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Leaving a Warzone offers no gain vs staying.


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I don't see the point of the 'queue dodging' argument, unless your server is next to dead so you know exactly who is queueing at what time. If there's something I learned about PUGs is that there's always one that's worse than the one you thought that couldn't possibly be any worse. You can easily end up dodging your side's uber team or the enemy's side worst PUG.
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If you actually have a reputation as a quitter you should ask around what other people think of you. You'll probably find people are waiting for you to quit so that they'd actually have a chance of winning. They're certainly not saying "Oh no this guy quit how can we possibly make up for him?"


Yea that is full of the facts ^, but the sad truth is the quitters don't care what other people think of them.


People quit for selfish reasons without no warning and without a care.


The conclusion of any game is effort without quitters ruining a game, that is the basis of SWTOR PVP.


Years from now people will ask "What was or is SWTOR PVP like?"


I will say, it depends on effort or how many people quit the match.

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  • 10 months later...
I just wanna know how to leave hutt ball most lamest thing ive ever come across in a mmorpg lmao even the announcer says dont use your feet then they add a emote that will do just that so yes leaving something like this event is well worth the option to leave.
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I just wanna know how to leave hutt ball most lamest thing ive ever come across in a mmorpg lmao even the announcer says dont use your feet then they add a emote that will do just that so yes leaving something like this event is well worth the option to leave.


Worst thread necro ever.

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Why do people keep on continue the myth of these awesome full Conqueror guys who have nothing to play for quitting the game? Not to mention these mythical players are always too dumb to actually quit a game where you're behind 490-500 on Alderaan, as any good player should be able to tell you that you're going to just spend the next 15 minutse fighting in middle and never coming close to winning. How come they don't quit then? It's literally the biggest waste of time I can think of. There are times where I'm on the side with the 500 and I contemplated quitting rather than taking another 15 minutes to win because it's really not worth the effort.


If you actually have a reputation as a quitter you should ask around what other people think of you. You'll probably find people are waiting for you to quit so that they'd actually have a chance of winning. They're certainly not saying "Oh no this guy quit how can we possibly make up for him?"


It's funny that for all the high opinion quitters have of themselves, they apparently don't think they can carry other players to victory. You'd think if people think highly of themselves, it should be like 'let me show you how this is done'. Carrying others is one of the surest sign of elitism, after all. When I finish a WZ with more DPS than the next top 2 guys put together while leading in every other statistical category and won the game, I can say 'yep that was all me guys!'. Apparently quitters do not think they're good enough to do that.


this guy speaks the truth

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Leaving warzones and leaving games is another way for gamers to pride themselves to be elitist didn't you know.


The same excuse a leaver uses is "It's everyone else's fault, and I am not puting up with it"


I find it ironic because those same people I run into daily that quit on a regular basis are the same people in general chat and ops chat belittling every single person in that warzone.


And the the end of the match when its time to look at the progress of your group, those people are doing less than 100k damage, no protection points, and no objectives.


People that quit warzones actually have a quitter mentality in all things in life, and its a actual borderline disorder come to think of it.


Doctors have found quitters to have a social anxiety sometimes leading to ADHD which is a whole ball of wax topic and I don't need to get into it.


You get the point.


Bottom line is Bioware is aware of it because they added the option to leave.


Was it retarded to give people a choose to leave without punishment of course, and its the sole reason they need to rethink keeping it long term.


Specially since its gets abused and abused.


Bioware is enabling a quitter attitude in its game without no consequences which to me is a poor way to have a game.


Whatever. :rolleyes:

What rubbish.


There's two reasons why I will ALWAYS quit a warzone. One - Stupidity. This comes in all shapes and forms but mostly early on. Examples being - 6 players rush to capture the pylon in Hyper gate, no one goes Snow/Grass to capture turret because they want to be carried etc etc.


Reason 2: Team work. I spend most of my time guarding when I using my Sin and I am damn good at it. Call early, use CC well to delay caps until help arrives...........IF help arrives. On maps such as Novare if I come up against 3+ players early on and I call, and call and call until I have to jump in and attack, and still get zero help, I will just leave.


Not all players have a brain. If I was middle in Novare, I always keep one eye on east, or have a head count to see if they have enemy players missing - therefore telling me they could be on their way east in stealth.


If players can't be bothered to look, help or actually offer some contribution, I'd rather leave and scratch a Banthas arse.

Edited by DarthMaulUK
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Only people who complain about the quitters are people who aren't good enough to carry the team. If you can carry the team then any replacement can only be better for you. If you can't it means your a baddie.


Wrong. What happens when you start a warzone that needs some sort of capping, and you are outnumbered, because of quitter(s) and because a replacement was late to press the join button or load the warzone?


Regardless of my, or the quitters skill level, I am at an obvious numerical disadvantage because of someone who is seriously lessening my experience. It doesn't matter if I can kill the whole enemy team by myself, because there will always be 2 nods that I can't be there to fight and cap.

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What rubbish.


There's two reasons why I will ALWAYS quit a warzone. One - Stupidity. This comes in all shapes and forms but mostly early on. Examples being - 6 players rush to capture the pylon in Hyper gate, no one goes Snow/Grass to capture turret because they want to be carried etc etc.


Reason 2: Team work. I spend most of my time guarding when I using my Sin and I am damn good at it. Call early, use CC well to delay caps until help arrives...........IF help arrives. On maps such as Novare if I come up against 3+ players early on and I call, and call and call until I have to jump in and attack, and still get zero help, I will just leave.


Not all players have a brain. If I was middle in Novare, I always keep one eye on east, or have a head count to see if they have enemy players missing - therefore telling me they could be on their way east in stealth.


If players can't be bothered to look, help or actually offer some contribution, I'd rather leave and scratch a Banthas arse.


I've met people, in real life, who have overcome the most difficult of situations and rise the society ladder.


I've also met selfish spoiled kids, who were raised with all comforts to end up at the bottom of the society ladder.


It is not what you get in life that determines your destiny, it is how much of a fight you are willing to put or not to overcome the obstacles.

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I've met people, in real life, who have overcome the most difficult of situations and rise the society ladder.


I've also met selfish spoiled kids, who were raised with all comforts to end up at the bottom of the society ladder.


It is not what you get in life that determines your destiny, it is how much of a fight you are willing to put or not to overcome the obstacles.


To change the course of history, sometimes you need an army.

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I've met people, in real life, who have overcome the most difficult of situations and rise the society ladder.


I've also met selfish spoiled kids, who were raised with all comforts to end up at the bottom of the society ladder.


It is not what you get in life that determines your destiny, it is how much of a fight you are willing to put or not to overcome the obstacles.


TY I was looking for a funny post.

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It does make my head spin when people quit the match after most of it has already been played.


But for quitters, the gain is an alleviation to frustration. I am a competitor and I'd like all of my losses to at least be hard fought. However, there are definitely matches out there where I will quit and go back to the Fleet to avoid frustration of playing with certain kinds of people.


Whether or not they win/lose in the end is irrelevant to me. I don't normally expect people to also share my reasons for leaving matches as there is a pretty big problem of "bads who want to get carried in WZs and quit every match where they aren't getting carried" on my server as well. But not everyone falls into that stereotype and in the end, you will eventually find there are some matches where your personal standing may get you thinking, "Screw it, I don't need this."


Just my two cents.

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It does make my head spin when people quit the match after most of it has already been played.


But for quitters, the gain is an alleviation to frustration. I am a competitor and I'd like all of my losses to at least be hard fought. .


Indeed. That's how I see it. If we battled hard, and just lost to the better team in the end, so be it. But losing through out right stupidity is something I don't waste my time with. Unfortunately, you can't teach common sense meaning that a bad will always remain a bad.


And for those of you who jump up on your high horse saying 'educate players to play etc', there's no need. If a player wants to improve their game here, its old enough and youtube is littered with excellent vlogs and 'how to' guides from a variety of players - people just need the desire to get off their arse and improve but most are just happy to be carried.

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I'd love all those "stay forever" preachers would play an "intended to permanently sit bored guarding static objectives" class for months and years.


You grow old of getting those 5 medals (if you win) and still nobody even gives you that 1 donkey MVP point to show appreciation for your spending a sub to sit at a pylon for a lifetime.


You grow even older getting those 5 medals AND also losing and getting 45 valor.


You grow even older seeing a bunch of irrecuperable morons playing your same class but "going to middle, in the thick of action!" with 27k health, key turning, doing 1/3 of the damage and/or objectives you know you can do.

Yet YOU are stuck guarding FOREVER and if even somebody volounteered to do it in your place (happens 1 out of 10 times) they SHALL get the pylon lost because they won't call for help, they fall prey to little tricks like sap/cap and so on and on.


So you are there, skilled enough to know how to prevent caps and solo 1-2 attackers yet the majority of time nobody will come to attack you. If they come, nobody will come help you (despite calling them). Nobody will appreciate your selfless playing for the team. Nobody CARES. And then they lose in the most ignoble ways and you get a fat zero dot zero, whereas they already spent time actually playing in the action places.


With what FACE do those come to tell me I am "selfish" or whatever other psychological drivel, if I decide to get out of some utterly terrible WZs?

Edited by Vaerah
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However, there are definitely matches out there where I will quit and go back to the Fleet to avoid frustration of playing with certain kinds of people.


I very, very rarely quit matches...but when I do - it's most often this;


I'm on one of my healers. It's a Huttball, and none of the other 7 people on my team (a couple may even be tank specced) will pick up the ball. Or heck, they're never even anywhere close to mid. Where they are? I don't know. (Well, except for the guy standing in our endzone doing....nothing.) But it's nowhere near the ball. Meanwhile, for me personally, it's turned into a game of "kite the two melee around the map," because their team needs no help scoring, they're free to chase me relentlessly. Now, sometimes I'll have fun with this, but sometimes I am just not in the mood to 1v2-3 for the entire length of the match.


I don't rage in ops chat, ever (I fail to see the point, I don't think I've ever seen a game that was won because someone was screaming in ops chat instead of playing,) and I'd like to keep it that way.

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I'd love all those "stay forever" preachers would play an "intended to permanently sit bored guarding static objectives" class for months and years.


You grow old of getting those 5 medals (if you win) and still nobody even gives you that 1 donkey MVP point to show appreciation for your spending a sub to sit at a pylon for a lifetime.


You grow even older getting those 5 medals AND also losing and getting 45 valor.


You grow even older seeing a bunch of irrecuperable morons playing your same class but "going to middle, in the thick of action!" with 27k health, key turning, doing 1/3 of the damage and/or objectives you know you can do.

Yet YOU are stuck guarding FOREVER and if even somebody volounteered to do it in your place (happens 1 out of 10 times) they SHALL get the pylon lost because they won't call for help, they fall prey to little tricks like sap/cap and so on and on.


So you are there, skilled enough to know how to prevent caps and solo 1-2 attackers yet the majority of time nobody will come to attack you. If they come, nobody will come help you (despite calling them). Nobody will appreciate your selfless playing for the team. Nobody CARES. And then they lose in the most ignoble ways and you get a fat zero dot zero, whereas they already spent time actually playing in the action places.


With what FACE do those come to tell me I am "selfish" or whatever other psychological drivel, if I decide to get out of some utterly terrible WZs?


you have sympathy in extreme cases of people being ignorant and/or bad.


My main objection against quitters is when they quit on regular games, when the opponents happen to be better than your honest teamates. I've seen "pros" quit at the start of a warzone just because one person, probably someone new, had 27k hitpoints. And it infuriates me when that 27k hit points person, happens to be an alt of someone good, and tops medals/damage/healing/objectives.


I am fed up of selfish people, quick to put blames on their teamates, when themselves are a major part of the problem, when they are not as good as they think they are. And there are plenty of those ignorant/arrogant/selifsh "I won/You lost" dudes.


EDIT: I just saw your post on another topic


you said:


AH AH AH Try saying this for ToFN with a straight face!


I ALWAYS ALWAYS A L W A Y S do my WZ dailies in 40 minutes on my rep char and at least 2 hours on my imp char.

It's like all the worst handicapped tards rolled one faction together, it's impossible to even find a single (active) competitive PvP guild on imp side.


You are exactly, the definition of what is wrong with MMOs. You are the definition of the person I despise as I said earlier. And I bet you are a lot worse than you think you are. I am on the same server and complete my dailys in 40 minutes, imp side. And I play 4-5 weeks at max level, and it is my first and only char at this game.


Perhaps if you didn't quit as much, you would do your dailys faster.

Edited by kreeshak
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I was just in this warzone. In Novare Coast it started off that myself and another concealment op took west while someone just tagged east. They took south and sent 5 east to take it back. We called it out. No one reinforced and lost it. All of our force went south except me and probably the poor soul that died while they capped east. I called out in chat *** the game is %80 to %50 (us loosing) and 7 people killing 3 people at south while defending. We lost from there on out. For many of reasons.


Moral of the story is this WZ was a waste of my time. I pvp for the fun. The coms and everything else come with it. I am fine with loosing, but there is a point when your just paired with bads and its quicker to leave and hopefully get a group that can do more the 100k dmg and knows how to play the wz.


Exactly. There are plenty of times when you just know you're in a queue with a group of bads and you know you have no chance of winning, ever. Maybe it's arrogant to think I can do better with another group, but I at least know that I won't try to three cap ACW, I'll actually pay attention to nodes, etc. When you're in a group where 6-7 members just don't care one way or another, it's brutally painful to stick around.


I'm not sure why hopping from one losing game to another is anyone's definition of fun. You do know that the most likely game you get into when you solo queue is the one where your team is badly losing?


There's really no gain whatsoever for leaving and people trying to rationalize are just finding excuses. If you have to leave fine, but you're coming out way behind on this. WZ consumables are dirt cheap now anyway. You get 5 of each type for finishing the second daily and it'd usually be obvious when using them isn't going to turn the tide at all.


If anything the kind of game you should be leaving are the game where you know it's going to end in 10-0 Alderaan and you're on the side with the 0, but bizarrely enough very few of the self-proclaimed pros ever actually quit in such a game, even though this is complete waste of time in every sense of the word. You'll be fighting for 20 minutes and ultimately losing without any realistic shot at winning for about 100 comms which is pretty much the worst possible way you can spend your time. Heck, sometimes I want to quit even when I'm on the winning side, as 140 comms for 20 minutes of fighting is still pretty bad.


I would venture to say that you don't have any understanding of what motivates players like me. Based on what you're saying, it sounds like PvP comms are a higher priority to you than your time and level of enjoyment. If so, that's fine, but don't assume that everyone else feels the same way. My priorities are: 1.) don't negatively impact my team (i.e., don't be "that guy" who handicaps my team because of how bad I am or how badly I'm geared) and 2.) have fun. IF there's a #3, it would be to gain comms, but that would be a very distant #3 and only to the extent that it helps me with priority #1. Better gear means I provide more help to my team and have more of a chance of winning. Obviously I do like to win, but I like a close match more.


Personally, I would very much prefer a 10-0 ACW where I was on the losing side to a 600-0 ACW match where I was on the winning side, and if I had the choice between going 0-15 for my weeklies with each match being that close as opposed to going 8-0 with each match a blowout, I would gladly pick the former over the latter with zero hesitation, even if it somehow meant I received zero comms, no credits, and no valor. Why? Because the former would be FUN.


Screw the comms. They're nice add-ons, but they're not the point of PvP for me.

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You are exactly, the definition of what is wrong with MMOs. You are the definition of the person I despise as I said earlier. And I bet you are a lot worse than you think you are. I am on the same server and complete my dailys in 40 minutes, imp side. And I play 4-5 weeks at max level, and it is my first and only char at this game.


Perhaps if you didn't quit as much, you would do your dailys faster.


1) I can't physically quit on my imp characters because I can only play them at 3pm where there's only *1* WZ running. Actually, often there's not even a WZ but just arena, because there's no 8 guys on ToFN bothering to queue any more at that hour. So even if I quit, I'd just either immediately get a pop back there OR would have to wait till WZ ends and then end in a new WZ with the same players. Again and again. Which is bad, because on imp side is easy to get in a bad team and then you shall stick with it for the whole dailies.


2) If you want I can flood you with dozens and dozens screenshots of me coming on top of objectives (and other times also damage + heal done). Not just top of my (losing) team but some times top of both teams.

I can't really do more than come above the best player of the winners, can I?


So, whereas I don't profess to be a champion, I still do my duties in there better than the others.


What's your next excuse?

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I would venture to say that you don't have any understanding of what motivates players like me. Based on what you're saying, it sounds like PvP comms are a higher priority to you than your time and level of enjoyment. If so, that's fine, but don't assume that everyone else feels the same way. My priorities are: 1.) don't negatively impact my team (i.e., don't be "that guy" who handicaps my team because of how bad I am or how badly I'm geared) and 2.) have fun. IF there's a #3, it would be to gain comms, but that would be a very distant #3 and only to the extent that it helps me with priority #1. Better gear means I provide more help to my team and have more of a chance of winning. Obviously I do like to win, but I like a close match more.


Personally, I would very much prefer a 10-0 ACW where I was on the losing side to a 600-0 ACW match where I was on the winning side, and if I had the choice between going 0-15 for my weeklies with each match being that close as opposed to going 8-0 with each match a blowout, I would gladly pick the former over the latter with zero hesitation, even if it somehow meant I received zero comms, no credits, and no valor. Why? Because the former would be FUN.


Screw the comms. They're nice add-ons, but they're not the point of PvP for me.


You are exactly on my same page, 100% agree on every letter you typed!


Also, yes, screw coms. I have 30k coms I can't care the less to farm more. W fun!

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I haven't heard anything in support of quitting that doesn't translate to "I prefer to be carried to a win".


"I pay to play so I should enjoy the game."

- A come from behind win is the funnest thing in the game.


"I can't stand playing with bads"

- 99% of quitters never communicate till the team is losing, and then all they do is bad mouth the team. Maybe if you were a team player your team wouldn't always lose (tell us before you solo a node and we can come support you in the 20sec it takes for you to die after capping).


"I don't have time to play to wait out a loss"

- Losses still give rewards and count towards your daily. I the enemy is really better it will be over soon. If you quit the last 5mins waiting for a queue, 2mins on loading screens, and 4mins playing will give you nothing. True "unwinnable" games usually last less than those 11mins.

Plus your next match isn't a guaranteed win either so double all that time with zero gained.


"Premades are too hard."

-Most really aren't, they just have better team cohesion. Maybe try communicating with your team to bridge the gap. At the very least quit trying to solo everything.


"Somebody on my team had PvE gear"

-So did somebody on their team. Target that person and when somebody attacks your PvE teammate stab that attacker in the back.

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I haven't heard anything in support of quitting that doesn't translate to "I prefer to be carried to a win"


How about:


"I have personal drama with a certain player on this team, and don't wish to play with them."

"I've been playing matches where this same person can't break 20k in a DPS stat as a specced DPS, and refuse to play on a team with them because of their overall lack of conscious thought."

"I specifically know this guy is throwing matches for his friends on the other side, and don't wish to deal with the frustration of being the only one trying to counter it."


Have only fell into the first two categories myself, but I do occasionally hear the third one despite the fact that it draws in the "conspiracy bashing" battle between the two sides.


But I don't think those three translate into "I need to get carried to win." at all. Even then, let's take a look at this counter:


"A come from behind win is the funniest thing in the game."


Biased much? I wouldn't agree, it's probably the most annoying thing in the game. I've been playing for a good bit on my server, and the thing I hate the most about PvP is how the whole system can be generalized as "who can carry the bads the best" or "who can exploit the stupid on the other side best".


Unlike you, content with your little ego victories based on your enjoyment of such aspects, some of us actually hope that the standard of player will eventually rise to "decent".

Edited by ZooMzy
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What if you're playing for fun? What if you have all the gear and the valor and just want to have a fun game? What if you leave because you know the next 15 minutes is not going to be any fun?


That's preposterous!

You are meant to stick with known terribles, to get your lip service (few) coms and sit in getting farmed till every opponents gets "You are invincible!" announcement!

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Leaving a warzone with no healer so that one may backfill into a match is a bad thing?

Guess I'll keep rolling six tank, two dps warzones. :rolleyes:


Better than the 2 DPS, 3 tank specced bads, 2 DPS specced bads and one heal specced bad I keep seeing.

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