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removing quickbar buttons despite lock


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Its in my quickslot on the side and linked to my mouse 4 button (kolto overload). I have no idea why I keep having to get it back but its during a pvp game where things get wild. Anyone else have this problem?
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I haven't figured out the specifics, but I have hotbars going unlocked despite the lock icon's status. It seems fairly random to me.


I saw in previous known issues where they said if they were unlocked when you logged off, they would be unlocked when you log back in, but the lock icon will show locked.


That isn't the entirety of what I'm expiencing. I'm in the habit of forcing myself to toggle the icon open/closed when I log in, or before I head into a flashpoint or something, but will still occasionally have the buttons unlock (icon stats showing locked) and find myself picking up a button at the worst possible time.


I'm not sure if it's an instance change, a loading screen transition, or something else entirely, but it's beyond just 'logged off with them unlocked'.


It happens multiple times over a long play session, and it's quite annoying...

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This is in the known issues list:


  • If players log out with quickbars unlocked, the quickbar lock icon will incorrectly appear to be locked upon logging back in.
    Workaround: Players can lock and then unlock their quickbars for the icon to appear correctly.

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I haven't figured out the specifics, but I have hotbars going unlocked despite the lock icon's status. It seems fairly random to me.


I saw in previous known issues where they said if they were unlocked when you logged off, they would be unlocked when you log back in, but the lock icon will show locked.


That isn't the entirety of what I'm expiencing. I'm in the habit of forcing myself to toggle the icon open/closed when I log in, or before I head into a flashpoint or something, but will still occasionally have the buttons unlock (icon stats showing locked) and find myself picking up a button at the worst possible time.


I'm not sure if it's an instance change, a loading screen transition, or something else entirely, but it's beyond just 'logged off with them unlocked'.


It happens multiple times over a long play session, and it's quite annoying...


This bug can be quite frustrating if you pull something from a quickbar by mistake (and even if you don't). If you're like me, when I'm playing a lesser-played alt, it's sometimes the case that I don't know which ability I'm now missing!


I'm interested in what you're saying about it re-occurring throughout game sessions, as we've not seen consistent reports about it. For those who have seen this after they know they've already relocked the quickbars, please post and give details where possible.


What you'll find about the Known Issues in general is that I post what we know for sure; if an issue has an elusive component, either that part will stay off the list or the issue as a whole will. In this case, we know it's when you log off, but if we can lock down (no pun intended) the bug further, I will update it.


As for when it's going to be fixed, I know that it's not in Game Update 2.1.1; as I know more, I'll try to update you.

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I've had this happen quite often as well. It's too intermittent to give much detail. It has happened in ops, pvp, as well as other situations. I'm typically on the run when I've noticed it. I only click on the side bars as my main bars I activate with keyboard.
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This is in the known issues list:


  • If players log out with quickbars unlocked, the quickbar lock icon will incorrectly appear to be locked upon logging back in.
    Workaround: Players can lock and then unlock their quickbars for the icon to appear correctly.


Yeah this "Known Issues" statement is incorrect for what we are reporting. I must have worded my submissions to BW incorrectly as (above) they say they don't hear of this issue. They state that if you log off with the quickslots UNLOCKED that you will log in, occasionally, with the quickslots unlocked but the padlock shows locked. What I, and others in this thread, are saying is that we KNOW WE LOCK OUR QUICKSLOTS because this has been an issue for a while...so I know that I lock mine, and when I log in they are usually unlocked but showing as locked.


From yesterday another bug post:


Edited by ClarkNineCD
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This most commonly happens because of another issue, that logging out with the quickbar unlocked will show a locked bar the next log in despite it being unlocked.


I have however seen it happen that I logged out with a locked bar yet logged in with that unlocked but shows as locked too.


I have also had this bug with the bar being locked & buttons on the quickbar still being moveable, but it's rare, often I've accidentally clicked unlock & then somehow "copy" a button to another slot, it's copy sitting on the cursor momentarily before being deposited over the other button.


Personally as a "clicker" I would love the option to move the quickbar lock & the ui select OFF the quickbar & place it somewhere else - perhaps that functionality could be added to the ui editor at some point.

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I never unlock my hotbars but the game sure loves to do it for me. I am having the same issue of the lock shown as locked yet they are not. Maybe we should move that lock mechanism and drop it up on the mini map so it isn't close enough to the buttons to make it tempting for it to pull pranks on us during ops hehe.
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I consistently see this very issue as well. The quickslot bar is locked when I log out but unlocked when I log back in - or even worse, locked when I log in but unlocks during game.


Here is what I have figured out so far with this issue when it happens


Issue: Quickslot Unlocks after login or zoning


Steps to Reproduce: No specific steps have been found to work 100% of the time so far, however there are some common linking steps noticed.


1.) Utilize an account with multiple characters

2.) Go into a character with an unlocked quickslot bar, setup a custom UI, and save the UI

3.) Lock the quickslot bar, then save the custom UI again

4.) Load the UI to multiple characters

5.) Utilize the multiple characters in instances and warzones

6.) Issue seen in around 2% of all zoning (1/50)


Workaround: Save the locked UI under a different name than the original unlocked one and load that instead across multiple characters. (Or at least it worked for me in the past and worked again after I had to reload my comp and forgot to do it at first)


What I have noticed is the issue does not appear upon login. The bar is locked, and the abilities are locked in as well. However - after zoning into an instance that does teleport from where standing (IE: Warzone or Groupfinder PvE) that is when the bug can occur (at least for me).


I have not yet seen this issue:


1.) Loading to ship

2.) Loading to planets

3.) Loading to fleet

4.) Utilizing daily transport terminal (Blackhole, Section X, et al)


I also checked if leaving it unlocked on 1 character sharing the UI Profile would effect another, but there did not appear to be a correlation to the issue while testing that scenario.

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Pre-2.0 , I sometimes "lost" my buttons - although the whole bars were locked - in war zones (Hypergates, just as an example).


But only there. Nowhere else.


Since 2.0 I didn't encounter it anymore - but I also didn't play war zones since 2.0 much anymore, I must say/admit.

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I believe there is a second, related bug here. This usually happens during a situation where I'm having input lag. I.E there is a delay between my click, and the corresponding action. This most often happens when the guild is running flashpoints.


What happens is, I'll click something, but instead of clicking, the mouse picks up the skill, and due to input lag, when I go to click a different skill, it will drop the first one, that was picked up inadvertently, into the box where the second skill I'm trying to execute is, but instead of picking up the skill and replacing it, it replaces it but leaves the first skill on my mouse cursor, so I end up with two copies of the same skill in different places. There are other variations of this.. sometimes it will pick up the replaced skill, and when I intentionally try to put things back where they belong, the skill that is on my cursor, isn't what gets dropped into the box I'm trying to fix (it's the one it was replaced by). This is difficult to reproduce, as it always seems to happen at the worst possible time.


Amber, I believe this might be what you are experiencing when you say it's annoying when playing a lower alt and you can't remember what skill you replaced. If it was just a simple matter of the bar being unlocked and picking up a skill, if everything else worked properly, you would always end up with the replaced skill on your mouse cursor, unless of course your dropped into 'space' in the background.


Anyway, whatever is going on, it's a lot more complex than just the lock status randomly (or otherwise) changing.


Secondly, I would like to second the suggestion that the tiny padlock icon be removed from the hotbar location it's currently in. Perhaps it could be moved to the main menu bar.... or something. This will remove any doubt that the player might have inadvertently unlocked the hotbars in a frantic moment.

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