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[Petition] Re-customization with in-game credits for subscribers


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Cartel coins only changes? I'd rather level another alt to 55 than spend RL money for something like that. Wouldn't mind grinding dailies for a few days to save up enough credits to change looks. Making these changes available for credits for subscibers Only would also incentivize subscribing.



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Subs get a discount and 500 coins a month.


I haven't seen prices on changes for hair style & color, tattoos, or other purely cosmetic stuff so I guess I'll have to reserve judgement. I expect it to be very low CC cost though.



so what we give them 15$ and they want us to add more real money to get a barbershop screw them.

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so what we give them 15$ and they want us to add more real money to get a barbershop screw them.


So far I haven't seen anything I need to add real money to do. Of course, I have the discipline to avoid buying gambling packs with each monthly coin allotment I receive, so YMMV.


Still, cosmetic changes are completely optional. It's not like it's gameplay. Spending CC's on them won't make you any more or less effective in flash points or war zones, nor will it let you do any more of those things than you can do now. Nor will not spending the coins limit you to doing any less than you do now.

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Yes, I would say it is time to adjust the current F2P model.


I personally think they should offer this process to subs for in game coin as an incentive to subscribe, but make the following changes to the F2P model as well to make it more appealing (and leave the coin cost for them in place)..


Character creation and race unlocks for free players.


I think this needs to be adjusted. The system, as it stands, requires you to level a character to level 10 if I am correct to just be able to purchase additional races. Perhaps this needs to be adjusted for all, allowing a purchase before you even create a character, but in general I think this is just the wrong way to go about this.


A person should be able to pick a race, pay for it, then create a character based on that race. No hoops to jump through. Or just make it cheaper going the 10 level way, but offer an expensive or Cartel unlock at level 1.


Sprint, regular XP, rested XP, QT, medical probe for free players.


The restrictions are just plain draconian IMO. With no way to really unlock them (medical probes can be purchased but they are far too expensive IMO) as a free player the game seems to punish you. Sprint was changed shortly after launch because the distances and amount of running are already ridiculous.


Leveling and it's pacing is also draconian, especially post 30, and the lack of regular XP and rested XP just seem to kick you in the teeth. QT time of two hours? More of the same.


There needs to be unlocks for each of these, one time purchases in the CM IMO. Unlocks for Regular XP, Rested XP, QT down to 1 hour (makes more sense IMO) and unlimited medical probes, but with a cooldown of 10 or 15 minutes lets say.

Vendor prices/mission rewards


This seems petty to me. Again, I think a player should be given the option, through the market, to unlock full mission rewards (except for purples of course) and regular vendor prices.


Forum access for free/premium players


I would recommend you open up one single section of the forums for free/preferred players, a general forum where folks can give feedback, ask questions, that sort of thing. Naturally I suggest it as an unlock item for purchase.


These are the only flaws I really see in the current free play system. Bioware is putting off potential customers in this way IMO, and losing possible revenue by not offering it as a purchase unlock item.



Now, on to overall leveling experience.


I am still a bit leery of forced companion use, but I will leave that one alone for now. What I wanted to cover was the almost required inclusion of side quests in your mission leveling experience. If you skip side quests and stick to story only, arguably the best part of the leveling experience and perhaps the game as a whole, you end up being far too underleveled by the time you hit level 35 or so.


I think this needs to be addressed. The current unlocks are not enough IMO. Class leveling XP boosts should be much higher in legacy...to the tune of 25/50/75/100 percent XP boosts IMO. Once you reach the top level of the boosts at this rate you can ignore almost all side quests and still hit the correct level as you I would expect.


Armor costs


I really think your armor costs need some adjustment. They are far too high at present. I think around a 20 percent reduction overall would be very beneficial to the system overall. You are moving in the right direction on this with some of the prices, I think they all should be permanently discounted.

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While it is unrealistic to expect change, I'll throw my two cents in.


If you can do something on a whim in-universe, you should use in-universe credits. Things such as hairstyles, hair and eye colour, tattoos and scarring, etc. Things that are out-of-universe player alterations to their character should use real money - body type, species and such.

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You can justify the cartel coins given every month for subs all you want. If you can use these for the customization stuff without having to buy coins... then why not just do it with credits anyway?

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/signed fancily


The Cartel Market is taking over this game. Subscribers don't get any benefits with these new features; we should have at least one free name change, legacy change, & Guild name change, & the appearance thing should be usable with CC's or Credits.


The Collection's thing doesn't even work, too. Most if not all the "bug" fixes they perform are for the Cartel Market. How about the basic stuff like graphical clipping & the flashing speeders\taxis & the /flourish emote that makes the game feel amateur, rather than worrying about EA dipping into our wallets more & more!

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I just love the fact that even though we didn't even have the options to do any changes before today there are already people that feel entitled to more.


You got this far with out changing your toon. You don't have to change anything. It's a cosmetic feature that adds nothing to the game. It's no different than buying armor off the cm or even buying skins in lol.


And honestly, I expect that they'll add items in new packs that can be sold on the gtn.

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I just love the fact that even though we didn't even have the options to do any changes before today there are already people that feel entitled to more.


You got this far with out changing your toon. You don't have to change anything. It's a cosmetic feature that adds nothing to the game. It's no different than buying armor off the cm or even buying skins in lol.


And honestly, I expect that they'll add items in new packs that can be sold on the gtn.


I got this far with my toon because I couldnt just re-roll another lvl 55 Gunslinger geared up from HM Ops. Now that they gave us the option, they force us to spend money on CC just so we can make those minor changes. Some have already spent their monthly CC on the Cathar species and if they want to change the appearance of one of their characters, they're out of luck unless they spend more money on CC.


If they cant convince F2P players to subscribe, they ought to find ways to make money from them. But since some of us are still paying for a subscription, they dont need to milk us even more. It's ridiculous that they ask CC from subscribers.

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