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Next expansion, what do you want to see?


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Much of the same have already been mentioned.


I would like:


Expanded planets. Bigger. Less Linear.

One or two iconic Star Wars planets like Kashyyyk and Dantooine.

A bit more competition based gameplay. Give us an ingame DPS-meter.

A simpler story. A villain like Malgus.

Ilum reborn. The way it was at release.

An alternative way to gear up ourself and companions.



Get us away from the fleet.

Make cantinas useful. Let us get buffs for hanging out here. Let us play Pazaak here. Let us sit in chairs.

Let us do PoD-racing on Tatooine. Swoop Racing on Nar Shaddaa.

More interactive travelling between planets. Free flight between orbital stations.


Hell, just hire me.


I swear to god if I even smell a DPS meter, I will cancel my sub so fast. The only thing DPS meters do is make DD's worse and tear the community apart. Two things it seems we already have problems with in this game.

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Free form exploration in space, with the GSF here now, I don't see why this should not be doable :D

Guild Ships

Player Housing, this could include the player ships and adding some more customization to it.

New races/classes - Imperial Trooper / Republic Agent could be possibilities amongst others.

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Three new 8 vs 8 warzones, preferably Huttball, CTF or assault.


I do not want:

*A new CW. Warzones that potentially can reach a point where one team can't turn it around halfway in are stupid and boring. And let's be ghonest, how many games have gone from 500-250 to a three-cap in the other team's favor? Across thousands of games I've never seen it.

*A new AHG. The system is, from experience, too complicated for pugs. Few seem to understand the importance of kills contra orbs etc.

*A new VS. I've always hated this warzone because it's enough that one person screws up for it to be lost and it's just discouraging to lose a door in 25 seconds. It's encouraging quitting.

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I want...


1) Large-scale invasion type battleground (16v16 or more).

2) New Chapter with VARIATIONS based on choices. Not just a crappy dialogue difference. This seems to be the trend in BioWare games now (COUGH MASS EFFECT 3 COUGH)

3) New GSF type map. Battlefront style perhaps? Disable major destroyer structure/destroy smaller frigates.

4) Combination of GSF/Ground combat Warzone.


Thing I know will never/doubt happen....


1) Companion story expanded.

2) GSF PvE

3) A game engine that can handle 100 pubs vs 100 imps in small area without crashing.

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I would like:


Expanded planets. Bigger. Less Linear.

One or two iconic Star Wars planets like Kashyyyk and Dantooine.

A bit more competition based gameplay. Give us an ingame DPS-meter.

A simpler story. A villain like Malgus.

Ilum reborn. The way it was at release.

An alternative way to gear up ourself and companions.



Get us away from the fleet.

Make cantinas useful. Let us get buffs for hanging out here. Let us play Pazaak here. Let us sit in chairs.

Let us do PoD-racing on Tatooine. Swoop Racing on Nar Shaddaa.

More interactive travelling between planets. Free flight between orbital stations.


This right here is perfectly on point.

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Starfighter is pretty good


Actually I think it's crap for SW:TOR because it "adds" something that is yeah... a small part of SW:TOR. Nobody needed this for real.


If you like PvP, they should add more warzones. Would love to see a 16vs16 wz or maybe 1/2 new ones. Why they don't come up with this?


I also would like to see new ways to individualize characters.

Edited by LovarBoy
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I would like:


Get us away from the fleet.

Make cantinas useful. Let us get buffs for hanging out here. Let us play Pazaak here. Let us sit in chairs.

Let us do PoD-racing on Tatooine. Swoop Racing on Nar Shaddaa.

More interactive travelling between planets. Free flight between orbital stations.


This right here is perfectly on point.


Yeee. Nice idea. That will be good if player must travel to Tatooine to join the PoD Racing (Not just one click like Group Finder)

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Class story content >>>> everything else


If they'd add class story content to every class, they can be sure I'd be a long time subscriber even if it's just to finish all class stories again. Class stories are the main reason for me for even playing this game. Every other aspect of the game is done better somewhere else. But in terms of the the story, no other MMO can even get close. When leveling in an MMO is enjoyable, you're doing something very right. :)

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I'd like to see a continuation of the class stories. For instance, the Jedi Knight story ends with not knowing if the Emperor is actually dead. It would be fun to explore that mystery more. More companion interactions.


The story is what got people interested. Then you complete it and hit 50 and there isn't much left to do other than PVP, FPs and OPs. That's fun and all, but gets tedious after a while.

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