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nah nah nah nah, nah nah nah nah hey hey hey goodbye!


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That pretty much sums up the update today, Subscribers having to pay for the Cathar race. Content that was suppose to be part of a free update including Makeb that was promised to subscribers by Developers, That is until Jeff Hickman took over. I gave mr Hickman the benefit of the doubt, heck i even payed for this so called digital expansion. After seeing that subs have to pay for the Cathar shows me that Jeff Hickman is here to Monetize. and milk whatever he can out of the existing fanbase. Promises made by James Ohlen weren't forgotten bro.


My game time runs out today, and I will not be re subbing, its a sad day though, I've been a subscribed player since early access. I know I'm not the only person that feels this way about the direction this game is going. All the best looking gear will be bought through the Cartel Market you'll do ops to rip the mods outta gear to put into your bright and shiny Cartel Market Gear.


This may look like a rant, but its honestly just me feeling outraged being a fan of KOTOR, KOTOR 2, and SWTOR. End of an era for me, guess im in that anger stage of grief.



All the Makeb talk is about 5 minutes into the interview.

Edited by xerohiro
Added a link to an interview with what one of the games Major Developers had to say about Makeb and future content in Swtor
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i payed 600 cartel coins for every other race. im a sub. i dont see whats the big deal here.


The big deal is Subscribers were promised content updates for free, by a Developer named James Ohlen, Things change thats understandable. The only problem with that is just how much they changed. This whole "Digital Expansion" fiasco was all content that was to be released to the subscribers. This was pre Free 2 Play. I guess not having 2 million+ subs means they need to monetize the game <<<TO THE GROUND>>>

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That pretty much sums up the update today, Subscribers having to pay for the Cathar race. Content that was suppose to be part of a free update including Makeb that was promised to subscribers by Developers, That is until Jeff Hickman took over. I gave mr Hickman the benefit of the doubt, heck i even payed for this so called digital expansion. After seeing that subs have to pay for the Cathar shows me that Jeff Hickman is here to Monetize. and milk whatever he can out of the existing fanbase. Promises made by James Ohlen weren't forgotten bro.


My game time runs out today, and I will not be re subbing, its a sad day though, I've been a subscribed player since early access. I know I'm not the only person that feels this way about the direction this game is going. All the best looking gear will be bought through the Cartel Market you'll do ops to rip the mods outta gear to put into your bright and shiny Cartel Market Gear.


This may look like a rant, but its honestly just me feeling outraged being a fan of KOTOR, KOTOR 2, and SWTOR. End of an era for me, guess im in that anger stage of grief.



Hey you know what this forum needs? Another QQ about 2.1 thread!

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That pretty much sums up the update today, Subscribers having to pay for the Cathar race. Content that was suppose to be part of a free update including Makeb that was promised to subscribers by Developers, That is until Jeff Hickman took over. I gave mr Hickman the benefit of the doubt, heck i even payed for this so called digital expansion. After seeing that subs have to pay for the Cathar shows me that Jeff Hickman is here to Monetize. and milk whatever he can out of the existing fanbase. Promises made by James Ohlen weren't forgotten bro.


My game time runs out today, and I will not be re subbing, its a sad day though, I've been a subscribed player since early access. I know I'm not the only person that feels this way about the direction this game is going. All the best looking gear will be bought through the Cartel Market you'll do ops to rip the mods outta gear to put into your bright and shiny Cartel Market Gear.


This may look like a rant, but its honestly just me feeling outraged being a fan of KOTOR, KOTOR 2, and SWTOR. End of an era for me, guess im in that anger stage of grief.


I'm with you. I don't think anyone even sees what's happening. Except all the angry little trolls who have no idea the game is about to go bye bye. But they don't care because they'll go on to the next game and do the same stupid stuff.

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That pretty much sums up the update today, Subscribers having to pay for the Cathar race. Content that was suppose to be part of a free update including Makeb that was promised to subscribers by Developers, That is until Jeff Hickman took over. I gave mr Hickman the benefit of the doubt, heck i even payed for this so called digital expansion. After seeing that subs have to pay for the Cathar shows me that Jeff Hickman is here to Monetize. and milk whatever he can out of the existing fanbase. Promises made by James Ohlen weren't forgotten bro.


My game time runs out today, and I will not be re subbing, its a sad day though, I've been a subscribed player since early access. I know I'm not the only person that feels this way about the direction this game is going. All the best looking gear will be bought through the Cartel Market you'll do ops to rip the mods outta gear to put into your bright and shiny Cartel Market Gear.


This may look like a rant, but its honestly just me feeling outraged being a fan of KOTOR, KOTOR 2, and SWTOR. End of an era for me, guess im in that anger stage of grief.


Boo Hoo! You've been a subscriber since early release? So how many free coins have you gotten from then till now hu? The way I see it, this isn't costing you anything. I have a few thousand of those free coins. Cather isn't costing me a dime. I get the coins every month with my sub. news flash, stop wasting your coins on cartel packs! You only had how long to save up for this with your stipend coins??!!

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Boo Hoo! You've been a subscriber since early release? So how many free coins have you gotten from then till now hu? The way I see it, this isn't costing you anything. I have a few thousand of those free coins. Cather isn't costing me a dime. I get the coins every month with my sub. news flash, stop wasting your coins on cartel packs! You only had how long to save up for this with your stipend coins??!!



You're clearly missing the point.

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So, let me get this straight. All the information about 2.1 and how it's all cartel market based has been available for a while. Everything is completely optional. You've been playing this game for a year and a half, and now that an option customization feature has been added that you didn't have before, you no longer want to play....ok....right.


People not knowing what's going on? No, people know, they just don't care because it's really not a big deal. I have paid nothing extra, I am continuing to play the game as I have for the past few months.

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So, let me get this straight. All the information about 2.1 and how it's all cartel market based has been available for a while. Everything is completely optional. You've been playing this game for a year and a half, and now that an option customization feature has been added that you didn't have before, you no longer want to play....ok....right.


People not knowing what's going on? No, people know, they just don't care because it's really not a big deal. I have paid nothing extra, I am continuing to play the game as I have for the past few months.



The past few months? Do you know who I am talking about when I say James Ohlen or Jeff Hickman? Have you been here since the start as a loyal fan to the Series? The Cathar being made Cartel only Access was just the last thing in a long line of promises, and let downs that have come with this experience.

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The past few months? Do you know who I am talking about when I say James Ohlen or Jeff Hickman? Have you been here since the start as a loyal fan to the Series? The Cathar being made Cartel only Access was just the last thing in a long line of promises, and let downs that have come with this experience.


You realize everything changed when they went f2p, right? If not, why not?

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You realize everything changed when they went f2p, right? If not, why not?


I do realize that things changed, but I really didn't think they would change as much as they have. If you cant see what is happening then you really have no center on the direction this game is headed. I guess when EA wrote this game off as a failure and put Jeff Hickman at the helm that meant it was going to change. I didn't think they would go as far as it has though, and its just a catalyst to even further Modernization.

Edited by xerohiro
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The rest of your 9th grade class has been posting all morning.


lots and lots of threads and posts of people that kind of sound like they're upset with decisions bioware is making. it would almost make a person think bioware made decisions that upset their customers.


nah, it's just a class of 9th graders. couldn't be that bioware made a bad decision.

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I do realize that things changed, but I really didn't think they would change as much as they have. If you cant see what is happening then you really have no center on the direction this game is headed. I guess when EA wrote this game off as a failure and put Jeff Hickman at the helm that meant it was going to change. I didn't think they would go as far as it has though, and its just a catalyst to even further Modernization.


Oh, I'm perfectly capable of predicting what's going to happen. I know where it's going.


The minute they announced dye packs, I told others that the highly desired colors would be rare random drops from cartel items. It's a no-brainer.


I also knew, because I read the DevTracker, that all the cosmetic stuff in this patch - hair style, tattoos, etc. - would cost cartel coins.


I'm pretty good at setting my own expectations appropriately once I have information to work with, and now there's plenty to work with for this game.


So far they've stuck mostly to their mantra of CC being appearance / cosmetic (there are a few outliers, but they've been there since about forever). When their actions actually mismatch their words, well, I'll have to reconsider stuff.


Think of this not so much as me defending the developers, but more me telling anyone who didn't expect exactly what we got today that they need to improve their own ability to read for comprehension and predict outcomes based on past behavior patterns.

Edited by DarthTHC
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The past few months? Do you know who I am talking about when I say James Ohlen or Jeff Hickman? Have you been here since the start as a loyal fan to the Series? The Cathar being made Cartel only Access was just the last thing in a long line of promises, and let downs that have come with this experience.


I've been here since open Beta. I have read all the interviews past and present, know all the stuff that's gone down over time.


I remember when Cathar were said to be a legacy unlock. But that was a loooong time ago. It was then said by the devs in multiple Q&As and interviews it would be a cartel market exclusive after the game went Free to Play. So I have expected this for many months.

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The Cathar being made Cartel only Access was just the last thing in a long line of promises.


This is important: You were never promised the Cathar would be free.


Yes, I know what you heard. I heard it, too. But, unlike you, I recognized it as a developer telling me the current plans for future releases, not a customer promise. Quite frankly, he didn't have the authority to make the promise you thought he did, and if you claim to understand as much as you do, you should have known that the moment he said it.


People beg the devs to share their plans/hopes/expectations for the future. However, some people seem to be unable to handle the fact that just because a developer hopes to deliver something, doesn't mean its going to happen. Things change. Problems show up. Priorities get adjusted. Budgets get reworked on schedules outside of the deadlines set for development. If you seek out unofficial, speculative information, you have to realize that there's a good chance its going to change before it becomes reality.


Let's be a bit more clear: If Hickman comes out tomorrow and says: "Our current plan is to release Togruta and Nautolan for free in four months", it is not a promise. He isn't the authority on that decision. Until you see official releases with full branding and legal statements, it's not a promise. You have no contractual standing to protest if they charge 600CC when they are released six months later. You're free to complain about them releasing inaccurate projections, but... that's about it.

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Funny my Cathar unlock didn't cost me a dime beyond my subscription. I get 600CC a month. I knew the Cathar were coming and would cost 600 (logical since that's what other race unlocks cost) so for the last month I didn't buy useless crap and voila...free Cathar unlock.


Seems pretty easy and logical to me. Maybe I'm missing something?

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This is important: You were never promised the Cathar would be free.


Yes, I know what you heard. I heard it, too. But, unlike you, I recognized it as a developer telling me the current plans for future releases, not a customer promise. Quite frankly, he didn't have the authority to make the promise you thought he did, and if you claim to understand as much as you do, you should have known that the moment he said it.


People beg the devs to share their plans/hopes/expectations for the future. However, some people seem to be unable to handle the fact that just because a developer hopes to deliver something, doesn't mean its going to happen. Things change. Problems show up. Priorities get adjusted. Budgets get reworked on schedules outside of the deadlines set for development. If you seek out unofficial, speculative information, you have to realize that there's a good chance its going to change before it becomes reality.


Let's be a bit more clear: If Hickman comes out tomorrow and says: "Our current plan is to release Togruta and Nautolan for free in four months", it is not a promise. He isn't the authority on that decision. Until you see official releases with full branding and legal statements, it's not a promise. You have no contractual standing to protest if they charge 600CC when they are released six months later. You're free to complain about them releasing inaccurate projections, but... that's about it.


Just confirming what you said. At E3 Cather was just an Announcement not a promise

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