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Ilum PvP Memorial


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idk how much can be done with ilum in terms of objective based owPvP b/c of the gree event. there would be too much going on there.


imo, make the gree event permanent. or at least part of it; maybe have the quests that grant the token things be tied to the event. that would create some owPvP on ilum.


then bioware needs to do something with a couple other planets. most planets have enough open, unused space that it could accomodate some kind of "base". have 5 of them, spread out across the galaxy. every 2 hours, 2 different bases go hot (able to be captured). put out a server wide announcement (in PvP chat if its ever made global!) that the bases are going hot. have some kind of quick-transport that takes players to a staging area just outside the base, from their, they can attack it and attempt to capture it.


having 2 bases hot at once helps with faction balance numbers. once the base it captures, it would go on cooldown. at the end of the 2 hours, there could be an hour break before the next set of bases went hot. and so on and so forth.


make the bases have meaning tho. each one your faction controls could reduce the cost of PvP goods by x%, or increase WZ comm gain by x%. some kind of faction wide buff that makes players want to work together to win these from the other faction.

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That's a good example of what not to remember. What's fun about standing around in one spot with terrible fps?


Nothing was ever fun about Ilum which is why it died.


It did not die. The QQ brigade killed it. When the weekly reset the place was a massive 50vs50 battle. Why not bring it back for the people who actually liked it. I loved pushing them back to the turrets.


I remember also getting pushed back to our base.. hopping on a freaking turret from stealth and then wasting 8 people.


You know who killed it? The people that would never lower their graphics settings and would complain. We kicked a guild member who always complained but would not lower his graphics card settings. Freaking kids these days


Anyone else remember the roaming 10vs10 battles?? Probably the best time I had in this game and its not nostalgia.

Edited by Kegparty
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It did not die. The QQ brigade killed it. When the weekly reset the place was a massive 50vs50 battle. Why not bring it back for the people who actually liked it. I loved pushing them back to the turrets.


I remember also getting pushed back to our base.. hopping on a freaking turret from stealth and then wasting 8 people.


I'm with you 1000%!!!! Tuesday nights and Monday nights were the best for obvious reasons. I'd get my weekly "kill 150" mission done in about an hour on Tuesday night, but I'd stay there and PvP for 4+ hours.

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Bring back Ilum '' instance '' world PvP!


Memorial for the awsome times, despite the lagg! it could be improved in a instance, or atleast 20 vs 20 world instance. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=tHM8pV8jl2M


Great video btw They need to bring a 20vs20 match for sure. 10vs10vs10 really anything on a larger scale. All they had to do was force people into lower graphics settings in the instance.

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Bioware could give us PVP quests again that count how many enemy faction players you have killed and give us a reward for that.


An open world pvp quest for each planet that has open world PVP f.e. kill 20 players on that world , kill 20 on the other one and so on. Make it a daily quest, enjoy open world pvp. Guilds etc will spread the word on wich planets they will need help against the other faction and act decisevely upon that.


Just imagine ... the battles would'nt get too big and the engine could possibly handle it.

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:It did not die. The QQ brigade killed it. When the weekly reset the place was a massive 50vs50 battle. Why not bring it back for the people who actually liked it. I loved pushing them back to the turrets.


I remember those battles. Sometimes it was fun when the pubs could actually push back. However, most of the time it ended up standing at the turrets of the republic base, the sents/guardians would jump in sweep then run back to the base, the casters would get a cast off. If we were lucky a shadow would pull an imp to us only for him to be immediately eaten alive.


Very seldom was there an actual fight. I remember a few times we could push the imps back and those fights were somewhat fun. I guess what I'm getting at is most of the time it was a lot of standing around and like the video someone posted on the bridge there was 0 skill to do accomplish anything.

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idk how much can be done with ilum in terms of objective based owPvP b/c of the gree event. there would be too much going on there.


imo, make the gree event permanent. or at least part of it; maybe have the quests that grant the token things be tied to the event. that would create some owPvP on ilum.


then bioware needs to do something with a couple other planets. most planets have enough open, unused space that it could accomodate some kind of "base". have 5 of them, spread out across the galaxy. every 2 hours, 2 different bases go hot (able to be captured). put out a server wide announcement (in PvP chat if its ever made global!) that the bases are going hot. have some kind of quick-transport that takes players to a staging area just outside the base, from their, they can attack it and attempt to capture it.


having 2 bases hot at once helps with faction balance numbers. once the base it captures, it would go on cooldown. at the end of the 2 hours, there could be an hour break before the next set of bases went hot. and so on and so forth.


make the bases have meaning tho. each one your faction controls could reduce the cost of PvP goods by x%, or increase WZ comm gain by x%. some kind of faction wide buff that makes players want to work together to win these from the other faction.


I kind of like this idea.

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I kind of like this idea.


The sad truth is the imbalance of faction population kills these kinds of ideas. I haven't seen recent numbers, but before Ilum died the imps were at a 3:1 ratio to pubs.

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The sad truth is the imbalance of faction population kills these kinds of ideas. I haven't seen recent numbers, but before Ilum died the imps were at a 3:1 ratio to pubs.


Well; it doesn't have to be a game breaking advantage for the percentage. Just a slight edge so it doesn't dominate all PvP aspects of the game yet it provides a bit of a reason. Numbers will favor who wants to come out in force at the moment. Last game I was in had uneven numbers at times, but most of it was dictated by what guilds came out in force and which ones didn't more so than off the total population of the server.


Or one thing they could do is instance the open world PvP area to where for 1 person to get in on sith side, there has to be someone waiting at the edge of the war area on the pub side so you can only enter in pairs.

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Well; it doesn't have to be a game breaking advantage for the percentage. Just a slight edge so it doesn't dominate all PvP aspects of the game yet it provides a bit of a reason. Numbers will favor who wants to come out in force at the moment. Last game I was in had uneven numbers at times, but most of it was dictated by what guilds came out in force and which ones didn't more so than off the total population of the server.


Or one thing they could do is instance the open world PvP area to where for 1 person to get in on sith side, there has to be someone waiting at the edge of the war area on the pub side so you can only enter in pairs.


Maybe we are getting on the right track although I'm not hot on the idea of an instanced open world pvp system. The system you proposed might make it difficult for a guild to instance with each other. Maybe there should be 3 instances of Ilum. Make it so everyone can see how many players are in each instance for both factions. If a guild or group sees there aren't enough slots available in the instance allow them to queue for another instance.

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Maybe we are getting on the right track although I'm not hot on the idea of an instanced open world pvp system. The system you proposed might make it difficult for a guild to instance with each other. Maybe there should be 3 instances of Ilum. Make it so everyone can see how many players are in each instance for both factions. If a guild or group sees there aren't enough slots available in the instance allow them to queue for another instance.


True. It isn't really open world I guess if it is instanced. I guess what I REALLY want, is a persistent fight on a large scale. No beginning or end set in stone. Victory and defeat are in the moment, not on a final scoreboard; and can change with the tides. Larger area to fight in and larger groups pitted against each other. I guess it doesn't require an open world for that to happen.

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Bring back the Ilum Wars and daily/weekly!


We pvpers had our own planet basically to do what we wished, there was nothing better then the wars or battles there. Now instead we have to go to Tatooine or Alderaan to find Open-World PvP, which doesn't really compare to what Ilum use to be.

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It did not die. The QQ brigade killed it. When the weekly reset the place was a massive 50vs50 battle. Why not bring it back for the people who actually liked it. I loved pushing them back to the turrets.


I remember also getting pushed back to our base.. hopping on a freaking turret from stealth and then wasting 8 people.


You know who killed it? The people that would never lower their graphics settings and would complain. We kicked a guild member who always complained but would not lower his graphics card settings. Freaking kids these days


Anyone else remember the roaming 10vs10 battles?? Probably the best time I had in this game and its not nostalgia.




First time I went to Ilum I was lagging so badly it was almost unbearable. I enjoyed it nonetheless. I would go on every night to see if people were recruiting for Ops with only Champion gear or less on. I'd get spanked quite a bit but it was nice seeing all my achieved objectives for the weekly flying across my screen. I miss that and wish they'd bring it back.


Now all we have is people crying when they get ganked IN the pvp area of Ilum during the Gree event.

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Bring back the Ilum Wars and daily/weekly!


We pvpers had our own planet basically to do what we wished, there was nothing better then the wars or battles there. Now instead we have to go to Tatooine or Alderaan to find Open-World PvP, which doesn't really compare to what Ilum use to be.


THIS!!! And for God's sake, add in a priority travel to the flipping base. Wasting 15min just to get to Ilum is one of the reasons it sucked so much before...not improving that travel time was very poor judgement.

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