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What was your coolest moment in the game?


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The one that sticks with you? That made the game stand out just a bit more than the rest you've played?


Mine happened during Game Test. I was playing a Knight, Guardian at the time, mostly because I didn't want to "spoil" the Consular story for myself.


I completed everything on Coruscant and was directed to the hangar to get my ship. When I got there, it was a complete geek-out moment. I knew what the ships looked like, of course, but that moment in the game was something totally immersive and cool. I watched the cut-scene play out, then I walked around the ship, slowly checking out every inch of it. That scene, that moment, pulled me into this game like no other moment in any other game ever did or could.


I would like to challenge the development team to come up with another moment like that, for all of us.


OK, now you. What's yours?

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On my Imperial Agent at the very beginning of Chapter 2, when


onomatopeia happened


I was vested in the story enough that I got actually angry that those ***** for even DARING to do that to me.

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When I unsubscribed


Haha jk jk. Actually resubbed now that I have more free time (damn you collegeeeeeeeeeee!!! *shakes fist*)


Anyway, one of my favorite moments was in the Sith Warrior storyline:



When you're breaking into Organa's compound and in the cutscene you're just decimating guards until you get to the chamber where general Organa and her men are. One of them points a blaster at you yelling "Intruder!"and with the force you pull the pistol out of his hand and into a nearby monitor. Fricking awesome.

Then for you lovers of Dark Side, you get to torture General Organa's lover and then dispose of all of them (or in my case, just leave the lowly love interest alive to suffer for the rest of his life) once you get what you want)



I felt like Sith Lord for sure after that.

Also there's afterwards when you

turn Jaesa to the Dark Side



In fact, I'd label all of act 1 of Sith Warrior as cool.

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Character selection screen, the music get me every time.


It's the music from the Dantooine temple from Kotor 2 that does it, isn't it?



I could listen to that forever. It just.... condenses the entire SW universe into music.

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First week of game. I was leveling my Jug on Hoth, under leveled in fact. Came across a lvl 50 Pub who tried to gank me on ice bridge, who apparently was already in some pvp gear, because I was being melted. At around 1k life, I re-positioned myself and Force Pushed him off the bridge and watched him plummet for what felt like 10 seconds. I knew in that moment I was in love...



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Probably when I first arrived on Corruscant,when you come out the spaceport and see the city and all the ships flying around.I really liked Tatooine as well.


Ha, funny, I almost had the same experience! Except that it was on Nar Shadaa.

When I arrived outside the spaceport, my jaw literally dropped!


No other mmo has the environment design SWTOR has, it's just so much above the competition that's it's not even funny...

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The entire Imperial Agent storyline was one big cool moment


But for a single moment it was on the Sith Inquisitor



When you fight Thanaton and his apprentice - than the cutscene where you use the powers you've just gained and than Thanaton shouts ''You fool! You can't handle that kind of power!' as your shooting lightning everywhere and slowly raising off the ground, eyes glowing.


I felt so powerful in that moment is was amazing.


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Hmm... probably Esseles the first time. Best example of how to use cutscenes and voice over in an MMO I've seen to date.


Close second would be Tython the first time. I thought it was the best tutorial world I'd seen for an MMO.




Finding out Esseles/Black Talon were pretty much it for truly cinematic missions and finding out every world plays like a tutorial were the bummer moments.

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The one that sticks with you? That made the game stand out just a bit more than the rest you've played?


Mine happened during Game Test. I was playing a Knight, Guardian at the time, mostly because I didn't want to "spoil" the Consular story for myself.


I completed everything on Coruscant and was directed to the hangar to get my ship. When I got there, it was a complete geek-out moment. I knew what the ships looked like, of course, but that moment in the game was something totally immersive and cool. I watched the cut-scene play out, then I walked around the ship, slowly checking out every inch of it. That scene, that moment, pulled me into this game like no other moment in any other game ever did or could.


I would like to challenge the development team to come up with another moment like that, for all of us.


OK, now you. What's yours?


I did the same thing!


But the best moment for me was when I got my first armor piece with hood for my sith assassin. I felt so bad *** with my red double-bladed saber and hood! Then I would enter a warzone and get pwned.

Edited by Talsalus
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Story-wise it has to be the moment where my Operative does his story line on Voss.



Before that point, I was going full dark side. When I came in touch with my inner self, I sort of felt a sense of calmness wash over me. It made me lean more towards the light.



Gameplay wise it was just a couple of days ago. We were doing Scum and Villainy HM, me on my Operative healer. It was pretty late at night and we reached the part with the Cartel Warlords. The other healer DC'd and never came back. We couldn't find another healer so we just went in to try it out with just the 7 of us.


I have never worked so hard than that moment. One person died. We beat the Warlords in the first try. I got 6 compliments :-) I never felt so awesome.

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If I really need to narrow it down to just one moment, it would be my main char (jedi sage) arriving at the forge after moving through the tunnel... the moment you walk up the hill to craft your own lightsaber and the all familiar jedi-tune chimes in... goosebump moment.


(sadly on the knight story, the crafting of the LS is spoiled by that idiotic monster climbing up in the cutscene)

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Theres a lot of them. Most of them cutscenes since those are what makes this game really special. Then I like the moments when you fight 1 on 1 in WZ with somebody and you win, thats really cool. And the third thing I like is killing Jedi, doesnt matter if PVE or PVP, I like both ways.


And I also like customizing my characters. Creating good looks is important for me and its cool moment when the job is done.

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Back in old beta when i first got to the Character Select screen, for sure.


Never gonna forget that amazing, rising and absolutely epic theme, in every respect of that word.


This part in specific just made the hairs on the back of my neck pop right out;


The heavyness and build up to 1:49 is just spectacular.

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Making my first lightsaber (with a baseball bat sized hilt lol) on my Jedi consular. It was a magical moment.


Also...basically all of the Sith Warrior storyline. I really liked the true master-apprentice feel to it. :)

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The first time i finished agent chapter 2 when you finally can kill those people from SIS.I hated them deeply and it was satisfying putting Ardun Kothe in his place.Also the whole moment is very Jason Bourne and Jack Bauer-ish.


The end of the inquisitor chapter 3.Its just an epic goosebumps moment.


Basically all agent storyline climaxes and critical moments.


When you become Mandalorian in the bounty hunter story,i had absolutely no spoilers before that,so i didn't know i was gonna become one and wondered why the bounty hunter isn't mandalorian in the first place from level 1.


When i first logged in after waiting for so long for a mmo(or another game in general) in the Kotor timeline and exploring the character creation process.

Edited by Kaedusz
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Fighting the Tatooine World Boss with my guild mates, way under level, and never having been to the planet before. Had no speeder, and no transport hubs unlocked. Everything on Tatooine, even the womp rats, could kill me just by looking at me, and I had no idea how to get to the Dune Sea.


Probably died five or six times just trying to get to the damn World Boss. And then as a group we killed it. While I appreciate that my contribution was almost certainly negligible, everything about the experience was scary, exciting and new, and I had a blast.

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