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Pug Group Players Read This!

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My rant for today.


Part 1. For all you pug group players out there. This also includes every class.


Learn your interrupt skill and start using it.

Part 2.


Don't stand on fire, poison, static fields, BIG GIANT RETICLES on the ground. Move out of it, save a healer and save a kitten.


Anyone with half a working mind, learn these basic skills. You will make your life and the group life so much easier.


/rant over


A shout out to the pug shadow tank today from the Lost Island run. A big thank you for running through the giant static bubbles today. It made healing you so much fun. Thank goodness it was only a story mode run.

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Just a gentle note: a permit is required to present lectures to other players in the forum.


Please present permit for inspection, or please restate your post in the form of a personal opinion.


Personal opinions require no permit to present in the fourm. However, they are open to enthusiastic agreement, counter-opinion, rebuttal, clapping of hands, golfclaps... etc.



Edited by Andryah
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If I am going through an ops or flashpoint, when we get to a boss or anything other than a random fight, I ask if everybody has done this before. If not, I give a brief summary of what to expect ex: Esseles final boss, stay out of the circles. Then you can rightfully tell them off if they don't listen...
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It's not like this game is very hard to play but its rather crazy some of the stuff people do or rather not do in the game. It seems the rate of ninja looters and people queueing outside of their role are on the rise as well. That's right, a big thank you to the people who "chance combat stance" then go ahead and queue as a tank in dps gear. Fun times healing those type in the hard modes.
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Just a gentle note: a permit is required to present lectures to other players in the forum.


Please present permit for inspection, or please restate your post in the form of a personal opinion.


Personal opinions require no permit to present in the fourm. However, they are open to enthusiastic agreement, counter-opinion, rebuttal, clapping of hands, golfclaps... etc.




Permits... great idea.


You could single-handedly make this the most successful game in the history of mankind if they started charging CC's for a permit to blame other players for the game's shortcomings!

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I gave up instances with DDO. And I've never PvP'd. So I have no one to be held accountable to other than myself.


That is totally fine. What you do on your own time running solo I could care less. Though, why would you call my post an elitist bs rant? It's basic fundamentals to use the interrupt skill to stop induction abilities that do a ton of damage and also to move out of ground based damage. Why would a person stand in the fire and let the boss fire off abilities that would cause a group to wipe? Why?

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Pug player here. Pugging since December 2011 with 8 chars of mine. Pugging in PvP and PvE. Have pugged with level 10 and still pug with level 55.


Why are you addressing me with your rant, OP? What does this have to do with me?


Nothing, that's right.


Next, please.

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Why does this thread aim at pug players exclusively? Were all premade players born with knowledge of this game? I sure missed it if thats the case.


Because ...


We can rant at those in our premades directly, either via guild or voice chat. Usually voice chat, shrug. Nothing like yelling into Ventrilo or Mumble, "MOVE OUT OF THE RED CIRCLES!!!"

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Pug Group Players Read This!


Play as you wish, have fun, don't take things too seriously. Contrary to what some folks would seem to want you to believe this is not a job.


It's ok to make mistakes. Want to have fun? Listen to any friendly advice that you ASK FOR from people that are genuinely helpful, and pick and choose what makes sense to you.


Tune out those that demand you play the way they want you to play.


The reason for this? Players that make these kind of demands are being predatory...they already have a method to insure they can play with like minded individuals...the Premade and Guilds.


These types of players should not join PUGs. If they do join PUGs, they should understand the risks involved.


A PUG is NOT going to act or operate like a Premade.


Just my slant.

Edited by LordArtemis
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Pug Group Players Read This!


Play as you wish, have fun, don't take things too seriously. Contrary to what some folks would seem to want you to believe this is not a job.


It's ok to make mistakes. Want to have fun? Listen to any friendly advice that you ASK FOR from people that are genuinely helpful, and pick and choose what makes sense to you.


Tune out those that demand you play the way they want you to play.


The reason for this? Players that make these kind of demands are being predatory...they already have a method to insure they can play with like minded individuals...the Premade and Guilds.


These types of players should not join PUGs. If they do join PUGs, they should understand the risks involved.


A PUG is NOT going to act or operate like a Premade.


Just my slant.


You really like the word predatory, don't you? :p


On another note. People that rage in pugs are morons and should just be put on an ignore list. I can honestly say that I've never been raged at because I *do* know how to play whatever class I'm playing at the time, never break CC nor do I take unnecessary damage but I still never attack people that mess up. If the group as a whole is so bad that completing an instance is just not happening then shrug and move on, it's pointless to keep wiping on a boss for more than 3, 4 times in a FP.


However, attacking other people is just pathetic and if you want your perfect runs then make a premade on the fleet and stop your ************.

Edited by Jandi
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You know, when I started playing and got told/read online that I had to get out of the circles on the ground (the foundry - last boss for example) I swear I didn't see anything. at. all. nothing. There was nothing on the ground, I absolutely swear. I don't know why I didn't see anything. I was prepared for it, I wasn't exactly dumb, I played mmos a lot but still didn't see them.

Sure, they were there. But if you're not as experienced and you fully concentrate on your skill bar or something you just don't notice stuff that is absolutely clearly visible for everyone.

And the people who need to read this won't. As they won't listen when they should. I don't understand it myself, but there are people like that. Live with it or stop pugging.

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Pug Group Players Read This!


Play as you wish, have fun, don't take things too seriously. Contrary to what some folks would seem to want you to believe this is not a job. Play this way and get votekicked


It's ok to make mistakes. Want to have fun? Listen to any friendly advice that you ASK FOR from people that are genuinely helpful, and pick and choose what makes sense to you. If you continuously screw up after having the encounter explained, prepared to get vote kicked


Tune out those that demand you play the way they want you to play.


Tune people out if you like to get vote kicked.


The reason for this? Players that make these kind of demands are being predatory...they already have a method to insure they can play with like minded individuals...the Premade and Guilds.

Encounters are scripted to be beaten in a few different ways, if you're not beating the encounter, you're doing it wrong.


These types of players should not join PUGs. If they do join PUGs, they should understand the risks involved.


A PUG is NOT going to act or operate like a Premade.


Just my slant.



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That is totally fine. What you do on your own time running solo I could care less. Though, why would you call my post an elitist bs rant?

Because that's what it is.


It's basic fundamentals to use the interrupt skill to stop induction abilities that do a ton of damage and also to move out of ground based damage. Why would a person stand in the fire and let the boss fire off abilities that would cause a group to wipe? Why?

Agreed. But I must have missed the part where TOR went from being a game to being something of even remote importance. As others have said, if you're gonna run with PUGs, you're gonna get some goobers sometimes. If you don't want to take that chance (if your game time is so super valuable), then don't run with PUGs.

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My rant for today.


Part 1. For all you pug group players out there. This also includes every class.


Learn your interrupt skill and start using it.

Part 2.


Don't stand on fire, poison, static fields, BIG GIANT RETICLES on the ground. Move out of it, save a healer and save a kitten.


Anyone with half a working mind, learn these basic skills. You will make your life and the group life so much easier.


/rant over


A shout out to the pug shadow tank today from the Lost Island run. A big thank you for running through the giant static bubbles today. It made healing you so much fun. Thank goodness it was only a story mode run.


Or...you know...you could stop using PuGs?


The funny part about the interrupt skill...I hadn't actually ever had to use it untill my JK got to the last class mission. :p


Only been up to level 32ish FPs, so never had to really use an interrupt in any of those. :p

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