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Leveling to 50 - it's way too fast


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Shameless bump to myself.. ahem.


as for the whole level 50 thing they could do what most games do and just stop XP gains.. or do what wow kinda does and convert XP to credits (Isn't that only quest xp?)


Well, wouldn't it then be better to stay at lvl 49, with the slider in the bottom, to grind some "phat lootz"? I am not dissing the idea in anyway, I actually find it quite interesting, I am just worrying about balancing it so we dont see an inflation in items and credits that could have been avoided.

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That wont help me, becuse I am going to want to pvp with my alts, to do space missions with my alts, to do flashpoints with my alts. And then, once again, my class quests will be trivial.


Now personally I enjoy it, to an extent, when I have 'trivialized' some of my quests.


In fact I do this on purpose in many RPS games.. First thing I do when i get a new RPG is grind my life away in the beginning of the game. and then i will usually be OP for most of the game after that.


My preferred strat for a tough RPG boss, grind till they are easy.


I know this is not what everyone likes, but I do.

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Now personally I enjoy it, to an extent, when I have 'trivialized' some of my quests.


In fact I do this on purpose in many RPS games.. First thing I do when i get a new RPG is grind my life away in the beginning of the game. and then i will usually be OP for most of the game after that.


My preferred strat for a tough RPG boss, grind till they are easy.


I know this is not what everyone likes, but I do.


I do this to an extent aswell. Mostly when something difficult is coming up, or I feel that I just want the story to move on without having to worry that much. But I want that to be my choice, not something that is "forced" upon me.


And I know it is not technicaly forced on me, but saying "you cant do this and that and that" without making the "main" content trivial, to me thats forcing me to choose between two bad options.

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I would simply say you are probably playing way more on average per day than there average player. To do all quests, a couple flight missions, a flashpoint, and a couple warfronts in a day would make me think you are playing 5+ hrs a day. I may be wrong and you may just be verry efficient. Are you watching all of the dialog? No? Then you arent the average user (meaning you played in beta, know the story, and are skipping stuff intended to be a timesink).


I dunno maybe I'm wrong but it feels slower leveling than it did in wow and rift which feel by far faster than here. Took me a week to get to 50 in rift and I never played beta. I'm not even 30 here and tomorrow will be a week.


This. No way its too fast. I'm barely above 30 and I started on the 17th. and really that will be majority of players even if they do not speak up on the forums. You got to play the same game 5+ hours each and every day to be 50 already.

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No OP its not too fast, your just spending entirely too much time grinding away at the game.


Heres an idea. Turn your computer off, go outside, get some fresh air, now go back inside. take a shower and change the 5 day old clothes youve been wearing. now, this is very important. shave and then go down to your local Mcdonalds and apply for a job.


Wala, leveling is no longer too fast.

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While it might seem that you outlevel the new zones with ease (happened to me also) it does seem to somewhat even out in the later planets.


I used to be "hardcore" when it came to leveling, now with a job, holiday festivities and whatnot, I can't play as much as before, but it still took me only 13 days of "casual" sessions to hit 50.



The game has been designed as a single-player experience ONLY.


Oh wait you're serious, lemme laugh even harder... stay classy biodrones.

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Well, wouldn't it then be better to stay at lvl 49, with the slider in the bottom, to grind some "phat lootz"? I am not dissing the idea in anyway, I actually find it quite interesting, I am just worrying about balancing it so we dont see an inflation in items and credits that could have been avoided.


I will clarify.

My idea is to only allow someone to drop their XP gain by a certain amount. Not completely.


And you are correct either way cause lowered XP would allow more items into the world, maybe making it so these extra item are only Bind on pickup.

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I think levelling is fine, in comparison to some other MMOs. I know there is a huge gripe about comparing MMORPGs, but you compare everything else in life.


The speed is fine, I think the real development obviously is when everyone is maxed levelled. What will there be to do after you've reached this area. This is where another huge part of the development comes in besides the idea of the quest lines.

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On my server, there are already many players who have reached level 50, PvP rank 50, and have the full PvP set... just 2 weeks after the early launch and 1 week after the official launch. Go figure.


It's way too fast.


Too fast? Says who? Dude, just enjoy the game and don't give a rats arse what level everyone else is at, that's why there are tons of other classes and story archs to choose from... you can choose to be good, evil, in the middle.


EVERY GAME will have power levelers. So be it. Who cares.

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Too fast? Says who? Dude, just enjoy the game and don't give a rats arse what level everyone else is at, that's why there are tons of other classes and story archs to choose from... you can choose to be good, evil, in the middle.


EVERY GAME will have power levelers. So be it. Who cares.


To be honest I'm absolutely convinced that the future of SWToR is not in rolling another toon, but rather in high end PvE AND open world PvP content. Bugs must be fixed as well, as there are tons of medium to severe bugs left in this game, and they are really annoying now.


Achieving the content of the game must be done at a reasonable pace, in order to give the developer teams the time they need to polish the next content to be delivered, and in order to give the players interesting objectives and mid-term challenges.


I know that some players want all that first released content and want it now, but at the end they won't be satisfied it they can have it too easily. And this is exactly what is happening when you can see players being level 50 with all your PvP armor set on, in just two weeks.


The win-win goal is to offer content that takes more time to be completed.

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I got in on EGA and leveled 6 different classes into the mid-teens before I settled on a marauder. I have played nearly every day since launch and just hit level 50 today. The speed at which you go from 1-50 is just fine.


Moreover, in other games such as WoW, you can level from 1-85 in 1 week with all the xp buffs.


So please stop these stupid whining posts. Perhaps if people were just banned and the posts deleted that would solve this problem so we could actually focus on stuff that matters with the game.

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Part of the problem is that modern MMOs aren't so much adventure games anymore as social ladders.


Levelling in the original Everquest was hell. There were no quest givers in the sense we have now, you had to physically talk to NPCs by typing, and read what they said to identify keywords which lead to quests ... essentially, it was a MUD with graphics. And you lost a huge chunk of XP when you died...even a level if you were close enough. And you had to run back from your bind spot to reclaim your corpse. Naked. Or face losing all your cool gear.


The thing is, that game was utterly fantastic, and probably the last real MMO Adventure game. It put the fear of God into you - exploring had real risks...there were no maps, no breadcrumbs to follow. The world was littered with rare creatures and rare drops - some people would camp sometimes for days to get an extremely rare NoDrop (bind on pickup) item. It was hard, but it's a truism that the best rewards come from hard work...you really appreciated the sound of the level Ding, it was something to actually celebrate.


These are different games though. They're not aimed at a couple hundred thousand hardcore RPG adventure lovers, they're aimed at the millions of casual and Generation X social gamers ...not that Everquest wasn't social, it was more social in fact, by virtue of the fact that zones were packed full of other players...no instances!...and because it was hard, there was a lot more grouping and playing together.


It is what it is. So long as it's fun, who cares?

Edited by Pigeye
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So what you guys really want:


A game that takes 6 months to level cap, grinding 8-10hrs of game play a day.


Another 3 months to gear cap playing 10-15hrs a day.


You want gold/credits to be incredibly rare things so your perception of economy will mean something to you.


You do not want anyone playing the game who can not devote the same amount of time to the game as you.




Oh, OK, well I'll tell ya what: if you don't like what SWTOR has to offer then go make your own.

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I have no problem with the time it takes to level, that seems just fine for me. It takes a good while, without it being boring. What I take issue with is that you make so much content trivial by outleveling it if you do anything other then your class quests and some sidequests. If you do PvP, flashpoints, and most of the heroics, you are going to find yourself at a much higher level then the content on the planet where your class quest are.


That is why I would like an XP toggle, or XP slider, so I can limit the amount of XP I gain, so that I can keep experiencing a world without making it trivial and unchallenging. And would allow me to play with my char for a bit, perhaps redo a flashpoint or some PvP, without leaving my friends behind in terms of level.

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