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It is hillarious...


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Some of the QQ is is just forum QQ as normal, however there as some legitimate complaints, like not being able to play since 2.1 patch went live if your running on Windows XP.


What the hell are you doing running XP still? That O/S hasn't been supported my MS for years and years!

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However you have to use the population of the forum posters as a sample of the population as a whole. Sure there are people on here who would complain if BW gave them a free KSE Firespray. Those are truly the minority though.

If you wanna see some QQ, make those types reverse engineer hundreds (if not thousands) of junk loot parts to obtain the schematics just to craft them. :rolleyes:


I get the feeling that you know what I am talking about.


For you guys to not take the complaints seriously and try to belittle these peoples complaints and make it seem like everything is roses and candy is absurd. BW needs to here feedback and use it constructively to try and make the game better and add to it's longevity.


Could some of these posters use better wording in their complaints? Sure

But to totally dismiss their complaints is benefiting no one.


When the feedback is not constructive, it should not be used constructively. Only one poster around here was able to put his thoughts out there without the unhinged "OMG BW FAILZ AHM SUBSCRIBAR!" mess.

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Or perhaps yourself and Bioware grossly underestimated the importance of "fluff" to players in an MMO?


I fail to see why people are deriding an update devoted solely to fluff, as you say, if it's so important to them. Personally, customization and perfecting a look is my endgame. This update has been nothing but encouraging, on most fronts. I don't understand why people that profess a love of this very content type also profess stark disappointment.

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I fail to see why people are deriding an update devoted solely to fluff, as you say, if it's so important to them. Personally, customization and perfecting a look is my endgame. This update has been nothing but encouraging, on most fronts. I don't understand why people that profess a love of this very content type also profess stark disappointment.

I sort of get it. I have my own complaints and I think most of the people upset would agree. Here it goes:

1 - Dyes should have been in-game obtainable for all of them.

2 - If there were dyes exclusive to the CM, they should have been pickable instead of "lottery roll" like the packs.

3 - The whole "primary/secondary" is not a good implementation. There should have been two slots in a piece of armor. One primary. One secondary. That way there's none of this "green/red dye". There's just green dye and red dye and you put them into the order you want to put them in.

4 - The minor barber shop options should have been in-game credits.

5 - If there's bugs with how dyes are working, that's really, really bad quality control. That should have been easily tested.

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I sort of get it. I have my own complaints and I think most of the people upset would agree. Here it goes:

1 - Dyes should have been in-game obtainable for all of them.

2 - If there were dyes exclusive to the CM, they should have been pickable instead of "lottery roll" like the packs.

3 - The whole "primary/secondary" is not a good implementation. There should have been two slots in a piece of armor. One primary. One secondary. That way there's none of this "green/red dye". There's just green dye and red dye and you put them into the order you want to put them in.

4 - The minor barber shop options should have been in-game credits.

5 - If there's bugs with how dyes are working, that's really, really bad quality control. That should have been easily tested.



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That the fluff update brings the loudest QQ ever seen on these forums. What's the matter princess? They didn't provide your level of FABULOUSSSSSSS!?


It's "hilarious" that you felt compelled to create a thread about this which is QQing even louder :) God the hypocrisy is staggeringly obvious.

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As a fan of the game this is the scary part. While you are on here trying to belittle peoples complaints and reasons for being unhappy with the product, the majority of people are not on here complaining. Does that mean they are not upset? No most like yourself and I would just ride off into the sunset if they crossed the line that we deemed to far.


However you have to use the population of the forum posters as a sample of the population as a whole. Sure there are people on here who would complain if BW gave them a free KSE Firespray. Those are truly the minority though.


For you guys to not take the complaints seriously and try to belittle these peoples complaints and make it seem like everything is roses and candy is absurd. BW needs to here feedback and use it constructively to try and make the game better and add to it's longevity.


Could some of these posters use better wording in their complaints? Sure

But to totally dismiss their complaints is benefiting no one.


This is a fantastic reply! Well done Solguden.

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I fail to see why people are deriding an update devoted solely to fluff, as you say, if it's so important to them. Personally, customization and perfecting a look is my endgame. This update has been nothing but encouraging, on most fronts. I don't understand why people that profess a love of this very content type also profess stark disappointment.


That's an easy one.

Because people need everything to be exactly the way they want it.

Any deviation from their perfect idea is wrong and a great ball of fire should burn the developers who didn't create what they wanted and anyone who actually enjoys it.


It all falls into the "I'm paying, so everyone should cater to my needs and my needs alone" category.


What's sad about this whole constant QQing about every little thing is that the forum has once again become a hostile place where the rational concerns voiced by people who actually care about the game (like the fact that orange gear pre-15 lvl cannot by dyed) get lost amongst the more vocal minority of people who will never come to terms with two simple facts:

That the world, sadly, does not revolve around them and their needs and that Bioware/EA are companies and they will always try to squeeze out as much money as possible from their customers (just like any other company) and not their mom and dad.

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That's an easy one.


That the world, sadly, does not revolve around them and their needs and that Bioware/EA are companies and they will always try to squeeze out as much money as possible from their customers (just like any other company) and not their mom and dad.


While I agree with you that there are a lot of people who fall into the category of I will never be happy.


I have to say the BW is starting to walk a fine line on "squeezing the paying customer". I know they need to make money but it is their job to also not cross that line. Ask Netflix about crossing that line.


I like this game and don't want to see it take another hit. However I feel it is headed in that direction with the nickle & diming. I could be wrong ( lord know I have been wrong a lot in my life ) but it does look like the writing is on the wall.

Edited by Solguden
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It not about the fluff (that it is important in mmos), it is because when the people think that something is not right, they don't want to be part of it.

Probably many are not affected by 2.1 changes, for example my characters are just perfect and I dont want to change anything, maybe just a small detail and that won't be very expensive. But I started to loose confidence and I ask myself "what's next?"


Even the defenders have a limit, it just matter of time.

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That's an easy one.

Because people need everything to be exactly the way they want it.

Any deviation from their perfect idea is wrong and a great ball of fire should burn the developers who didn't create what they wanted and anyone who actually enjoys it.


It all falls into the "I'm paying, so everyone should cater to my needs and my needs alone" category.


What's sad about this whole constant QQing about every little thing is that the forum has once again become a hostile place where the rational concerns voiced by people who actually care about the game (like the fact that orange gear pre-15 lvl cannot by dyed) get lost amongst the more vocal minority of people who will never come to terms with two simple facts:

That the world, sadly, does not revolve around them and their needs and that Bioware/EA are companies and they will always try to squeeze out as much money as possible from their customers (just like any other company) and not their mom and dad.


And the market will naturally control what people are willing to pay for. As soon as bioware makes a real mistake, like they did at launch, then profits will fall.


Until then all this soap boxing on the forums is meaningless yammering.


I completely respect constructive criticism and I have even posted where I think bioware has made serious mistakes but these complaints over this fluff patch are truly the epitome of the entitlement generation.

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While I agree with you that there are a lot of people who fall into the category of I will never be happy.


I have to say the BW is starting to walk a fine line on "squeezing the paying customer". I know they need to make money but it is their job to also not cross that line. Ask Netflix about crossing that line.


I like this game and don't want to see it take another hit. However I feel it is headed in that direction with the nickle & diming. I could be wrong ( lord know I have been wrong a lot in my life ) but it does look like the writing is on the wall.


I agree with you on the walking a fine line part and that it is their job to not cross that line but they are still testing out the limits of what people are willing to pay for.

As always, the best way to get a message across to someone is to not participate in something you feel is wrong or that makes you feel like you are being taken advantage of.


People have been complaining about cartel packs since the launch of the Cartel Market but at the same time they are most likely the best sellers of the Cartel Market. You see the paradox in that or why EA would choose to keep them?


I've said it before: I'm fine with the biggest portion of cosmetic stuff and vanity items being offered from the Cartel Market. Firstly, because that's what a Shop in any game is supposed to offer (and, I'm pretty sure none of us was naive enough to not at least suspect that the best-looking gear and coolest gadgets would be in the Cartel Market from the moment it was announced) and secondly because 90% of these things can be bought for credits from the GTN.


I realize people have different definitions for "content" - some think raids is the only real content, for others it's Warzones and for some it's event and fluff.

However, regardless of our personal definitions for content, we can look at this objectively: the things people complain about are mostly fluff and while that might be important, it's also important for a company to consider their game profitable enough to keep it going because otherwise there will be no raids, no WZs, no events and no fluff. And who would care about awesome looking, free dyes and haircuts if there was nothing new to do? And since you are enjoying the game (as I am), we don't want that, do we?


All in all, when the game went F2P and introduced a shop we knew we would have to "sacrifice" something. So long as our sacrifice is a cool looking helmet, a jawa jumping out of a box or the ability to paint my Inq's robes total black, I"m fine with it.


Now, if items with higher stats than I could get in-game or Operations/Warzones/Events required an unlock from the Cartel Market, then I would voice my disappointment and if nothing changed, I'd leave the game, knowing that Bioware/EA will miss my money more than they would ever miss my QQ in their forum.

Edited by TheNahash
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actually window xp was still supported up to this year, it was only last month did microsoft stop supporting it




I had no idea that so many people are still using XP! I can't even imagine what they are thinking. Windows 7 has been out for ever, and is rock solid...


I can see not upgrading to Windows 8. Microsoft tends to botch every second version of their O/S. Windows 95 sucked, Windows 98 was good, Windows ME sucked, XP was good, Vista sucked hard, Win7 was (is) good, rumor is that Windows 8 sucks....

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Some of the QQ is is just forum QQ as normal, however there as some legitimate complaints, like not being able to play since 2.1 patch went live if your running on Windows XP.


U P G R A D E ?


I hear Windows 7 is da bomb diggity. Trade in your 12 year old operating system for a 4 year old operating system.

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First I'd have to figure out who Amanda Bynes is, which would put the effort required to "unacceptable."


Might be worth it if you like watching train wrecks. She just might out-crazy Brittany Spears and that bottle blonde child star skank - what's her name? Lohan? - combined.

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It's "hilarious" that you felt compelled to create a thread about this which is QQing even louder :) God the hypocrisy is staggeringly obvious.


this is something crybabies say when defending their crying. you do it all the time by the way. how many mops do you run through in a week soaking up those salty tears?

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Throw that in with players who dislike the gambling system with dyes and the implementation of the cartel market as the only way to access these features (not even in-game credits as a work-around anymore)
Umm, no, all dyes can be sold on GTN, just like everything from packs, once the "bound timer" runs out. It just did not happen yet...
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Or perhaps yourself and Bioware grossly underestimated the importance of "fluff" to players in an MMO?

Some players undoubtedly underestimate the importance of cosmetic features to some players. However, I'd say the exact opposite about BW. They didn't underestimate anything. They know exactly how important it is to a lot of players, which is precisely why they are running this stuff through the CM. They know it will sell. The louder people QQ over it, the more it just reinforces that there's a high demand for cosmetic stuff. When demand goes up, price goes up.

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Think of it as a way to get the wealthy to pay more for the game so the not-so-wealthy don't have to. Here's how it works.


The wealthy buy the random dye packs because, well, they can. They spend $80, $100, $200, whatever. It's chump change to them.


They open those babys up and whatever they get that they don't want goes on GTN.


Once that stuff is on GTN, players pay credits, as opposed to real money, for those dye packs.


So, yep, EAWare made a bunch of real money on those dye packs, and they got that money from the people who can most easily afford to spend it (and those with poor impulse control, I guess, but that's their fault and not EA's).


Then they take that money and they put some of it into developing new CM stuff to repeat the cycle. They put some of it towards developing the other content. And they put some of it toward executive bonuses to pat themselves on the back for being so smart and fortunate enough to be members of the good ol' boys club.


That's how this works. That's how the game survived subscription counts crashing from ~2 million box sales to a number that seems like it had to have been well under 500k just a few months after release.


Don't fret - the dye packs you want will be on the GTN for credits soon enough. You don't have to blow your cartel coins on a chance to get them. You don't have to blow real money on it either.


All you need to do is get some credits. Grind dailies. Beg, borrow, or steal. Or go read stickies on the crafting forum. Credits are easy.

Edited by DarthTHC
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this is something crybabies say when defending their crying. you do it all the time by the way. how many mops do you run through in a week soaking up those salty tears?


Huh? You're saying I'm defending crying by pointing out the hypocrisy? Honestly nylon, I'm just pointing out the irony in it. If you can't see it, maybe you're too emotional about this.

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Think of it as a way to get the wealthy to pay more for the game so the not-so-wealthy don't have to. Here's how it works.


The wealthy buy the random dye packs because, well, they can. They spend $80, $100, $200, whatever. It's chump change to them.


They open those babys up and whatever they get that they don't want goes on GTN.


Once that stuff is on GTN, players pay credits, as opposed to real money, for those dye packs.


So, yep, EAWare made a bunch of real money on those dye packs, and they got that money from the people who can most easily afford to spend it (and those with poor impulse control, I guess, but that's their fault and not EA's).


Then they take that money and they put some of it into developing new CM stuff to repeat the cycle. They put some of it towards developing the other content. And they put some of it toward executive bonuses to pat themselves on the back for being so smart and fortunate enough to be members of the good ol' boys club.


That's how this works. That's how the game survived subscription counts crashing from ~2 million box sales to a number that seems like it had to have been well under 500k just a few months after release.


Don't fret - the dye packs you want will be on the GTN for credits soon enough. You don't have to blow your cartel coins on a chance to get them. You don't have to blow real money on it either.


All you need to do is get some credits. Grind dailies. Beg, borrow, or steal. Or go read stickies on the crafting forum. Credits are easy.


Who are you talking to? Did you post that in the wrong thread? Most folks in here aren't worried about it.

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