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Leveling to 50 - it's way too fast


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Leveling is fine, please dont change that, I have a kid and only play about 2 hours every other day and i am loving the progress i get from just 2 hours of playing. I hated mmos for the sole reason that leveling takes so long and all that time and effort, hours and hours of playing got you...nothing!! I hated it, this is the first mmo where the story is interesting, it involves my favorite franchise, and the leveling is perfect. Bioware did a great job making this game for everyone, not those that have the time to dedicate more time to it. Plus there are multiple stories from other characters that allows me to repeat the same leveling process that I've been already doing and let me still stay interested in the story. That's just me though..this is honestly the first mmo that I've played where I have lasted more than 10 hours of cumilative gameplay.
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  • 4 weeks later...

Leveling is just fine. Any slower and normal people with casual hours who are the bulk of the consumer market will quit out of frustration after spending months before reaching max level.


You could halve the amount of XP awarded and double the level to 100 and the so called "hard core" would still mountain dew their way to max in a week and complain about it.

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oh hell no ive been playing alot i do like half the quest and im a level 37 guardian i play warzones and do flashpoints all the time i have 6 days on the game seriously how do you get to level 50 in 3


I did two chars to lvl 50 in roughyl 2 weeks, not going at it too hardcore, got full champ on my assassin in 1 1/2 weeks following. Its not difficult expecially if you have a nice guild that helps you out. Not saying they PWR lvled , but def helps on the pvp part once i hit 50 throwin me in their premades made things go Reaaaaaaaaaaallll quick

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I feel the leveling should be slower for sure. I play casually and would not mind if it took me longer to level. It makes it all the sweeter when you reach lvl 50. With that said, the game would need to have more content (quests) to allow you to level slower, and that takes time.
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I'm only like level 12. Had the game for a while now, but just don't have much time to spend playing it. I like it though, nice break when it happens, but I did do an instance on my Sith Marauder last night and got yelled at for "taking too long" with my replies.


It seems, already, there are too many people speeding through the storyline.

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I'm only like level 12. Had the game for a while now, but just don't have much time to spend playing it. I like it though, nice break when it happens, but I did do an instance on my Sith Marauder last night and got yelled at for "taking too long" with my replies.


It seems, already, there are too many people speeding through the storyline.


The "Storyline" quests are not that long, when you mix them in everything else sure, but people arent speeding through, the storyline quests dont account for very much XP as far as leveling goes, those are the ones that take forever to complete, and people who are simply pwrleveling skip those for the most part unless they are in same area as other quests.

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That's funny. You can level to 75 in LotRO (the original cap was 50) faster than you can hit 50 in SWTOR. I kind of like that there's too much PVE leveling content at the moment. When I was leveling my sage, I skipped Nar Shaddaa, Quesh, Voss, and Corellia (except for the class missions), nor could I complete the Alderaan or Hoth bonus missions. I'll visit all those planets I skipped on my guardian alt and probably skip Alderaan and Hoth this time. In a way, even though I'm still playing on the Republic side, I get to experience completely different stories. If I don't like an area, I don't have to play through it.


But when it comes to how long it takes to level up, it's just a difference of opinion, and there's really no point debating it. I thought roughly a week of playtime was acceptable for hitting the level cap (I did not hit the level cap in Aion for three months because 1) that game sucked all the joy out of MMOs and 2) you completely ran out of quests about level 48 and had to grind mobs for the last two levels, a process which took about a day of playtime by itself).


But for players who wish to take longer to level up, maybe Bioware could implement several options concerning XP gains.


Option 1: completely disable XP gains

Option 2: disable XP gains on mobs/missions beneath your current level

Option 3: a sliding scale where you can choose, from 0-100%, what percent of XP you'd like to receive from mobs/missions (an alternative would be a "half XP" option, which would be pretty close to requiring you to experience all of the PVE content to level up)

Option 4: normal XP gains

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Option 1: completely disable XP gains

Option 2: disable XP gains on mobs/missions beneath your current level

Option 3: a sliding scale where you can choose, from 0-100%, what percent of XP you'd like to receive from mobs/missions (an alternative would be a "half XP" option, which would be pretty close to requiring you to experience all of the PVE content to level up)

Option 4: normal XP gains



Well you kinda just confirmed this is a single player game and you have to choose difficulty level ;)


Aight I know I know... hehe I just couldnt restrain myself :D

Edited by Nullermand
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I can see the same issue as in the Beta version of the game: leveling to 50 is way too fast.


*good and very truthful stuff but editted for room*


Everything you say is true and I sent in many feedbacks in beta telling Bioware this issue.


I think the game actually got easier and faster after Beta closed down to be honest.




Sadly you dont even have to do the Space and PVP to be that far ahead.


EVERY single Republic character I have made since Beta (and including a beta character) has hit Alderaan with the planet completely greyed out from word go.


With my lastest Trooper, I just hit Nar Shaddaa and its Greyed out except for the heroic portion of Red Light District (which is the 2nd area of that planet). I have no delussion that once I finish Nar Shaddaa and bonus series and move onto Tattoine, tatooine will also be greyed out as I will have over leveled it.


I have done zero space, zero pvp, Esseles (once when at level) and Hammerstation and Athis once (I was at high end of level range as did it with 1 other rather then a 4 person group for those 2 flashpoints)


Sadly (and I havent read any responces to you) I know whats being said


"Blah blah blah you dont need to do all the content"

"Blah blah blah I like being able to pick what I do"

"Blah blah blah gaming is made for casuals now"

"Blah blah blah you can still do all the content when its greyed out"

"Blah blah blah MMORPGs start at end game anyways"

"Blah blah blah I have a job, a kid, a life and deserve to level fast with no effort cause lord forbid I be entertained before hitting max level"


Its the same old talking head nonsense of the memememememe crowd that think its better others have bad experiences if it means they are not challenged, tested, or slowed down. I really love the "I have a kid or job or school or what ever" posts. Like they the only ones employed out there or with families. The time you play in a game should have no baring on how fast you reach max level (IE: Games shouldnt be dumbed down to speed it up). Games should have content and activities so you have stuff to do at level 1-10-20-40-50. Thats all. NO GAME should ever be dumbed down because someone who CHOOSES (and yes its a choice regarding how much time you play) to play less wants faster growth. What about all those players that CHOOSE to play lots. Why are they less important? What about all those casuals who CHOOSE to less but what their journey, regardless how long it is, to be meaningfull. NOT EVERY CASUAL PLAYER suffers from ADD and wants the instant max. Frankly most casuals I have ever met want good and interesting storytelling regardless how long it might take to level up. Leveling up is NOT the goal or objective, a interesting journey is.


This genre is going down the toilet so fast. EA puts out cheerleading facebook posts about selling 2 million copies of TOR but doesnt release stats of how many have really resubed other then the first month when you expect high resub numbers.


Id be very interested to see the cancelation rate after 2 months, after 3 months after 6 months, after 9 months, after 1 year because I dont see this game holding people long term. There is no hook. You DONT identify or feel connected to your character, so its easy to walk away.


As Ive said many other times, this game is a home run single player RPG with some multiplayer functions but as a MMORPG, its simply NOT.


This game, with Biowares reputation (prior to the EA take over and all the Bioware people leaving so now we have EA Edmonton and EA Austin really) combined with the Star Wars IP as a draw should easily be doing 3 million sales with at least a 80% retention past the first month if designed properly based on what we have learned over the last 21 years (not last 7 years only). But this is not that games and Im actually sad about that as I WANT SO DESPERATELY TO LOVE THIS GAME!


The Old Republic is the right time era

Star Wars is the right IP

Fully voiced is the right quest progression

Crew Skills (at their base core concept) are a masterful idea (though completely mishandled in TOR)

Companions are the future of MMORPGs (Tho completely under utilized and not taken to their natural and obvious full extention in TOR)


So much going right for TOR and yet its a obvious Foul Ball swing.


Leveling to 50 is far to fast

Crafting to 400 is far to fast

Maxing companion affection far to fast

maxing lightside/darkside far to fast


This game simply is designed by people (for people) who have no patience and are void of feeling connections to their characters and enviroment. They think its all about leveling and items, like Rift did, like WOW did.


This new version of EA Bioware simply doesnt understand RPGs. That was pretty obvious in ME2 when the magic of game was gutted for fast shooter mechanics. DA2 was a complete insult to any gamer with a sliver of self respect. And TOR follows that patern.


Amazing single player RPG.

To bad its marketted and sold as a MMOrpg.


OK fanbois, you can come in with the standard recycled talking points now.

Edited by Kalfear
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Yes, leveling is too fast in SWTOR. It's the only MMO I have ever said that about. However, the 1-49 game is just that good (and Level 50 is just that bad).


And that sums it up for the most of us who has been here from day 1. It was THAT good leveling. And yes it was THAT bad hitting 50! The game ended.... just as any other good single player game would... except they let us play on, with endgame content that would require UNIQUE force sensitivity and UNLIMITED power to grasp. Wich obviously none of us has....

Edited by Nullermand
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It's possible to out-level the content if you do other content, yes, but I think they wanted the leveling to still work for players who don't do the flashpoints, heroics, warzones, space combat, or anything else other than the quests. If you do anything else, you're going to level faster.


As to whether level 50 comes to fast or not, how many hours does it take for someone who does just the regular questing? 40? 100? I've probably put in 20 or so and I'm level 19. I think it's about right.


That is exactly it.The game is designed for different players.It is about player choice.Unfortunately some think it is only about them and how they choose to play.That is why you see all these nerf threads.The player has control over their leveling.

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Took me 250 hours to reach lvl 50. Yes, I'm a slow player although I'm sure majority of the time were spent listening to conversations and cut scenes both of which I enjoyed very much.


If I had played 3 hours a day that's 83 days for one class. Fortunately, I was on my break so it only took me a month. Why ppl say it's slow I would never understand. Spending months on one game is quite a lot.

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Yes, leveling is too fast in SWTOR. It's the only MMO I have ever said that about. However, the 1-49 game is just that good (and Level 50 is just that bad).



leveling is too slow,

we need a power leveling from 1~50 in ONE day,

cause BW don't provide us a free transfer system from a ghost town server!!!!!

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No way, leave my leveling speed alone.


I play like 1 hour a day, i don't want to have to grind for fricken weeks to get a few levels.


I love how it doesn't feel like i have to have no life to get ahead and level in this game.


I totally agree. I have a full time job and things I have to do. I also have alt-itus. I will eventually have a good and evil version of each class (inquisitor, warrior, etc). The real appeal of this game is the story not the grind. I want to experience and create as many stories as I can. I will be playing these toons for a while even after they hit max just to experience the extra content and stories as they are revealed. I don't know why so many people want this game to be a job. Nine to five, all week long and you can leave a planet....

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That is exactly it.The game is designed for different players.It is about player choice.Unfortunately some think it is only about them and how they choose to play.That is why you see all these nerf threads.The player has control over their leveling.


But do they?

As somebody else said, just sticking to your class, planet and bonus missions and "killing" whilst travelling or during these missions will result in you being at the top-end of the planets "level" on arrival. The only exception being the first planet you visit after the starter planet as you'll usually hit this at around Level 11/12.

So without doing Space Missions, PvP, Heroic 2's, Heroic 4's & Flashpoints (all the things that make this MO an actual MMO) will result in missions just about being Green to you.

If you add in any of the things listed above you'll level too quickly and find major quests start turning grey.


So really - the player has no control over levelling. They play the game as intended, to be a multiplayer game and you simply level to quickly.


I expect during the very last development phases Games-Testers at BW would have had to play a character from Level 1-50 so they could check the game works, the story works etc.

How none of them turned around and said "Wait a moment....you do level up at a quite alarming rate" I really don't know. It was painfully obvious to the beta testers and even those who played those final two "open weekends" must have realised there was a problem when they were getting to insane levels after only 4 days of playing.

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But do they?

As somebody else said, just sticking to your class, planet and bonus missions and "killing" whilst travelling or during these missions will result in you being at the top-end of the planets "level" on arrival. The only exception being the first planet you visit after the starter planet as you'll usually hit this at around Level 11/12.

So without doing Space Missions, PvP, Heroic 2's, Heroic 4's & Flashpoints (all the things that make this MO an actual MMO) will result in missions just about being Green to you.

If you add in any of the things listed above you'll level too quickly and find major quests start turning grey.


So really - the player has no control over levelling. They play the game as intended, to be a multiplayer game and you simply level to quickly.


I expect during the very last development phases Games-Testers at BW would have had to play a character from Level 1-50 so they could check the game works, the story works etc.

How none of them turned around and said "Wait a moment....you do level up at a quite alarming rate" I really don't know. It was painfully obvious to the beta testers and even those who played those final two "open weekends" must have realised there was a problem when they were getting to insane levels after only 4 days of playing.


I was a Beta tester from July on.Doing class,quest and bonus quest I was actually under leveled all thru beta.I didn't do the lev 40 at Alderran or NS 31 lev series.Being 37 level at Belsaris was wrong answer.

To the present.Since I started pvp 3 weeks ago I have been over leveled but within bounds of doing all quest.

The thing is not all will do the extra content.The game is designed for people who just want to do class and regular quest also.They will be in the limits or just below.If a person wants to do it all then they either have to limit some of the content or deal with being over leveled.It is up to the player as it should be.If you do 10 pvp wzs and heroics and FS then good chance you with be over planet designated levels big time.It is like going to a buffet.It is up to you what you put on your plate.


Just a note:Four days many were not at insane levels.Some maybe not the majority as far as I know.One of the reasons BW had premade 40s.People were not leveling up quick enough to test high level areas.

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I see it this way :

- first character. I did everything PvE ground-related (normal quests including bonuses, 2+ heroics, 4-heroic, all FPs at least once). No stealth so no way to circumvent most fights. No space missions, no PvP. I reached level cap during the bonus series on Voss. I played in a duo constantly (and got 2-man bonus XP). This character was played at a fast pace and was almost never in rested XP.


- second character : start the same way, but no FPs except Esseles, and no bonus series. All heroics 2+, no Hero-4. No PvP. Midway through Alderaan, I decide to drop the optional quests as well, and I did not do the world arc either on Hoth, Voss and Corellia. On the other hand, I did space missions fairly regularly. I reached level cap on Corellia. This character had rested XP all the way through.


- third character : start the same way, but no FP except Esseles and Athiss. No bonus series. I did the world arc and optional missions, plus space missions. Almost no heroics (neither 2+ nor 4). Still no PvP. Rested XP all the time. Full solo experience. The character is currently almost level 43 and is on Quesh [level 36-37]. I intend to bypass Hoth almost completely except for the class story and catch up on Belsavis (because the world arc opens up the daily quests later on).


And I thank the devs that, after the first playthrough, I can actually pick the parts I want to do and leave out those I do not want to grind through one more time. If anything, I think there should be *more* class-specific levelling content (more companion quests, especially, but also a denser class story).


And I think I am in the core target audience for Bioware - those who want to focus on the part that is unique to each character (class story, mostly) and pick what they want from the rest of the content - the design assumption being that the core audience *would* create and level multiple characters and that requiring a player to go through the full world content each time because of XP requirements was counter-productive.

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The leveling is too fast in my opinion and one side effect is that people spent on one planet far shorter time than they would otherwise, which contributes somewhat to the "empty planets" we see complaints about.


I try to do everything I can when it comes to quests and do everything when it is still green. I don't succeed in the latter fully, but even when a planet's main quest lines are always green when I arrive, I usually end up doing only a handful quests at most when they are grey. Just have to do them in the correct order and avoid killing enemies when I don't have to.


I have almost finished Hoth main quest and Alderaan bonus series - both still green - at level 46. The next step would be Belsavis. I'm probably 47 when I get there. One result from this is that solo questing tends to be pretty easy - and from several companion quests I have been getting just 5 experience, even when I have bought gifts liberally.


At this point, reducing exp from quests is probably out of the question, so I propose that BW would instead just change the time when the quests go grey. For example, make a new lighter green rank for two levels during which the quests give half of the full exp for them or at least give one extra normal exp level more.

Edited by Rouge
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The leveling might be too fast, but the combat seems too slow. Too many abilities with 2 second timers, etc.


Personally I think the leveling is too slow, however, I have never managed to stick with a toon past lvl 41, as somehow I loose interest in them, mainly due to combat difficulties. Perhaps this game just isn't for me - IDK.

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I wish that we could turn off our experience bar yet keep accruing legacy experience if that makes any sense. Like others, I'm a completionist and like to do all the quests on a planet. Unfortunately, most of them turn green or grey and then I'm off to the next planet where unfortuantely everything has turned green. I don't PvP so can imagine that would make my leveling experience even more frustrating.
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I wish that we could turn off our experience bar yet keep accruing legacy experience if that makes any sense. Like others, I'm a completionist and like to do all the quests on a planet. Unfortunately, most of them turn green or grey and then I'm off to the next planet where unfortuantely everything has turned green. I don't PvP so can imagine that would make my leveling experience even more frustrating.


you are aware you can still do quests when they are green or gray...right?

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