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About leavers in WZ


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Example: a good player that rocks in PVP and queues on his own quits because his team is awful. No big deal, just one quitter... Then, a "baddie" also quits because he just wants to win. Then, a third one quits because "man, again a bad team and I'll never complete my Weekly...". Then, a "replacement guy" finds himself in a lost WZ and quits...


All had their "legitimate" reasons to quit, but the consequence, for ALL players involved, is that the WZ was not fun to play.


I wasn't quoted by you, but I was the only one who recently mentioned legitimate reasons to quit, so I'm not sure if you were talking to me or not. However, none of those were what I meant when I mentioned legitimate reasons to quit.


These are the examples I mentioned earlier:

Disconnects, memory leak crashing, other crashes, permastuck-after-scamper, real life emergencies. Or those matches where the scoreboard and rewards never appear and *everyone* has to leave.


If someone's internet connection blips out, is a debuff afterwards going to magically prevent that from happening? Bioware has no fault tolerance for connection blips, so even if I only lose my internet connection for 2 seconds, the game shuts down. As it stands now, I can often reload the game fast enough to backfill into my own slot during slow hours; were there a debuff, I would obviously be unable to do so. Same deal for people crashing out due to memory leaks or other bugs -- should people get debuffed just because Bioware's code is faulty? There have been cases where people used to crash every time they loaded into a particular warzone map. There's also been cases lately of scoundrels using the new scamper skill only to get permastuck, and I've heard /stuck doesn't work; would you rather they stand in place doing nothing rather than just quit out to fix the bug, either coming right back to backfill their own slot or at least letting someone non-bugged come in? And you could argue that people shouldn't queue if they're going to have a real life emergency, but if they knew there was going to be an emergency, it wouldn't be an emergency, now would it? As for the matches where there's no scoreboard or credits at the end, you do realize every person on both sides including you would get the debuff? Unless you just want to sit in the warzone for several hours waiting for a game manager to come shut it down manually.


Yes, I realize 95% of the people quitting are quitting because they're losing and want to win or similar reasons, but, as stated earlier, these people would just stay and put no effort if there were any substantial punishment for leaving. The only ones who would still likely leave are the 5% or so who had perfectly reasonable reasons to begin with. If you think someone can't do anything worse than leave, just wait until a guardian on your side grabs the ball from mid, runs back towards the goal on your side, and stands there waiting for the opposing team to kill him so they can score. 4 times in one match. Multiple matches in a row. Makes you want to have a "Vote to mark as traitor" option that, if enough people check, you can start killing your own "teammate". If there were substantial penalties for leaving, I expect we'd see more stunts like that in "protest".

Edited by Dawncatcher
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Omg guys.


1 guy leaves at the start, other joins and leaves, another one does the same and so on. Every1 has their ego, their skill and opinion, their attitude and so on, but that has nothing to do with this, on the other side 1 WZ match gets ruined after another.


I don't see fun and skill in a game where u win because other team needs 2 more players or loose because some conq geared ******e dont wanna play with noobs or a noob ragequits.


Every1 quits these days, noobs and skilled alike, so pls penalize it.

Better to have 3 exciting warzones per day than 10 lame ones.

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I wasn't quoted by you, but I was the only one who recently mentioned legitimate reasons to quit, so I'm not sure if you were talking to me or not. However, none of those were what I meant when I mentioned legitimate reasons to quit.


I wasn't referring to anyone in particular. The reasons you mention (mainly computer and connectivity issues) are indeed sound and will be an obstacle if they ever think to punish quitters.


I just hope they come out with something to disencourage quitting or to encourage staying and keep fighting, because this is an issue at the moment. I guess it is difficult to change the mindset of some people who like easy and effortless rewards, as it is difficult to change the mindset of other people that appear to believe that they fight alone.

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I wasn't referring to anyone in particular. The reasons you mention (mainly computer and connectivity issues) are indeed sound and will be an obstacle if they ever think to punish quitters.


I just hope they come out with something to disencourage quitting or to encourage staying and keep fighting, because this is an issue at the moment. I guess it is difficult to change the mindset of some people who like easy and effortless rewards, as it is difficult to change the mindset of other people that appear to believe that they fight alone.


Well, with regards to the people just quitting because they can't stand losing or whatever, if you don't want to risk people avoiding the debuff or other punishment but still trying to get out of the match as fast as they can by betraying their own team (e.g. grabbing the Huttball from mid, deliberately running to the wrong goal, and standing there while the other team kills them), I think positive reinforcement might work better than negative reinforcement.


For example, some people have stated that a lot of matches seem to be taking longer, because they are closer, but they would grind commendations faster from landslide losses since at least the match would be over faster. I don't know about that, time flies when I'm having fun, so I can't tell if matches are taking longer or not. (I can say that somehow I've been earning commendations to get Partisan gear faster than I've been earning credits to rip the mods from the Partisan gear into augmented gear, and haven't even started upgrading the augments because of that... but that's probably a separate issue.) However, I do think it would be great if they increased end-of-match rewards based on the length of the match, for both winners and losers. Perhaps certain base rewards so as not to penalize swift victors, but if the match last longer than X minutes, start scaling upwards to preserve the time-reward of valour, commendations, credits, etc. Most people who love PvP for PvP and not just the rewards love close matches, which tend to be long, and providing increased rewards on both sides for the effort they put into these close matches would hopefully help even people there for the rewards see the value of their time. And if not, I'd still rather they quit than help the other team win or just sit there complaining about how everyone better than them is a hacker or the rest of us are bad because we aren't healing them while they death-match in a distant corner away from the objectives.

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This has became annoying to me. All leavers should get a debuff and be prevented from entering a wz for a period of time. Or get a "deserter" title glued to their nameplates and have to pay creds or cartel coins to get rid off.


I did the math, it turned out almost every 3rd WZ i was in got ruined by ppl leaving at start or at some point. And I do alot of WZ per day.


Bioware, do it. DO IT.


I was going to say something, but your expertise/gear is horrible so I'm going to leave this thread now.

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If you played better, people wouldn't leave your warzone.


So true....


Someone brought up that there's a quitting debuff for gf, so there should be one for wzs too. That will be a valid argument when pvp also gets the option to immediately vote kick someone who is hurting your team, aka a ledge moron in hb, the opponent's node kill feeder in ah, the guy who gets keyboard-stunned in cw and nc, and the tunneler in vs.

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I used to get slightly irritated at quitters. More so if I was the one backfilling for them. Then I had a realization in a HB match the other day... we went down two goals almost immediately, definitely within the first 1.5 minutes, looked like we were going to get stomped. I'm just waiting to see how many people quit and make it even worse for us (but, in fact, I don't remember anyone quitting). Then we put together a play... We SCORE! A few minutes later we score again. OMG we tied it up! Then we play a tough game, neither side scoring for a long time. They managed another score with about a minute left, so we lose, but who cares? Well, I care a little, but that's not the point - it was a great game that ended up being pretty darned close. So my realization was that quitters must never get to play come-back games (win or lose in the end) - since they (often) give up at the first sign of difficulty. So now, instead of being mad, I feel sorry for them. :D


my rated team -- when bloodline actually had a rated team :( -- was like this in hb. we had a regular focus and tank guardian, but we didn't have anyone in guild who pvp'd and would run combat. nor did we have a shadow of any kind. so we regularly gave up the first goal. sometimes the first two until we realized what we were. we had great ball movement and awesome control, taunts, dps. the trick was accepting that we were not going to get the first drop, and that would probably mean a score.


not really constructive to the thread, but it just popped in there when I read your story. :)

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this is a dead horse.


To prevent leavers, you need to stop bads, stop premades, stop smash, stop objective WZs, basically stop pvp.


Everyones got some reason to leave, so to prevent all the reasons you basically just need to stop pvp.


The bottom line is, if it aint fun, people get done. They leave.

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Good grief...not THIS issue again. :rolleyes:


We all need to understand one thing, and that thing is simply this: There will never, ever be a deserter debuff or penalty of any sort. It doesn't matter if you are justifiably angry, or just throwing a hissyfit, you will not get any of these things. Ever.


Why? In one word, money. EAWare very likely believes (correctly, I think) that instituting these penalties would cause far more headache than it would solve. It would mollify a certain amount of people, yes, but it would tick off far more than it would placate, and it doesn't matter if these people are 'bads' or not. And people who stop playing because they're angry don't subscribe. And they don't buy Cartel Coins to purchase/gamble on the Cartel Market. And that all has an effect on the bottom line. And to EAWare, the bottom line is everything.


I'm not going to do the '/thread' bit, because I'm not naive enough to think that the simple truth of the bottom line will end debate. Doomed causes are a hallmark of human civilization, after all. But there will be no quitter penalties. Ever.

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The problem is that without MM (which depends on x-server queues) sometimes it's so obvious the defeat due to the "quality" of teammates that there is really no point in playing 15 minutes only to get stressed.


Without a MM system I disagree with your request OP.

Edited by Capote
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This has became annoying to me. All leavers should get a debuff and be prevented from entering a wz for a period of time. Or get a "deserter" title glued to their nameplates and have to pay creds or cartel coins to get rid off.


I did the math, it turned out almost every 3rd WZ i was in got ruined by ppl leaving at start or at some point. And I do alot of WZ per day.


Bioware, do it. DO IT.


I share your frustration, but unfortunately, they don't care.


Miraculously, the guy in charge of PVP claims that Civil War is the only WZ that needs to be tweaked, which leads me to wonder just how often he actually PLAYS the PVP zones he's supposed to be managing.


A genuine, comprehensive attempt to fix the WZ qutiter problem is one of the things that will entice me to re-establish my subscription.

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It could be worse if the leavers ever figured out losing fast yields better result in the long run, though it's also possible to use them as decoys in this case. For example you could have 2 leavers AFK guarding your node, and that'd usually be enough to intimidate a stealther from not attacking that node, so you end up getting node defense out of 2 otherwise useless guys. Sure the leavers can attempt to try to tell the other team they totally won't try to stop them from capping, but unless you've a reputation of totally sucking it's hard to imagine anyone on the opposing team, even if they somehow heard you, would actually believe that.
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I share your frustration, but unfortunately, they don't care.


Miraculously, the guy in charge of PVP claims that Civil War is the only WZ that needs to be tweaked, which leads me to wonder just how often he actually PLAYS the PVP zones he's supposed to be managing.


A genuine, comprehensive attempt to fix the WZ qutiter problem is one of the things that will entice me to re-establish my subscription.


Matchmaking should solve most of the problem. The rating doesn't even have to be very reliable. If you quit all the time presumably your rating is going to be trashed, so at least you'd get matched up with similar type of players. You don't even have to show this rating to anybody. It'd actually be pretty funny if you've a game of 8 on 8 quitters. The last guy to quit, wins!

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It could be worse if the leavers ever figured out losing fast yields better result in the long run, though it's also possible to use them as decoys in this case. For example you could have 2 leavers AFK guarding your node, and that'd usually be enough to intimidate a stealther from not attacking that node, so you end up getting node defense out of 2 otherwise useless guys. Sure the leavers can attempt to try to tell the other team they totally won't try to stop them from capping, but unless you've a reputation of totally sucking it's hard to imagine anyone on the opposing team, even if they somehow heard you, would actually believe that.


As a healer who can keep himself up against 2 bads, if I had a team of 7 bads who couldn't kill a paper bag even if I kept them up indefinitely and trying to take the contested node was therefore pointless...I would so try this.


Even if they did actually try to stop me, at least I'd still have fun slowly killing them while kiting them around and/or trying to hold out as they called reinforcements for as long as possible instead of me trying to carry the 7 bads.


(Note: As a healer I only try to create such diversions under three circumstances: when I know the situation is completely hopeless otherwise, or if I have sufficient enemy dps tunnel visioning me to make such a diversion a viable strategy to draw them off node defense while someone on my team backcaps, or if I have a tank with me to hold a 2v5-6 for several minutes, thus leaving pugs to do what they will--a few of them actually will be smart and/or listen, and backcap.)

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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Having a debuff or punishment system wouldn't work. The "leavers" will end up staying to avoid penalization, but they'd probably just semi-afk until the game is over. So, do you want a bunch of non-contributors or a bunch of backfill? I say just let them leave and move on.


I wouldn't call myself a "baddy" but I'm usually the one getting punished because people leave while being 1 point behind in Huttball.... one cannon down at 390/400, one cannon down at whatever % as you can win even with only 1% left on the opponents bar. People leave because they want to win and usually win in a fashion they don't have to do very much. Good player will actually try to turn a game around, they only will get frustrated when their own team makes stupid decisions during the game at which point it is pointless to leave the warzone because you are effectively wasting your time by doing so because your effort/ time investment would be nullyfied.


Are you guys for real? Punishment for quitting? What is this a Gulag or Con Camp? What do you care if someone leaves the WZ? He's not gonna do anything good. You may get someone better. You can't force people to PvP.


Leavers punish the whole team, not just those which play bad and yes because leaving is a purely selfish behavior you deserve a debuff for it because your action does affect others.


You're never going to be able to Make a good player stay with a group of bad players, especially if they know the grp they are fighting are drastically better than the losers they are with. You leave, wait a couple moments, then que again, get put up against someone else with hopefully a better team.


Are these "good" players those which can tell in the first 30 seconds that they are going to win because they magically can see the opponents equip and skill which they pull David Copperfield-like out of their magic hat?


There are usually never 7 baddies and 1 good player. It's a myth, plain and simple. There will always be "good" and "bad" players alltogether because pvp is actually not that difficult. However I see mostly people which belief they are something special to leave a warzone.


There is no reason to stay in a wz if u don't have fun

nobody is missing ur point, ur statement is just pointless


So it's ok to have "fun" on the cost of others people "fun"? I'm sure you are also agreeing that bullying people for your "fun" is ok as well? Let's go torture someone because it's fun right?


There is not a single more moronic/ selfish reason to quit a warzone because "you" (oh almightly pvp god) don't have "fun".


For some strange reason... I can have fun either way even if my team is full of bad players.. and be it just to kill single bad players on the opponents team because, believe it or not, they usually do have bad players as well.


well said what you said : you have to learn deal with it, so ppl leave wz, its freedom, so deal with it !


I'm dealing with morons leaving warzones since release... let's have 1 year of deserter debuff and see what's gonna work out better shall we?


So you'd rather these players just sit at a node and whine and QQ in chat the entire match about how their entire team is made up of noobs? Be careful what you wish for.


And like what other people said, if you want players to stop leaving your WZs, then maybe you need to play better.


I actually do believe that if you couldn't leave, the majority of people leaving would not end up QQ but try to win the game. I frankly can count the QQ people during a warzone on one hand and I did several thousand warzones on different levels, on imp and rep side. People leave because they can and because it's the "easiest" way which... surprise surprise is the way the "majority" of people will chose if they have the possibility to do so. (Just remember kill trading on Illum)


I am sorry but no...


I want always to be able to leave a game when i see 5 players chasing to kill 1 guy while being capped behind their backs.....


It's just a waste of time being in a group that doenst care about playing the game.....

Whenever i leave a game and join the next with other ppl that que i am getting a better game 8/10 times


Win or lose doesnt matter as much as i see that i am in a group that will fight to win the game!!!


So 5 people chasing one guy while being capped and 1 guy sleeping while being capped is different how? You gotta deal with it because in your example... these 5 guys will re-cap it because they are... as you say... 5 to 1 (after they kill the first guy).


Nah. Problem is that good players bail and ****** ones stay. You need to request a debuff for ****** players who want to DM in the corner and so forth if they don't leave the match early.


Lazy player bail which don't need to be good ones either. However there needs to be a way to give - mvp votes.


Another thread about this just what we need. You don't want ppl to leave your wz match? ... then don't suck!!


People leaving do suck to begin with because they aren't willing to give any kind of "effort". The majority is not those leaving after trying and trying but those which see that it's not an easy win.


Too many CTD to put this in. You'll be punishing people who have glitchy computers or network issues so its not going to happen.


Not really, you can already see if someone disconnects or leaves when in an operation/ flashpoint group. There surely is a way to sidetrack it and if "leavers" chose to take this route... do so but it's your time you are wasting.


this is a dead horse.


To prevent leavers, you need to stop bads, stop premades, stop smash, stop objective WZs, basically stop pvp.


Everyones got some reason to leave, so to prevent all the reasons you basically just need to stop pvp.


The bottom line is, if it aint fun, people get done. They leave.


The main reason to quit is because you lose.... even though you still get commodations etc. . There was a time you wouldn't get any recognition/reward if you lost. You are not getting into bad groups all the time but the trend you are setting is making warzones in general worse because people quit sooner and sooner. It's a bad habit which may have started because your group really sucks and ended up leaving just because you don't have the perfect group composition to guarantee a domination.


Why? In one word, money. EAWare very likely believes (correctly, I think) that instituting these penalties would cause far more headache than it would solve. It would mollify a certain amount of people, yes, but it would tick off far more than it would placate, and it doesn't matter if these people are 'bads' or not. And people who stop playing because they're angry don't subscribe. And they don't buy Cartel Coins to purchase/gamble on the Cartel Market. And that all has an effect on the bottom line. And to EAWare, the bottom line is everything.


You have a debuff for flashpoints and you can effectively kick out people from flashpoints. What again is the reason not to allow this in warzones? (and I'm not talking about a silly vote which gets interrupted when the guy farts)


The main reason I'm not quitting is simple.... there are never only bads in a group, however myself quitting is effectively lowering the chance for the group to get another player playing objectives (50/50) which effectively hurts those other "pvp" player which try to win this game. It's unfair and me quitting is just giving a bad example for new players which is to try as long as the warzone is over because those pvp'ing just when you win are not pvp players. You can learn more from a lose than from a win but those quitting will never understand this.

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PPl like freedom dont they? The devs do the players do. You want the freedom to stay in a match that is fail. You want the freedom to get farmed 20 times in said fail matches. Fine!!! That is your choice because you have the freedom to do that, but do not impose your will on others. I want the freedom to leave a fail match, I don't force you to leave so don't force me to stay.


Besides forcing ppl to stay will make ques longer because ppl will still quit anyway OR ppl will just do nothing in the match OR even better they will do things to help the other team faster, like stand by your own goal so enemy ball carrier can jump to you and score, or to let the 1 node you have undefended, or not calling incomming, or hiding someplace after earning a medal and going afk.


When ppl impose there philosophies on others it never works, ever. I want the freedom to leave and I don't force anyone to follow suit, so stop trying to impose your will on me. If you want to stay in a fail match you have that freedom, but you have no problem taking my freedom away when I wish to leave.


Ppl have bad reactions when others will are forced upon them and it always comes back and bites those who imposed there will and took the freedom of others away. Stop being selfish.

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There are usually never 7 baddies and 1 good player. It's a myth, plain and simple. There will always be "good" and "bad" players alltogether because pvp is actually not that difficult. However I see mostly people which belief they are something special to leave a warzone.


Just gonna address this real quick because I was the one who threw out this example. Most of the time you're right, and it isn't quite this extreme--your team might have a total of 2-3 good players, while the opposing team has 5-6 (4 of whom may or may not be on vent). But if you're solo queuing the good players might not be able to do enough real-time communication to carry the bads on their team when the mismatch of good players is at 2 or 3 to 1 ratio, especially when your 2-3 good players are solo Q (no voice) and 4 of the 5-6 good players on the other team are in a voice-equipped premade, working together.


I don't think anyone can deny that what passes for "matchmaking" frequently creates utterly horribly mismatched games. And yes if you play enough warzones you WILL eventually run into one with 7 bads on your team, simply because the more matches you play, the more chances you have to get an outlier. 7 bads happens (if occasionally), but not every warzone where a good player in solo queue complains about getting bad pugs is that bad.

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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So 5 people chasing one guy while being capped and 1 guy sleeping while being capped is different how? You gotta deal with it because in your example... these 5 guys will re-cap it because they are... as you say... 5 to 1 (after they kill the first guy).


If you pvp you know what i mean ... you can find many excuses to oppose my argument ... but i think you know exactly what i mean.


Dont get me wrong i rarely leave a WZ... Even if my team is weaker i will stay to help to the end AS LONG AS i see em actually try to win a game = going for objectives rather than chase kill and lemming die for no apparent reason. I died 25 times in a WZ with my teammates to prevent a cap, suiciding on a node against a much stronger group ... i would do it again even if i would get capped in the end.


If ppl dont play the game thou i see no reason to stay... and with the current que system the chances are that i will be with the same ppl again in the next WZ ... No sorry i login and spend my time in game to play it.

Edited by Princz
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Sorry, but if I get sent into an inprogress disaster warzone that evidentally other people have bailed from already, I'm not sticking around.


So it's ok to have "fun" on the cost of others people "fun"? I'm sure you are also agreeing that bullying people for your "fun" is ok as well? Let's go torture someone because it's fun right?

Oh, good. I was afraid people weren't going to be melodramatic.

Edited by Bleeters
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PPl like freedom dont they? The devs do the players do. You want the freedom to stay in a match that is fail. You want the freedom to get farmed 20 times in said fail matches. Fine!!! That is your choice because you have the freedom to do that, but do not impose your will on others. I want the freedom to leave a fail match, I don't force you to leave so don't force me to stay.


Besides forcing ppl to stay will make ques longer because ppl will still quit anyway OR ppl will just do nothing in the match OR even better they will do things to help the other team faster, like stand by your own goal so enemy ball carrier can jump to you and score, or to let the 1 node you have undefended, or not calling incomming, or hiding someplace after earning a medal and going afk.


When ppl impose there philosophies on others it never works, ever. I want the freedom to leave and I don't force anyone to follow suit, so stop trying to impose your will on me. If you want to stay in a fail match you have that freedom, but you have no problem taking my freedom away when I wish to leave.


Ppl have bad reactions when others will are forced upon them and it always comes back and bites those who imposed there will and took the freedom of others away. Stop being selfish.


I wonder what some of you guys would do if you are a kinda talented [insert teamsprot] player and some of your teammates suck at times. You just walk off the field? No... you'd be embarassed to do so. Hail the internet anonymity.


Just gonna address this real quick because I was the one who threw out this example. Most of the time you're right, and it isn't quite this extreme--your team might have a total of 2-3 good players, while the opposing team has 5-6 (4 of whom may or may not be on vent). But if you're solo queuing the good players might not be able to do enough real-time communication to carry the bads on their team when the mismatch of good players is at 2 or 3 to 1 ratio, especially when your 2-3 good players are solo Q (no voice) and 4 of the 5-6 good players on the other team are in a voice-equipped premade, working together.


I don't think anyone can deny that what passes for "matchmaking" frequently creates utterly horribly mismatched games. And yes if you play enough warzones you WILL eventually run into one with 7 bads on your team, simply because the more matches you play, the more chances you have to get an outlier. 7 bads happens (if occasionally), but not every warzone where a good player in solo queue complains about getting bad pugs is that bad.


BG leavers are affecting everyone, even those leaving BG's frequently. May it be that they join a already lost BG which they.. of course, leave or be it that, if they are willing to put some effort, an even more lazy player is leaving. The only way to stop this behavior and make warzones more enjoyable for everyone is staying in a warzone and if someone does something stupid to point it out without tons of swearing etc. . But I guess that's just too much effort to ask and we'll just keep having the same problems because some people are just not willing to give that extra effort and egoistically just do what they believe serves them best.

Edited by Sziroten
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People leave, and usually if that happens when someone backfills the spot they leave (I do and one of the reasons I run with at least one other person). I don't think a debuff is the way to go since you will get people just afking at a node, this can happen now but I think it would get worse.


They really need to increase rewards for completing warzones while making it tied to participation to prevent afking and cashing in on the benefits.

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Why do people keep on say 'need to increase incentives to stay in WZ?' You get 0 comms for leaving a game, and no there aren't those 5-0 Huttball games for you to join into on the side of the 5 just because you left the game, though you certainly can find a lot of games to join where you're on the side of the 0.


The only thing that will cause leaving to decrease would require a general increase in the intelligence of players in SWTOR which is an intractable problem. Most leavers, despite their claims, are very bad and absolutely have no idea when leaving is even beneficial, as we see absolutely no one saying, "I leave when my team is behind 490-500 in Alderaan" on this thread, even though if there's a time to leave, that'd be it, as you're nearly guaranteed to lose the game while continue fighting futilely for the next 20 minutes or so in this scenario. If I have no concern for my reputation I'd quit even if I was the team ahead because fighting 20 minutes for 140 comms is just not worth it. So either a leaver's judgment would be completely off, or it'd require so much time played before the result is obvious that they'd have so much invested in the game that it no longer makes sense to leave. I guess it's good for me because each guy leaves lets me get 60 medals in 2 minutes when I jump in a hopeless game and get 4 medals before it ends, which is a pace you cannot do even fighting nobody on the opposing side (Voidstar, for example, would take 10 minutes to win against absolutely nobody if you started out on defense).


While leavers do make life miserable, the fact that they're very bad players means even if they stayed you can't count on them actually doing anything useful besides possibly being a decoy. You get back at them each time you joined a game that's 2 minutes away from ending and pick up at least 30 comms (that'd be 150 comms in 10 minutes, more than a hypothetical Voidstar win against no opposition had your side started out defending first).

Edited by Astarica
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Bad suggestion.


Instead, remove premade teams from the regular q:s. That would make more players to stay in the WZ of choise. When will ppl learn that you cannot EVER force a will on players?


The ONLY solution is freedom of choise.


That's not really freedom of choice is it...

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