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PvP Community's Plans for Server Transfers


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Like I've said before, PM finally recruited our full 8 and hopefully we'll be out there soon. We're trying to work out our schedule and we have one member on vacation right now so nothing has been finalized except our players and our group composition.


Well then... Lets see if we can get something set up..


What works best with your peeps.. days and times would be cool.

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+1 on all of this bro..


Sadly this was my sentiment months back. I too was and still am eager for this to happen. It can if there are even a handful of other masochists like us..


Be prepared for **** talk tho man.. Not from the PVP guilds, but from the community.. I would broadcast in /say and the PVP channel LFG Ranked.. I literally had people say **** like "If you wanna do ranked then LTP and get on a Ranked team.. Don't bring us along to your *** rape party"..


But really, I would even join you bro. Im a mediocre Sorc and will provide what ever support I can.. Im sure If we put together a group, I could jump into mumble and get guerrillas to put together an impromptu team. It may be frustrating.. So be preapared for our PUGs to rage or simply leave quietly.. But if your really down, I will join you.. Whisper Mortalya on Imp side, or Mortasha on Pubs.




People like Mort here are the only way your aforementioned proposal will work. As great as you may be, you will never be able to develop a ranked team on your own. You must have at least 50% of your team that has some experience and can help you in this regard. I'm telling you this from experience, my friends and I have had our ups and downs with ranked and it's hard to start from scratch this late in the game. So you grab Mort and a couple of other players that have some experience dealing with the competitive players on this server and then you might be approaching a feasible goal to develop a ranked team. But... if you go with your previously mentioned idea of grabbing seven players that just want to get better even if it means getting facerolled over and over again, they probably won't get better because they don't have enough up time to even see what they're doing wrong or when they're doing it and if you're getting grieved constantly then the likely hood of you being able to see what's happening is very low as well, especially if you're the focus target.. That means you recording your games may be useless because most of your time recording will have been spent in spawn.


I'm not trying to discourage you, just trying to give you an idea of what our server has been going through over the past year and a half or so.

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Well then... Lets see if we can get something set up..


What works best with your peeps.. days and times would be cool.


When your guildies get back from vacay that is..


Guerrilla is currently working on taking a census and putting togeather 2 teams.. One will be an "early birds" the other "later gators".. lol

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Well then... Lets see if we can get something set up..


What works best with your peeps.. days and times would be cool.


We aren't sure yet, it's looking like either tuesdays, thursdays, or saturdays, probably 7pmEST or later. Our assassin is out for a few more days and we wanted to at least get our couple new 55's in partisan before sticking our heads in ranked, but we're definitely looking to get it going as soon as we can.


The idea of server transfers kinda bugs me tbh, since I don't really have the cash to transfer away if everyone else does. Hopefully we can just get our community going to the point where we dont need to transfer!

Edited by silvershadows
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Perhaps what we need is a neutral ground speak channel.


Hmmmm.. I suppose I could look into setting that up..


Would anyone be interested in that sort of thing?


What would be the preference.. TS.. MUMMS, or Vent


I have a 400 user mumble server I'd be willing to donate if people are serious about developing ranked pvp'ers.

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People like Mort here are the only way your aforementioned proposal will work. As great as you may be, you will never be able to develop a ranked team on your own. You must have at least 50% of your team that has some experience and can help you in this regard. I'm telling you this from experience, my friends and I have had our ups and downs with ranked and it's hard to start from scratch this late in the game. So you grab Mort and a couple of other players that have some experience dealing with the competitive players on this server and then you might be approaching a feasible goal to develop a ranked team. But... if you go with your previously mentioned idea of grabbing seven players that just want to get better even if it means getting facerolled over and over again, they probably won't get better because they don't have enough up time to even see what they're doing wrong or when they're doing it and if you're getting grieved constantly then the likely hood of you being able to see what's happening is very low as well, especially if you're the focus target.. That means you recording your games may be useless because most of your time recording will have been spent in spawn.


I'm not trying to discourage you, just trying to give you an idea of what our server has been going through over the past year and a half or so.


I know it's a crapshot gambit, and I know full well that what I want to do is doomed to fail in the end, any organized team will keep me hard contained and I am not gods gift to PvP on the server. I just want to deepen the pool a bit as opposed to seeing the people I really have fun playing with and against leave the server for greener pastures. I'm not leaving TEH either way, but if the PvP leaves TEH then I'm just gonna keep on PvEing and not even worry about PvP anymore. That would make me sad.


Does Zen field a ranked team? I only really know Alex from your guild (as/in more than just played a few passing WZs with) and haven't heard much about it if you do. I'd love to field a team against you guys and get stomped too, you're fun to play with when I get pulled in by Alex.


I guess what I really want to know is why did everyone stop playing ranked if we have good players on this server? (Which I feel we do, the skill level for this server is astonishing given the normal type of player an RP server in other MMOs attract. The most pleasant surprise of being on TEH to be honest.) I don't care if I am in the worst team on the server and never win a game as long as games actually start getting played again. That means taking what the queue gives you and not complaining when your "kickball" gets interrupted by other teams looking to play. Every match has 1 team that wins and 1 team that loses, the fun is in actually _playing_ the game itself.


Like did everyone collectively give up?


I am not looking to succeed, just looking to get things going. I don't care if I never win a game.

Edited by Battyone
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Also looking at a couple other players we might field as backup, depends on what goes down. We definitely watch people in WZ's but not many unguilded/non pvp guilded people stick out to us lately.


We gotta be careful tho, Amistar might think Chyren is hacking :p

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Also looking at a couple other players we might field as backup, depends on what goes down. We definitely watch people in WZ's but not many unguilded/non pvp guilded people stick out to us lately.


We gotta be careful tho, Amistar might think Chyren is hacking :p


I got the vid man, 12 *********** seconds gate to door to plant is a bit OP. Q_Q Never ran into a transcendence and roll before.


Watch the footage I was the one saying "let's not jump to conclusions and analyze what happened." I just think it's OP is all.


To be completely fair I puled a 2.14mil healing WZ right after, so it's not the only OP thing.

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We aren't sure yet, it's looking like either tuesdays, thursdays, or saturdays, probably 7pmEST or later. Our assassin is out for a few more days and we wanted to at least get our couple new 55's in partisan before sticking our heads in ranked, but we're definitely looking to get it going as soon as we can.


The idea of server transfers kinda bugs me tbh, since I don't really have the cash to transfer away if everyone else does. Hopefully we can just get our community going to the point where we dont need to transfer!


Well, it's not about getting the community going because even amongst the community, the problem is that we just aren't large enough. Let's say that TEH was all happy-go-lucky and Guerilla, Project Mayhem, Hex, Zen, Game Genie/Empire, and Republic were all able to field ranked teams and we queued up frequently. Could this happen? I definitely think that we could field the people to put teams up for all of these guilds. Are all of these teams going to queue up 2 or 3 nights a week? No. Certain days and times work better for some than others. This causes staggering in the ranked queues and it causes certain teams to end up facing each other and not the other teams.


The appealing thing about a PvP server is that (reportedly) the ranked queues happen nearly every night and if it's that common of an occurrence then the likelihood of people doing ranked becomes much more probable because it's less of an "event" and more of a "normality".


And even still, you're combating people that are sick and tired of the drama and BS that they've been dealing with on this server over the last year or so. So getting these people to stick around on an RP server when server transfers goes live will be pretty hard imo, even if we do get a few ranked teams going on TEH.

Edited by Sindol
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I got the vid man, 12 *********** seconds gate to door to plant is a bit OP. Q_Q Never "let's not jump to conclusions and analyze what happened." I just think it's OP is all.




Oh sit.. lol.. and that's how a thread goes bad.

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Well, it's not about getting the community going because even amongst the community, the problem is that we just aren't large enough. Let's say that TEH was all happy-go-lucky and Guerilla, Project Mayhem, Hex, Zen, Game Genie/Empire, and Republic were all able to field ranked teams and we queued up frequently. Could this happen? I definitely think that we could field the people to put teams up for all of these guilds. Are all of these teams going to queue up 2 or 3 nights a week? No. Certain days and times work better for some than others. This causes staggering in the ranked queues and it causes certain teams to end up facing each other and not the other teams.


The appealing thing about a PvP server is that (reportedly) the ranked queues happen nearly every night and if it's that common of an occurrence then the likely hood of people doing ranked becomes much more probable because it's less of an "event" and more of a "normality".


And even still, you're combating people that are sick and tired of the drama and BS that they've been dealing with on this server over the last year or so. So getting these people to stick around on an RP server when server transfers goes live will be pretty hard imo, even if we do get a few ranked teams going on TEH.


Anyone have a 55 over on POT5 or elsewhere that can confirm/deny the queue situation. How do we know they're not looking for more people to fix their own problem like this. My ideal solution is x-server ranked tbph, but who knows if that will ever happen.


*EDIT - As/for escaping PvP drama. This is an MMORPG. Do you really think it's going to be better there. Look at their community as it stands now. It's going to be worse I promise you that.

Edited by Battyone
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Oh sit.. lol.. and that's how a thread goes bad.


Hey man, first time I ever encountered that I was like "WTFZOMGQ_Q". Gotta remember I'm from 1.0->1,2 there are tons of things I've not seen yet. The OP thing is in jest anyway if you knew me at all, nothing is really OP, just an annoying problem that needs to be solved somehow.

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Well, it's not about getting the community going because even amongst the community, the problem is that we just aren't large enough.


And even still, you're combating people that are sick and tired of the drama and BS that they've been dealing with on this server over the last year or so. So getting these people to stick around on an RP server when server transfers goes live will be pretty hard imo, even if we do get a few ranked teams going on TEH.


/sigh ^^^ so true.. I think transfer are more of an eventuality then a "what if"...


However.. unitll they actually happen, I think its good to take positive steps forward in improving the community dynamic..


Sadly, I have a feeling it will be infinitely more difficult to even suggest this **** on a PVP server.. I could be wrong.. but prob not.


I am fully willing to except the repercussion of the transfer tho..

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Hey man, first time I ever encountered that I was like "WTFZOMGQ_Q". Gotta remember I'm from 1.0->1,2 there are tons of things I've not seen yet. The OP thing is in jest anyway if you knew me at all, nothing is really OP, just an annoying problem that needs to be solved somehow.


Im just poking in fun.. I feel you brah.

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Lets remember that its these PVP guilds that made the pug lvl on this server so good. It's fighting the same folks over and over that helps us learn. we probably face a co-ordinated group of at least 3/4 in every warzone.


on a bigger server with more pvp teams, you lose part of "know your enemy" that we're all so familiar with here, and thats as exciting for the PVP guilds as it should be terrifying for our pugs.


There are challenges on POT5 for the PVP guilds, they have the opportunity to learn too. It's gotta be pretty boring if you're in one of these guilds right now queing for normal wzs and seeing us lot, and where is their reward anyway? If they win we ***** at them if they lose we gloat. Lets be honest, its not like the majority of the server has nice things to say about them.


This forum is an extension of hardcore pvp guilds and fringe players. people who might be able to perform better with organisation, but for one reason or another just don't. It's not the majority of the server, it's not representative of the PUGs we end up with added to our 3/4mans.


not sure where this post was headed, ive gone off on a tangent. :p

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Because no one wants to play against the ranked teams that we have now, for various reasons. I could list several here, but it would only start the troll train rolling again. At the end of the day, it all boils down to lack of interest.

Um, I do, and I'm not alone... but as I said in my previous post getting 8 of the right people together is an enormous challenge.


"Lack of interest" is probably accurate for a lot of people, though. :(

Like Nadir said, I for one do, even with the lag I constantly have on my old laptop. If we didn't want to play against them why would we transfer to the same server as them? (if PvP server transfers are possible) :rolleyes:


Bolded for emphasis.


I would do ranked again as well, and I know a lot of fringe players interested in ranked play. But again, I stress the important part of what I said earlier: they don't really want to play the current ranked scene. I had hoped to avoid speaking for the masses, but it's inevitable at this point...so here goes:


This is a RP server, and by definition, caters to a more casual player base. There is a healthy PvP community here at all levels, because queue times are generally low at practically any time of day. I haven't been in a guild or even a premade for many months, and even when I was, I solo queued the majority of my tens of thousands of matches. Yes, I troll. Yes, I talk smack in warzones. That is all tongue in cheek stuff. I preface this in an effort to let you know that what follows is the absolute truth from the perspective of a lot of PUGgers and casual PvPers that I have queued and chatted with in tons of warzones.


Most casuals don't mind getting rolled a few times. They really don't. I think most players recognize that there are times when they're going to face premades and get crushed because they also recognize that at times the tables are turned, and they're grouped with a premade that whoops the other team. Sure, some rage quit at the first sign of trouble or when they see a few red <Guild X> tags. But by and large, most casuals are levelheaded about the whole PvP experience. With one glaring exception:


People DO NOT like getting triple capped, especially when playing against their own faction. They don't like 6-0 Huttball matches that are over in 2 minutes. And they certainly don't like facing this scenario repeatedly all night long.


There's no need to name guilds here, because all the "top" ones have done it, and have done it since the beginning. Players face premades in lowbie PvP and get stomped, and again in normal matches. Why would they want to do it yet again in ranked? The general thought was why bother widening the gear gap by continually losing to the same players all the time? Essentially, the "competitive" PvP guilds have generated their own exclusivity through the tactics they use and their hardcore play style. This combined with other issues has lead us to the situation we have now. We have plenty of players interested in ranked play, but a lot of them won't waste their time against the inevitable because it simply isn't fun.


As has been said before, the best thing for TEH is for the hardcore guilds to just move on. TEH will have a clean slate to work with, and those moving on will have the competitive environment they want.

Edited by TheronFett
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/heavy sigh..


TBH.. As much as I enjoy seeing you all in game and on the these forums..


I am somewhat excited about moving to a PVP server. The depth of the player pool is something I am looking forward to.


@ Theron..

Once we are all gone.. Who will you Troll.. These same masses you speak for now? Yea that's right.. please go ahead and write a long winded load of ****... Of all the people I have interacted with here, you have always been the most difficult pain the ***. every time I try to put out fires you go in right behind me and thow on some gas..


Will there be even bigger trolls on a PVP server.. oh yea!! However.. I might even try my hand at trolling the **** outta them.. I can be good with words at times.

Edited by DarthBror
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I got the vid man, 12 *********** seconds gate to door to plant is a bit OP. Q_Q Never ran into a transcendence and roll before.


Watch the footage I was the one saying "let's not jump to conclusions and analyze what happened." I just think it's OP is all.


To be completely fair I puled a 2.14mil healing WZ right after, so it's not the only OP thing.



I watched the vid :p


I never said it wasn't op, just funny that people assumed hax right away, lol. To your credit you wanted to check it out first, but the others on your team weren't as willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.


Chyren is one of the best ninja node/door cappers I've ever had the pleasure of playing with.


Don't take stuff I say personally man, i was poking fun at you, trust me i wasn't serious. If I was serious, I would have been a lot meaner about it :p

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*EDIT - As/for escaping PvP drama. This is an MMORPG. Do you really think it's going to be better there. Look at their community as it stands now. It's going to be worse I promise you that.


I suspect that you're right. It wouldn't surprise me if they transfer over and have to deal with exactly the same drama or even more drama than before. Still, I kind of don't blame the big PVP guilds for bailing for greener pastures just based on this alone. I've lost count how many games I've played where people have accused the premade on the other side of cheating when it was just bad players not recognizing skills or getting outplayed.


Hell, I just got my *** handed to me by Jerc and the Hex crew three games in a row this afternoon. And like clockwork, ops chat was lit up by people accusing them of speed hacking. It never once occurred to the muppets that I queued in with that we were getting stomped because they were well coordinated and whereas we were running around like headless chickens. It also never occured to my fellow pubs that they were just seeing skills they didn't recognize/understand. And when I point this out in ops chat? Disbelief and tons of ******** QQ. Which is why I quit queuing this afternoon incidentally. I can take getting my *** handed to me by excellent players, I try to learn something every game even when I'm getting stomped, but I cannot freaking stand whiny Pubs who fall back on lame excuses when they get beat fair and square.


And if the accusations of cheating and piss poor attitudes annoy the crap out of me - someone who stands on the fringes of the PVP community and is just an observer - I can only imagine how tiresome it eventually gets for the people getting accused. That ****'s got to get tiresome after awhile, no matter how thick your skin is. I really don't blame Hex/Zen/Gamempirella for wanting a fresh start elsewhere.

Edited by Prisoner
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Bolded for emphasis.


I would do ranked again as well, and I know a lot of fringe players interested in ranked play. But again, I stress the important part of what I said earlier: they don't really want to play the current ranked scene. I had hoped to avoid speaking for the masses, but it's inevitable at this point...so here goes:


This is a RP server, and by definition, caters to a more casual player base. There is a healthy PvP community here at all levels, because queue times are generally low at practically any time of day. I haven't been in a guild or even a premade for many months, and even when I was, I solo queued the majority of my tens of thousands of matches. Yes, I troll. Yes, I talk smack in warzones. That is all tongue in cheek stuff. I preface this in an effort to let you know that what follows is the absolute truth from the perspective of a lot of PUGgers and casual PvPers that I have queued and chatted with in tons of warzones.


Most casuals don't mind getting rolled a few times. They really don't. I think most players recognize that there are times when they're going to face premades and get crushed because they also recognize that at times the tables are turned, and they're grouped with a premade that whoops the other team. Sure, some rage quit at the first sign of trouble or when they see a few red <Guild X> tags. But by and large, most casuals are levelheaded about the whole PvP experience. With one glaring exception:


People DO NOT like getting triple capped, especially when playing against their own faction. They don't like 6-0 Huttball matches that are over in 2 minutes. And they certainly don't like facing this scenario repeatedly all night long.


There's no need to name guilds here, because all the "top" ones have done it, and have done it since the beginning. Players face premades in lowbie PvP and get stomped, and again in normal matches. Why would they want to do it yet again in ranked? The general thought was why bother widening the gear gap by continually losing to the same players all the time? Essentially, the "competitive" PvP guilds have generated their own exclusivity through the tactics they use and their hardcore play style. This combined with other issues has lead us to the situation we have now. We have plenty of players interested in ranked play, but a lot of them won't waste their time against the inevitable because it simply isn't fun.


As has been said before, the best thing for TEH is for the hardcore guilds to just move on. TEH will have a clean slate to work with, and those moving on will have the competitive environment they want.


This is exactly what I was talking about. No offense to you, but you've perfectly demonstrated the difference in your grasp on PvP and rated end-game PvP and how it correlates with the hardcore PvP guilds that you've mentioned. Your ideal end-game PvP experience is very much catered to the casual environment that comes with an RP server experience and there's nothing wrong with that. It's just not a legitimate expectation for you to have of players that currently compete in rated end-game PvP because they're going to play their hearts out every single match they get in.

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As has been said before, the best thing for TEH is for the hardcore guilds to just move on. TEH will have a clean slate to work with, and those moving on will have the competitive environment they want.


Of course, another possibility is that they get replaced by other players who also have access to server transfers, and after hearing about the best players on TEH leaving, come here to steamroll the masses. You could very well lose your best deterrent against an influx of players with far less interest in competition or goodwill such as shown by guilds like Hex in the past.


I'm in a casual guild with pretty low PvP participation, and solo queue most of the time. I know the frustration it brings, but I have little confidence that a mass exodus by the best players is going to improve anything long term. The cream will rise to the top eventually as it always does and the game does not have a good solution right now for dealing with the wide disparity in interest and ability amongst players. Even as someone warming the bench on the sidelines, the thought of many of these guilds leaving bums me out.

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This is exactly what I was talking about. No offense to you, but you've perfectly demonstrated the difference in your grasp on PvP and rated end-game PvP and how it correlates with the hardcore PvP guilds that you've mentioned. Your ideal end-game PvP experience is very much catered to the casual environment that comes with an RP server experience and there's nothing wrong with that. It's just not a legitimate expectation for you to have of players that currently compete in rated end-game PvP because they're going to play their hearts out every single match they get in.


No offense taken.


Me, personally, I rolled on a RP server because of the environment. RP servers are typically more laid back, and don't have as much naming crap like "Darth Sexyboy" as other servers. Yes, I enjoy PvP and have been an avid PvPer in every game I've played for the last 12 years. But I don't like the leet kid crap that comes with most PvP servers, and in that right, I believe I am among the vast majority of players who play on TEH.


No, I don't expect hardcore PvP guilds to lie down and take it easy against PUGs. No, I don't expect them to do much of anything other than what they're already doing. I'm just relaying what has been said in countless ops chats over the last 1.5 years. And you're absolutely right about one thing: most players expect a more casual PvP experience because this is a RP server. I think it's rather silly to expect a highly competitive PvP environment on TEH, and those who are wanting to leave, I bid them farewell. This isn't the place for them. Given the current circumstances, the server population has nearly unanimously agreed on that point.

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Once we are all gone.. Who will you Troll.. These same masses you speak for now? Yea that's right.. please go ahead and write a long winded load of ****... Of all the people I have interacted with here, you have always been the most difficult pain the ***. every time I try to put out fires you go in right behind me and thow on some gas..



Way too much QQ on here. A bunch of you whiners need to stop playing the victim card, it doesn't work. If you are with a group of your friends and you get trip capped.....think about why you got your butt handed to you and don't let it happen again.


Stop acting like the "top guilds" owe you anything. Play, learn, read, practice, THINK,......get better. Its that simple.

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