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Collections feature is a joke.


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BioWare does an amazing job at disappointing people. I saw this collections thing and was surprised to see I could copy the lightsaber I was currently using. This made me hopeful that finally BioWare did something cool and I could get all my speeders on all my toons. Of course I found out to do so I have to spend more money to unlock the item on all my toons and of course I was 100% not surprised.


So as a subscriber, I have to pay more to unlock a species that should of been in the expansion, and as a subscriber I have to spend more money to unlock items I have already purchased before to have access on other toons. But hey, I can make multiple copies of that item on a toon that already owns it because I totally need multiple copies of an item that I cannot share with my alts.


Please tell me BioWare, what are the perks of subscribing again? Because I seriously feel like we are being milked just as much as the F2P players. I get the need for the cartel market with the game having a hybrid of subs and F2P, but please, stop screwing over your F2P players. This collections feature you added should be free to subscribers. You charging us more money to unlock these items we have already purchased is a slap in the face to us. I am finding less of a reason every day to continue supporting this title.


I've been around since launch, I've enjoyed the game and I still do for the most part. But I'm slowly but surely getting very frustrated with the lack of concern towards pvp, the constant cartel updates and the lack of content for subscribers, and subscribers in general just being treated like second class. Why bother having a subscription if there is really no benefit to it other than having access to end game? The amount of features constantly added that require cartel coins the game might as well go full blown F2P. I'm at the point now that if the relaunch of FF14 is solid I'm most likely never going to return to this game.

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Uh, are you kidding me?


Should've read the patchnotes. This is helping you spend FEWER Cartel Coins. Instead of buying this garbage for each and every character -- you have it once, and then pay a one-time unlock fee to have it across your entire account.



But, I suppose they just should't've put the system in. Then you wouldn't be complaining about it.

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Uh, are you kidding me?


Should've read the patchnotes. This is helping you spend FEWER Cartel Coins. Instead of buying this garbage for each and every character -- you have it once, and then pay a one-time unlock fee to have it across your entire account.



But, I suppose they just should't've put the system in. Then you wouldn't be complaining about it.


You need the entire set to copy any of that set over. So please don't defend them. Collections is utter garbage.

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You need the entire set to copy any of that set over. So please don't defend them. Collections is utter garbage.


Once again -- would you prefer they never put this into place?


I'll "defend" them if I please. I'm HAPPY with the collections system. If you aren't -- don't use it.

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Once again -- would you prefer they never put this into place?


I'll "defend" them if I please. I'm HAPPY with the collections system. If you aren't -- don't use it.


Yes I would. It's totally useless. We were deliberately mislead yet again.

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Yes I would. It's totally useless. We were deliberately mislead yet again.


Strange, I don't believe I was misled.


And guess what? Don't use the system. There ya go -- doesn't "exist" for you. Sorry, but it isn't useless. I will use it happily, as will MANY other people who have been RAVING about this addition since it was announced.


Sorry, you don't matter more than anyone else.

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Yes I would. It's totally useless. We were deliberately mislead yet again.


This is happening more and more. I was defending swtor to a lot of ex-subscribers friends I have since RotHC came out, trying to get them to come back. Now it seems they were justified in their opinion that there is nothing to justify returning to this game and that CC market rules everything you want to do to have a little bit of customisation or creative freedom with your character.


I am now considering un-subbing again. Shame, as I was having fun since the expansion was released.

Edited by Tharka
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Strange, I don't believe I was misled.


And guess what? Don't use the system. There ya go -- doesn't "exist" for you. Sorry, but it isn't useless. I will use it happily, as will MANY other people who have been RAVING about this addition since it was announced.


Sorry, you don't matter more than anyone else.


People were raving, yes, a large amount are no longer raving now that they realized they were tricked. But you Biodrones can't be reasoned with so I won't bother trying.

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This is happening more and more. I was defending swtor to a lot of ex-subscribers friends I have since RotHC came out, trying to get them to come back. Now it seems they were justified in their opinion that there is nothing to justify returning to this game and that CC market rules everything you want to do to have a little bit of customisation or creative freedom with your character.


I am now considering un-subbing again. Shame, as I was having fun since the expansion was released.


Agreed, I thought Makeb was a turning point, now this.

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Strange, I don't believe I was misled.


And guess what? Don't use the system. There ya go -- doesn't "exist" for you. Sorry, but it isn't useless. I will use it happily, as will MANY other people who have been RAVING about this addition since it was announced.


Sorry, you don't matter more than anyone else.


You are part of the problem. This thought process is the reason why BioWare continues to think it is ok to treat its subscribers the way they do. This feature should of been free to subscribers.

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not sure what i should think anymore like seriously this is just retarted like finally they bring aa great game mechanic and then they make our pour tons n tons of cash into it, first u need the WHOLOE cartel set so thats like 20 packs then u need to spend MORE MONEY to copy the god damed things over. Serious joke, thank God EA is licencing out the IP's for BF3, KOTOR, and 1313 dont wan there hands anywhere *********** near them.


sticking around for nightmares then unsubbing for my 1st and only time

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BioWare does an amazing job at disappointing people. I saw this collections thing and was surprised to see I could copy the lightsaber I was currently using. This made me hopeful that finally BioWare did something cool and I could get all my speeders on all my toons. Of course I found out to do so I have to spend more money to unlock the item on all my toons and of course I was 100% not surprised.


So as a subscriber, I have to pay more to unlock a species that should of been in the expansion, and as a subscriber I have to spend more money to unlock items I have already purchased before to have access on other toons. But hey, I can make multiple copies of that item on a toon that already owns it because I totally need multiple copies of an item that I cannot share with my alts.


Please tell me BioWare, what are the perks of subscribing again? Because I seriously feel like we are being milked just as much as the F2P players. I get the need for the cartel market with the game having a hybrid of subs and F2P, but please, stop screwing over your F2P players. This collections feature you added should be free to subscribers. You charging us more money to unlock these items we have already purchased is a slap in the face to us. I am finding less of a reason every day to continue supporting this title.


I've been around since launch, I've enjoyed the game and I still do for the most part. But I'm slowly but surely getting very frustrated with the lack of concern towards pvp, the constant cartel updates and the lack of content for subscribers, and subscribers in general just being treated like second class. Why bother having a subscription if there is really no benefit to it other than having access to end game? The amount of features constantly added that require cartel coins the game might as well go full blown F2P. I'm at the point now that if the relaunch of FF14 is solid I'm most likely never going to return to this game.




Yet another thread on the topic of "why am I a subscriber?". Honestly, quit subscribing and go F2P. That will give you a real time view of exactly what you get and what you don't get as a subscriber. Then you can decide if it's worth the other worldly sum of $15 a month instead of posting these threads asking this hypothetical question.

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Yet another thread on the topic of "why am I a subscriber?". Honestly, quit subscribing and go F2P. That will give you a real time view of exactly what you get and what you don't get as a subscriber. Then you can decide if it's worth the other worldly sum of $15 a month instead of posting these threads asking this hypothetical question.




Another biodrone who will say anything to defend his masters while continually being robbed by them.

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and as a subscriber I have to spend more money to unlock items I have already purchased before to have access on other toons.


^this :mad:

240coins per one item.


But hey, I can make multiple copies of that item on a toon that already owns it because I totally need multiple copies of an item that I cannot share with my alts.


^and this :confused::rolleyes:

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Another biodrone who will say anything to defend his masters while continually being robbed by them.




How is telling someone to unsubscribe if they're worried about what they're paying for as a subscriber being a 'biodrone'?


As clearly a hater, you can crawl back into your hole now.

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I fail to see what the problem is here. With every patch there will be aspects that people don't like, whether it is SWTOR, WoW or any other game. The Cartel Market does not define the game for a subscriber. You can quite easily play the game without ever using it. Yes it is nice for cosmetics and all that, okay it would be cool if things could be account bound, like pets and mounts in WoW but does it really matter? Have you lost anything at all? You still pay the same sub fees each month, you can still play the game as normal and okay, one patch might suck for you but does it really change how you play the game?


They could quite easily just not offer these patches or options for you. But they do, and as a grown adult (assuming) you have a magical thing called choice. If you don't like something, yeah you can rant and rave about it, but you can just say 'nah it's not for me' and focus on other things. Children throw their toys out of the pram when they don't get what they want and unfortunately these forums are a breeding ground for people who threaten to quit the game if one little thing isn't perfect for them. You are one of 500,000 subscribers. This feature may appeal to more than just yourself, and there will be players who are glad that new features are being introduced.


Also stop telling people they are jumping on the Bioware band wagon if you don't agree with them. If you really dislike the game that much because of this patch then quit. Just go. It is the internet and no one will care.

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Yes it is nice for cosmetics and all that, okay it would be cool if things could be account bound, like pets and mounts in WoW but does it really matter?


Yes it does matter actually. Clearly people wanted a feature such as this and I imagine there are many people like me who have say different speeders across multiple toons that would like to have all of them available on all of their alts. I make an issue out of it because I am a paying customer. I have the right to be annoyed over a feature that is charging me extra for an item I already own to have it available on my alts...A feature that should be free to subscribers.

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This is just another example of how cash shops break games.


I will never pay more money than the subscription and quite honestly feel I made a mistake in my current 180 subscription.

Ah well, I have 4 months left on my sub and just don't feel like playing anymore.


Pay extra to get all the features in the game, no thanks. I thought that's what sub was for.


Sub is just slightly cheaper access to cash shop.

Edited by kesildas
spelling error
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Pets and mounts in WoW are account wide, but gear is not. So it is a wash.


1800 CC for cr-17 speeder on one toon. If I spend a third more, 600 cc, I get it on an additional 14 characters. I am quite pleased. It would be nice if everything were free from every company but this is fine.


2400 CC costs a bit less than the $25 Blizzard sells their store mounts to their subscribers.

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You need the entire set to copy any of that set over. So please don't defend them. Collections is utter garbage.


Complete and utter garbage. They are trying to get you to spend more of your money. They are going to be scratching their heads trying to figure out why nobody plays anymore 90 days from now.

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Agreed on it being silly to need all the pieces. At least have it so you can unlock a certain piece. I'm not asking for the whole armor if I only have the chest or leg but would it be so terrible to be able to unlock said chest/leg across all my characters for a small CC fee? Bah.
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