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Everything posted by xerohiro

  1. you see my main legacy ive worked so hard on in the past is on POT5... =( what happened to it? It was so active back in the day.
  2. I just re subbed i have a free level 60 boost i want to use it on an active server. Can you help me find it?
  3. 2 things I would want to know what kind of processor, and power supply do you have? How many watts and does it have a 6 pin connection?
  4. There is a stigma behind the EA name. People just don't trust it after what happened when John Riccitiello was the CEO.
  5. Lets talk about understanding the project management of Bioware Austin, or better yet lets talk about practices of EA, and how they handle these projects. Now from what I've read we've been told that EA is looking to change its outlook on how it interacts with the people playing the games they produce. This thread is more about being skeptical then actually having no idea how project management works. Lets hear from Bioware Austin what the future plans are for SWTOR, or if that has/ will come to a grinding halt after 3.0.
  6. No he stayed on, and continued to make promises about the game, but was weak on his follow through.
  7. The idea behind it is great, lets just see how Bioware is on the follow through.
  8. Instead of having them in random packs, why not have them as $10-25 Items in the Cartel Market?
  9. its all speculation, but what I'm hoping is that it doesn't take away from the overall future development of SWTOR.
  10. I just hope they have more planned for SWTOR. That's the whole reason for this thread. I just re subbed to the game. Imagine if this game was built using the engine they're going to be using for shadow realms? The frostbite engine is amazing!
  11. Ok heres a quote from the shadow realms site
  12. I was reading that Bioware Austin will be releasing a new 5 player RPG 4 players, 1 Villain player. The 4 players will go up against a dungeon master aka bad guy. It will have a modern day setting, and will have content packs released as episodes. The game is called Shadow Realms. Looks like the idea of Fable, and The Secret World combined. From what I saw Bioware Austin let go of employee's before, now with a smaller development team, is any future content for SWTOR in the works? I don't understand how this studio can handle two different games without sacrificing development to SWTOR. Why cant Bioware Austin focus on SWTOR?
  13. They could just sell the mounts strait up for like $10-25 like they do in WoW, I think the random drop in bags is really stupid.
  14. Clearly its our fault they released an un polished version of the game to the Millions of potential subscribers, and then released a content patch that cost the the majority of those subscribers, thus causing EA to file this game under failure, and hire Jeff Hickman to Monetize it. Clearly thats our fault.
  15. I can see what you're talking about, though I think they have more then one account.
  16. Those free 600 coins a month sure go a long way huh, covers the Cathar the Race change the Hair change. The Dyes that we can use to make our armor unique. Covers it all bro! Damn that's one hell of a boon.
  17. You can change your hairstyle via ingame currency in WoW, They add free hairstyles for subscribers. The only thing they charge for is an actual race change.
  18. Really? They charge subscribers for features like a barber shop? Which game does that? Specifically besides this one?
  19. I guess I should be honored to have the forums most active troll in my thread, at the very least it'll keep it active.
  20. You'll find nothing but Bioware/EA fanboy's here. General disappointment in this game is frowned upon in these forums.
  21. No, but your constant appearance in multiple threads, and the way you present yourself in them does.
  22. what was the biggest change between then and now? Jeff Hickman? Do you know what his last job was with EA?
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