port over to a newly respecced toon. Most do not.

It really doesn't take that much time to drop into low level heroics and stock up on Planetary comms to outfit yourself in Makeb level mods (level 58 purples)


As I said in my previous post, tie it to 3 specific criteria and you will drastically reduce the amount of time-killing bad players we have to suffer in groups. If they are LL50 and the toon they want to respec is max level and they have a max level in the mirror AC, then I am all for it because it minimizes the chance of ruining my day by being forced to group with someone that respecced and did not meet those criteria.

As I said in my previous post your 3 criteria are an even more restrictive way of saying reroll. No amount of time will be reduced as bad players will still be there queuing in the wrong role as that is an issue of the skill trees as much as the ACs.

You want to minimise the chance of your day being spoilt, join a guild or add some players to your friends list.

Edited by Vhaegrant
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Things may have changed a lot in the 5 years since I last played WoW, what with the Cataclysm, but even I can recall that most classes in WoW had a few specific quests. Notably the Warlock had to quest to get their pets.

Also WoW's classes were not faction specific if I recall in as much as the Horde Warlock was no different than an Alliance Warlock in gameplay terms.


The Class story defines a vast aspect of the character choice in SWTOR, most character defining elements are shared within the umbrella class choice such as initial appearance options, voice over, companions and class quests. For many players these are the defining options and the mechanical AC distinction is less relevant in their eyes being little more than an arbitrary selection of skills that a character is currently employing at any given time.


I think you are missing the point.. Sure there were a few class specific quests.. So what?? That again has no bearing on what a class is or isn't.. Every class in the game pretty much does the same quests from outland on to level.. Faction being the only thing that separates the quests.. Horde quests were always different than Alliance.. WOTLK, Cata, and finally MOP didn't change anything.. All classes do the same quests.. Again faction being the only difference.. SWTOR has the same separation with faction that WOW has.. Imperials do different quests than the republic.. WOW's story was based on race..


Class story doesn't define anything accept the to point out that it would be way to expensive to do 16 stories instead of just 8.. And to claim that the stories proves that the AC is not a class is simply ignoring the obvious.. One being that Bioware didn't have the time or money to do 16 stories.. Second that characters in other MMO's do many of the same classes and it has no bearing on whether or not they are the same class..


Bioware is the only authority on this issue.. There is no argument.. Because of the fact, there is no governing body that defines what a class is or isn't.. Game publishers have the right to determine class for themselves.. So debating the issue is both stupid and a waste of time..


Bioware on 4 separate occasions says in the game, 2 are text and 2 are voice, that your choice is permanent.. It doesn't get any clearer than that..


The debate about whether or not an AC is a class or not only comes to belittle or devalue the class so the change that people are asking for won't sound that dramatic.. What they don't realize is that they aren't fooling anyone.. Except perhaps themselves..


Looks and appearance have no bearing on class.. They chose their class when they chose their AC.. That was their single defining moment.. You can't wish that to be different.. It is what it is.. ;)

Edited by MajikMyst
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I don't think it makes anyone angry, but it is made perfectly clear when you select your AC that it is Permanent. If someone gets to level 11 or level 23 or level 40 and realizes that they don't like the AC then they should just delete/reroll.


Leveling in this game is mind numbingly simple. You can get to 50 in a negligible amount of in-game time. And level 55 doesn't come very long thereafter.


At this point in the game there is zero quantifiable reason to allow it.


The only argument anyone in the "pro" camp can come up with is "I want to respec so I don't have to reroll".


I would be far more amicable to deleting the ACs altogether and having 5 talent trees per story than to endorse AC respec. That in and of itself becomes a pre-NGE SWG level nightmare for game balance.


The game is now 19 months post launch. Do you really expect us to believe that you could not research your chosen AC prior to permanently selecting it?


It is not the Devs job to compensate for your personal level of laziness.


Many of my friends that have tried SWTOR came along for the ride because of previous Bioware games and 'Knights of the Old Republic' in particular.

They are not young gamers lucky enough to have vast amounts of free time on their hands. They have family and work commitments and are lucky to be able to grab an hour of play during weeknights or a couple of hours at the weekend.

They invest more into the levelling experience than the mad dash to endgame content, largely because they know they will never have the time to run through a whole operation. They may take a week or two to get through a planet. They have spent cartel coins gaining gear for the character they are playing. They have taken time out to grind materials and learn purple crafting schematics (I would consider this a waste of time before endgame but each to their own, and I've heard good money can be made from purple implants and earpieces on the way up) They are invested in that particular character's adventure.

Some have the ambition to level through all the story lines but most accept that they will only really be on one or two characters at the most.

You have to remember just because you find it easy to sit down and grind through a character that is not everyone's preferred playstyle.

My friends are not lazy they just have a different focus on the game. Such as wanting to experience the game by playing it and not having to research it to death before jumping in.



I would be far more amicable to deleting the ACs altogether and having 5 talent trees per story than to endorse AC respec. That in and of itself becomes a pre-NGE SWG level nightmare for game balance.

The trouble with this suggestion is it would combine the abilities of the two ACs and open up the access to all the roles at once. I believe one of the class design specifications was to make sure no class can have access to the Tank and Heal abilities at the same time. I'm not sure how game breaking this would be (Other MMOs allow this combination but tend to have them at a slightly lower power level than a dedicated role) but no AC has Tank and Heal. You either have pure DPS choices on the skill trees, Tank and DPS or Heal and DPS.

Many of the tanking abilities are passive (wearing heavy armour, equipping a shield generator) or require minimum resource use such as taunts. While the healing abilities open up many self heals. I could see this combination being heavily damaging to PvP class balance.

Allowing for an AC Change maintains the separation of AC abilities that are specific to tanking or healing roles.

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