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Summer of SWTOR


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No we're giving you flak because we pay money each month and are getting less and less content (PVE and PVP) and more and more Cartel Coin stuff.


So from February (1.7 – the Gree event) through to August(2.3)- 6 months all my subscription will have got me content wise was.


Gree Event

Scum and Villany Op ( and i had to buy makeb for this beauty)

TFB nightmare mode.


is indefensible

That's a definite exaggeration.
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Double XP weekends? Awesome!


A huge update in August? Sounds good.


As for the rest of it, I'm a little disappointed. I guess I was hoping something would be done regarding current graphics problems. Such as black screen and loading problems almost everyone has been experiencing. Overall, though, it's enough to keep me around until the end of the summer. Let's see what the 2.4 update is like.

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That's a definite exaggeration.


How so? As someone who doesn't do ops since the server migrations and primarily only PVP's and does world events, what other content besides gree will my sub have got me this year? ROTHC was something I paid for, and not only that but it was all PVE content (not a single crumb of PVP development) and it was practically over as soon as it started, leaving subs like me to the same wz's/dailies/weeklies. I'm supposed to keep a sub all year for gree event and new pvp coming in 2.4? With ESO, EQN, GTA5 and new consoles coming out, there is far too much good competition this fall for Bioware to be dragging their knuckles on PVP

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Double XP weekends? Awesome!


A huge update in August? Sounds good.


As for the rest of it, I'm a little disappointed. I guess I was hoping something would be done regarding current graphics problems. Such as black screen and loading problems almost everyone has been experiencing. Overall, though, it's enough to keep me around until the end of the summer. Let's see what the 2.4 update is like.


Please tell me what other content i got to do in that timeframe then? that wasnt part of ROTHC ( i had to pay for that)

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No we're giving you flak because we pay money each month and are getting less and less content (PVE and PVP) and more and more Cartel Coin stuff.


So from February (1.7 – the Gree event) through to August(2.3)- 6 months all my subscription will have got me content wise was.


Gree Event

Scum and Villany Op ( and i had to buy makeb for this beauty)

TFB nightmare mode.


is indefensible


You do have a point. Our subs are paying for cartel market updates, not content.

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Saying nothing is bad. Saying the wrong thing is worse. For example: Bruce should never have even teased the PvP update at the bottom. It was outside the scope of the post. If he had said nothing, only a few PvPers would have complained.


Instead it is now an issue and the cat is out of the bag (and something involving a bottle and a genie, a box and pandora).


And if he doesn't post it, you'd hear the same people crying about "Why no info on PvP update?"


There's no winning with some people. I for one am happy that they're at least giving us SOME information. I don't like PvP much, I only do it once in a while when I'm really bored. But rather than complain about what WASN'T said, I like to focus on what WAS said.


My impressions:

NiM TFB - Doesn't affect me, I still haven't completed SM TFB.

Scrolling UVs... This has me curious. I'm not thrilled with the current armor dye system, and I'm wondering what this new appearance system will bring.

More guild love - Love it. Anything to encourage guilds is a good thing, IMO.

Crafting Underworld gear - Mixed bag. On one hand, I will be crafting higher end gear. On the other, I have trouble getting materials for them.

Unified Fleet Chat - Until recently, I didn't even realize this was a problem. But I'm glad it's fixed.

Double XP Weekends - YES! I think I'll start my next couple of characters these weekends.

NiM S&V - I haven't even set foot in S&V yet. My guild keeps doing runs too early in the evening for me to join.

Gree at level 55 - Sounds like fun, I can dig it. Maybe I'll finally get the hamster ball mount.

New FP, Daily Area, Recurring Event, graphical updates - All nice teasers. Two months out, I don't expect that much info to be released.

PvP news - Meh. Don't care.

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So you don't care about the game? I mean, that was the point made. I think it was a valid one.


I think it's obvious that anyone still playing SWTOR after all it has been through does care about the game, but to use that as a reason to sweep people's concerns under the rug is kind of patronizing.


How about giving a reason for the lack of content until August? Why does BioWare think a recycled OP that most people will never see is good enough for its own update? Why is 2.2 so pathetic?

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I think it's obvious that anyone still playing SWTOR after all it has been through does care about the game, but to use that as a reason to sweep people's concerns under the rug is kind of patronizing.


How about giving a reason for the lack of content until August? Why does BioWare think a recycled OP that most people will never see is good enough for its own update? Why is 2.2 so pathetic?


Exactly! we were told that our concerns of no content in 2.1 was going to be answered in 2.2 and we get a recycled 8 months old raid!...and thats it!


It looks to be like they've threw in the NIM mode for TFB simply so they can point and say look see we met our 6..sorry 6 to 8 ..sorry 8 weeks cadence.

Edited by AnthonyUK
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First up, Game Update 2.2, which is currently targeted for launch on June 11th:

  • Nightmare Mode Terror From Beyond. It’s got vicious new mechanics and is definitely not for the faint of heart. I’m very excited for you to see the new gear that comes with this, which uses a new appearance system we’ve developed for armor and weapons called ‘Scrolling UVs’.
  • New Guild Bonuses! Players in guilds currently receive a +5% experience bonus, but now every 5 active players in the guild will add an additional 1% bonus to XP and reputation, up to a maximum bonus of 10% each.
  • Crafters can now craft Underworld gear! But don’t RE that piece if you are still using it…
  • Unified fleet chat channel for each faction, for easier group finding without having to hop between instances.


First, thank you BW for the road map and listing some of the items you have planned. Looks good. However, this list above... not really new content. More like QOL updates. Adding a harder mode to an OP, along with a new tier of gear so you can give crafters another set of gear to grind out (which really won't be worth anything for very long). New gear just gives that small percentage of players who already have managed to get fully or nearly fully geared in the current top tier something to stay busy with until the updates mentioned below are ready -


August 6th is our target date for Game Update 2.3, which we are working on right now and will be our biggest update since 2.0. Some of the bigger parts of this update are:

  • New Flashpoints
  • New Daily Area
  • New Recurring Event
  • Significant graphical upgrades


Now this is real content! This is what your players are expecting every 6-8 weeks when you tell them you will give new content. The graphical upgrades have been asked for since release and would be nice, but I fear with the time tables you have established for yourselves, there won't be adequate testing and a lot of problems which will require emergency fixes. It would nice to be able to look forward to those updates without the fear of having to wait a week or more for a fix.

Edited by Lumpyone
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I think it's obvious that anyone still playing SWTOR after all it has been through does care about the game, but to use that as a reason to sweep people's concerns under the rug is kind of patronizing.


How about giving a reason for the lack of content until August? Why does BioWare think a recycled OP that most people will never see is good enough for its own update? Why is 2.2 so pathetic?


Have to agree 100%


This 'flak' seems to be following on from 2.1. There we were reassured by no less than 3 different BW employees that subscribers were valued and that the content cycle was in a healthy state. It isn't, obviously, as 2.2 is the weakest content patch since the 6-8 week cycles started.


PvE subscribers havent had 'free content' since February and have little to look forward to until august. PvP subscribers should probably unsub and return in the autumn if they're looking for new content. The transparency for certain subjects is fantastic and long may it continue. The content output however is poor. Compare it to most other MMO's.


At least I hope that many bugs will be fixed in 2.2. Seeing as content is lacking can we get some polish?

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I think it's obvious that anyone still playing SWTOR after all it has been through does care about the game, but to use that as a reason to sweep people's concerns under the rug is kind of patronizing.


How about giving a reason for the lack of content until August? Why does BioWare think a recycled OP that most people will never see is good enough for its own update? Why is 2.2 so pathetic?


Oh, I dont think that is what the comment represents. It is a comment that shows appreciation and understanding as to why the complaints are so vocal.


Are you going to tell me that every post here has been non-confrontational, well behaved and constructive? I think the answer to that is obvious.


It is recognition that passion for the game is driving that emotional response. Not the issue itself, but how emotional the posts are with respect to the issue.

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Now this is real content! This is what your players are expecting every 6-8 weeks when you tell them you will give new content.


I can appreciate your zeal, and I think this might have been unintentional, but I would ask that you would not phrase your comments as if you speak for all players.


I for one consider Cartel Market content content and want to see it continue to grow at it's current pace, paid feature or not. So I think it's all real content.

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I can appreciate your zeal, and I think this might have been unintentional, but I would ask that you would not phrase your comments as if you speak for all players.


I for one consider Cartel Market content content and want to see it continue to grow at it's current pace, paid feature or not. So I think it's all real content.


I think he speaks for more players (a lot more) than you do. Cartel Market 'content' needs to stop.

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While I don't like the methods you all choose to get people to play the game your way, I thought I'd ask is it five characters or five accounts.


"Characters in a guild will receive an XP and Reputation bonus based on the number of characters from unique accounts in the guild. For every five active unique accounts in a guild, the XP and Reputation bonus increases by 1% (on top of the base 5%) for the entire guild, up to a maximum of 10%."


Well, that answers that. /sigh

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Well...it looks like they've posted the 2.2 patch notes on the PTS forum already. Confirms everything Bruce said in the OP.


..but at least that confirms 2.2 is the most pathetic patch in SWTOR history! So...that's something.:rolleyes:

Edited by Korusus
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Thanks CelCawdro. Folks are just giving us flak because they care about their game – we appreciate their passion and would rather have that than the alternative. :) Now that I've uncorked our schedule here I've promised Eric to make time to post updates here on how we are progressing toward it. He’s promised to come kick me if I fail to do that. Transparency is only good if we keep it up, right?

The transparency is much appreciated.


Hope you fully understand the bar you've now set, because this crowd will eat you alive if you fall under it. It has all of unfocused vitriol of a regular MMO base mixed with the fanaticism of Star Wars fans. Interacting with it is akin to being digested by the sarlacc for a thousand years.

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If 2.2 is targeted for a June 11th release, then shouldn't it be up on the PTS by now? Or at least ready to be on PTS next week after the holiday?


I figured with the stuff that slipped though the cracks due to 2.1 not getting the PTS treatment, BW would play it safe and get some extra testing in.


It should be up on PTS by now :rak_03:


(patch notes)(forum)



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Stop QQing people. Get over your emo problems.


It's called 'feedback' and I'm pretty sure it's more useful to BW than what you just 'contributed'.


I don't agree with most complaints thrown BW's way but I'm not going to tell paying customers to not voice their concerns.

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I think he speaks for more players (a lot more) than you do. Cartel Market 'content' needs to stop.


And I disagree on both points. Money spent on the Cartel Market stands in evidence IMO. If the content stalls or stops the revenue may be effected. That to me is the most important thing.

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