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Server Transfers ~ What will YOU do?


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^ If you're listening to Macabre, you're winning at life! \m/


I was listening to Soulfly.


I did go look up Macabre though and ended up listening to Jeffery Dahmer and the Chocolate Factory. That was just hilarious.

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Only the casuals will stay as they can sit on fleet and pretend they are good and know what pvp is actually about, the day xfers are implemented any self respecting pvper will be gone from the crap load server and onto a server where there are no safe zones or bolster noobs who think they are the ****.


there are almost pretty much zero pvpers on the republic side as to any call for imperial action on any planet is ignored and alot of regular players have trouble even doing basic things in warzones nowadays. these transfers cannot come fast enough.


Rumor has it that the German RP server noted a few posts above has Remedial Sentence Structure Saturdays. Go.

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Would it be worth it to transfer to Shadowlands, PVE-wise?


I mean sure, yeah okay, PVP is fun and stuff i guess, but as someone who is absolutely 100% sick of disgustingly annoying PVP communities; Would this be a somewhat peaceful or perhaps quiet server? With at least not as much noise and elitism as a certain other PVP server *colossal cough*?

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I was listening to Soulfly.


I did go look up Macabre though and ended up listening to Jeffery Dahmer and the Chocolate Factory. That was just hilarious.


They are an incredibly underrated band! The album that song is on is themed after Jeffrey Dahmer and is pretty freaking hilarious as a result. Namely the tracks "Scrub a dub dub" and "Do the Dahmer" lol.

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Well I'm def transfering servers. I also joined a pve server for friends who left the game. This isn't my first mmo game and I'm used to pvp servers where you always have too look over your shoulder. I don't think I'd ever roll a pve server again in any game. I would be looking for a guild once over there. Would rather it be with shadowlands players I've played with that are good.
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I think I'm definitely transferring. Don't have a stable group of people to run with these days so I kind of feel like starting over somewhere else. I definitely want a PVP server this time though.


Might keep one toon here on Shadowlands for the few people that keep in touch though.

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I created my toons on a PVE server for two main reasons, the first is because my guild, at that time a guild of brazilians only, was coming here. Second, because I HATE lvling a toon and a jerk come from nowhere and attack me. I like pvp only at the proper time (warzones, open world events etc.). However, I really think that the pvp was very good at the beggining on my server (Sith Wyrm), we had some pretty good guilds like Wyvern (which Capium was the guildleader), See You in Hell, JIVE and a few others that I don't recall the name. People started leaving the game (I unsubbed on 1.1 and only came back at 1.3 almost 1.4) and things started getting worse. So the problem is, imo, as usual, the ability of Bioware of keeping people engaged with its game and its features (pvp or pve).


Right now, The Shadowlands is not good for pvp anymore, and I want to transfer my toons more and more every single day. I only hope that my guildies from Wanted (and my friends from several guilds too) wish to do the same, really learned to like this guys in the past few weeks.

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Well with Devs confirming server transfers in 2.2 as their goal release date, Im curious if anyone from ID has info if they are going to transfer. since it seems like they are the only main guild that are always able and willing for ranked, then with ID leaving, rated WZ ques could be even more of a challenge then they already are.
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Well with Devs confirming server transfers in 2.2 as their goal release date, Im curious if anyone from ID has info if they are going to transfer. since it seems like they are the only main guild that are always able and willing for ranked, then with ID leaving, rated WZ ques could be even more of a challenge then they already are.


All of ID is transfering. Anyone who enjoys competitive pvp, be it normals or ranked, would be silly to not transfer imo.

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That would be the dumbest thing ever for paid transfers...


So given Bioware's track record with this game...

Sounds about right :(


It really does.. :(


Allowing server transfers before or even at the same time as cross sever queues is a pretty dumb move. This is just my opinion though.



Trying to hold out for ESO which I hope won't be full of dissapointment. Also starting to look at Wildstar. Honestly, I just don't know how many more bad calls I can take from BW. Sure, they do some good things but there's a point when the bad outweighs the good.

Edited by Dedrayge
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Not really interested in jumping through more hoops to fix Bioware's problem for them. They've shown time and time again that they are more than willing to put the burden on the customers if they are willing to be taken advantage of. IMO, if they want PvP to thrive in this game, they will have no choice to but to eventually add cross-server and focus more on new PvP content. Anything else is just a temporary band-aid.


Regardless, I'm sure there will be plenty of people who jump ship right away, but there will be many who stay as well (and probably a number of people who will also transfer TO this server and not away from it). Overall, though, this is just the same thing Bioware did with the first round of server transfers... let people suffer until they are desperate enough to tolerate any inconvenience and then force them to choose that inconvenience for themselves. They've just decided they can make some extra money this time around.


Personally, I'll be waiting to see how things unfold and what Bioware does next with PvP. Hopping to another server isn't going to solve the bigger issue.

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Not really interested in jumping through more hoops to fix Bioware's problem for them. They've shown time and time again that they are more than willing to put the burden on the customers if they are willing to be taken advantage of. IMO, if they want PvP to thrive in this game, they will have no choice to but to eventually add cross-server and focus more on new PvP content. Anything else is just a temporary band-aid.


Regardless, I'm sure there will be plenty of people who jump ship right away, but there will be many who stay as well (and probably a number of people who will also transfer TO this server and not away from it). Overall, though, this is just the same thing Bioware did with the first round of server transfers... let people suffer until they are desperate enough to tolerate any inconvenience and then force them to choose that inconvenience for themselves. They've just decided they can make some extra money this time around.


Personally, I'll be waiting to see how things unfold and what Bioware does next with PvP. Hopping to another server isn't going to solve the bigger issue.


This isn't all Bioware's fault. We chose to roll on a PvE server. At the time I wasn't aware of the implications, but ignorance isn't really an excuse. I'm ready and willing to pay to change that. I think if you are interested in competitive PvP it's silly not to transfer. Plus 2.2 is supposedly a large PvP patch so we'll see what happens.

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Not really interested in jumping through more hoops to fix Bioware's problem for them. They've shown time and time again that they are more than willing to put the burden on the customers if they are willing to be taken advantage of. IMO, if they want PvP to thrive in this game, they will have no choice to but to eventually add cross-server and focus more on new PvP content. Anything else is just a temporary band-aid.


Regardless, I'm sure there will be plenty of people who jump ship right away, but there will be many who stay as well (and probably a number of people who will also transfer TO this server and not away from it).


Well, I agree with you that this is not the best solution, and paying for this its almost like an insult. On the other hand, I'm pretty sure that 98% of the best pvp'ers of the server will leave, and the people that will come to our server certainly are not mainly interested in PvP. So I think that staying here for competitive pvp'ers will be just terrible.


P.S: If Wanted does not come with me, I promise that I'll left my sorc behind and log in every week and obligate you to carry him through warzones. Do you really want that? lol

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I am not moving. The main thing I see happening is Long ques to get on server. As much as most of you all want to go to PvP severs they want to come here too. That is my fear and the unbalancing of faction too...
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This isn't all Bioware's fault. We chose to roll on a PvE server. At the time I wasn't aware of the implications, but ignorance isn't really an excuse. I'm ready and willing to pay to change that. I think if you are interested in competitive PvP it's silly not to transfer. Plus 2.2 is supposedly a large PvP patch so we'll see what happens.


I was mostly aware of the implications of rolling on a PvP server. Basically I knew by rolling on a PvE server over a PvP server I could avoid putting up with the self deluded baddies who think they are the greatest thing since sliced bread for ganking lowbies and attacking people already engaged with mobs. Then I also knew I'd get to avoid having to listen to them brag about it. Figured I'd just be saving myself a few headaches and hopefully avoid most the ******es. Of course at the time, I also figured I'd be doing more PvE. Turns out I was wrong and that one and didn't foresee the massive unsubbing that happened a few months into the game. Of course, I shouldn't be surprised to see no word of cross server PvP despite people asking for it since launch.


To be fair, it's really not silly not wanting to leave a server with a community one like's and is happy to be a part of. Not only that, a person would be giving up playing with people they enjoy playing with all on a gamble. There's no guarantee they will be heading to a better community. Hell, for all we know all the self deluded baddies, such as the those guys that rage quit and suddenly the team they left starts winning, may all end up over on the PvP server. So, we could be left with less baddies here and more good players that tough out WZs. It's even possible people on PvP servers are tired of their baddies and may move here.


I think I'm just going to wait and see how things pan out before jumping ship. If PvP is lacking here, then I may just tough it up and go to PoT5. It's possible I'll like it over there more. I might even find myself a guild I'd be more than happy to join.



Well, I agree with you that this is not the best solution, and paying for this its almost like an insult. On the other hand, I'm pretty sure that 98% of the best pvp'ers of the server will leave, and the people that will come to our server certainly are not mainly interested in PvP. So I think that staying here for competitive pvp'ers will be just terrible.


P.S: If Wanted does not come with me, I promise that I'll left my sorc behind and log in every week and obligate you to carry him through warzones. Do you really want that? lol


Been thinking the same thing as you sir. Well, except for the whole keeping one toon here to give your guild mates a hard time. :p




I am not moving. The main thing I see happening is Long ques to get on server. As much as most of you all want to go to PvP severs they want to come here too. That is my fear and the unbalancing of faction too...


People from PvP servers want to come here? What the...Could you please elaborate on this since it may help with people's decision process.

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This isn't all Bioware's fault. We chose to roll on a PvE server. At the time I wasn't aware of the implications, but ignorance isn't really an excuse. I'm ready and willing to pay to change that. I think if you are interested in competitive PvP it's silly not to transfer. Plus 2.2 is supposedly a large PvP patch so we'll see what happens.


This has nothing to do with rolling on a PvE server vs. a PvP server... This is about Bioware neglecting PvP and its player base in general, and then expecting those players to jump through hoop after hoop to enjoy what little PvP content there is. There's no way that anyone who has been subscribed since launch can honestly say that Bioware has put any significant amount of effort into PvP, regardless of what kind of server they originally rolled on.


I'll wait and see what happens, but I'm not buying into the mindset that anyone who enjoys PvP should immediately transfer to another server. That sounds more like propaganda from people who have already decided to jump ship and are seeking social validation. We don't even know all the details yet on cost, limitations, potential server caps, legacy ramifications (ie: loss of buffs or other legacy perks), etc.


Besides, if every PvPer piled onto one server, it would be a lag fest full of trolls and objective-ignoring try-hards, which doesn't really sound appealing at all to me. The only thing more frustrating than getting a team of bad players is getting one full of good players who still manage to throw the game because they are more concerned with their numbers on the scoreboard.


I'm pretty sure that 98% of the best pvp'ers of the server will leave, and the people that will come to our server certainly are not mainly interested in PvP. So I think that staying here for competitive pvp'ers will be just terrible.


I can definitely understand your concern, but I don't think it's going to be anywhere near that bad. Some of the best PvPers I know, including some in our own guild, either transitioned over from end-game PvE or still have a strong interest in both PvE and PvP content. I wouldn't be surprised if there was actually more rated activity on the server after transfers, once many guilds have a chance to actually grow and improve in the absence of people who would normally farm them mercilessly and/or poach their top players.


Regardless, the larger issue of lack of accessibility and incentive to do rated PvP will still exist. If and when they get around to properly fixing that, it's not going to matter what server people are playing on. For now, though, I think it's smarter to wait and see how things unfold and reassess the situation after the initial server transfer dust settles.

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I'll wait and see what happens, but I'm not buying into the mindset that anyone who enjoys PvP should immediately transfer to another server. That sounds more like propaganda from people who have already decided to jump ship and are seeking social validation. We don't even know all the details yet on cost, limitations, potential server caps, legacy ramifications (ie: loss of buffs or other legacy perks), etc.



Hey, don't forget about people on the PvP servers trying to convince people to transfer to their server.

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I'll wait and see what happens, but I'm not buying into the mindset that anyone who enjoys PvP should immediately transfer to another server. That sounds more like propaganda from people who have already decided to jump ship and are seeking social validation. We don't even know all the details yet on cost, limitations, potential server caps, legacy ramifications (ie: loss of buffs or other legacy perks), etc.


It's not propaganda that there are actually regular rated games going on at Prophecy of the Five. That's kind of a fact. You know me well enough to know I want competition. This server doesn't have it.

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It's not propaganda that there are actually regular rated games going on at Prophecy of the Five. That's kind of a fact. You know me well enough to know I want competition. This server doesn't have it.


I don't know, I think this server has plenty of solid PvPers. One of the problems, however, is that so many have continued to seek "competition" by joining teams that are already winning without their help. If that's what competition is, then we should all just join the same guild and sit on the fleet laughing about how we are the best and have nobody to play against.


As for POT5's rated activity, I have no doubt that it's higher than what we currently have, but it's not going to be sustainable without additional work being put into PvP. I see comments in POT5's forums regarding rated activity which look strikingly similar to what we used to have in our own forums before things completely dried up here. Given a little more time, they'd probably finish burning through their larger PvP population (which is partially made up of people who already re-rolled there in search of greener pastures) and end up right in the same spot as us.

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I don't know, I think this server has plenty of solid PvPers. One of the problems, however, is that so many have continued to seek "competition" by joining teams that are already winning without their help. If that's what competition is, then we should all just join the same guild and sit on the fleet laughing about how we are the best and have nobody to play against.


As for POT5's rated activity, I have no doubt that it's higher than what we currently have, but it's not going to be sustainable without additional work being put into PvP. I see comments in POT5's forums regarding rated activity which look strikingly similar to what we used to have in our own forums before things completely dried up here. Given a little more time, they'd probably finish burning through their larger PvP population (which is partially made up of people who already re-rolled there in search of greener pastures) and end up right in the same spot as us.


I'd like you to name one player we took from another guild that was doing ranked semi regularly at the time.

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