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So with 2.2 Upon us soon....


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I have been through 3 server moves and each time not by choice. Through it I have lost character names, friends, etc I have no desire to jump servers again. The last 3 weren't complete solutions and I don't need to be on a pvp server to enjoy my game.


If you all move I will miss you and wish you the best. However unless my entire guild moves or I am forced to move then I shall continue roaming Shadowlands stirring up trouble.


Three transfers? Damn, that must have sucked. I only had to deal with one transfer and that was during the first set of transfers. Took them forever to get around to my server though. :mad:


I lost a few friends and watched two guilds die out. Some stayed, some came back and started playing more, but, I'm not looking forward to more transfers. Just don't want to see more people leaving. Also not particularly interested in paying money for a transfer. So personally, I hope transfers are pricey to discourage a mass exodus.

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At launch this had some pretty fun PvP on Ilum, and had the potential to be one of the best PvP MMORPGs I've ever played. And I've been playing since MUD.


At this point I think it's safe to say SWTOR will never live up to its PvP potential, which is a shame because it has so much. I'd probably move to a PvP server if the majority of my PvP friends were going. Outlaw's Den is pretty boring these days and that's about all there is to do between WZ pops.

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As I read this, I came to the conclusion that I think BW realized a long time ago: Paid server transfers = cash + decreased cost in development time to create cross server matchmaking.


It's a more profitable solution to allow people to pay to consolidate into a single large pvp community on a determined server than it is for them to develop code, test it & field support-related issues with a cross server queue.


You emmeffers at BioWare are really sticking it to your customers, aren't you? If I didn't love SW so much, I swear I'd have been gone a long time ago now.


Is there a tinfoil hat somewhere I can put on to join the club?


I find I can sum up 99% of the forum conversations if I think like this. EA/Bioware, the evil corporation that they are, wants to milk us all of our money. I assume that everything they do is wrong and am in a perpetual state of disgust with them. I'd unsub, but then who would I talk to about how much I hate EA/Bioware. I assume that anything in development is already wrong and costs me money. Did I mention I'm paying them a subscription. It's my money. They are taking it. Like highway bandits in the night. Trolls in the cellar. Thugs in a back alley. Server transfers, ha! Who needs factual confirmation of any sort. With just the ounce of communication EA/Bioware has given me I've already determined their entire vision of the future is to decrease development costs and steal my money. In fact I'm so mad that Bioware is adding server transfers because it's something I might want. I might spend money on things I might want. I'd much rather just contemplate them not adding it so I can complain about the lack of ability to server transfer. Moneymoneymoneymoney mine. RageprofitsEArageunsub. As the list of options I don't need to spend money on increases I get angrier!


I just repeated words because I'm not imaginative enough to understand how people can be so entitled. Good lord. It's 15 dollars a month. You aren't bankrolling a federation of game designers whose only need is to please you. This is a really simple equation: if swtor + $15 = good times then continue sub and if swtor + $15 = bad times discontinue sub. Hating swtor and continuing a sub simultaneously is addiction. In that case you should also unsub.

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Be careful what you wish for on those transfers. This is my third server, 2 changes from the transfers then a re-roll here. On the other servers pvp was totally dominated by one side. When I quit the game in December I was playing Pub in Jedi Covenenant and went undefeated for the month. It just wasn't very fun, sure winning is great and all but a close fight is better, i'd rather lose a 0-10 Alderaan than win 550-0 every single time.


Shadowlands has some pretty even competition, just look at the thread where an ID premade lost to a pug. The other places I've been that never, ever happens to the top guilds.


As far as open world goes, the servers just cant handle it. The few events I've been in and even old Illum were lag fests that would have made SWG proud. I wouldn't look forward to any of that unless they totally revamp the game engine and good luck with that.


Just my two cents, I do love the warzones though and will que from the time I log in untill the time I log out.



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Is there a tinfoil hat somewhere I can put on to join the club?




I just repeated words because I'm not imaginative enough to understand how people can be so entitled. Good lord. It's 15 dollars a month. You aren't bankrolling a federation of game designers whose only need is to please you. This is a really simple equation: if swtor + $15 = good times then continue sub and if swtor + $15 = bad times discontinue sub. Hating swtor and continuing a sub simultaneously is addiction. In that case you should also unsub.


If things continue to go as they are, you'll be the only fanboy left with his tinfoil hat. See what I did there? It's easier to paint those with an opposing viewpoint as lunatics so as to justify your position, rather than give the slightest bit of credence to their concerns. The people you describe in the literal sense are already long gone. Those that remain, but criticize, care about the game (it is Star Wars) and wish it to succeed. That criticism can be aimed at mechanics or the developer, etc. It's all fair game. I will concede that gamers, especially those in a MMO, can be entitled, but to lump them all together is hardly accurate.


The MMO market establishes precedent as far as what a subscription is worth. Surely the loss in subscribers and the benchmarks set by other games gives us something against which to compare? If you think it's only about the $15 and not what other games have established as a common denominator, you're missing the point. There's a middle ground between what the market dictates and what entitled gamers clamor for in their game.


The Cartel Market points more to a qualitative issue in that the people that have left didn't leave because they couldn't be a cat, but rather the lack of endgame, etc. We'd rather they focus on what most players want rather than a cash shop. What makes more money, additional developer intensive content or cash shop updates? It's not like EA lives in a bubble. They have history, mang.

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Shadowlands has some pretty even competition, just look at the thread where an ID premade lost to a pug. The other places I've been that never, ever happens to the top guilds.


Damn the top guilds on other servers must be completely out of this world in leet skills.


Also didn't know ID losing a pug game would become a "thing" now? :rak_02:

Edited by ParagonAX
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If things continue to go as they are, you'll be the only fanboy left with his tinfoil hat. See what I did there? It's easier to paint those with an opposing viewpoint as lunatics so as to justify your position, rather than give the slightest bit of credence to their concerns. The people you describe in the literal sense are already long gone. Those that remain, but criticize, care about the game (it is Star Wars) and wish it to succeed. That criticism can be aimed at mechanics or the developer, etc. It's all fair game. I will concede that gamers, especially those in a MMO, can be entitled, but to lump them all together is hardly accurate.


The MMO market establishes precedent as far as what a subscription is worth. Surely the loss in subscribers and the benchmarks set by other games gives us something against which to compare? If you think it's only about the $15 and not what other games have established as a common denominator, you're missing the point. There's a middle ground between what the market dictates and what entitled gamers clamor for in their game.


The Cartel Market points more to a qualitative issue in that the people that have left didn't leave because they couldn't be a cat, but rather the lack of endgame, etc. We'd rather they focus on what most players want rather than a cash shop. What makes more money, additional developer intensive content or cash shop updates? It's not like EA lives in a bubble. They have history, mang.


Whining is not constructive criticism just as forum posts are not the same thing as submitting a bug report. The cartel market in lieu of content is a valid point, it's why I cancelled my sub yesterday. I noted the lack of pvp content in the 'why are you leaving' box. It doesn't mean I'm on an irrational crusade against features people actually want (transfers, paid or otherwise) or suddenly have a hysterical need to blame everything on corporate greed.

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Damn the top guilds on other servers must be completely out this world in leet skills.


Also didn't know ID losing a pug game would become a "thing" now? :rak_02:


dont you know if 3-4 people from one guild cant carry 4-5 pugs its their fault

regular wzs are more of a test in skill than rated right?

Edited by bigheadbrandon
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Damn the top guilds on other servers must be completely out this world in leet skills.


Also didn't know ID losing a pug game would become a "thing" now? :rak_02:


People are just jelly you guys are considered the top guild and not theirs. It's possible they are just butt hurt that they haven't received an invite for self perceived leet skills or where just denied an invite. Of course, it could just be they have a bad attitude and no one wanted to deal with it. At any rate, point is, for whatever reason they just want to see you guys crash and burn. Even it means they have to launch personal vendettas against your guild on the forums and taking any shot they can get.


Mind you, nothing wrong with a little friendly smack talk and competition. I just can't understand why people feel the need to be so gosh darn vindictive all the time. It's just absolutely ridiculous and extremely immature. :/


dont you know if 3-4 people from one guild cant carry 4-5 pugs its their fault

regular wzs are more of a test in skill than rated right?



Edited by Dedrayge
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I'm not sure how any one could question the way the game has turned in to a cash grab for EA. Just read the patch notes for 2.1 and tell me how many items deal with in-game issues and how many items deal with the cartel market. I will applaud EA for not making the cash store a pay to win scenario. However, it seems that they quickly realized that it's more profitable to provide a bunch of new outfits to play dress-up than it is to provide a functioning game. That's not tin foil hat talk, that's just looking at the bottom line. As long as people stay subbed and continue to buy cartel crap, they'll continue to focus the majority of their energy on making cartel crap. It's called capitalism, maybe captain conspiracy can look in to it some time.
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I'm not sure how any one could question the way the game has turned in to a cash grab for EA. Just read the patch notes for 2.1 and tell me how many items deal with in-game issues and how many items deal with the cartel market. I will applaud EA for not making the cash store a pay to win scenario. However, it seems that they quickly realized that it's more profitable to provide a bunch of new outfits to play dress-up than it is to provide a functioning game. That's not tin foil hat talk, that's just looking at the bottom line. As long as people stay subbed and continue to buy cartel crap, they'll continue to focus the majority of their energy on making cartel crap. It's called capitalism, maybe captain conspiracy can look in to it some time.


too late +41 gems are already in the Cartel Market, as are the purple tier-7 ship upgrades you need in order to do heroic space missions. it's already pay to win, just not too much at the moment. it's only been six months of cash shop though so give them time to add more pay 2 win

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Damn the top guilds on other servers must be completely out of this world in leet skills.


Also didn't know ID losing a pug game would become a "thing" now? :rak_02:


Let me pop back in here and clarify that what I said was not meant as a shot at ID.(Although I admit after re-reading it may have sounded like it) It was just used as an example of faction balance on the server. Domination from one side or the other is not good and just gets boring and that's been my experience on every server except this one.

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I have been through 3 server moves and each time not by choice. Through it I have lost character names, friends, etc I have no desire to jump servers again. The last 3 weren't complete solutions and I don't need to be on a pvp server to enjoy my game.


If you all move I will miss you and wish you the best. However unless my entire guild moves or I am forced to move then I shall continue roaming Shadowlands stirring up trouble.


Yeah I went through the same. I have no desire or plans to leave.

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And time reasons. Would suck if most of the games didn't start until 10 pm pacific time.


indeed, well see who goes where and may have stick with each other and see where we go. dont want to que up at 3am on bastion lol not feelin that

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Quick question; Is the US continental connection really crappy for people on the East Coast too? I'm playing from Europe and while it's perfectly fine to play on a EC server it's gosh darn horrible on the WC ones, from a connection point of view. Ping is what you could expect from the extra distance but the connection become inconsistent and with a good deal of packet losses. On a EC server I'm on 110 ms with more or less no spikes, on a WC server I'm on everything between 170 and 300 and with weird lag. Same thing happens when I'm speedtesting against servers across the States, the speeds will fluctuate a lot and the ping will be all over the place. Is this something you notice too and could be a reflection on the wires/servers in the States? Edited by MidichIorian
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Well looks as if ill be watching and waiting to see who jumps ship first.


From the PvP Forums a lot of people are looking towards POT5 since Biowares 'PvP' team cannot do anything remotely right at this moment in time and to avid cross Queuing implementation altogether....

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This will certainly mark the end of our PvP community for anyone that takes PvP somewhat seriously. I'd rather they implement cross server ranked Q's. If that happens I am venturing to guess that most people will stay. They also need to add warzones that are not 8 man but 2, 4, and 6 man with different maps.


They [bioware employees] have fallen into one of the better situations. WIthout much attention they have created a decent PvP platform. If they would have a straight up PvP patch that gave the PvP community what they deserve really, everything will be fixed and we won't need to transfer. That being said here's what I would want to see to not want to transfer:


1. Cross server Q capabilities

2. Balancing of Faction by allowing some warzones to mix faction (it's huttball.. why would anyone care if you're republic or imperial we are all just entertainment for the Hutts which have traditionally not cared at all which side you fight for, they just want their money)

  • This can't be that hard to invision, it would also stop all of the QQing about which side is worse at warzones. People will finally realize that there are bads on both sides.

3. New warzones - with the ability to fight with less than 8 v. 8.

4. Balancing of classes - there have been some serious buffs with cool changes to how a warzone is played or should be played, but there are a couple of classes that people just agree can't be played in ranked warzones, every class should be playable in ranked. Including classes like vanguard/powertech tank/dps, commando/mercenary everything, scoundrel/operative dps, etc.

  • Yeah, yeah before you even post your screenies about your leet hackzorz newbz on one of those classes truly ask yourself if you feel like the class is balanced and if you could beat ID's 8 man "A team" with that player on the team. So sure, Skillex can do terrible things to people on his merc when everyone is altaholicing or leaving him to free cast, or just being bad. But a focused team running mains will destroy a team that has a merc almost always.


I'll stop there.. I'm sure there's more but those things would appease me.

Edited by Lanry
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I'll go where the guild goes. Obviously, price is a concern. And what hiccups are involved with the transfer. I.e. will I still be poor on the other side? Do all my neat unlocks come over?


The whole situation is sad because there are people who are going to go. People who are going to stay. And all because Bioware couldn't make cross-server queues a reality. If at some point they say "okay guys we're going to do cross-server". I would probably stay. But I only do PvP, so I will go where the PvP goes.


Saying goodbye to Churb will be the hardest thing I've ever done.

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I almost feel as if we're falling for the most elaborate troll attempt.:eek:


Really wish BW would give us some bloody info. If we're really lucky cross server WZs are in the works and no info about it has leaked like transfers seem to have.

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Without competitive ranked Queue's for Top End Teams, Middle Grade Teams and Low End Teams, Ranked is dead on most servers. Anyone who wants to get involved in competitive PvP (Or more frequent ranked pops) will move on to 1 primarily focus'd pvp server.


It's disappointing that this will happen, but I think its a safe bet to say that it is going to...

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I already have 55s on PoT5 and I can tell you it has been the best experience I've had playing this game so far. The East Coast PvP server is where you belong if PvP is your main focus... It's that simple. Larger pool of talented players, thus more guilds that want to run rateds. Wider variety of team compositions and strategy.


Of course there are bads too, as there are on any server. I can name 3 republic guilds off the top of my head that make me cringe when I see them on my team... It's just how it is. You might get the wrong impression if you get stuck playing 1 or 2 games with these terrible premades. But IMO the average pug is much more aware of objectives and how to work together to win the warzone.


All this being said, if they make transfers PER CHARACTER, I will most likely move two or three from Shadowlands -> PoT5 that I don't have over there.

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