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BioWare says no more open world PvP in the making ever !!


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I'm a bit confused. We have PvP servers, aren't those open world PvP? What else are people looking for? Open world PvP on PvE servers?


Yes and no.

It's not like PvP servers are "here be open world pvp" and that's it. And people on PvE servers wan such pvp too, only difference, they want to decide on their own if they want it at this moment or not, and so there is ability to be flagged or not.


2 problems here: get people away from fleet and out into world, and make them flagged. First objective is achieved by different activites like events or seekers. Due to instance limits, those areas where players gather should be small enough to make players meet. Secon objective is relevant only for PvE servers, and is currently achieved by making players visit pvp areas.

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Yes and no.

It's not like PvP servers are "here be open world pvp" and that's it. And people on PvE servers wan such pvp too, only difference, they want to decide on their own if they want it at this moment or not, and so there is ability to be flagged or not.


2 problems here: get people away from fleet and out into world, and make them flagged. First objective is achieved by different activites like events or seekers. Due to instance limits, those areas where players gather should be small enough to make players meet. Secon objective is relevant only for PvE servers, and is currently achieved by making players visit pvp areas.


And is it right by you, to "force" undergeared/unskilled pve players to pvp areas for the pleasure of pvp players, who can feel mighty ganking on them?

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And is it right by you, to "force" undergeared/unskilled pve players to pvp areas for the pleasure of pvp players, who can feel mighty ganking on them?

It is YOURE own choise to enter the pvp zones. No body is pushing you to enter them. If you do you get flaged.

If you do not wand to be flaged just do not enter...

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That's sad. If they cared a bit about this, it could be one of the best parts of the game. I can hardly think of better environment for open pvp than Old Republic.


Please most of us don't even do PvP. If you want to get ganked, be cursed at, called idiots, etc, you do find that right here on the forums. You don't need to find it in a PvP match.

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It is YOURE own choise to enter the pvp zones. No body is pushing you to enter them. If you do you get flaged.

If you do not wand to be flaged just do not enter...


Aaand, we are back at the beginning. I would not enter, if BioWare would not put pve content there. But they do, design failure.

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Aaand, we are back at the beginning. I would not enter, if BioWare would not put pve content there. But they do, design failure.

It says PVP for the quest so it is not pve contend. and seriously theire are tons of quest to do. why are u complaining like a child about 2 damm quests.

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Really simpel, reason why call of duty games have millions of people playing them everyday is because the player vs player part is so well made, and they game objectives with them like search and destroys and capture the flag etc.

Some of these mecanics are in some MMOs as well. But bioware as a company just dont have a clue on how to do these things. They tried pre launch with ilum and we got the biggest mass exodus from the game with ilum 1.1.


Even a simpel stat system that says how many times you have killed this player, been killed by this player

have rewards that take a long time to get lets say a uniq awesome mounts etc that only can be obtained by doing these things.Simpel castle objectives with holo flags that represent republic and empire, take a objective and raise the flag and gain prestige, some like that. These are all things BioWare is not smart enough to handle so they just give up

and make a few instanced WZ instead that gets old fast.


If players have a awesome reason to pvp out in the world then the players will come bigtime as proven 1000 times

in other games that understand PvP. So in short, the developers at bioware is lazy and ignorant.


Look, you are clearly referring to FPS MMO games. Like Call of Duty 7 or Medal of Honor 11, Halo, or whatever is there, mostly on consoles.

Please understand SWTOR is not about it. It was not designed just to allow bunches of people to shoot and slash and shoot again others. it was never the idea. It is Star Wars. It is about experiencing the world, going through the class story, and not just running with a big gun shooting.


Surely you can have better fun in other games than this.

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It says PVP for the quest so it is not pve contend. and seriously theire are tons of quest to do. why are u complaining like a child about 2 damm quests.




I like to do pve quests. I do not like to be ganked while i do my quests.

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I like to do pve quests. I do not like to be ganked while i do my quests.


Well sorry for you,but then u should do them at 2 am or so. it is as it is.

Look. I pve alot. i rarley pvp but i do not complain if they kill me theire. group up with friends or guild.

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Well sorry for you,but then u should do them at 2 am or so. it is as it is.

Look. I pve alot. i rarley pvp but i do not complain if they kill me theire. group up with friends or guild.


Thank you, for understanding!

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This one says 80 million. http://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/34533/Analyst_EA_Invested_Roughly_80_Million_In_The_Old_Republic.php


It's all blog and analyst estimates. I've seen various articles suggest anywhere from 80-500 million, they've never released the actual numbers.


Also, I have another article that stats they peaked at 600 developers, and another that says about 360 developers.


Yay gaming journalism!


I've no clue how much their budget as its not my business, but I wish they would of spent the money on making their own engine instead of voice acting. But hey! I read somewhere that you can rent the hero engine for $100/year

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I like to do pve quests. I do not like to be ganked while i do my quests.


So in case you would go to a gaybar having a beer, would you tell anyone trying to flirt without to shut up and move along because just because you having a beer there means everyone has to know that you are NOT there for anything else? ....


Get real.... it's a quest in an open PvP area, that's really as easy as it gets.

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If there was a serious inquiry into what happened to the 300 million that went into development criminal charges would result.

They must have had a good time at the companies expense.

It's the only explanation when a guy like Chris Roberts can do Star Citizen for 20-30 million and this gang of hired hands can't get even the basic copy paste combat from WoW to work properly.


The first time I quit this game I logged out with 2 months on my sub this time I will log out with 1 month left you couldn't pay me to play this again.


Most absurd thing said this week. Not only was it not 300 million but what basis do you have to assert criminal charges? This is why good conversation never happens around here because THIS is how people start.

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I could give a bantha's behind about "open world pvp". I much more prefer the simplicity and balance (man power wise) of instanc WZs. In all the other games I played with "open world pvp" it was just a zerg fest. The bigger zerg always won. It was the same deal in WH, WoW and even this game when Illum was working.


If you want OW pvp then by all means find your game. Personally, I don't care. If you want OW PvP organize your own event. Playser say they want it but the cold, hard reality is that people like to queue up for the convenience and speed of WZs.


I will say that they need to add a couple more WZs and fix bolster.

Edited by Arkerus
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So in case you would go to a gaybar having a beer, would you tell anyone trying to flirt without to shut up and move along because just because you having a beer there means everyone has to know that you are NOT there for anything else? ....


Get real.... it's a quest in an open PvP area, that's really as easy as it gets.


I think there is a difference between a flirt, and being raped. I can say to a gay man, that i am not interested. Can i do the same with a gay pvp a**hole ganker, who's attacking me? Can i tell him, that i am not interested in fighting him, and am just there, to enjoy my pve beer?

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I think there is a difference between a flirt, and being raped. I can say to a gay man, that i am not interested. Can i do the same with a gay pvp a**hole ganker, who's attacking me? Can i tell him, that i am not interested in fighting him, and am just there, to enjoy my pve beer?


you being there = you agree with the enviroment

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you being there = you agree with the enviroment


So are you agreeing with that, that there are pve quests, in pvp areas and its a design failure by BioWare to put them there, to lure pve players there, or not? I am there for the quest, not for the pvp.


Is it my fault that i go there? Yes it is.

Is it my fault, that i am lured there, for the pleasure of pvp gankers? No, it's not.


That's why i said, that i hope things like this will never happen again. Huge design fail.

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So are you agreeing with that, that there are pve quests, in pvp areas and its a design failure by BioWare to put them there, to lure pve players there, or not? I am there for the quest, not for the pvp.


Is it my fault that i go there? Yes it is.

Is it my fault, that i am lured there, for the pleasure of pvp gankers? No, it's not.


That's why i said, that i hope things like this will never happen again. Huge design fail.


You don't need to do the PVP quests to max out rep for the week especially if you have more than one character able to do them.

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If there was a serious inquiry into what happened to the 300 million that went into development criminal charges would result.

They must have had a good time at the companies expense.

It's the only explanation when a guy like Chris Roberts can do Star Citizen for 20-30 million and this gang of hired hands can't get even the basic copy paste combat from WoW to work properly.


The first time I quit this game I logged out with 2 months on my sub this time I will log out with 1 month left you couldn't pay me to play this again.


You got it, buddy, and that's where I'll be.


This is my baby doll, right here:



And I cannot friggin' wait. When I'm in the middle of a firefight and I disable the intertial compensation system so that I can hit the afterburners, spin around 180° and then fire at my opponent who's following me and blast them into juicy bits of lootable cargo and a choice weapon or two to sell (or put on one of my other ships), my experience with SWTOR will be a long gone memory.


Hell, it'll be a memory the first time I can step into a pirate bar on Armitage, grab a drink, sit down at a table, and start talking with some pirate NPCs for more info on how to get to the pirate base.



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If there was a serious inquiry into what happened to the 300 million that went into development criminal charges would result.

They must have had a good time at the companies expense.

It's the only explanation when a guy like Chris Roberts can do Star Citizen for 20-30 million and this gang of hired hands can't get even the basic copy paste combat from WoW to work properly.


The first time I quit this game I logged out with 2 months on my sub this time I will log out with 1 month left you couldn't pay me to play this again.


What 300 million? Because that CERTAINLY wasn't the cost of development into this game. Nor was it anywhere close to that.


But, I suppose exaggeration helps your point, so I see why you did it.

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Geez, people.. if you are not happy with it, please so yourselves a favor and leave...let others enjoy the game.


I think there are PVP severs. Why they are not satisfying your PVP needs?


The problem with PvP servers is that Bioware developed the worlds as to prevent world pvp. It is ridiculously stupid. When I first levelled this game, I went out of my way to seek out some skirmishes on tatooine. I found some in the open desert. On hoth, there were some large bunker where you fought pirates. Got some world pvp there, as well. And finally, on Voss, the shrine of healing. That's where I got most world pvp.


There's more to world pvp than just large scale battles. World of Warcraft did a great job with Isle of Quel'Danas, Tol Barad Peninsula and now the new area in Mists of Pandaria; Isle of Thunder.


I recently returned to WoW, and my first day in Isle of Thunder yielded no small amount of wpvp encounters. It wasn't large scale, but that didn't matter. I felt paranoid as I ran around doing my quests, feeling utterly vulnerable to attack at any moment... and that is a great feeling. Makes boring dailies exciting. SWTOR could have done this with the Black Hole, but they didn't. I did some Wpvp in the Black Hole, but SWTOR's wpvp is also plagued by companions.


Open world PVP is crap, it's either a complete zerg fest or it's abused ala Ilum kill swapping etc. It's not fun.


Again, depends entirely on what kind of open world pvp you are going for. I think that WoW is doing a great job, not with the large scale battles (those are mostly played generated anyways, in form of city attacks etc) but with small scale wpvp. Skirmish pvp.


GW2 RvR was terrible, Ilum was terrible. If you put rewards on it, people abuse it. It really needs to be just for fun, but then we have Outlaw's Den for that, and no one uses it.


The Outlaw's Den has given me lots of great PvP. People on my server have organized arena events and a guild I was once in used to host training sessions there. The only problem we had was that those arena events were very popular and brought tons of spectators which really slowed down the game <.< ...


I myself have more or less given up on this game. I'm tired of being disappointed, patch after patch, and seeing no fixes to any of the issue that were here a year ago. The game's performance has taken a nosedive, too, and the only thing in the game that gets frequent attention is that *********** cartel market.

Edited by Majspuffen
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You don't need to do the PVP quests to max out rep for the week especially if you have more than one character able to do them.


Well, i do not. My failure too, i know. But you are right. Still, i think pve quests should not be put in pvp areas. There should be quests, that are by design pvp ones, and not just by some name tag, the reward they give, and the area they are in.

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Also, while I had fun on Ilum in 1.7...


I dare say the first version of Ilum was better, despite the win-trading. There were people who were there, and hellbent on causing damage. I remember joining raid groups whose intent was to ruin things for those that win-traded. It was all in a very faction-rivalry fashion.


The second version of Ilum was better, too. Just having an area to go to and do PvP aside from Warzones was great. I don't get why they shut it down.


That being said, Ilum was never good. It was decent. It functioned in the sense that it brought PvPers to an open world pvp area in the game. This new Ilum sucks. I've had fun there, but only because I play by my own rules. And those rules were that I wouldn't attack my own faction. I was playing Rep, too, on the "weak faction". As I prefer. Leads to more interesting pvp than playing with the stronger faction.

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