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ETA on Advanced Class change?

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The game says your choice is permanent.. Live with it and deal with it.. Let me know if you need me to look up the word permanent??


And that EULA changes at their whim. Get used to it. :p Let me know if you need me to look up the word prerogative for you.

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something people keep saying - "ac swap removes the need to level another character!" n. it doesn't. it merely removes the need to play through the same story more than once. bioware wants us to see content. they gave us 8 stories to do so. ac swap will not negate that.


it is in bioware's interest to keep the game fun for the players. some people have fun playing through the same story multiple times. I'm one of them. so for us - there's ability to buy extra character slots in case we don't want to start over on another server and would rather keep playing with friends, under existing legacy. we are also often those people who wouldn't use ac change even if it existed, because we already have at least one character for each AC


some people? don't have fun playing through the same story. it has nothing to do with laziness or entitlement or any of that other stuff you all keep accusing supporters of AC change in. for some people its just not fun to see the story they already know. they are often the same people who do their utmost best to avoid spoilers. learning a new game mechanic is not that difficult when there's a will. and when there is no will, you get people like vanguard I just ran a flashpoint with, the one who hit his abilities every few seconds, and even then - they were abilities he shouldn't be using as a vanguard anyways... but still has because they are basic trooper abilities and the game keeps telling him to train new ranks of them and they do after all deal damage.




leveling is not exactly challenging in this game. there's not virtue or some sort of laudable accomplishment to leveling multiple characters. you should be doing it because you want to and because its fun, not because of some odd notion of "I must walk uphill in 5 feet of snow, barefoot, or reaching destination is just not worth it, and no, don't you dare offering me a ride, it must be a walk, each and every time"

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I think that plenty of things that Bioware once claimed were permanent are not permanent any longer. The original design intent just seems to be open to changes with the new dev staff. This may or may not be one of those things.

there is nothing they claimed was permanent that is no longer permanent.... On top of that the only things you can change on your character after creation are cosmetic things. There is nothing mechanical outside of changing specs that you can change on your toon. Changing a class is just a form of pay to win which is what the lazy entitled kids want.


Like it or not your AC is your class. If you need more proof go look for a 55 bounty hunter, or a 55 trooper with the /who command and tell us you find more then 100 results. When you look in the guild tab and arrange your guild by class the ACs are shown because that is how the game defines your class.

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there is nothing they claimed was permanent that is no longer permanent.... On top of that the only things you can change on your character after creation are cosmetic things. There is nothing mechanical outside of changing specs that you can change on your toon. Changing a class is just a form of pay to win which is what the lazy entitled kids want.


Like it or not your AC is your class. If you need more proof go look for a 55 bounty hunter, or a 55 trooper with the /who command and tell us you find more then 100 results. When you look in the guild tab and arrange your guild by class the ACs are shown because that is how the game defines your class.


Hizoka, I'm anti AC change. You really need to pay attention.


Option 7 - This is the one that would be my preference, though I'm reasonably open to option 1


No AC change allowed.


Just in case you can't be bothered to scroll up A FEW POSTS UP IN THE MIDDLE OF THIS PAGE.


Also, didn't I tell you that you and I have nothing to talk about? You are EXACTLY the type of community member that represents everything that is toxic with a gaming community. Your post history stands in evidence. It seems most of your posts are comprised of the words "lazy", "entitled" or "soccer mom". That got old the first couple dozen times you said it.


You and I will NEVER have ANYTHING to discuss.


It's like trying to explain something to my cat.

Edited by LordArtemis
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Hizoka, I'm anti AC change. You really need to pay attention.




Just in case you can't be bothered to scroll up A FEW POSTS UP IN THE MIDDLE OF THIS PAGE.


Also, didn't I tell you that you and I have nothing to talk about? You are EXACTLY the type of community member that represents everything that is toxic with a gaming community. Your post history stands in evidence. It seems most of your posts are comprised of the words "lazy", "entitled" or "soccer mom". That got old the first couple dozen times you said it.


You and I will NEVER have ANYTHING to discuss.


It's like trying to explain something to my cat.


Wow, you and Hizoka I take it don't get along. :eek:

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I'm not sure I understand the hostility towards folk asking if there is any possibility of an Advanced Class change in the near future.


Yes, I get it if you are an end game raider you feel your position on a raid team may be threatened by some guy that chooses to change their AC to yours, or for the PVP players that were lucky enough to choose (research) the right AC to go for that gives them an in-game edge. And that's about the only two reasons I can think of.


In my experience of MMOs a significant number of gamers (type A) seem to attach an incredible amount of their real life validation to their in game achievements, this sense of achievement is threatened any time a different gamer (type B) asks for that accomplishment for a lesser investment of time/ money/ skill.


And lets be honest the hostility originates from this idea that any change from the chosen AC is a threat to your role or perceived advantage. It has to be, because other than that what I choose to do on my character has absolutely no impact on anyone else.


Opening up for an AC change would make very little, if any difference to the game.


If you are a hardcore raider doing the NiM modes the chances are you would be positioned in a raid group and unlikely to be displaced by any Johnny-come-lately that has chosen to change their AC.


If you are a hardcore PvPer I would hope you have done the research on your class and have the muscle memory to react swiftly (or at least the macros) to any players that's done an AC so they can access the 'superior' AC and PvP spec.


For many casual gamers there is a point, many hours, if not days, into the game where you realise that the AC you chose months ago is no longer the way you want to play the game and you'd like to experience the other AC with out having to sink yet more months into the same story.


This issue is largely raised by Bioware's decision to have the Advanced Classes share so much, they share the same story, the same single class for levels 1-10, the same class buff, a shared set of abilities and also share one of the three talent trees.


I would never advocate the ability to change between classes (that is go from Bounty Hunter to Sith Warrior) but having levelled to 55 on one Bounty Hunter Powertech I can't see the issue allowing a player to change to Bounty Hunter Mercenary.


Any issue with no longer having decent gear or the wrong gear type is no greater than that already experienced by those ACs that have a choice between tanking and DPS specialisations. Or if you choose to PvP and PvE. Multiple sets of gear are required already.


You may also alleviate some of the strain off the class availability when it comes to group finder.


But perhaps the biggest reason I'd be for the AC change is that asking a player to make a permanent choice on AC type early on in a game when there has been no chance to see how either type plays is a bit short sighted.

Edited by Vhaegrant
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I hear the story repeat as being a major reason why people do not want to reroll to simply try another AC. I don't see that as an unreasonable contention. Especially if you just did the same story content 10 levels ago.


That can be a quick way to lose interest in a game.


I do think that the double XP weekends help with this problem, since you blaze through the content essentially.

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What a player does with the character they PAY for can't be dictated by you

You paid for your character? I'm pretty sure buying accounts/characters is against the eula. Reported.

Edited by Truga
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Players would still be limited to the roles that they could perform at any one time, as long as changing AC has a restriction that prevents changing it as much as we can currently change spec as subscribers.


Resetting the level completely negates the reasoning some have behind allowing AC change. After 13 characters, I'm tired of leveling. I flat out hate it so much that once I've capped my current characters I will not do it again. After so many times, it becomes boring. And yes, I've done everything from using Group Finder to just grinding out mobs instead of doing the same quests over and over and the replay ability of the leveling in this game wears thin after the first few times.


Changing AC's should only be restricted by how often they can be done as well as either restricting it with a high credit cost or (and I hate saying this) through a CM cost equivalent of 15 to 20 bucks. I'm also good with an unlock requirement. Changing AC should NOT be easy, but neither should it be excessively restrictive to the point no one would use it. It should be nothing more than a change of pace option for those who have grown tired of the current AC and want to try the specs on the "other side" while keeping their "main" in action.


The devs did not design it so that no single character could perform all three roles at a single time, but so that no single character COULD preform all three roles. Allowing class changes WOULD negate that design intent, no matter what restrictions they put on it. II personally hope that they never allow class changes.

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I'm not sure I understand the hostility towards folk asking if there is any possibility of an Advanced Class change in the near future.


Yes, I get it if you are an end game raider you feel your position on a raid team may be threatened by some guy that chooses to change their AC to yours, or for the PVP players that were lucky enough to choose (research) the right AC to go for that gives them an in-game edge. And that's about the only two reasons I can think of.


In my experience of MMOs a significant number of gamers (type A) seem to attach an incredible amount of their real life validation to their in game achievements, this sense of achievement is threatened any time a different gamer (type B) asks for that accomplishment for a lesser investment of time/ money/ skill.


And lets be honest the hostility originates from this idea that any change from the chosen AC is a threat to your role or perceived advantage. It has to be, because other than that what I choose to do on my character has absolutely no impact on anyone else.


Opening up for an AC change would make very little, if any difference to the game.


If you are a hardcore raider doing the NiM modes the chances are you would be positioned in a raid group and unlikely to be displaced by any Johnny-come-lately that has chosen to change their AC.


If you are a hardcore PvPer I would hope you have done the research on your class and have the muscle memory to react swiftly (or at least the macros) to any players that's done an AC so they can access the 'superior' AC and PvP spec.


For many casual gamers there is a point, many hours, if not days, into the game where you realise that the AC you chose months ago is no longer the way you want to play the game and you'd like to experience the other AC with out having to sink yet more months into the same story.


This issue is largely raised by Bioware's decision to have the Advanced Classes share so much, they share the same story, the same single class for levels 1-10, the same class buff, a shared set of abilities and also share one of the three talent trees.


I would never advocate the ability to change between classes (that is go from Bounty Hunter to Sith Warrior) but having levelled to 55 on one Bounty Hunter Powertech I can't see the issue allowing a player to change to Bounty Hunter Mercenary.


Any issue with no longer having decent gear or the wrong gear type is no greater than that already experienced by those ACs that have a choice between tanking and DPS specialisations. Or if you choose to PvP and PvE. Multiple sets of gear are required already.


You may also alleviate some of the strain off the class availability when it comes to group finder.


But perhaps the biggest reason I'd be for the AC change is that asking a player to make a permanent choice on AC type early on in a game when there has been no chance to see how either type plays is a bit short sighted.


There is NO class of bounty-hunter powertech or bounty hunter-mercenary. There are powertechs and mercenaries, though. Doubt me? Check your guild roster, or do a /who, mouse over a player and tell me what you see listed as class(es).


Is it shortsighted to have a player make their PERMANENT class choice at creation, as they do in wow, rather than making that choice at level 10 as they do in this game?

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18. Will be there any faction or Advanced Class change option available for purchase in the future?


We have had serious talks recently about offering an Advanced Class change option – I think that one will likely happen eventually. Species is likely as well. Doing a faction switch is considerably more difficult for us, though, due to the various quest flags set throughout the level up process, so this isn’t on the horizon anytime soon.



HM , really I missed this . all I ever remember was them saying never , , cool this will be awesome if it happens. :) .

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There is NO class of bounty-hunter powertech or bounty hunter-mercenary. There are powertechs and mercenaries, though. Doubt me? Check your guild roster, or do a /who, mouse over a player and tell me what you see listed as class(es).


Is it shortsighted to have a player make their PERMANENT class choice at creation, as they do in wow, rather than making that choice at level 10 as they do in this game?


A counter argument that points out a feature that is being asked for doesn't already exist is kind of pointless :rolleyes:


Besides the fact that both Powertechs and Mercenaries do share so many aspects as I mentioned in my original post.

A shared story.

A shared core ability set.

A shared class buff.

One of three skill trees shared.

The first 10 levels shared.


This closeness and amount of sharing is going to place it in peoples minds that AC swapping should be no more difficult than changing a Skill tree.

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Read the EULA and get back to me when you are familiar with reality..


Nobody pays for a character.. Nobody owns a character and nobody gets to do what they want.. Bioware owns your character and gets to make all the rules.. Such is the reality of every MMO on the market today.. See what happens when you don't read that page of words you agree to when you install the game??


The game says your choice is permanent.. Live with it and deal with it.. Let me know if you need me to look up the word permanent??


There is no need for an AC change.. They can roll a new character and accomplish the same things.. The only reason is simply, people are to lazy to roll another character..


As for you knowing fact.. Not hardly.. You are just plain wrong on everything..


As for daring someone?? Well.. Since you haven't read the EULA and you don't know anything about what it says.. How about I just leave it as you made a fool of yourself and stuck your foot in your keyboard.. Because your post is wrong on all accounts.. :rolleyes:


Go ahead, quote the part of the EULA that supports your claim. I'll wait. :rolleyes:


It seems you have major problems with basic forms of reading comphrehension. Since I never mentioned Bioware, I mentioned other players. Oh you must of missed that part in the middle of the childish tantrum you were throwing. Take deep breaths and count to 10, maybe you'll post something constructive next time...doubt it.


So since you didn't even bother answering my question, you failed on all accounts. Therefore proving me right, thank you. Don't worry though, I'll give you a second chance. My biggest advice, is actually reading, since you are having a hard time with that.


I love how you are in a simple mindset that once something is in the game, nothing can be changed. So how are legacy perks working out for ya? :rolleyes:

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You paid for your character? I'm pretty sure buying accounts/characters is against the eula. Reported.


Nice constructive post. Please I look forward to more in the future.



I don't.



Come back when you actually want to talk like an adult.

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I'm not sure I understand the hostility towards folk asking if there is any possibility of an Advanced Class change in the near future.


Yes, I get it if you are an end game raider you feel your position on a raid team may be threatened by some guy that chooses to change their AC to yours, or for the PVP players that were lucky enough to choose (research) the right AC to go for that gives them an in-game edge. And that's about the only two reasons I can think of.


In my experience of MMOs a significant number of gamers (type A) seem to attach an incredible amount of their real life validation to their in game achievements, this sense of achievement is threatened any time a different gamer (type B) asks for that accomplishment for a lesser investment of time/ money/ skill.


And lets be honest the hostility originates from this idea that any change from the chosen AC is a threat to your role or perceived advantage. It has to be, because other than that what I choose to do on my character has absolutely no impact on anyone else.


Opening up for an AC change would make very little, if any difference to the game.


If you are a hardcore raider doing the NiM modes the chances are you would be positioned in a raid group and unlikely to be displaced by any Johnny-come-lately that has chosen to change their AC.


If you are a hardcore PvPer I would hope you have done the research on your class and have the muscle memory to react swiftly (or at least the macros) to any players that's done an AC so they can access the 'superior' AC and PvP spec.


For many casual gamers there is a point, many hours, if not days, into the game where you realise that the AC you chose months ago is no longer the way you want to play the game and you'd like to experience the other AC with out having to sink yet more months into the same story.


This issue is largely raised by Bioware's decision to have the Advanced Classes share so much, they share the same story, the same single class for levels 1-10, the same class buff, a shared set of abilities and also share one of the three talent trees.


I would never advocate the ability to change between classes (that is go from Bounty Hunter to Sith Warrior) but having levelled to 55 on one Bounty Hunter Powertech I can't see the issue allowing a player to change to Bounty Hunter Mercenary.


Any issue with no longer having decent gear or the wrong gear type is no greater than that already experienced by those ACs that have a choice between tanking and DPS specialisations. Or if you choose to PvP and PvE. Multiple sets of gear are required already.


You may also alleviate some of the strain off the class availability when it comes to group finder.


But perhaps the biggest reason I'd be for the AC change is that asking a player to make a permanent choice on AC type early on in a game when there has been no chance to see how either type plays is a bit short sighted.


Well said, I think its a good idea to allow it and I am sure it will find its way into game soon enough. In the end I rolled a scoundrel to try out the counterpart to my gunslinger but having to do so is pretty silly given its the same content to level through.

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The devs did not design it so that no single character could perform all three roles at a single time, but so that no single character COULD preform all three roles. Allowing class changes WOULD negate that design intent, no matter what restrictions they put on it. II personally hope that they never allow class changes.


This is a good point. So what if there was a set limit to how many times you could change AC's? or are you one of those extremist that won't accept anything other than no AC change at all? I'm curious.

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The problem with your argument?? AC swapping has a restriction now that some people don't care about.. What makes you think they are going to care about your restrictions??


There is no need to change your AC.. It wouldn't be in Bioware's best interest anyways.. Taking away the need to level another character is a huge loss of content.. If people don't want to play the game then they shouldn't play it.. Not to mention pollute the forums with their demands for short cuts and making things easier..


Bioware doesn't want a single class (AC) to be able to both tank and heal.. Tanks and healers need to be separate characters.. Bioware was very specific about that when this issue came up during the beta.. It really should stay that way.. :)


How can you know what is in bioware's best interest? Are you a dev? No? Then you don't know. Stop making false assumptions, just like you did with legacy wide datacrons.


Plus, you just said in you're post that if people don't want to play...they should LEAVE. Thus losing bioware a player base. So you rather people leave the game, so bioware loses money all so you can get your way. :rolleyes:


That's a great business model to work with.


Please explain to me how a single class can both tank and heal. Even with AC change, go ahead tell me how they can both. So during an op, one group member can tank and heal himself during a boss fight. That is your claim, now explain it. :rolleyes:

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That is getting a free character for free... Your AC is your class.. Each class is a character.. Changing your AC is getting a new character...


Get it now?? :)


Getting a character for free? Of course, you said you don't pay for your characters to begin with. So wait...you are saying you break the EULA and pay for your characters? Ah nice going there.


The player did the legwork leveling 1-55. They should be allowed options to change AC's if they want. What's next? You are gonna tell them what dailies they can or cannot do? How about what flashpoints they run? Or crew skills they take? How far do you want to go dictating other players choices on how they should play the game that they PAID FOR.

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Besides the fact that both Powertechs and Mercenaries do share so many aspects
Yep. It's called class transfer, and it's not a new thing. Old MMOs all had this, where you started, for example, as a basic caster, then changed into a basic cleric class, then changed again into either a support/buffer class or a healer class. You retain all abilities of a basic cleric and caster, but gain extra/better heals/buffs/debuffs, depending on your choice. Personally, I find this method has much more character, and is more immersive, as your character gains more skills depending on the path of their specialization, while also retaining some basic abilities that can be useful in some situations. Like, say, being a backup healer after you hand out all your buffs, because you did have access to some basic heals from being a cleric class.


For an example of such a class tree, see: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-voefRrAIx_E/TtoNIK0TE0I/AAAAAAAAAOc/Z3cv4vE-ouo/s1600/Shot00000.jpg


The only thing different in SWTOR is, we don't have to do a lengthy quest to do the transfer, it's granted to us for free at level 10. I only hope we get more branches later on.

Edited by Truga
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No harm done in allowing those who don't have the time to reroll to switch AC, people will just argue against anything. Stick it on a 30 day cooldown, slap a hefty CC tag on it. Profit/QQ solved. Edited by Ajaxduo
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No harm done in allowing those who don't have the time to reroll to switch AC, people will just argue against anything. Stick it on a 30 day cooldown, slap a hefty CC tag on it. Profit/QQ solved.


perhaps one or 2 more restrictions to prevent FOTM and then indeed

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