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Large Guild vs Small Guild


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WoW did the same thing with their release of Guild Bonuses, heavily favoring giant guilds with massive resources / playerbases that could rapidly burn through the level and achievement requirements.


Smaller guilds then were double-destroyed by people losing all interest in them, since no one wanted to join a guild that lacked 90% of the appealing perks and bonuses.




Small guilds pretty much went away soon after Cata. I just resubbed after a long absence and get a lot of guild invites as I play and all lead off with "We are a 25 level guild............." (if I am remembering the top level correctly). The traditional rational for being in a guild has been replaced with guild perks.

Edited by asbalana
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Small guilds pretty much went away soon after Cata. I just resubbed after a long absence and get a lot of guild invites as I play and all lead off with "We are a 25 level guild............." (if I am remembering the top level correctly). The traditional rational for being in a guild has been replaced with guild perks.


that was my experience as well... though the biggest problem with it, IMO was the fact that in WOW you level the guild the way you level legacy in TOR. so the more members you had, the faster guild leveled. starting a new guild and catching up was getting harder and harder, so unless you already had a good tight group of friends, you were at a great disadvantage (for example lvl 25 guild perk is ability to resurrect entire raid regardless of its size in a single click, something people have come not only to appreciate but to expect, plus you get movement perks, which can also put you at a small disadvantage if you don't have them)


I'm taking a wait and see approach as far as TOR guild perks are concern, though one thing I'm liking is that it cuts off at 25 people and that you don't have to level it to get them, so at least there's that... for now. I really hope that they don't create an environment where quantity > the quality (and yes both the guilds I'm in are pretty small, I like it that way)

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I think if they implemented this feature as described it will do nothing to enhance the game, in fact it will further the decay. I like the idea of guild perks, however they need to revaluate how it is implemented as to not destroy smaller guilds. From my experience guilds that focus solely on increasing members end up with majority of immature players with handful of good people. I am in an awesome guild now with great people, however they are picky on who they let in and sitting at only 164 members. What will happen to our guild and the great community we have going when this feature hits? I think I can tell you but it is not pretty…
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A couple of points of bonus XP isn't a loss to me, as a member of a small guild. I'm not interested in power leveling. But I still don't like the implication that EA wants people to move to larger guilds. I'm not going to play that way.
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A couple of points of bonus XP isn't a loss to me, as a member of a small guild. I'm not interested in power leveling. But I still don't like the implication that EA wants people to move to larger guilds. I'm not going to play that way.


But it can be designed way better then how they designed it. You know (Speculation) that once they add the bonus XP then other perks will creep in as time goes on.

Edited by WildbloodX
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Support the small guilds too Bioware, not everybody wants to be in an ugly large guild.


If you have such a concern for people getting bored and leaving then do something logical about it. Take SWG for an example, they rewarded people for having a subscription for certain amount of months. Longer they had a sub the better the rewards got. You can easily do the same.


With this "feature" all you are doing in making it so small guilds have a huge disadvantage, medium guilds have a small disadvantage, and every size guild has the potential disadvantage if their members have offline aggro for periods of time in their life.


Over all I'm totally against favoritism for large guilds.

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Not whinning. I'm in a guild and the guild has active members. Just the number of members doesn't the amount their said amount. Sound like to me that unless you have 25 active members in your guild you guild is 2nd rate guild. There is difference in choosing not to be in a guild and choosing a guild. Guild is meant to be group of liked mind people that enjoy doing the same thing. Guild shouldn't be force to get new members just to get a reward.

You need to look at it as "They are rewarding larger guilds" rather than as "They are punishing smaller guilds," which, despite your wording, sounds like like the latter is how you view things.


If I want the 5% boost, I'm free to join a guild. If you want the extra boost, you're free to join a larger guild or recruit your own guild until it's large enough. There's still no "there" there.


Maybe I should get a bonus for being guild-free, say +1% XP (up to 5%) for each month past the first 6 months I'm subscribed as long as I stay subscribed.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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I think if they implemented this feature as described it will do nothing to enhance the game, in fact it will further the decay. I like the idea of guild perks, however they need to revaluate how it is implemented as to not destroy smaller guilds. From my experience guilds that focus solely on increasing members end up with majority of immature players with handful of good people. I am in an awesome guild now with great people, however they are picky on who they let in and sitting at only 164 members. What will happen to our guild and the great community we have going when this feature hits? I think I can tell you but it is not pretty…


Actually, IMO.. this perk encourages very small guilds to slowly build to ~25 active players. Which is not hard, does not corrupt small guild structures and desires, and its on a sliding scale. The impact to a guild with only 4 active players is effectively ZERO since a small guild like that probably could care less about a 5% boost to XP.


I think they are testing with this perk, and will add additional perks later (like most MMOs do). The nice thing about this one is it's modest, it's progressive (ie: rewards from more active members, but at very low counts, and then ends at 25), and it tests the adding of perks to help small guilds attract replacement players as they loose one here and there. IMO, this helps us see what Bioware views as the centerline for guild size and function. IE: 25 active players = a fully functional guild in terms of access to content, social critical mass, sustainability.


It does nothing notable for being a very large guild.. but personally, I feel very large guilds need nothing notable to compete for players.

Edited by Andryah
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Honestly I don't see what the issue is. It's not much of a difference one way or the other.


I think the concern is that when larger pearks come out, and as Andrya points out, they most likely will, the direction appears to be going larger rewards for larger guilds thus players in a smaller guild will not get as much of a reward making/forcing them to join a larger guild.


Bad idea IMO

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The fact that you've found crappy large guilds doesn't mean they're all like that =)


Besides, since I'm fairly sure by active they mean "played in the last x days", reaching 25 active players in a guild hardly qualifies as "large"


Finally, they encourage large guilds because it's a smart long term plan. Small guilds fracture and stop playing VERY easily: one or two players quitting means that the guild will stop working and more people will feel compelled to quit. A large guild on the other hand can survive single players quitting, which will maintain more people active in the game.


I will disagree. The small guild I have been in has been there since launch and not one member has quit. I love my guild as they will make sure I get the help I need, etc. Secondly, if one of is going through some rough times they are there for us more than I can say a large guild is.


Large guilds on the other hand for the most part don't care whether you are there or not.

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I will disagree. The small guild I have been in has been there since launch and not one member has quit. I love my guild as they will make sure I get the help I need, etc. Secondly, if one of is going through some rough times they are there for us more than I can say a large guild is.


Large guilds on the other hand for the most part don't care whether you are there or not.


Indeed, this has been my experience as well. Smaller guilds are more of a tight nit group who care about their members.

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Honestly I don't see what the issue is. It's not much of a difference one way or the other.
Because people like to make mountains out of molehills.


It's a tiny bonus that most people will get zero benefit from, and the ones that do get a benefit from it won't be at a significant advantage over those who don't get it.

Edited by Rankyn
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Because people like to make mountains out of molehills.


It's a tiny bonus that most people will get zero benefit from, and the ones that do get a benefit from it won't be at a significant advantage over those who don't get it.


Seems you agree that these requires are much too large for such an insignificant buff; best to give it to everybody that has a guild then.

Edited by Brimmer
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I think the concern is that when larger pearks come out, and as Andrya points out, they most likely will, the direction appears to be going larger rewards for larger guilds thus players in a smaller guild will not get as much of a reward making/forcing them to join a larger guild.


Bad idea IMO

As Rankyn said, mountain out of a molehill.

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Seems you agree that these requires are much too large for such an insignificant buff; best to give it to everybody that has a guild then.
It's a perk for having something but it's not an unbalancing perk.


If you want the perk, pursue it.

If you don't want it or are unable to obtain it, you aren't missing out on all that much.


For perspective on just how minor an XP buff this is, if two identical new characters (one in a large guild, one unguilded) did exactly the same thing from start to finish, one of them would be somewhere in the middle of level 53 when the other one hit 55.

If that unguilded character had been in a small guild instead, they'd be 54.



You'd need 26 fewer of the smallest reputation tokens of whatever it is you're grinding.

(or 11 mediums or 5 larges)


It's nothing more than a convenience perk at best.

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It's a perk for having something but it's not an unbalancing perk.


If you want the perk, pursue it.

If you don't want it or are unable to obtain it, you aren't missing out on all that much.


You seem to have a very closed minded view of how things work......


First off having a higher buff means recruitment is easier for a larger guild than a smaller guild since they have additional reason for people to join them; thus making it difficult for medium and small guilds to grow should they feel they wish to.


Not all guilds wish to be large or even medium. MANY guilds like being under 10 people or so, as it lets them do everything in game without the need for extra bodies. So for that reason giving a buff that hurts small and medium guilds without any way of obtaining the buffs other than recruiting more people is a total trash concept.


When it comes down to it Bioware needs to learn that by alienating medium and small guilds they will just give the forums more material to complain about..

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If it's such a small deal then there is no reason not to let all sizes of guild benefit from it.
Small guilds already get a perk. Larger guilds get a larger perk.


All the complaining sounds more like "somebody has something I don't have and I demand to have it too"

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My guild literally has


5 people.


We are more like 'A group of friend who decided to make a guild just so we can have a cool name underneath our character name'.


But none of us have complained about being basically cut out from the XP bonus (granted - we will now get 6% exp boost. woot woot). Why? Because 6% is plenty considering you also have the EXP boosts from finishing major quests/plot points. Ones for PvP/Class Missons/Space Missons/Social Points why - there's even something called 'rested exp' that doubles your EXP gain!


Adding into the fact that they will also have that Double EXP Weekend thing going on in the Summer - you'll be dinging 55 so fast you'll wish you were still 25! All of us in my guild are more concerned with 'Well damn - we might hit 55 on all our alts before we even get to the double xp weekends!'

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And you seem to think that this thing is a bigger deal than it really is.
And you probably don't do a lot of guild management, I'm guessing? Correct me if I'm wrong.


Any perk you can offer is a huge perk to people because people don't stop and think about the at-the-margin benefit a bonus is giving them. They hear: "BONUS", and they become more interested. It could be +1% Runspeed, and people would be more motivated to join. This is how advertising in general works; humans like being promised stuff. Any stuff.


If they make it logistically-difficult for smaller or even medium guilds to meet "perk size" requirements, it will impact their ability to recruit. It will also heavily impact the ability for new guilds to get off the ground. You can argue the net effect isn't as large as some people are predicting — that's fair, no one can be sure without real data pre-and-post implementation — but the basic concern is legitimate.


All the complaining sounds more like "somebody has something I don't have and I demand to have it too"
You're damn right. A small, close-knit guild of 12 people that's been playing together for 7 months should absolutely have "earned" the right to have the full bonus on their alts. Just as much as a guild of 263 people that started 2 weeks ago and spams General Chat a lot. Edited by SW_display_name
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