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Troy's New Achievement


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I remember that match, i got an insta pop when i q'd and logged into it during the attacker phase but i thought i just got the last spot before the match was gonna begin. Didn't know it was the 2nd round. I was surprised to see the defeat screen pop up after it was done. Edited by Jadenn
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is it just me or does he have his leap bound to 3 different quickbar slots?


edit: this was fun but nowhere near as funny as seeing neb smuggle him when he tried to cap mid in cw.

Edited by foxmob
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Lulz! Too funny. The best part is listening him in vent talk about lag and we see none of it on his screen the whole time. Just using it as an excuse. He's got max bars on his latency, so he's good to play. Also... he talks about double RG premade. Nope... was only 4 there. LOL
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I love that Troyy thinks he is so amazing at this game considering it is funny watching the terrible things he does when he plays. Back pedal much brah? especially that one time you leaped on somebody, stood there for 3 seconds, then decided to throw a crippling throw. But of course you guys want to blame the sorcs on your team for not going heals. I sure hope that the imperials don't look up to players like this because whew. At least Beer Thirty and Uncensored are there to get things done.


Was a funny watch though hearing all of the excuses that were blatant lies.

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I love that Troyy thinks he is so amazing at this game considering it is funny watching the terrible things he does when he plays. Back pedal much brah? especially that one time you leaped on somebody, stood there for 3 seconds, then decided to throw a crippling throw. But of course you guys want to blame the sorcs on your team for not going heals. I sure hope that the imperials don't look up to players like this because whew. At least Beer Thirty and Uncensored are there to get things done.


Was a funny watch though hearing all of the excuses that were blatant lies.


LAWL!!! S key is victory

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I like how you claim to be the best nodeguarder on the server in your sig, but I fully 1v2'd you and a teammate in Civil War. How can you make that claim when two of you can't even stop one person?


leave me alone in warzones, I didn't do anything to you or your ld50 commandos to deserve the beating I took today :rolleyes:

Edited by iimagiicii
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I like how you claim to be the best nodeguarder on the server in your sig, but I fully 1v2'd you and a teammate in Civil War. How can you make that claim when two of you can't even stop one person?

the node guard thing is a forum/impvp joke. he's a douche. but the sig is a joke. the backstory is seane wanted him to guard (as he was the best equipped class/toon to do so) in some reg (CW?). he refused. meanwhile, his guildy refused to heal seane.


when you listen to their whining about sorcs not respecing heals in this video, then it's pretty obvious what they thought of seane's role in that CW(?) -- seane was madness, iirc. anyway...the sig actually makes sense and is mildly entertaining...but you kinda had to be there for their big blow up in imppvp chan to get it.


edit: personally, I think respeccing for a reg is overkill. if there was a legit dual spec, and I didn't have to rearrange my quickbars every time, I'd do it. but not in the current state of the game.


back to my original question: why does it look like force leap/charge is bound to 3 different quickslots?

Edited by foxmob
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I like how you claim to be the best nodeguarder on the server in your sig, but I fully 1v2'd you and a teammate in Civil War. How can you make that claim when two of you can't even stop one person?


Hey at least you dont have to listen to him bark orders at you in warzones Pedia :p

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Hey at least you dont have to listen to him bark orders at you in warzones Pedia :p


I guess that's a good thing? :o


the node guard thing is a forum/impvp joke. he's a douche. but the sig is a joke. the backstory is seane wanted him to guard (as he was the best equipped class/toon to do so) in some reg (CW?). he refused. meanwhile, his guildy refused to heal seane.


when you listen to their whining about sorcs not respecing heals in this video, then it's pretty obvious what they thought of seane's role in that CW(?) -- seane was madness, iirc. anyway...the sig actually makes sense and is mildly entertaining...but you kinda had to be there for their big blow up in imppvp chan to get it.


edit: personally, I think respeccing for a reg is overkill. if there was a legit dual spec, and I didn't have to rearrange my quickbars every time, I'd do it. but not in the current state of the game.


back to my original question: why does it look like force leap/charge is bound to 3 different quickslots?


Thank you for this explanation. Things are alot more clear now. :D

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I guess that's a good thing? :o


Thank you for this explanation. Things are alot more clear now. :D


Yeah it's more of a tongue in cheek comment. However, your nerd tears sustain me. Keep raging

Edited by Simmerr
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I love witnessing US's total impotence when the only premades I typically see pop up in APAC's prime time, and you guys have the temerity to act nonchalant here. Nice.


No wonder Imp morale is super high right now.

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I have to say that was by far the best team I ever went against. Props to all of you. Keep up the good work and remember to have fun!


Ah yes I remember this game as well. This was the one Leijae and I hit, right after he told me I looked "mean and feminine" - purple dreadseed armor will do that....


I recall seeing in /ops a couple of the guys wanting to focus fire Troy....that should explain his new achievement.


Oh and it wasn't a double republic gentleman premade. Maybe half.



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Ah yes I remember this game as well. This was the one Leijae and I hit, right after he told me I looked "mean and feminine" - purple dreadseed armor will do that....


I recall seeing in /ops a couple of the guys wanting to focus fire Troy....that should explain his new achievement.


Oh and it wasn't a double republic gentleman premade. Maybe half.




No it was a double premade, just 2 per group though. :p

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