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In anticipation of server transfers.


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In the last few weeks i have been noticing a lot of familliar faces missing from warzones , wondering if people have started re-rolling on other servers with the announcements of paid server transfers. I have been hearing a lot of rumours of people already re-rolling there (true or untrue) or maybe people just aren't playing as much or quitting the game all together. Just trying to get a general concensus of where the pvp community is planning to go with the upcomming server transfers. I know myself am planning to transfer some characters to the bastion depending on price / legacy options.
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From that thread on the PvP forum people are looking at the Bastion as the server to go to, i believe thats where <casual> resides no?


Would make sense to move if guilds were moving, considering there are only 3 teams that consistently que for rateds on our server, which will only get smaller eventually, because if your not growing your dying.

Edited by dego-harmonium
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Hmmmm, from what I've read in that thread, it looks like a lot of east coast guilds are going to Pot5, and west coast guilds are going to the Bastion. Somehow, I'm thinking most players won't make the switch. It's real money, and they'd be leaving their communities behind that they've known for a year and a half.


Rateds won't really become a huge part of the game until Bioware makes them cross server. Honestly, if Bioware implements server transfers without cross server queues, they'll basically kill off PVP on select servers (if you want to call our server healthy atm) and force people to move to one of two servers for PVP.

Edited by Saerith
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Pvp in JC seems less "healthy" than it was. Seems like its the same teams you fight over and over.


I think the root cause is ppl have given up on the game. Transfers are welcome from here I'm sitting, been a long time coming.


- Crackshot/TheChive

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Cross server is never happening, they doing have the tech in place for it and since it is a niche requirement they will not invest the money into it when majority of the community would rather have more flashpoints/raids/events/ at the same time raising money by adding items to the cartel shop


TBH i wouldnt mind moving on of my toons just for something fresh, i would imagine xfers will be 15-25 range to be on par with most MMO's


Im pretty sure there will be another server merger after the next successful mmo comes out, dunno about ESO being that game ive heard mixed things


IDK about most peeps but I do the biggest amount of my PvP when i am done with PVE content which could be the case for others in the community, between SV/TFB/TC thats eats 2/4 nights a week I play

Edited by dego-harmonium
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Whether or not the guild decides to make a move, I know I'll be transferring one or two of my other chars to PoT5 or Bastion. Probably PoT5 because of better ping.


The fact is this is the closest thing to cross server and real competition since the game came out.


Seeing the same faces in warzones and rolling or getting rolled by the same people is getting boring. Do gimps even queue for pvp anymore? Idk

Edited by Rynis
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Server transfer to me all hinges on the price tag. If its 15-30 each character, then most people won't do it I'd bet. If its all your characters, then I could see it. But just transferring your main (which its hard to define a main with all the class ups and downs), thats too much. Just for me, I don't want to have to basically pay to transfer, or start almost fully all over on a new server.
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Quite honestly, I think the game is just slowly dieing. People have come back for the new content, realized it's just the same old crap over and over and quit, again. I myself have unsubbed twice in the past 4 months. I have only stayed due to friends playing and just having fun. I have recently re-rolled on a different server just to see how the PVP is on other servers. I still enjoy casually playing with friends on JC but it gets old when all I see is LD50 Premades that roll us. I have a competitive nature in me, and getting rolled almost every game just isn't "fun" to me anymore. You can call me whatever you want, but it's the truth. Most "good" PVPers on imp side are so spread out it doesn't even make sense. We can't consolidate them all into one guild, or people have different time zones and can't do ranked at "normal" times. Running ranked at 9PM EST isn't very smart imo, people have a life and work/marrired/kiddos and have to get up in the morning. I know this is a wall of text, but I just wanted to voice my opinion.




Edit: I also realize people can't commit to ranked PVP at any earlier times due to circumstances in their lifes.

Edited by HazardousPulse
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From that thread on the PvP forum people are looking at the Bastion as the server to go to, i believe thats where <casual> resides no?


Would make sense to move if guilds were moving, considering there are only 3 teams that consistently que for rateds on our server, which will only get smaller eventually, because if your not growing your dying.


<Casuals> was on POT5. i am not sure if they are active in rateds ATM.


some people on both servers have rolled toons on both POt5 and Bastion

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Hmmmm, from what I've read in that thread, it looks like a lot of east coast guilds are going to Pot5, and west coast guilds are going to the Bastion. Somehow, I'm thinking most players won't make the switch. It's real money, and they'd be leaving their communities behind that they've known for a year and a half.


Rateds won't really become a huge part of the game until Bioware makes them cross server. Honestly, if Bioware implements server transfers without cross server queues, they'll basically kill off PVP on select servers (if you want to call our server healthy atm) and force people to move to one of two servers for PVP.


cross server is one thing, but a true leaderboard is what would make the game relevant as far as pvp aspect. right now pvp is for funsies.

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<Casuals> was on POT5. i am not sure if they are active in rateds ATM.


some people on both servers have rolled toons on both POt5 and Bastion


I was told today that <Casuals> is gone. I didn't get any details but when Yoda was breaking down the guilds that do ranked on POT5 and I asked about them I was told that. Yoda said he did around 20 matches, facing 7-8 different teams last night in ranked.

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I was told today that <Casuals> is gone. I didn't get any details but when Yoda was breaking down the guilds that do ranked on POT5 and I asked about them I was told that. Yoda said he did around 20 matches, facing 7-8 different teams last night in ranked.


There's a bunch of posts in the Pot5 forums regarding it - look for the "top pvp guilds" thread near the top

Edited by YanksfanJP
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