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Sub cancelled, help me make this F2P work


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So the new patch was horrible for my gambling and dye addiction, i ended up paying money for dyes. I decided to quit my subscription coz i really don't want to pay more for this game. I really love the game i will continue playing it but i can't keep paying more money for it.


I'm going to have to continue as a f2p from now on and i have no idea how to go on with this. I've got 5 million credits and 6 more days for subscription. What's gonna happen to that money ? Will i need to buy ops passes everyweek to continue doing opses ? How does this thing work ?


Any advice is welcome, thank you.

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I case the OP is actually serious:


I hate to break it to you, but cancelling you sub and continuing f2p in order to prevent yourself from buying stuff via the CM makes no sense.


On the contrary, you will likely use the the CM as a f2p even more than before.


Also, therapy.

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I case the OP is actually serious:


I hate to break it to you, but cancelling you sub and continuing f2p in order to prevent yourself from buying stuff via the CM makes no sense.


On the contrary, you will likely use the the CM as a f2p even more than before.


Also, therapy.



not if he buy it via gtn, which that what he should do btw

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Yeah... OP is a moron. Your 5 million will disappear, in "escrow", you will only get to keep 250k. To get more of your money, goes what? *gasp* you have to pay cartel coins! LOL


You want normal xp gain? guess what? *gasp* more cartel coins!


You want all of your normal abilities like color match, helmet hide, etc? *gasp* more cartel coins!


You want to do raids or warzones? That's right kids... MORE CARTEL COINS!!!!!


Stop being a child, save yourself a lot of trouble and either stay subbed or quit completely.

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Come on therapy means more money :p. Besides it's easier to mock the system that forces you to gamble for dyes :D.


I'm actually quite serious, i need to sort a way to keep this going i'm already a preferred player.


I need an account wide artifact authorization, i need an account wide crew skill authorization, section x, event authorizations , i can come up with 4 more million in game credits which makes it 10 million. I don't give a crap about bonus xp's bonus stuff, just need to continue doing opses and events if i can and spend time with my friends.


I mean what's done is done i'm quite sad but i really need to hold back on this stuff otherwise i can't eat with a scholarship this month.

Edited by Hakkology
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not if he buy it via gtn, which that what he should do btw


Yes, but he could have that done before as well.


I mean, the OP apparently had no problem with the subscription fee itsself, but with spending stupid amounts via the CM. This is not going to change just by going f2p.

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My advice, either pick up gw2 or wait until rift F2P hits in june. Also ESO is already in closed beta and due for release by the end of the year so open beta might not be too far away.


My point in short, if you don't like the direction this game is taking then support it monetarily or even by login numbers. No point in playing a game where the game company takes their subscription base for a ride.


Plenty of other games out there that don't shaft their consumer base quite as bad.

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It would have been better if you just cut up your Credit Card. :D


F2P Cost More to play. Sure the value of Subscriptions is being lessened as well, but to do all that you were able to in a Subscription you will end up paying more in F2P. If you had an addiction to buying Dyes then you should just stop buying Dyes.


Heck I only spent my Cartel Coins on some Cargo Holds and a few Character Perks. Everything else is just over priced. Well actually the Cargo Holds are over priced as well but it was a lot better than paying millions for all my Characters, Current and Present. Not like I was going to use my coins on anything else with there prices.


Like Someone else Suggested you might as well Quit if you are tired of spending money. Unless of Course you feel like cutting down a lot of your actives in the game as well.



I know that if this next Patch we get is Crap like the Rest I am going to cut my Subscription. I have only been playing like one or two days a week for the past month or so and heck I didn't play at all going on two weeks now. The direction of the game has just disappointed me more and more that I am loosing interest in the game. :(

Edited by WarbNull
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Addiction is more like to the random stuff that i get, you just never know what you will get :).


And no i really love this game i played GW2 as well it was horrible and i love Star Wars. There has to be a way.

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My point in short, if you don't like the direction this game is taking then support it monetarily or even by login numbers. No point in playing a game where the game company takes their subscription base for a ride.



I think you posted in a wrong thread. The OP isnt complaining about the game, he is complaining about his (gambling and dye) addiction.


EDIT Also, everyone who uses the "This game sucks, I cant wait for [insert title of next overhyped MMO]" deserves a cookie.


Yeah, ESO sure will kick SWTORs ***... :rolleyes: Like GW2 kicked WOWs. Like Rift. like Diablo III. Like Age of Conan. Like Warhammer . You get the picture.

Edited by Arutar
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Yo dawg heard you like to spend coins uselessly :D


So we put in a escrow in whci we lock away your cash, and if you need any of it, you gotta pay us cartel coins!


Pay real money to ransom your own virtual money back :)


It's like they copied that straight from DCUO.


It sucked there too.

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I think you posted in a wrong thread. The OP isnt complaining about the game, he is complaining about his (gambling and dye) addiction.


I'm complaining about the way they are designed, that you have to gamble and hope you would get the right colour.


It made me purchase cartel coins, despite i was a sub and i don't want to do that.

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Addiction is more like to the random stuff that i get, you just never know what you will get :).


And no i really love this game i played GW2 as well it was horrible and i love Star Wars. There has to be a way.


There is. Pay your sub, stop whining, and stop using the cartel market. If you want something from the market, either use your 5 million to buy it off of the gtn, or wait a a few months and get it with your free coins.








It is very simple... I can't even fathom why people can't grasp the concept


You can play this game without paying a single cent more than your sub if you have a little patience and self control.. but no, everyone is "generation NOW!"

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Stop being a child, save yourself a lot of trouble and either stay subbed or quit completely.


Despite the horrible attitude the last bit of advice is pretty sound. The F2P in this game wasn't really designed to work unfortunately. It was designed to give you enough of the game to be interested and then oppress you to the extreme until you realize subbing is the way to go.


I would argue that the actual F2P "option" in this game is one of the most punishing models out there. Sub or quit seems like the only option financially.

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Nah that's actually a good attitude and sounds right i don't care about people being rude at this point, would do anything to make this work.


He's right, i have to make a choice. I may have to stop subbing for this month and actually focus on my finals. Maybe i'll sub again next month i can just give my money to a close friend.


That's it, i'm out for a month.

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There is. Pay your sub, stop whining, and stop using the cartel market. If you want something from the market, either use your 5 million to buy it off of the gtn, or wait a a few months and get it with your free coins.








It is very simple... I can't even fathom why people can't grasp the concept


You can play this game without paying a single cent more than your sub if you have a little patience and self control.. but no, everyone is "generation NOW!"


The average human male has to compete with other humans male for mating with the girls, proving his superiority.


In Star Wars: The old Republic, such superiority is obtained by looks, which are status symbol of time,effort, and the almighty power of the wallet.


Because some human males at a certain point cannot compete with such expenditure, they resort to endless griping, mainly for attention seeking.


Unfortunately, in this game, the human male fails to realize that there are hardly any girls to mate with. Hence making this contest, effectively useless.

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Yeah... OP is a moron. Your 5 million will disappear, in "escrow", you will only get to keep 250k. To get more of your money, goes what? *gasp* you have to pay cartel coins! LOL


You want normal xp gain? guess what? *gasp* more cartel coins!


You want all of your normal abilities like color match, helmet hide, etc? *gasp* more cartel coins!


You want to do raids or warzones? That's right kids... MORE CARTEL COINS!!!!!


Stop being a child, save yourself a lot of trouble and either stay subbed or quit completely.


Or he could use his excess before his sub runs out. With that amount of credits he could easily purchase everything you've listed and enough ops/fp passes to give him a pretty good amount of time to see if he's o.k. with playing as a f2p player.


OP, my advice would be to look at the list of differences between f2p and sub players, check the gtn, and see how much you would have to pay (in credits) to purchase the things you would be losing. And make sure you're looking at prices for account wide unlocks. It's not like you can't come back if you decide you prefer staying subbed.

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Or he could use his excess before his sub runs out. With that amount of credits he could easily purchase everything you've listed and enough ops/fp passes to give him a pretty good amount of time to see if he's o.k. with playing as a f2p player.


OP, my advice would be to look at the list of differences between f2p and sub players, check the gtn, and see how much you would have to pay (in credits) to purchase the things you would be losing. And make sure you're looking at prices for account wide unlocks. It's not like you can't come back if you decide you prefer staying subbed.


Thank you, that's an attitude i really could use.


We'll see, can do that and see if i can get what i need over time.

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