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So I cancelled my subscription today


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I subscribe, but I'm not sure why?

I spend +-$12 a month and get 600 cartel coins.

And when I run into players who play for free, they spend their $10 to get 1200 cartel coins!


The FTP players can buy unlocks with their savings, but as a subscriber I still have to pay for unlocks.

I checked what unlocks are free and its really not taking away from game experience If you spaced out your purchasing of unlocks each month. The FTP players are way ahead and saving.


Remind me again, why I'm supposed to feel warm and fuzzy about, "Yeah but I'm a subscriber"??


Not being crass, just really missing the point or something. Pleas give me an answer.




Just go pay-2-win already. If cartel market and microtransactions are more important than actually putting out engaging content for your subscribers let me just use cartel coins to upgrade my current 69/72 modded gear to mod's lvl 500 and let me purchase a billion credits with real-world money. let me buy pre-leveled 55 characters or buy a clickie which will take a lvl 1 toon to 55 instant (like on the PTR - so this ability is already coded in)


I want to pay to win. furries and some craptastic dyes aren't enough for my real life currency. if you want me to pay for cartel coins then put meaningful items in the Cartel Market


Precisely, like I've stated twice already, drop the subscription model. You want to be a free to play game BE a F2P game. Stop making F2P demo mode, stop with the restrictions. Just go F2P entirely, let us play the game as it's meant to be played then put all the content you want into the Cartel market. If you're going to require Coins for everything anyways I'd much rather buy the coins I need to get the things I want and have done with it without having to fork out $15 a month just to be able to play however many warzones or flashpoints a day I want, or have access to all my characters or play whatever races I want, or have ALL my skill bars.


I can do all of that in LotRO which I played since beta and had a lifetime sub for before they even went F2P. Also might I mention that their incentives for being a lifetime subber were pretty darn good? With the coins I got from them I was able to get BOTH expansion packs after mines of Moria for the game and many many other items from their market and I have NEVER ONCE had to pay out real money aside from my initial $200 for the lifetime subscription and the cost of the game when it came out, and it seems to me that they aren't missing anything because of it. They're still going strong off of their in game market enough for the lifetime sub to have been profitable.


I can also play GW2 without ANY limitations and get a WAY better armor dyeing system to boot and they support themselves SOLELY through their in game market.


Step up Bioware, stop trying to have it both ways. If you want the cartel market to be your cash cow, then give us a REAL F2P game and get rid of the subscription model, or if you want subscriptions at all then give us a lifetime sub option for a one time fee and give us 1000 cc a month as an incentive.

Edited by Leighandra
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WOW has never allowed for a free race change, name change, etc. Not only that, but they charge a ridiculous $25 dollar fee for most of these things. They've also never given the players a free race. Typically, a new race will come with a $40 expansion. You have to pay SIX dollars for it.


Perspective for the win?

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