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So I cancelled my subscription today


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First of all, let me say that I did not do this just because I was angry at the new 2.1 update, in a rage-quit kind of way. Sure, I wasn’t happy, but that’s not the real reason. I’m not posting here just to vent my frustration. What I see are signs of a very worrying trend in this game, and hopefully if enough of us start voicing our opinions, and voting with our money (or, withdrawal of them), the devs can be made more aware on the real situation.


I have been a subscriber since day one, with the Collectors Edition. Every six months I have been happily paying my subscription fee (a bit under $100 converted from my local currency), and have enjoyed the game for quite a while. Everything was very nice in the beginning.


Then after a while SWTOR went F2P. That’s always a bad sign, it means that there are not enough paying customers to support the game. No matter what the devs say, the ONLY reason you’d go for a move like that is that you are not making enough money on your existing customer base. Every single reason they present besides this is just pretty excuses to make it sound less bad. If they believed in F2P they would have implemented it from the start.


With the F2P option came the Cartel Market. Luckily, they avoided the worst P2W traps, and mostly had cosmetic items in the store. Whatever was in there was basically luxury items that was nice to have but not necessary to play the game. In addition to that it had purchasable packs that would make F2P players have an easier time in the game. Some people have claimed this has P2W-elements, but I see it more as B2P, as you basically support the game a bit to play it better.


And now, with update 2.1, you have a new race, and the option to modify your appearance. Cool enough, except that you have to pay with money, REAL money, to actually use it. F2P players I can understand having to pay for this, but us subscribers? Come on, we already give you a sum every month


In addition to that, what’s with the gamble system? Even if I thought it would be ok to use real money for something I’m already paying for, I would sure as hell not spend real money on a gamble to MAYBE get something I’m looking for. I’m looking at you dyes!


Now, even all this set aside, here’s what worrying me: they are clearly trying to milk this game as much as possible while it lasts. I would love to be proven wrong on this one, but I think the game is slowly dying. These moves point to an act of desperation. EA is also simply to uninterested in rescuing this sinking ship, maybe because they have other plans for a new SW-based MMO with their new license they got from Disney. So why should I invest more of my time and money into something that might not survive for long?


So, please, BioWare and/or EA... I cancelled my subscription today, but it’s still active for 88 more days. If you listen to your customers and start treating us better, I would be more than happy to reactivate it before it runs out. But please PLEASE start listening to us, and especially those of us that have been loyal and paying you up until now. We have money, and we are willing to give it to you for a good gaming experience in return, but at least appreciate the money you already get from us. Taking it and then trying to grab more from us is just rude. Treat us better. Your game is actually quite good, and I would really love to see it continue for many years still.

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The changing of appearance for real money is something a lot of MMO's do, and I doubt it's going to go away.

It would've been nice if they'd have done it the way WoW does it, AKA superficial changes like hair style, color and facial hair are all paid for with in game money, but something huge (like race changes) you have to pay for with real money.

Alas, they went with a system that's similar to Aion, TERA and several others - the all or nothing approach.


I'm not happy with the way they've done the dyes either, but it was to be expected...

You could always buy them from the GTN - and if you really want to spend real money on them instead of in game currency, buy something else and sell it to another player - that way you won't have to deal with the gambling.

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I cancelled about a week ago. Subscribers paying for haircuts, facial hair, tattoos, etc. is just beyond anything remotely reasonable. I know, i get 500 CC for my $15, that somehow justifies making subscribers pay for everything. You can spray perfume on crap, but it's still crap.
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Once again another post about things which actually have no effect on game play. You can still play the game without purchasing any of this fluff.


I hope you settle down in a game that you can actually enjoy for playing it, rather than worry about unimportant things.

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I'm not happy with the way they've done the dyes either, but it was to be expected...

You could always buy them from the GTN - and if you really want to spend real money on them instead of in game currency, buy something else and sell it to another player - that way you won't have to deal with the gambling.


Yeah, I will continue to play for the remainder of my 88 days, and maybe even further as a preferred player. I am not really angry at BioWare or EA for these changes, I just feel uncomfortable with the trends I'm seeing. It makes me wonder what their next step will be.


In any case I would be happy to resubscribe if I just could get the feeling that my subscription money gave something more in return. I mentioned in another thread on Facebook that I would even be happy to pay a bigger monthly fee if I could just get the full experience without paying per transaction in the cartel market.

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Every MMO i have ever played has had cosmetic items or changes available for sale in some kind of market:


Star Trek Online.(Borg Collective)

Warhammer Online.



Guild Wars 2.

Star Wars Galaxies(IIRC)

Guild Wars.


And so on... this is not a new practice among MMOs, I guarantee you Elder Scrolls Online and World of Darkness will both eventually have something similar.

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When I will at any time be forced to buy additional CC above my monthly share as subscriber, then I will cancel my sub.


There however is no sign in the development of the game, that such a day will ever come. I yesterday spend 420 CC on my main toons new appearance... leaving me with another 1000CC which I don't know what to spend on. All these coins are from my regular sub, so I do not feel "forced" to do anything.


Oh and I think, the name change is to cheap.

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I find this truly laughable. So yesterday your subscription was fine, but now that you have more options, you unsub? Or threathen to, at least. I've seen so many 'do this or I will unsub NAO!' posts that I no longer find them credible. Well, don't fret, these posts happen after every cartel market update. So, one more time, shall we? - As a sub you get free coins - therefore, the appearance kiosk is essentially free for subscribers. Good deal, yes? - even without coins you can get ANYTHING the cartel market offers off the GTN for in game credits. - you do not HAVE to purchase anything from the market, at all. - if you want the Cathar unlocked, please check your local GTN. Bet you the unlock is up there NAO. Have a little patience, you will GET the stuff you want without spending an extra dollar on top of your sub, I guarantee it.
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To be fair tho in game currency should work on things such as tattoos, haircuts etc as it goes along with the immersion of being in this universe and it makes alot of sense however anything extreme like facial features, body mass or race should be payed for to prevent people from buying it constantly as it's a bit **** if people were changing their race every 5 minutes at a whim.
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When I will at any time be forced to buy additional CC above my monthly share as subscriber, then I will cancel my sub.


They don't force you, that is true. But they don't give you the new features unless you pay more either. I already pay for the game, why can't I play as a Cathar with those money? And yes, I know I get 600 CC per month, which somewhat helps, but if you absolutely have to pay, I would at least like to have the option to pay with credits I made in the game instead. That way the features would be available to loyal players who have spent a lot of time in the game and built up a nice bank account.

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Yeah sorry OP but your "reasons" are so full of holes... you can defend it all you want and in the end it is your decision, but lets not kid ourselves here... you're qq'ing in your cheerios.


Going F2P isn't so much a sign of a failing game, the times have changed. The MAJORITY of games are now using a f2p/coin shop model because it makes more money. People whine about $15/month but they are quick to shell out $10, 20, 50, 100s in small doses because in general people are stupid.


2.1's features are cartel market heavy but they give you free coins! I get 700/month for free (6 month sub and my key fob). Plus I don't go out drinking, only see a couple movies, cut out fast food, so I can justify some cartel coins to keep my hobby happy. I'm sorry that you can't manage your money or can't ignore things you can't afford.


2.2 is weeks away and should be cartel light... so I'm sure you'll still be around.

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I find this truly laughable. So yesterday your subscription was fine, but now that you have more options, you unsub?


Not really, I still like the game, but I don't think I'm getting the moneys worth from my subscription plan. Why pay twice for features when you can just go free to play and pay once? Sure, you get some other neat options from being a subscriber, but I just don't feel it's enough.

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Once again another post about things which actually have no effect on game play. You can still play the game without purchasing any of this fluff.


I hope you settle down in a game that you can actually enjoy for playing it, rather than worry about unimportant things.

This. Changing how you look is NOT a must have. This is just a customization option that we all should have to pay for. If I ever find the need to change my look I well save my 600 CC I get for sub and S-key and get it then. I could change now. I saved up un-like most people.

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Yeah sorry OP but your "reasons" are so full of holes...


Quite probably :) I'm not here to yell out my frustrations, I would much rather have a debate going with the devs on how to improve the playing experience.


Sure, I am a bit unhappy of the situation, so I seek the forums to indicate that. But if we don't voice our concerns, how would the devs know about how we feel? And I believe using our money is the best way to make EA/BioWare feel our opinions.

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Every sub gets free coins for being a subscriber, it's a bonus, don't try and be smart.


Without f2p we would have get access to the barbershop for free (credits) together with a lot of other stuff we now need to pay CCs for (someone has to pay for them). So they are not for free. we now have do decide what we want to spend them for, something that was not needed before.


But the real problem is, those CCs take out alot of stuff, which should be gameplay, and offer it for just $$.

Edited by Neglience
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Without f2p we would have get access to the barbershop for free (credits) together with a lot of other stuff we now need to pay CCs for (someone has to pay for them). So they are not for free. we now have do decide what we want to spend them for. A thing we didnt have to do before f2p.


But the real problem is, those CCs take out alot of stuff which should be gameplay and offer it for just $$.


Yeh and if they hadn't done that, this game would be at around 300k subscribers, like it or not, F2P was a second wind for SWTOR, they playerbase is four times as much as Subscribers and like it or not, the cartel market DOUBLED their monthly revenue.


The Cartel Market is paying for it's own development, as they have their own team, so before anybody comes out with the 'all development is going towards the CM', this 2.1 patch is 4 weeks before 2.2, a few weeks before the gree event that they announced as coming before 2.2 and server transfers are coming as cory butler put it 'hot on the heels of 2.1, it may well be 2.2 itself.


So yeh, I don't see any issue with having one team designing and developing items for their market, if the market itself is paying for not only it's own development but also the development for the whole game.


I also don't see any reason to believe the sky is falling and the main game doesn't get development anymore, again before anybody tries to claim such.

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Every sub gets free coins for being a subscriber, it's a bonus, don't try and be smart.


No. It´s not.


IF you pay 15€ a month, you are a subscriber. And being subscriber, you get 500C. You ARE PAYING for the 500CC the same you pay for every benefit you get being a subscriber: free respeccs, unlimited medical probes etcetcetcetc.



Edited by Nyaara
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No. It´s not.


IF you pay 15€ a month, you are a subscriber. And being subscriber, you get 500C. You ARE PAYING for the 500CC the same you pay for every benefit you get being a subscriber: free respeccs, unlimited medical probes etcetcetcetc.




Brilliant attempt, but before F2P we paid to play the game, come F2P we were given the bonus of a monthly stipend of free cartel coins that you don't require to spend any extra cash on, you are getting more for paying the same amount, it's called a bonus.

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