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Cathar force corruption


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What is up with the way force corruption is reflected on cathar? I changed my dark side sentinel into a cathar, but when I toggle to show force corruption her skin (fur?) changes from the black I gave her into a very light grey over her entire body. I realize force corruption is supposed to make the character look a little aged, but this looks horrible.
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Corruption at darkvV is white skin with veins. So on light skin shades it is not very noticeable, but as soon as you get something other than light skin, you get wonders like pink purebloods and so on. It is not just veins and red eyes, unfortunately, white skin is package deal. Edited by PaniMauser
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That's unfortunate. I was looking forward to the possibility of a black panther-like cathar with glowing red eyes. But I get the impression that this is an issue that has been around since the beginning. I know I would be rather annoyed if I ended up playing a pink pure blood. I don't understand why Bioware hasn't addressed this. Not everyone plays a caucasian jedi or sith where the lighter skin actually works.
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That's unfortunate. I was looking forward to the possibility of a black panther-like cathar with glowing red eyes. But I get the impression that this is an issue that has been around since the beginning. I know I would be rather annoyed if I ended up playing a pink pure blood. I don't understand why Bioware hasn't addressed this. Not everyone plays a caucasian jedi or sith where the lighter skin actually works.


To be honest, it never works. It makes your face look like you wrestled with an ice cream truck and lost, miserably.

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Not to change the subject, but what is the cathar social ability? I've been out of town all week.


"Pride of the Cathar".


You basically just roar whilst making a battle-cry-like animation. If around other people, i believe they do the /cringe animation.


Whatever the one that makes them put up both of their arms and try to "cover" themselves whilst slightly stepping back. It's difficult to explain, so i'll just say they "/fear" you if you do the ability around them.

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"Pride of the Cathar".


You basically just roar whilst making a battle-cry-like animation. If around other people, i believe they do the /cringe animation.


Whatever the one that makes them put up both of their arms and try to "cover" themselves whilst slightly stepping back. It's difficult to explain, so i'll just say they "/fear" you if you do the ability around them.


They should have put the smuggler detaunt animation for that instead. That would have been so priceless.

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That's unfortunate. I was looking forward to the possibility of a black panther-like cathar with glowing red eyes.


Then just play a cathar with black fur and red eyes? All cathar eyes glow. It's not a -strong- glow, but it's there. Just like it is with purebloods and chiss. Corruption makes just about every species look like ****, not sure why you expected any different for the cathar... but the toggle is there and it works just fine :)

Edited by Pscyon
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Cathar have fur over their body so its weird for them get the "pale skin and veins" effect when dark-side corruption is on. It would be nice to have them grow sharp claws and fangs sticking out of their mouth. Red/ yellow eyes are ok .:rak_01:
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Corruption makes just about every species look like ****, not sure why you expected any different for the cathar...


My rattataki assassin looks absolutely great with dark side corruption. But one of the reasons for that might be that rattatakis have white skin anyway.

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What is up with the way force corruption is reflected on cathar? I changed my dark side sentinel into a cathar, but when I toggle to show force corruption her skin (fur?) changes from the black I gave her into a very light grey over her entire body. I realize force corruption is supposed to make the character look a little aged, but this looks horrible.


It should give them Mange. :csw_jabbapet: LOL


If you all do not know what that is google it and see. :D

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That's unfortunate. I was looking forward to the possibility of a black panther-like cathar with glowing red eyes. But I get the impression that this is an issue that has been around since the beginning. I know I would be rather annoyed if I ended up playing a pink pure blood. I don't understand why Bioware hasn't addressed this. Not everyone plays a caucasian jedi or sith where the lighter skin actually works.


I agree with you..but the game does allow you to turn off or "hide" dark side corruption. I wish BW would make it to where the dark side corruption animation took into account the player character's species and their complextion. ((spelling?)) Then maybe we'd have some awesome looking Dark Side characters running around.

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Cathar have fur over their body so its weird for them get the "pale skin and veins" effect when dark-side corruption is on. It would be nice to have them grow sharp claws and fangs sticking out of their mouth. Red/ yellow eyes are ok .:rak_01:


That would be awesome...why didn't Bioware think of that!? Oh wait..they don't because they don't want to have to put in the amount of work to enable such an awesome idea.

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They messed up force corruption. It really only works right for humans. They should have made unique effects for each race, but they didn't.


I agree...and I bet you that they didn't make unique effects for each race because it would have been too much work and taken too long.

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