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Leveling to 50 - it's way too fast


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That is you trying to tell the ppl who simply DONT have TONS of time to spend on this game cant play...a horridly unfair statement. I love this game so far and dedicate what I can to it. Not having 5+ hours a day to play does not make this the wrong genre for me.


It's the wrong genre for you if you are calling upon all content in the game to be spoon-fed to you in an instant manner simply because you don't wish to take the time to acquire it.


How many hours you spend in a day playing is irrelevant in any case, because when all is said and done you're still putting the same amount of cumulative work as anyone else. Casual player or not, the content you are experiencing is processed too quickly.

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You're posting on an internet video game forum in the middle of a weekday, so obviously your full-time job isn't quite as full-time as described.


But in any case, no one is saying you don't have the right to play. Simply that the genre probably isn't for you if you are calling on the game content to be processed too quickly. You lack the insight to understand how this is a fundamental game design flaw as it makes game content and progression too insubstantial and without merit. All you care about is having an easy time.


It seems to me your argument has now turned into baseless assumptions on what the other either wants or expects thusly losing all respect as a viable argument

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You're posting on an internet video game forum in the middle of a weekday, so obviously your full-time job isn't quite as full-time as described.


But in any case, no one is saying you don't have the right to play. Simply that the genre probably isn't for you if you are calling on the game content to be processed too quickly. You lack the insight to understand how this is a fundamental game design flaw as it makes game content and progression too insubstantial and without merit. All you care about is having an easy time.


And for the sake of all that is sane STOP with teh "you just want easy"


No...youre wrong...plain and simple. I enjoy the challenge of this game so far (I at least think some quests are difficult)


WHEN I finally hit 50 I really dont care if I have all the purples and titles and "bragging rights" of downing big raids. I will hit 50, having enjoyed the pace, story, difficulty and gameplay. I dont want these handouts you seem to think casuals want.

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Wonder how fast some of you would level with a full-time job, a spouse and family visiting you over Christmas. If you're going to blaze through the game like a lunatic, joining the typical MMO-race-to-the-top, then don't be surprised when you haven't enjoyed the ride. It's like listening to the same new, awesome song 500 times in a row, then blaming the song when you get bored of it.
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Bunny mage, not many ppl on this thread appear to be on your side. I am hearing your arguments, but they just arent valid to me or nearly anyone else (as mine obviously arent valid to you)...


So lets just let this thread die and keep playing the game (or quitting it if you want)

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Let us keep in mind that the leveling speed discussion is both a subjective and objective argument.


Leveling speed can be broken down into measurable numbers, thus objective, but it will always be someone's opinion as to whether that is fast, slow, or just right.


And that opinion could be based on many factors. There are things each person will hold relevant to the discussion and things other will not hold relevant. Some people will find certain facts more important than other facts.


So while someone can say hitting level 50 in 70 hours while skipping over everything is too fast.


Someone else might find hitting level 50 in 140 hours while trying everything and taking their time to chat, and experiment in various areas as also being too fast.


I am not saying anyone on this thread is right or wrong.. Just that we should not be getting angry at someone for ruining the game just cause they hold certain facts to be important.


Just because there is a consensus on something does not make thaqt opinion the right opinion.


Also keep in mind that just like WoW, EQ2, and many other MMO's Most of the community does not visit the forums, and when they do it is usually to complain.


Also think about this.. when you have a good/ok/acceptable experience at a store... how many people do you tell? Do you pull the manager aside to say "Today was gosh darned OK."


Now when you have a bad/horrible/less than optimal experience how many people do you tell?


These are not cold hard facts that I am hoping will suddenly change all of our minds.. these are things to keep in mind as you asses various situations. Including the leveling discussion.


Sorry that such a well thought out post fell on deaf ears.

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It's the wrong genre for you if you are calling upon all content in the game to be spoon-fed to you in an instant manner simply because you don't wish to take the time to acquire it.


How many hours you spend in a day playing is irrelevant in any case, because when all is said and done you're still putting the same amount of cumulative work as anyone else. Casual player or not, the content you are experiencing is processed too quickly.


Who's asking to be spoon-fed? Someone with lots of distractions in their life has to do the exact same amount of work to achieve the same thing as you do. Just because you rampaged to the top first, does not give you entitlement to being the only person who ever reaches the top.


It's almost like people bounce between MMOs like WoW, WHO, Aion, RIFT and now SWTOR on the release week, plough through the content as fast as possible and blame the game for being easier than the last one. You think it really has nothing to do with an improvement in your own skills and abilities in being able to learn, dissect, understand and complete the game faster and faster?

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And for the sake of all that is sane STOP with teh "you just want easy"


No...youre wrong...plain and simple. I enjoy the challenge of this game so far (I at least think some quests are difficult)


WHEN I finally hit 50 I really dont care if I have all the purples and titles and "bragging rights" of downing big raids. I will hit 50, having enjoyed the pace, story, difficulty and gameplay. I dont want these handouts you seem to think casuals want.


If you were actually "enjoying" it then you wouldn't be calling on it to end as soon as possible.



That's the irony of such an argument. You claim to enjoy the slow journey of the game while demanding that the leveling process be as swift and short as possible.

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The leveling is slow and tedious... Are you joking?


Hardcore gamers will always find a faster way to level but to the average player this is insanely boring. 50000+ quests to level, tons of travelling, story (but gets old after the first play through)..... Making alts will be a nightmare!

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If you were actually "enjoying" it then you wouldn't be calling on it to end as soon as possible.



That's the irony of such an argument. You claim to enjoy the slow journey of the game while demanding that the leveling process be as swift and short as possible.


The journey is slow becuase I am choosing to make it that way with prioritizing my day to day life and limited play time (which I am wasting with this pointless argument with you). I enjoy hitting 50 faster simply because it did not take years of my limited play time to get there. Your argument is again...invalid. Try to pick on someone else's reasoning becuase you will only fail to sway me.

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Correct me if im wrong but part of the point of SWTOR was that when you reach 50 you try another other the unique story arcs, the idea is they want you to try playing with a different perspective, different experiences etc.


The story really isn't all that unique. The class story is but the majority of the leveling you do is not based on the class story. In actuality you will be repeating a whole lot of content for every alt you make on the same faction as most of your leveling is from world quests. If you could level from 1-50 just doing class quests then yes, each play through would be new but there's no chance you could do that. I've started quite a few characters and I find myself skipping through 90% of the dialogue b/c I already know it all so I only listen to my responses as they vary a bit and I'll watch any class dialogue as that is unique. I think they exaggerated a great deal in the advertising of this game as far as this is concerned. They made a point to mention how you'd never see a repeating quest or line of dialogue, etc. from class to class. While they did say world quests would be the same for all classes they also made it seem like the bulk of your leveling would be from a unique class quest story line and the world quests would be sort of icing on the cake, so to speak. That certainly is not true, this isn't so much a complain as it is an observation. I enjoy the game but to say their excuse is they wanted you to role multiple characters doesn't really fly to me.

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Bunny mage, not many ppl on this thread appear to be on your side. I am hearing your arguments, but they just arent valid to me or nearly anyone else (as mine obviously arent valid to you)...


So lets just let this thread die and keep playing the game (or quitting it if you want)


The fact that this thread exists and has so many posts shows indeed that they are on my side. It's also a strawman argumenet to insinuate that a point is made more valid through popular vote. The only argument that has even been posed to why leveling should be so fast is simply "I'm too busy to play."



If you're too busy to play then please don't play. Some of actually do appreciate investment and merit in an MMO.

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The fact that this thread exists and has so many posts shows indeed that they are on my side. It's also a strawman argumenet to insinuate that a point is made more valid through popular vote. The only argument that has even been posed to why leveling should be so fast is simply "I'm too busy to play."



If you're too busy to play then please don't play. Some of actually do appreciate investment and merit in an MMO.


And those are the great minority. The "leetist" or "power levelers"...and whatever you are....make up a tiny % of the population and leveling speed should not be dictated by players like you.


This could easily flow into a whole new topic of "get outside and get some fresh air" or "go to the beach with some friends" or "insert other fun activity that gets you out or at least away from the computer"

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The leveling is slow and tedious... Are you joking?


Hardcore gamers will always find a faster way to level but to the average player this is insanely boring. 50000+ quests to level, tons of travelling, story (but gets old after the first play through)..... Making alts will be a nightmare!


Sorry to hear that. I can only assume you're hammering the space-bar and skipping the story a lot. Levelling an alt sounds like a lot of fun to me, because I've got a wide selection of stories, classes, sets of companions yada yada, to play with, not to mention an entire opposite faction to explore. This just isn't WoW. There's so much more content to explore in the game than just blazing through the process once and calling it a day.


I mean, typical RPG games like Baldur's Gate 1 & 2 weren't over with just one playthrough. Why would this one be?

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To the OP, I think pace of leveling is sort of a personal thing, people view it differently.


Far as to the people who've reached 50 already, that is never going to change in any MMO no matter what. There will always be people who speed level to cap as fast as possible. Anyone who is 50 already has played this game a ridiculous amount of time daily, way more than any average person would play on any given day. I can say that b/c I've played this game for large chunks of hours in a day and I'm only level 40. Granted I've started a few alts so barring that I probably would be 50 now too. Point is, you can't pace your game based on those people. If you're 50 now it's very likely you've been putting in 10+ hours a day, most people will not do that and even the people who are doing it now will probably not do that once the "newness" of this game has worn off. They can't balance a game to try and keep the hardcore, 15 hour a day people from reaching cap in the first couple weeks as that would turn away most casual players and those players will make up the bulk of any large subscription game.

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I think the argument is that it is too easy to get outlevelled for the story quests and planet, not that you can get to 50 too fast. I have just left Taris at level 24 on what is supposed to be a 16-20 planet. Nar Shaddaa is 20-24 and I'm entering it at the high end.


I have done every quest I've encountered and each flash point and space mission once and maybe 10 PVP battles. I find myself avoiding the non-questing means of exp gain just to keep the challenge at a reasonable level. I have a blast with PVP but if I keep playing it, I ruin all of the great quests by being extremely outlevelled for them.


I would greatly appreciate a way to turn off exp for the space combat and PVP. The other solution is for Bioware to make less compelling side quests so I don't care if I skip them...

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To the OP, I think pace of leveling is sort of a personal thing, people view it differently.


Far as to the people who've reached 50 already, that is never going to change in any MMO no matter what. There will always be people who speed level to cap as fast as possible. Anyone who is 50 already has played this game a ridiculous amount of time daily, way more than any average person would play on any given day. I can say that b/c I've played this game for large chunks of hours in a day and I'm only level 40. Granted I've started a few alts so barring that I probably would be 50 now too. Point is, you can't pace your game based on those people. If you're 50 now it's very likely you've been putting in 10+ hours a day, most people will not do that and even the people who are doing it now will probably not do that once the "newness" of this game has worn off. They can't balance a game to try and keep the hardcore, 15 hour a day people from reaching cap in the first couple weeks as that would turn away most casual players and those players will make up the bulk of any large subscription game.


Holy crap...someone gets it! =)


I MIGHT have a 50 if I did not have 2 alts I am leveling at a similar pace...but BW has even stated thats what they WANT you to do with this game. They built the game around that idea. It is the speed demons, story skippers, leetist...whatever, that are the minority ruining it for themselves.

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It's the wrong genre for you if you are calling upon all content in the game to be spoon-fed to you in an instant manner simply because you don't wish to take the time to acquire it.


How many hours you spend in a day playing is irrelevant in any case, because when all is said and done you're still putting the same amount of cumulative work as anyone else. Casual player or not, the content you are experiencing is processed too quickly.


And again your arguing against yourself. If it was processed to quickly everyone would be the same level across the board period.


ALSO again it seems to me that since nobody is saying "Your right your absolutley right" Your now debasing yourself by making assumptions about other individuals to "strengthen your argument.


It may seem as though I'm doing the same here but


FACT- you've stated numerous times you seem to know he she or they want to be spoon fed


Nobody has stated that here in anyway.


Baseless assumption weakens your argument beyond the point of validity

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Maybe BW can add a new option in the Settings area where people that believe leveling is to fast can opt to cut the earned XP in 1/2 for THEMSELVES.


I like it just the way it is, I gain about 1-2 levels per play (I play 1 to 2 hours a few times a week) and I feel like an hour or two really accomplishes something.


And because it doesn't take a week to gain 1 level, I'll probably play this game a LOT longer then I would your typical grind MMO.


Thanks BW, great job with the game.

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And those are the great minority. The "leetist" or "power levelers"...and whatever you are....make up a tiny % of the population and leveling speed should not be dictated by players like you.


People who appreciate merit in an MMO are by no means a minority. But yes, unfortunately these days there are too many mainstream players that lack the insight to understand design and merit in an MMO. Because of this misconception that players apparently don't like working for things, many MMOs try to now be made with them in mind. And as a result hardly any MMOs are a financial success and even WoW has lost nearly 2 million subscribers.


You don't understand that the easier and quicker something in an MMO is, the less meaningful it becomes. Like a child entering a cheat code into a video game not realizing what experience he's cheating himself out of.



You are not right. Which is why you call upon the strawman argument of "others are with me" to try to defend a stance without an argument.

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If you slow down the leveling, you're going to destroy the leveling curve. Know How planet say 24-28. 28-32, etc? Well, if you lower XP for quests, you won't hit those levels just doing solo quests and nothing else. I'm on Voss right now, Level 46, having done 7 Warzones (forthe daily quest) and Black Talon when I was 11. If XP was lowered to slow down the leveling curve, I'd have quests for Voss that I'd be unable to complete without being forced to do group content, something that Bioware has stated they won't do. So unless you're talking about lowering XP on everything but solo quests, it won't work.


^ This


For everyone complaining about over leveling content in the 20/30s, you'll notice things evening out in the higher levels.

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You're posting on an internet video game forum in the middle of a weekday, so obviously your full-time job isn't quite as full-time as described.


But in any case, no one is saying you don't have the right to play. Simply that the genre probably isn't for you if you are calling on the game content to be processed too quickly. You lack the insight to understand how this is a fundamental game design flaw as it makes game content and progression too insubstantial and without merit. All you care about is having an easy time.


Saying the genre isnt for me is saying i shouldnt be playing, wich is false, if that was the case then billions of people would apply to the same, saying the genre isnt for them.

game design flaw? wrong

to insubstantial wrong

easy time? im only 25


and as far as posting this, I am posting this stuff on my luch thank you.

You have no understanding how normal players work. you are not a normal player.

you are in the minority.


I am done with this thread before you tick me off any more and i say something that will get me banned.

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