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ETA on Advanced Class change?

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So I was going to change my Merc to a PT. But after seeing the 3.0 live stream I'm not so sure. Hopefully we can switch ACs right after 3.0 comes out so I can figure out what each AC on my toons will be...

... I'm still curious where you got the idea there's any AC change coming at all.

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... I'm still curious where you got the idea there's any AC change coming at all.


Especially since there is a yellow post on these very forums which states that the introduction of disciplines will NOT allow players to change their class (AC). In addition, I believe the devs stated in a podcast that your choice of class (AC) is permanent and cannot be undone.


They can change their minds at any point, but given those last two statements, it appears that they do not intend to do so, despite the numerous threads clamoring for it, including this one of over 550 pages.

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They can change their minds at any point, but given those last two statements, it appears that they do not intend to do so, despite the numerous threads clamoring for it, including this one of over 550 pages.


You do know that the number of pages depends on one's board settings? I just find it odd that people make a big deal about how many pages a topic goes and even direct people to specific pages when that's meaningless. For me it's only 140 pages. Maybe you should look at how many posts it is instead?

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Especially since there is a yellow post on these very forums which states that the introduction of disciplines will NOT allow players to change their class (AC). In addition, I believe the devs stated in a podcast that your choice of class (AC) is permanent and cannot be undone.


They can change their minds at any point, but given those last two statements, it appears that they do not intend to do so, despite the numerous threads clamoring for it, including this one of over 550 pages.


Yep. It looks like it's not coming any time soon. They had the perfect opportunity with this change and seem to have chosen to not allow it.


Which makes me happy of course ;). It looks as if the choices are going to get a bit more meaning after all.

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Yep. It looks like it's not coming any time soon. They had the perfect opportunity with this change and seem to have chosen to not allow it.


Which makes me happy of course ;). It looks as if the choices are going to get a bit more meaning after all.


Less choice makes you happy? Fewer options for paying customers to support the game makes you happy?


Fair enough, to each their own, just an odd position to take I think...

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Less choice makes you happy? Fewer options for paying customers to support the game makes you happy?


Fair enough, to each their own, just an odd position to take I think...


I can see how you might see it that way. I explained my position on this many times, but I will try and sum it up here.


I want the choice of AC to be meaningful. Right now I don't believe it is. This change will make it a bit more meaningful for me, allowing AC change would make the choice even less meaningful.


But that is my personal view. I have never railed or campaigned against AC change, and would not oppose it if it was adopted...I would simply adapt. Yes, I am happy it has not happened yet, but if the majority of the players wanted something like this I would not stand against it.


I simply would not like it.

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why is this thread still alive?:eek:

Well it's not like anyone is really breaking the rules and thread necromancy usually seems to get a free pass. Don't think I've seen a thread closed for excessive beating of a dead horse yet.

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Yep. It looks like it's not coming any time soon. They had the perfect opportunity with this change and seem to have chosen to not allow it.


Which makes me happy of course ;). It looks as if the choices are going to get a bit more meaning after all.


I don't know the only thing written was that discipline will not bring AC change. Not that it is not coming.

Besides why would they shift the gear bag from quest to the AC switch if nothing was planned.

Edited by Jaxtes
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Less choice makes you happy? Fewer options for paying customers to support the game makes you happy?


Fair enough, to each their own, just an odd position to take I think...


Oh Artemis is different he is not among those who says


The game says "PERMANENT" on the AC select window


The ones that say "Players are too dumb to learn how play the other AC"


What we have here is a man who genuinely wants each AC to be different like the druid from the death knight in WoW, and the story/game to reflect it.


This is the one topic i am against him because am sure bioware will never go the way he wants.

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I still think this would be a good idea and hope they do it one day. It is very disappointing to get your character to the max level and find that you don't like how it plays end-game or how it plays in end-game PVP and think the other advanced class would be more enjoyable. Then you're faced with leveling the exact same class all the way to max level again through all of those tedious sidequests. At the very least, if they never allow you to just switch your advanced class, they should give you an XP bonus for that class' class missions that way you can skip all of the pointless sidequests (that frankly just distract from the main story. I can't tell you how many times I forgot what my character's main goal was supposed to be because I was busy helping so-and-so find an item that they were too stupid to keep track of.). Thankfully, this is what they are doing right now in a way, but it will be an issue again once the XP bonus is gone.


Getting to that point is very discouraging, especially after putting all that work into the character. This would provide a way to at least somewhat alleviate the trauma of getting stuck with a character you don't like.

Edited by tmblake
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I am getting 4 more slots on my server OR going to open 4 slots on a different server so I have all 16 AC. With this 12xXP and leveling to 55, I can then pick and choose what ACs to play in 3.0


Only change to the AC needed right now is to allow 16 free slots per server for all ACs for subs.

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I am getting 4 more slots on my server OR going to open 4 slots on a different server so I have all 16 AC. With this 12xXP and leveling to 55, I can then pick and choose what ACs to play in 3.0


Only change to the AC needed right now is to allow 16 free slots per server for all ACs for subs.


I believe you can get up to 22 slots per server if you keep buying the extra Character Slots on the CM. :)

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Less choice makes you happy? Fewer options for paying customers to support the game makes you happy?


Fair enough, to each their own, just an odd position to take I think...


How exactly is it less choices? What is stopping you from rolling a new Mercenary after you play a Pwertech for awhile? I'm all for choices, but come on, let's be real here. There's nothing stopping you from levelling the opposite AC, and with Legacy Gear, it's easy as hell to move gear between the two. The game tells you that your selection is permanent, if you chose not to pay attention to that, then that's on you. Now, if the game locked you out of the other AC (like, once you made a marauder you could never make a Juggernaut), you might have a valid argument. But it doesn't. So you don't.


Picking your AC is one of the only decisions you make in the game that actually means something. Let it stay that way.

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But choosing appearance and species were also like that why only leave AC locked ?


Just because they made a mistake in letting people change their species (appearance I'm fine with, but species? come on) doesn't mean they should continue to keep making those mistakes.

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The Advanced Classes function as the true classes seen in other RPGs. Other games don't allow class changing because it wouldn't be desirable to have players hoping back and forth to whatever is considered to the flavor of the month. In this game, though, its structure would mean that permitting AC changes only lets for switching between one of two possible flavors in a given month. I guess it would still be pretty bad if all operatives were swapping to sniper anytime they wanted to DPS in PVE.
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I don't know the only thing written was that discipline will not bring AC change. Not that it is not coming.

Besides why would they shift the gear bag from quest to the AC switch if nothing was planned.


The yellow post does say that the introduction of disciplines will NOT allow players to change their class (AC). It does not, as you point out, say that class (AC) changes will never happen. That does not mean that they will happen, though.


Unless I am mistaken, the devs did re-iterate and confirm that your choice of class (AC) is PERMANENT and cannot be undone.


It is possible that the gear bag was shifted from the quest to the inventory simply to reduce confusion and the possibility that some players would miss the gear bag.


The latest statements from the devs that your choice of class (AC) is permanent and that disciplines will not allow players to change their class (AC) do not mean that they cannot change their minds later. Those statements do, however, make it pretty clear that at this time they have no intentions of allowing players to change class (AC) and they are not really considering allowing players to do so.

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But choosing appearance and species were also like that why only leave AC locked ?


As has been pointed out MANY times, appearance and species are strictly COSMETIC changes, and do not affect fundamental game play mechanics.


Allowing players to change their class WOULD affect fundamental game play mechanics.

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It is possible that the gear bag was shifted from the quest to the inventory simply to reduce confusion and the possibility that some players would miss the gear bag.


I don't understand what you mean by this.

They removed gear-bag from being supplied by the quest (which is automatic) to the AC select window (which is automatic). Why would they do that unless:

Doing away with quest.


Plan to give chance to use AC window more than once.

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I don't understand what you mean by this.

They removed gear-bag from being supplied by the quest (which is automatic) to the AC select window (which is automatic). Why would they do that unless:

Doing away with quest.


Plan to give chance to use AC window more than once.


I know I have heard, and even seen more then one post, about people who don't open the gear bag and never see that second lightsaber, double bladed lightsaber, autocannon, etc. It seems that at least some people don't know about the gear bag and its contents. By moving it to the AC selection window, BW may be trying to make it less likely that a new player will miss this gear bag and its contents.


They may also be planning to change the AC selection from a "quest" to just a "choice". This would not necessarily make that choice any less permanent, though.


I've said it before, but we may very well see class (AC) changes implemented at some point in the distant future. From everything I have seen and heard, including the latest dev statements, I do not expect to see them implemented in the foreseeable future, though.


You made one comment that I think may be more accurate than you think. You said the devs were too smart to say never.


First, I think the devs realize that anything is subject to change.


Second, and more importantly, IMO, they likely realize that they have both sides of this debate playing and paying right now. I think if they were come out and say that class (AC) changes will never be implemented, they risk losing players who are continuing to play and pay in the hopes that some day they can change their class (AC). I also think that if they implement class (AC) changes, they risk losing players who oppose class (AC) changes.


I've also said that in the time this thread, and others of its kind, have existed, many of those players who wish to play that other class (AC) could have leveled and geared that new class. The leveling process is even easier and quicker now, with the 12x XP boost for class story quests if a player pre-orders the expansion. While the player will still need to upgrade their gear from time to time, the time and effort required to reach max level has been drastically reduced.

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