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PvP Community's Plans for Server Transfers


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A lot of bickering going on for no reason it looks like. People need to focus on the PvP and forget the drama. Only reason I'm replying right now is because Mort is my boy. I have pvped quite a bit with Mort and was really sad to see him leave Pax (will be even sadder if he left TEH). He talked to me quite a bit when he was mulling over the decision to leave Pax and if he was poached he lied to me about it extensively which I highly doubt as he had no reason to do so. There's a few of us in Pax, like Mort (and myself), that exclusively pvp. There's more that just pvp casually and then there is quite a bit that don't do it at all. Mort just wanted to be in an environment where everyone was focused on the same thing as him. Nothing underhanded went down from where I was sitting. He went looking for it AFTER he made the decision to leave Pax.


The hate towards the PvP guilds is a little off as well. Can it be frustrating to run into premade after premade after premade? Yeah. Is it their fault? No. They're just rolling with their friends. I do the same thing when my buds are around. I just don't have the amount that pvp like the PvP guilds do. Personally it has made me a better player having to survive against those guys. I've never seen them talk ****, winning or losing, or get nasty for no reason (though to be fair when people whine/talk **** I generally gloss over it).


If you guys leave TEH, best of luck. If you stay, see you on the field.

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For me it was about a cohesive PVP experience. Rolling with them made me feel as tho I had a roll to play other than being a mobile training dummy. I still kite and such as part of my Sorc Healz roll, but not as my primary objective.


Naturally synergy leads to facetomps, and how is that competitive you ask? Well,,, Being competitive starts with team dynamic. Bull ******** on Speak channels and knowing what others are and are supposed to be doing. Regardless of the competition, I want to be the best Sorc I can be. At this time, its playing as objectively as possible and developing a good team dynamic. In this case with PVP centric people. Win or lose that is my goal.



I don't understand why other Republic guilds don't consolidate into meta PVP guilds too then? I spent a long while trying to fight this process and making every excuse about how being the underdog was cool.. etc etc. For some it may be. Hey its your 15$. For me, it became clear that Competition is not just about facestomps. Its about doing the best you can, and taking your game to the highest possible level. That simply wasn't going to be possible in an RP-PVE guild.


You seem like a good guy, but it wasn't that long ago you were complaining about getting steamrolled by Game Genie and other elite pvp guilds and it was no longer fun. Don't throw this crap about the reason why you joined Guerilla was for a more "cohesive pvp experience". You joined them because you wanted to be on a guild that can steamroll other guilds and make your PVP life easier plain and simple and there's NOTHING wrong with that. It gets tiring getting killed over and over again with pugs. It gets tiring getting steamrolled by other guilds so why not join the best on the server? Hell if Guerilla/empire/hex etc sent me an invite to join their guild I'd join in a heartbeat too. It's more fun playing with good players than playing with bad players.


Also someone mentioned Guerilla poaching talent from other guilds, and I have to disagree with that. People have the right to quit and join whatever guild they want. Guerilla would be stupid not to take a player of S'no and Peb's caliber if they wanted to join the guild. What should S'no have done? Stay in an average PVP guild and carry the team by himself or solo queue with pugs and get steamrolled by game genie/empire/Guerilla? Any other decent PVP guild would gladly take S'no and Peb in a heartbeat. It's not Guerilla's fault they wanted to join Guerilla.


and my last point, Game Genie is good enough to win every wzs without using exploits. I don't have a problem with game genie beating my pug team over and over again. I was in a Voidstar on pub side and I was solo queing and my team had Drazzy and some random people. We were defending first and we didn't allow a single plant on the door in that voidstar. Then in the last 2 minutes, Game Genie suddenly were able to plant all 3 doors and get the core with force shields up. That was a bogus win. I'm sure it was great for laughs on Game Genie's side that they could use exploits to win. But they ruined what could have been a good match. You guys in Game Genie/Guerilla are good enough that you don't need to resort to such cheap tactics. That's where most of the frustration comes from among people who PVP regularly. No one is asking you to go soft on us. We're just asking you to play the matches the way it was intended to be played. You already have the skill to beat everyone else on the server.

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A lot of bickering going on for no reason it looks like. People need to focus on the PvP and forget the drama. Only reason I'm replying right now is because Mort is my boy. I have pvped quite a bit with Mort and was really sad to see him leave Pax (will be even sadder if he left TEH). He talked to me quite a bit when he was mulling over the decision to leave Pax and if he was poached he lied to me about it extensively which I highly doubt as he had no reason to do so. There's a few of us in Pax, like Mort (and myself), that exclusively pvp. There's more that just pvp casually and then there is quite a bit that don't do it at all. Mort just wanted to be in an environment where everyone was focused on the same thing as him. Nothing underhanded went down from where I was sitting. He went looking for it AFTER he made the decision to leave Pax.


The hate towards the PvP guilds is a little off as well. Can it be frustrating to run into premade after premade after premade? Yeah. Is it their fault? No. They're just rolling with their friends. I do the same thing when my buds are around. I just don't have the amount that pvp like the PvP guilds do. Personally it has made me a better player having to survive against those guys. I've never seen them talk ****, winning or losing, or get nasty for no reason (though to be fair when people whine/talk **** I generally gloss over it).


If you guys leave TEH, best of luck. If you stay, see you on the field.


^^^^ True Story.


Thanx for the kind words HellHorn. Much appreciated my Dude.

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You seem like a good guy, but it wasn't that long ago you were complaining about getting steamrolled by Game Genie and other elite pvp guilds and it was no longer fun. Don't throw this crap about the reason why you joined Guerilla was for a more "cohesive pvp experience". You joined them because you wanted to be on a guild that can steamroll other guilds and make your PVP life easier plain and simple and there's NOTHING wrong with that. It gets tiring getting killed over and over again with pugs. It gets tiring getting steamrolled by other guilds so why not join the best on the server?


^^ Definition of Cohesive PVP Experience.


Playing with other like minded people who exclusively PVP and spend all their efforts being the best they can.

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^^ Definition of Cohesive PVP Experience.


Playing with other like minded people who exclusively PVP and spend all their efforts being the best they can.


ah so guerilla's the only guild that exclusively PVP and spend all their efforts being the best they can. The other ones just want to continue being mediocre players. Gotcha. thanks for clarifying.



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I know that even just pointing this out will make me look like an jerk... but you should at least put Taunt on your quickbar. Even though you are DPS spec it helps out allies immensely. The healer who whispered you was correct to ask for protection.


You're probably right, but I throw out my AOE taunt whenever it's off cooldown. The single-target taunt would not have made much of a difference at all IMO.


However this isn't about my performance in that warzone. The real point is that this is pretty much the experience of anyone pugging on the rep-side. It happens a lot.

Edited by random_kick
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ah so guerilla's the only guild that exclusively PVP and spend all their efforts being the best they can. The other ones just want to continue being mediocre players. Gotcha. thanks for clarifying.




Well thats a bit much dont you think.. putting words in my mouth dude.


There are other guilds and players with Tons of talent. You happen to be one. I just PUGed a few matches in a row, then ended up grouping. Felt a good dynamic, so there it is.


It was never my intention to imply you or anyone else were inferior, or striving to be mediocre.


But i suppose your response is more emotional then logical. I understand bro, and for what its worth I really dont enjoy seeing people upset.

Edited by DarthBror
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Well thats a bit much dont you think.. putting words in my mouth dude.


There are other guilds and players with Tons of talent. You happen to be one. I just PUGed a few matches in a row, then ended up grouping. Felt a good dynamic, so there it is.


It was never my intention to imply you or anyone else were inferior, or striving to be mediocre.


But i suppose your response is more emotional then logical. I understand bro, and for what its worth I really dont enjoy seeing people upset.


Like i said man, nothing wrong with wanting to be with one of the very best if not the best imp side pvp guild on the server. All I was trying to say is don't play it off like that wasn't what attracted you to the guild in the first place. It's kinda like Dwight Howard saying he wants to play for the Miami Heat with Lebron, Wade, and Bosh because he thinks they have good team chemistry. It comes off as phony when everyone knows that's not the real reason Howards would want to play for the Heat. You want to play with the best. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less.

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Like i said man, nothing wrong with wanting to be with one of the very best if not the best imp side pvp guild on the server. All I was trying to say is don't play it off like that wasn't what attracted you to the guild in the first place. It's kinda like Dwight Howard saying he wants to play for the Miami Heat with Lebron, Wade, and Bosh because he thinks they have good team chemistry. It comes off as phony when everyone knows that's not the real reason Howards would want to play for the Heat. You want to play with the best. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less.



Want to be the very best!

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As for the huttball macro, there's not much involved in setting up a macro to repeatedly click while you have a button pushed down.

Ya, don't let Spurlock pull the blinders over you. I recently got top level access to our guilds secret vault, and was so surprised to see the huttball macro in there, along with some hacking software and detailed instructions on glitching.


Was actually surprised that no one called us out on the Civil War macro yet. I don't want to give too many of their secrets away (because I have friends in the guild and its not my place), but just watching this Video you can see the macro is used multiple times along with a few other hacks and cheats.




Anyway....I used to think that these players were just good and didn't realize it was because they cheat so much. I think my cohesive bond is fading so I am gquitting later today, and will be looking for a guild that actually has talent.


Take away Gamemperilla's hacks/cheats/macros and they are nothing.

Edited by Zhothon
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Hey guys. Been watching this thread for quite sometime now. It has really taken off the past couple of days.

So, Im really pretty new to the PvP community, though I have been in TOR since launch. Absolutely loving PvP and like most of you, my interest is in getting involved in Ranked play.


Having said that, please keep in mind that my comments are from someone on the outside looking in. In my short association with this community, I have come to already get to know some really great people within both factions, though I am pvping lately on teh republic side, where I am levelling my shadow, so playing lowbie at the moment. Ive had the pleaseue of playnig beside some really talented players (folks from Zen and Azure Blades especially - theres my little shout-out). As I am new, I know little of the history personally that has lead to this apparent division on the server, so I cannot speak to this. What I do know is that there is some real talent here, especially witihn the top guilds, that would rival those of any other server and it is ashame to see some so eager to drop ship and move on.

What are the chances of some of the leaders of the prominant PvP guilds on TEH coming together to decide as a community that we are not going to be a feeder server, but rather a destination one. I see people from other servers in here enticing our pvpers to move elsewhere. What if this community advertised as a destination server on other server forum site. The other RP-PVE and PVE sevrver PvP communities must have similar problems and with this talent here, even by means of a challenge to those that think they can take on Empire, Guerrilla, Game Genie, Zen, etc. etc. (I apologize for the naming of guilds. There are many other great ones, just not gonna name them all)


Again, this is from someone more on the outside as I am only just getting into this community, but is this somethng that could be explored?


One other thing I would like to say is I am seeing a lot of talk about steamrolling others, etc. etc. and how it has hurt this server in terms of PuGs in PvP such as myself. I enjoy seeing players from the more prominant PvP guilds in WZs, whether I am on their team or not to be honest. Playing those much better than you is the only way to improve yourself in my opinion. Also, I too am a competitive person, but without hesitation I say that I would much rather lose a hard fought WZ than to win by a complete domination of the other team. just wanted to get that in there. ;)

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Like i said man, nothing wrong with wanting to be with one of the very best if not the best imp side pvp guild on the server. All I was trying to say is don't play it off like that wasn't what attracted you to the guild in the first place. It's kinda like Dwight Howard saying he wants to play for the Miami Heat with Lebron, Wade, and Bosh because he thinks they have good team chemistry. It comes off as phony when everyone knows that's not the real reason Howards would want to play for the Heat. You want to play with the best. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less.


Listen, Im not going to try and down play that I was looking to go play with the best most dedicated PVP guild I could find... Thats why I left Pax in the first place. Pax was and always will be an amazing bunch. So yes..


If you would like a total admission that I choose Guerrilla because of that then here you go.


Im not trying to deny it. ..




I aslo wasnt going to go jump into a guild that was full of 10 yr olds talking about Pokemon.. Just for the sake of winning.


FYI I went unguilded for 2 weeks, playing with different people..


But Ill admit. Guerrilla was exactly what I was after. A group of exceptionally talented players who still like to shoot the **** on Speak channel.

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A lot of bickering going on for no reason it looks like. People need to focus on the PvP and forget the drama. Only reason I'm replying right now is because Mort is my boy. I have pvped quite a bit with Mort and was really sad to see him leave Pax (will be even sadder if he left TEH). He talked to me quite a bit when he was mulling over the decision to leave Pax and if he was poached he lied to me about it extensively which I highly doubt as he had no reason to do so. There's a few of us in Pax, like Mort (and myself), that exclusively pvp. There's more that just pvp casually and then there is quite a bit that don't do it at all. Mort just wanted to be in an environment where everyone was focused on the same thing as him. Nothing underhanded went down from where I was sitting. He went looking for it AFTER he made the decision to leave Pax.


The hate towards the PvP guilds is a little off as well. Can it be frustrating to run into premade after premade after premade? Yeah. Is it their fault? No. They're just rolling with their friends. I do the same thing when my buds are around. I just don't have the amount that pvp like the PvP guilds do. Personally it has made me a better player having to survive against those guys. I've never seen them talk ****, winning or losing, or get nasty for no reason (though to be fair when people whine/talk **** I generally gloss over it).


If you guys leave TEH, best of luck. If you stay, see you on the field.


I like this, a true PVPer at heart. And actually, for people who are curious how others get really really good, this is very indicative. Solo queueing develops skills, especially situational and optimal defensive CD usage, that you almost can't do in a team setting. There are definite benefits to queueing solo on a regular basis, in addition to running some good solid premades.


Anyways, I'm out of this thread. Don't have time to troll the threads with you guys, even though it is soooooo much fun.


Again, wishing all the best to ALL players who will be leaving as well as ALL of those who will be staying. Ta Ta!

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Ya, don't let Spurlock pull the blinders over you. I recently got top level access to our guilds secret vault, and was so surprised to see the huttball macro in there, along with some hacking software and detailed instructions on glitching.


Was actually surprised that no one called us out on the Civil War macro yet. I don't want to give too many of their secrets away (because I have friends in the guild and its not my place), but just watching this Video you can see the macro is used multiple times along with a few other hacks and cheats.




Anyway....I used to think that these players were just good and didn't realize it was because they cheat so much. I think my cohesive bond is fading so I am gquitting later today, and will be looking for a guild that actually has talent.


Take away Gamemperilla's hacks/cheats/macros and they are nothing.


Sorry to burst your bubble, but there are no guilds on here that have talent. We just don't have that cohesive PVP experience and most of us, myself included just want to remain mediocre. The best thing to do is open that secret vault and post it all on wikileaks then maybe I'll decide to stop being mediocre and use those macros so that I can be a god like you.

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Listen, Im not going to try and down play that I was looking to go play with the best most dedicated PVP guild I could find... Thats why I left Pax in the first place. Pax was and always will be an amazing bunch. So yes..


If you would like a total admission that I choose Guerrilla because of that then here you go.


Im not trying to deny it. ..




I aslo wasnt going to go jump into a guild that was full of 10 yr olds talking about Pokemon.. Just for the sake of winning.


FYI I went unguilded for 2 weeks, playing with different people..


But Ill admit. Guerrilla was exactly what I was after. A group of exceptionally talented players who still like to shoot the **** on Speak channel.


lol, Ok now you're pulling what Lebron did a few years ago before he went to Miami. Saying to everyone there are several contenders for your services when in reality there was only 1. Just admit Guerilla is and was always your first choice in joining a pvp guild. You must be feeling some kind of guilt joining Guerilla if you can't even acknowledge that if you were going to leave PAX that Guerilla was the guild you wanted to join. There's nothing to feel guilty about. PAX is not a PVP guild, Guerilla is. PAX does not have the number of talented PVP'ers that Guerilla has. On Imp side right now there isn't a single Imp side guild that can consistently challenge Guerilla in ranked. They don't have enough people with the talent to field teams to go up against Guerilla. These are all logical and practical reasons for joining Guerilla, unlike the "i don't want to play with 10 year olds who talk about Pokemon for the sake of winning" or "I just joined them because I wanted a cohesive pvp experience" If there was an imp side guild right now that could realistically challenge guerilla on a consistent basis those comments you made might be considered true. But there isn't. That's a fact.

Edited by luddott
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