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Leveling to 50 - it's way too fast


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They weren't expecting everyone to break their spacebar in half. They underestimated the love for instant gratification among this new generation of gamers.


I'm guilty of this as well. I catch myself mashing the spacebar on quests I haven't even done yet.


It's a shame, because the cutscenes I have watched have been pretty good. But I only have so much time to play and I want to move on up to stay competative. Time consuming story does not replace content in the MMO world. This stuff would be fine in a single player game because that's really the only reason to play single player, the story.


I have been doing this aswell, sadly. Actually been doing it on some of my story mission! :eek::( And I feel really bad about it... The reason being that I do all the sidequests, and other things, and thus outlevel the content. And then I feel stressed to get to the next planet, to fight bigger things that might challange me more. It's a sad day for me :(

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It sems to be the new way of MMO's I remember when 6 months in I am just getting to max level. And most of that was grinding. Now we want it in a week.


Although that said the story often drives me to play faster. My character has been poisoned and needs a cure - oh well better push on. My Character is being hunted and needs to build a power base - oh well better push on. Every mision describes its self as urgent.


Personaly I think leveling is to easy. But then again its our own fault. After getting to level 50 in 7 days. I am playing through again maybe 2-3 hours a day and trust me I wont be lv 50 on that char for months, Its also more enjoyable not just because the BH story is better than ther JK or SI.

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This game is all about having alts I think :)


Possibly but I will be honest with you. No matter what form of RPG or MMORPG i play I find myself going to one specific class A TANK. I go to the battle and I stand there hacking until it's dead. My play style gives me the upmost enjoyment out of that class and whenever I find myself trying other classes I find myself bored and ultimatley wondering when I can go back to the tank.


So I may give the alts a try but only because of the story but likley not else as I definatley do not find myself relishing the idea of being a trooper or smuggler or whatever especially in a starwars universe.


Give me Lightsabers or give me death! haha


(My Alt Character is a Sith Warrior.) see my point


I also realize this is my opinion and not shared by everyone and i'm fine with it haha

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This thread needs a bump, before it is lost in the deep, dark water...


Anywho, what kind of ideas have we had here recently?


- Decrease XP gain

The idea steems from it being to quick to reach max level. For me, that is not a problem. The problem is that one quickly outlevel the content, and is "pushed" forward, even if you still have missions you want to do on that planet. Decreasing the XP gain would perhaps fix this, but it would be a lot of work getting it together. It would also cause some unrest, since a lot of people dont like to do the sidequests, and they will instead be stuck grinding to be able to progress in any decent pace. In the end, not a terrible idea, but I feel it creates as many problems as it solves.


- XP Sliders

This is basicly the same idea as the previous one, except it is in the players hand wether to use it or not. That makes it almost per definition, a better idea, as it creates far less problems. A thought to have the slider increase something else, credit drops, qulity/quantity of loot, is also an interesting take. I do cringe a bit at that idea, since every level 50 will then of course but the XP slider in the bottom, and start finding loot like crazy. The balancing act between having the xp slider in the bottom, middle, or max seems like a pain. But the general idea is solid.


- XP on/off

And this, is again, the same thing as the previous one, but it is not a slider, it is a on/off switch. When on, you gain XP in the same pace you do now. When it's off, you dont gain any XP what so ever. An idea to have any XP "gained" when it's off be transfered into rested xp might also be a good thought, since that will prevent people being "stuck" becuse they turned of their XP gain, and have no missions in their level range anymore.



Have I missed one or more ideas?

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Quests are not giving too much exp. Warzones definitely are giving too much. Thats how most people reached 50 so quickly. But its a nice way to level when you cant beat the quest content so I like it this way.


Yes, I like that aswell, or rather, I like that that is possible, I try not to do it myself. And that makes the issue that if you do enjoy warzones and space combat and what not, the rest of the game will become trivial and easy. You cant take a weekend playing only PvP and then go back to the story quests and expect to be challanged, and I find that quite sad.


I want to do everything, and I would gladly hamstring myself (xp toggle on/off) to keep the game challanging even after 20+ warzones.

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I have yet to see a level 50 on my server


I've seen a few, though they are few and far between.


I dont think the problem is that players generally level to fast, I belive it is thoose who make an effort to reach 50 quick that does that. The problem, again for me, is that there is so much content through the leveling process that I cant experience all of it without outleveling it. And that annoys me.

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I've seen a few, though they are few and far between.


I dont think the problem is that players generally level to fast, I belive it is thoose who make an effort to reach 50 quick that does that. The problem, again for me, is that there is so much content through the leveling process that I cant experience all of it without outleveling it. And that annoys me.


Well as I progress I have noticed the Bonus quests like "kill 40 pirates" etc seem a little XP heavy, but I'll be honest, nobody would do them if thier XP yield was nil.


But honestly, I am a person who is driven by story. Even if I outlevel an area I will go back purposefully and run through the planet just to get the story. I wouldn't care overmuch if my character P'wns the enemies.


And we don't know if BW has some epic endgame planned in future


I don't usually forum much except for work and it's mainly because I see nothing but "I hate this I hate that"


That being said I may have gone off on a non related rant of my own here.


I don't PvP or do space missions or even Flashpoints. The last only because it's likley impossible to find a group to do it and to me when I game I have limited time to do so, so I think "Whatever I don't have a group I'll just SOLO it for a bit"


Maybe I'll PvP when I'm done my main guys story

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I have to admit I also outlevelled as I was enjoying the PvP and Space missions and ended up hitting 50 halfway through Voss which i have now completed and with Correlia yet to be touched. But that's fine for me as my holiday period is over so I'm back to playing evening/weekends only and once I have my dailies done will leave me a bit of time to do a few quests for story/credits each day if my guild has no flashpoint/operation groups running that evening.


When I make an alt i will going at a much slower pace as they will only get levelling time when main character tasks are done and I will pick up on any content I space barred through the first time :)


Looking forward to it and I have loads to occupy my time!

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I just hit level 25 and I'm just starting the Red Light zone in Nar Shaddaa which is the second zone...


Nar Shaddaa is supposed to be a world for level 20-24 and I'm already outleveled it.


I left Coruscant at level 18, I left Taris at level 23... Yeah, the XP is WAY off.

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With my playstyle; not doing flashpoints or heroic group quests and ignoring some 'bonus missions(pure exp)' , doing 2-5 warzones a day, doing the spacecombat stuff...well...I'm level 26 and I'm in tatooine. Outleveling that place much right?

Didn't think so...The leveling speed is fine. It's too fast for your personal tastes, for your play style.


Slowing it down would FORCE others to do all the side-quests...note...SIDE-F'ING-QUESTS, in order to reach the level they'd need to be at for the next planet(without being in warzone queue 24/7...also note that there's other than PvP servers there kthx)


The only places I can think of easily outleveling, without trying to outlevel them is Balmorra and Nar Shaddaa....And outleveling balmorra is ok in my books, that place sucks.

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Slowing it down would FORCE others to do all the side-quests...note...SIDE-F'ING-QUESTS, in order to reach the level they'd need to be at for the next planet(without being in warzone queue 24/7...also note that there's other than PvP servers there kthx)


The only places I can think of easily outleveling, without trying to outlevel them is Balmorra and Nar Shaddaa....And outleveling balmorra is ok in my books, that place sucks.


I think only the OP talked about slowing the XP gain down, I am largely against that. What I would like, however, is to lock my own level, or at least slow down my own leveling speed (preferably a lock). Since that would allow me to play how I want, doing everything I can get my hands on, while still keeping me in line both for my main quests, as well as my friends, who dont play as much.


And as a side note, I do not play on a PvP server, I have tried those before, and I just hate it.

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If you are reaching level 50 in less than a week then you have to much time on your hands for sure. I mean you have to be sleeping 5 hours a night the rest of the 19 hours your ingame. I've noticed even when I'm on a roll, or I think I am time is flying by on the clock when I thought I was going fast. The game takes up a ton of time to even do all the quests on 1 planet. I have 2 days logged worth of playtime I'm level 25. However not all that time was totally playing. Thats afk hours. looking for groups or just chatting. But for the most part I think the time it takes to level up without giving up your life for the game and signing over your first borns name the game goes at a decent pace. And I enjoy the story as well.
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130 hours to get to 50 (jugg dps war) and I skipped a lot of the side quest npc rp.


I work full time but I really pushed to get to 50 asap. Now if I played casually it would take me roughly 13 weeks to get to 50 if I played 2 hours a night 5 days a week.


In my opinion that is way too long. The amount of time for one character would certainly turn a lot of people off of the game not to mention for anyone leveling alts. I have already started to level a mercenary but I am certainly going to be more casual about it.

Edited by Norsmeang
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The game has been designed as a single-player experience ONLY. The balancing considers you'll never do any kind of group content. Grouping breaks your progress completely.


While this may be true, and I am in no way saying that it is, there is a quick and easy fix that would "solve" this.


Allow us to lock our Experience Gain. Whenever we want to, we can toggle wether or not we would actually be getting experience. This would allow people to play wihtout outleveling their friends, without relying on alts. This would allow people to keep the content of a planet challenging, by not over-leveling it. This would allow people to play PvP for a week without making all the PvE content trivial. In essence, it would allow us, the players, to play and expeience the game how we want to do it.


If anyone can see any downside to that idea, or a reason for it not to be implemented, dont hesitate to speak up.

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This thread needs a bump, before it is lost in the deep, dark water...


- XP Sliders

This is basicly the same idea as the previous one, except it is in the players hand wether to use it or not. That makes it almost per definition, a better idea, as it creates far less problems. A thought to have the slider increase something else, credit drops, qulity/quantity of loot, is also an interesting take. I do cringe a bit at that idea, since every level 50 will then of course but the XP slider in the bottom, and start finding loot like crazy. The balancing act between having the xp slider in the bottom, middle, or max seems like a pain. But the general idea is solid.



Have I missed one or more ideas?


Shameless bump to myself.. ahem.


as for the whole level 50 thing they could do what most games do and just stop XP gains.. or do what wow kinda does and convert XP to credits (Isn't that only quest xp?)

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