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A complete lack of armor that looks good.


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So, I have a pet peeve about SWTOR, I LOVE the game, but, there is one thing I hate about it. The armor, aesthetically. Let's see what you have to look forward to.


Bounty hunter- Level 1-55 all of your armor will look pretty much the same. There are very, very few outliers, and a majority of the time you'll be using the same style chest piece in one of the ten million different recolors of THE SAME SET OF ARMOR!


Sith Inquisitor- Here you have a choice! You have either have shoulder pads bigger than you are, or you can have an exposed brain. Yay you.


Sith Warrior- Welcome to the realm of unrealistically triangular capes that hold their shape despite the fact it makes no logical sense. Also, permanently hide your helm, unless you have a thing for looking like a hideous robot.


Imperial Agent - You're the 'pretty' ones on the empire. but 90% of the time you're going to look like the natzi bad guy from hellboy.



Jedi sage - Hide your helm. Forever. Never show it. Ever. You have the derpiest head gear in the game, so be sure to pick a face you like for your character.


Jedi Knight - You have the second best looking armor in the game. This REALLY isn't saying much, though. Hope you like hideous space samurai armor.


Trooper - You're worse off than the bounty hunters. You have exactly one set of armor, and all of it is a clone of every other piece of armor. The only differences you will ever find, are in the random accessories pinned into your chest or helmet.


Smugglers - You are the only half decent looking class in the game. Pat yourself on the back, you get to wear awesome gear like this: http://www.swtor-fever.com/wp-content/gallery/smuggler-armor/smuggleroutfit1.jpg

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So, I have a pet peeve about SWTOR, I LOVE the game, but, there is one thing I hate about it. The armor, aesthetically. Let's see what you have to look forward to.


Bounty hunter- Level 1-55 all of your armor will look pretty much the same. There are very, very few outliers, and a majority of the time you'll be using the same style chest piece in one of the ten million different recolors of THE SAME SET OF ARMOR!


Sith Inquisitor- Here you have a choice! You have either have shoulder pads bigger than you are, or you can have an exposed brain. Yay you.


Sith Warrior- Welcome to the realm of unrealistically triangular capes that hold their shape despite the fact it makes no logical sense. Also, permanently hide your helm, unless you have a thing for looking like a hideous robot.


Imperial Agent - You're the 'pretty' ones on the empire. but 90% of the time you're going to look like the natzi bad guy from hellboy.



Jedi sage - Hide your helm. Forever. Never show it. Ever. You have the derpiest head gear in the game, so be sure to pick a face you like for your character.


Jedi Knight - You have the second best looking armor in the game. This REALLY isn't saying much, though. Hope you like hideous space samurai armor.


Trooper - You're worse off than the bounty hunters. You have exactly one set of armor, and all of it is a clone of every other piece of armor. The only differences you will ever find, are in the random accessories pinned into your chest or helmet.


Smugglers - You are the only half decent looking class in the game. Pat yourself on the back, you get to wear awesome gear like this: http://www.swtor-fever.com/wp-content/gallery/smuggler-armor/smuggleroutfit1.jpg


They tried it in WoW.....then came naked dwarf racing......was not pretty at all.

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Looking good is a huge part of games for me. I need to look halfway decent. Which is nearly impossible to do on imperial side, and even harder if you are female, because all of the armor is clearly designed for males.


When you say "clearly designed for males" are you referring to the weird stretching effect that happens whenever pockets go near breasts, the way that armour plates are designed around breasts (rather than actually sitting like they do in real life) or something else?


And we definitely have different tastes, as to me (and many of my guildies, in fact) the Imperial armours are vastly superior to their Republic counterparts.

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So, I have a pet peeve about SWTOR, I LOVE the game, but, there is one thing I hate about it. The armor, aesthetically. Let's see what you have to look forward to.


Bounty hunter- Level 1-55 all of your armor will look pretty much the same. There are very, very few outliers, and a majority of the time you'll be using the same style chest piece in one of the ten million different recolors of THE SAME SET OF ARMOR!


Sith Inquisitor- Here you have a choice! You have either have shoulder pads bigger than you are, or you can have an exposed brain. Yay you.


Sith Warrior- Welcome to the realm of unrealistically triangular capes that hold their shape despite the fact it makes no logical sense. Also, permanently hide your helm, unless you have a thing for looking like a hideous robot.


Imperial Agent - You're the 'pretty' ones on the empire. but 90% of the time you're going to look like the natzi bad guy from hellboy.



Jedi sage - Hide your helm. Forever. Never show it. Ever. You have the derpiest head gear in the game, so be sure to pick a face you like for your character.


Jedi Knight - You have the second best looking armor in the game. This REALLY isn't saying much, though. Hope you like hideous space samurai armor.


Trooper - You're worse off than the bounty hunters. You have exactly one set of armor, and all of it is a clone of every other piece of armor. The only differences you will ever find, are in the random accessories pinned into your chest or helmet.


Smugglers - You are the only half decent looking class in the game. Pat yourself on the back, you get to wear awesome gear like this: http://www.swtor-fever.com/wp-content/gallery/smuggler-armor/smuggleroutfit1.jpg


Serious reply.


I have to disagree with you OP.


I agree that we need more good looking armor (some of it is really bad -columi BH gear), but with the "rise of the cartel", color matching, there are some nice sets out there. I currently have sith: Healer, tank, ranged dps, Jug. On the other side I have a consular healer, ranged, tank and a Sentinel.


That's 8, and they all look pretty awesome, and all completely different. Even their light sabers are all different and tuned to their gear colors. You will have to pay for it (GTN or Cartel), and go fully mod armor, but you can make some very nice looks with what is out there. Even my Sniper looks very unique, more like a Mercenary sniper then an imperial.

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Serious reply.


I have to disagree with you OP.


I agree that we need more good looking armor (some of it is really bad -columi BH gear), but with the "rise of the cartel", color matching, there are some nice sets out there. I currently have sith: Healer, tank, ranged dps, Jug. On the other side I have a consular healer, ranged, tank and a Sentinel.


That's 8, and they all look pretty awesome, and all completely different. Even their light sabers are all different and tuned to their gear colors. You will have to pay for it (GTN or Cartel), and go fully mod armor, but you can make some very nice looks with what is out there. Even my Sniper looks very unique, more like a Mercenary sniper then an imperial.


Yup, those are my problems with the female armor. That, and just about every set of armor, event the hideous ones, look better on male characters.

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Looking good is a huge part of games for me. I need to look halfway decent. Which is nearly impossible to do on imperial side, and even harder if you are female, because all of the armor is clearly designed for males.


Look harder OP. I have all males with two female "bank mules" and even they look hot, and for peanuts. Couple of the companions have gone the other way with more traditional armor and you can mix and match those up pretty nice also.


Go on the GTN and use the preview window, start matching, color matching different aspects of the armors and see if you can find yourself a unique set.

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I love how fitted, professional uniforms are somehow a Natzi thing in the eyes of some people.


Agent gets plenty of great outfits! Especially in the uniform department. I've got at least 4 good looking variants on the traditional Imperial aesthetic, two or three 'don't mind me, I'm just an innocent bystander' looks, plus the Collector's Edition Imperial Trooper Armor. There's a lot more out there than just that, naturally- These are just the ones I like enough to keep a copy of in my cargo bay.

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Look harder OP. I have all males with two female "bank mules" and even they look hot, and for peanuts. Couple of the companions have gone the other way with more traditional armor and you can mix and match those up pretty nice also.


Go on the GTN and use the preview window, start matching, color matching different aspects of the armors and see if you can find yourself a unique set.


Blackardin speaks the truth here.

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What they need to do is make all armor adaptive accept for class locked armor and give us a whole new variety of mix and match appearance options.


Perhaps sell adaptive kits on the CM that we can then place inside of or use to click on a piece of non class locked armor to make it adaptive?

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There's plenty of beautiful armor in this game, you just have to look for it. My bank alt has 5 tabs of gear sets and I spend hours each day mixing and matching things to find my own unique look. And it's still possible even if you're a Star Wars purist like me that accepts nothing less than my characters looking like the iconic characters of their respective classes.


Here's my Mercenary: http://i.imgur.com/srW9kZz.jpg


You're correct that the majority of end-game gear is absolutely hideous, though.

Edited by Jenzali
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Yup, those are my problems with the female armor. That, and just about every set of armor, event the hideous ones, look better on male characters.

its because the art department is lazy... ALL armor int he game is built around the Male Body type 2 frame then just scaled to fit the rest.


That is also why most armor looks really good on Female body 3 as its the same frame as male 2 with teh adition of a bigger butt breasts and a smaller waist.. its teh closest thing to body 2 male without being male.



It all comes down to EA not putting money into the art department for them to fit armor to each body type.

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Please don't tell me you dyed Vendetta blue. If you have, I'll have to hunt you down and kill you, absorb your Sniper powers and become the Ultimate Agent.


its because the art department is lazy... ALL armor int he game is built around the Male Body type 2 frame then just scaled to fit the rest.


See, this I can believe because the rest of the game (story) is designed for men, so why not the armour as well?


I mean, have you seen the so-called "bras" on the Dancer sets? They look more like pasties than cups.

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Jedi Knight - You have the second best looking armor in the game. This REALLY isn't saying much, though. Hope you like hideous space samurai armor.


Actually, as a joke thrown back to the original derivation of the Jedi, I would like to see a set of customizable armor like a samurai do-maru, particularly if it came in variations with different lacing patterns.

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I've had some success for a pants wearing heavy helmet havin' Shadow believe it or not. The trick for me was to mix and match and then slap some dye on it. I really dig my look now. Won't change a thing! Most of the light headgear is pretty weird (especially on a male toon) but there's lots of cool Cartel stuff on GTN that you can get these days.
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While this is annoying to some, I gave up on trying to find good looking stuff outside of the CC items. Now I have the Jedi Valiant and Thana Vesh sets and I could not care less about any other armors on my jedi/sith toons. They just both so look amazingly awesome.


As for non-force classes, I actually like some of the BH and Agent stuff, especially the BH stuff as it looks like armour plated instead of the plastic trooper stuff. For Agent, the Tionese set looks great.


Most of my toons are female, if that makes a difference. It comes down to taste I suppose but I don't have an issue with looks anymore, thanks mostly to the cartel market.

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For most characters, the only good headgear is Hide Head Slot. My Gunslinger is currently wearing a hat that looks like the love-child of a paper airplane and an old-timey leather football helmet. Or, rather, would look like that if I didn't keep it hidden.


At least her chestpiece looks good. Synthmesh Battle Jacket. It's a tan longcoat with goggles hanging around the neck. It's my favorite Smuggler chestpiece, and I got it way back on Tatooine, from the easiest heroic quest ever.


I got an extra for Risha, and I've got her wearing it with a color-matched Genteel Dress skirt. Along with her sniper rifle and her pseudo-Victorian helmet-hair, it gives her this cool "prairie wife" look.


I also got one for Guss, but it really didn't look right on him. He can't wear those goggles. And how did he even get them pulled down over that huge, bulbous melon? And they looked really uncomfortable around his neck; I felt like I should be the one asking him, "Can you breathe?".

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