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About leavers in WZ


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This has became annoying to me. All leavers should get a debuff and be prevented from entering a wz for a period of time. Or get a "deserter" title glued to their nameplates and have to pay creds or cartel coins to get rid off.


I did the math, it turned out almost every 3rd WZ i was in got ruined by ppl leaving at start or at some point. And I do alot of WZ per day.


Bioware, do it. DO IT.

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I agree some kind of debuff for people who leave the match. If you have to attend to other things then the timer won't bother you, if you're just ragequitting or leaving for w/e reason to just requeue you should not be able to. There's a debuff on the PvE group finder for people who abandon group, I think it should apply to WZs too.
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Bioware's queueing system is **** and some people dont have all week to complete Dailies so until bioware comes up with an algorithm to sort the queue system out you are going to have to like it or lump it. Honestly with all the bugs it has right now i am surprised your moaning about leavers.
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Bioware's queueing system is **** and some people dont have all week to complete Dailies so until bioware comes up with an algorithm to sort the queue system out you are going to have to like it or lump it. Honestly with all the bugs it has right now i am surprised your moaning about leavers.


When do you play? I generally don't have issues getting pops for 55s bracket on Ebon Hawk.

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Bioware's queueing system is **** and some people dont have all week to complete Dailies so until bioware comes up with an algorithm to sort the queue system out you are going to have to like it or lump it. Honestly with all the bugs it has right now i am surprised your moaning about leavers.


I play on Shadowlands, Republic ONLY play premades, it's impossible to see some players queuing solo.

All the matches versus republic is double premade against solo imp pugs, then I leave because I refuse to play against those guys.

When it's pugs vs pugs the match is awesome.

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Dailies are completed whether you win or lose, 6 matches and they're done even if you lose them all. If for some reason you can't complete your weekly which requires 9 wins then maybe you should find a few friends to group with or maybe take a look at your personal pvp skill set. The amount of time people spend searching for a game that they aren't losing could be spent just finishing out the one's you're in, taking the creds/comms and moving along. I won't even deal with ragequitters in my own guild, if I'm grouped with people who quit because a door is blown or we lose a node, I'll leave the group and let it be known why.
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LOL! I love the 'deserter' title idea. It's a lot nicer than what I call them though.


The other day my entire team rage quit versus a pre-made because we had no healers. So I took the other team on solo in the last 30 seconds before the WZ stopped because of my entire team leaving. I don't care. Getting killed 8 on 1 didn't hurt my feelings. It's a game, I got over it.

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Sound to me like the OP is trying to blame people leaving is why he looses a WZ. Why do people leave well all kinds of reason a few off the top of my head are not focusing healers. Or soloing the one guy that killed you once and your gonna get revenge and kill him/her. Yet you die to this person every time. So if people leave it because no one is doing the right thing in the first place to win.


With that it because a big waste of time to stay you will loose any ways. Weather a person leaves or not punishing those that do leave is a bad idea why. Well this game is in a sorry state with pvp as is and pissing off more players by changing some thin g well then you be playing hello kitty online when this game closes because they pissed more player off


so let not loose more players and keep building players ok.

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Sound to me like the OP is trying to blame people leaving is why he looses a WZ. Why do people leave well all kinds of reason a few off the top of my head are not focusing healers. Or soloing the one guy that killed you once and your gonna get revenge and kill him/her. Yet you die to this person every time. So if people leave it because no one is doing the right thing in the first place to win.


With that it because a big waste of time to stay you will loose any ways. Weather a person leaves or not punishing those that do leave is a bad idea why. Well this game is in a sorry state with pvp as is and pissing off more players by changing some thin g well then you be playing hello kitty online when this game closes because they pissed more player off


so let not loose more players and keep building players ok.


what are you saying?


The people angry over people leaving a warzone will be way higher than those who are leaving because they aren't going to win easily and actually do something :eek:.... Do something in a warzone? Hey I just chose the warzones which are easy win because.... because of what? You don't finish your weekly? Probably you don't deserve then if you aren't able to win single matches over a WEEK!.....


Player leaving warzones early should get a temp ban + pink name for the time being.


I don't care if you (leavers in general) have to fight against a premade, if you have to do something for your win but if you leave a warzone because it isn't going so well... why don't you stop pvp'ing all together because surely.... you will never be premade material (how could you... not knowing how to make a "win" rather than sitting a win out?)....

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Deserters need to a debuff to protect them from themselves. The most likely game to have a spot is a game where your side is losing badly, so all you're doing is hopping from one hopeless game to another. I mean seriously do people think they're going to leave a game and join one where they're up 5-0 in Huttball because people sure quit all the time when they're up 5-0 in Huttball?


People who quit often are almost invariably poorly geared since you can't get comms if you don't win, and there really isn't these 5-0 Huttball games for you to jump into, so they remain as the problem with no hope of salvation.

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Sound to me like the OP is trying to blame people leaving is why he looses a WZ. Why do people leave well all kinds of reason a few off the top of my head are not focusing healers. Or soloing the one guy that killed you once and your gonna get revenge and kill him/her. Yet you die to this person every time. So if people leave it because no one is doing the right thing in the first place to win.


With that it because a big waste of time to stay you will loose any ways. Weather a person leaves or not punishing those that do leave is a bad idea why. Well this game is in a sorry state with pvp as is and pissing off more players by changing some thin g well then you be playing hello kitty online when this game closes because they pissed more player off


so let not loose more players and keep building players ok.


Oh so than I should be Ok if i play my shadow or sage, but whine if I play with marauder or sniper. The thing that annoys me the most is that even players disagree on the matter, rep ppl say its ok, imp say its wrong. I know why u want things to be as they are atm cus u get to win with republic chars 90% of the time due to imp pugs leaving and playing bad. I dont care, I play both sides. Quitters should get punished on all sides.

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Bad suggestion.


Instead, remove premade teams from the regular q:s. That would make more players to stay in the WZ of choise. When will ppl learn that you cannot EVER force a will on players?


The ONLY solution is freedom of choise.

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Sorry, if you leave because your team sucks, you are still a spoil-sport and should probably stop queuing up.


If you're good, you take the loss, the 80 comma or so, and try again later.


If you're really good, try to help the newbies and bads without being a jerk about it.


If you're really really good, make a last minute Hail Mary play for the team's off node. I've pulled it off twice in hyper gate. There's nothing funnier than winning when you have no healers, 1 kill, and 20 deaths because the other team has three or four cross healers on a pre-made.

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It can be really annnoying when ur behind in huttball with 0-1 and 4 ppl leave already. Thers plenty of room for comeback and such but ppl just leave. Its really bad and needs to be punished no matter how u look at it.
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Bad suggestion.


Instead, remove premade teams from the regular q:s. That would make more players to stay in the WZ of choise. When will ppl learn that you cannot EVER force a will on players?


The ONLY solution is freedom of choise.


For gods sake dude, this is the second time I've seen you post it. CHOICE! There's a C not an S.


Additionally your premade complaint talks about 3 heals, you can only queue 4 deep in non ranked, so you're saying someone is queueing a DPS and 3 heals or a tank and 3 heals? What happens if there is no dps in the remainder? nobody dies.

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As I said in the thread regarding removing premades from regular warzones, this too is not going to happen. They do this and they lose player base. You can't force someone to stick with losers, especially since if you stick through it with them, you are probably going to get qued with again and again, whereas leaving will more than likely get you into a different que with different players.
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This has became annoying to me. All leavers should get a debuff and be prevented from entering a wz for a period of time. Or get a "deserter" title glued to their nameplates and have to pay creds or cartel coins to get rid off.


I did the math, it turned out almost every 3rd WZ i was in got ruined by ppl leaving at start or at some point. And I do alot of WZ per day.


Bioware, do it. DO IT.



If you played better, people wouldn't leave your warzone.

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They should do something about it, but people that have to leave WZs due to a crash, will get penalized too.

It's also not nice to get into a WZ that finishes and you see the scoreboard.

Edited by Athan-Won
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I'm not too fussed about people leaving. If people feel the need to leave a match because we are down 1 point, or didn't cap both Alderaan first etc then they are most likely new to PvP anyway. Anyone who plays PvP a lot knows you can turn around an almost impossible game and win it with a coordinated team. Them leaving only opens up a spot for someone who's hopefully better.

I also don't mind joining said games. Less time played and still get same amount of commendations. Which is why I love joining games with like 40 seconds left <3

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Leavers, deserters, quitters or whatever they are called, are annoying for:

(i) the losing team (less chances to win while another guy comes in);

(ii) the winning team, since, IMO, it is not fun to win against a team that keeps "refilling" itself; and

(iii) mostly, for the players that have to fill in the place, since usually you get into a lost game.


This being said, the real problem with leavers is that if we all start acting that way, soon enough the WZ will be unplayable. Imagine everyone quitting... again and again...Therefore, to permit a behavior that penalyze the players that are actually playing and a behavior that can only exist because the other players do not leave... well, in my opinion is not fair.


So, I fully agree with the OP and there should be some kind of punishment.


By the way, in my experience, leavers use to be "experienced" or "know-it-all" players that usually blame the other for losing the game and then leave.

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They need to do something about the leavers that is for sure. Countless times I've seen people quit just because the other team caps the nodes first as if that is an indicator of who will win? The amount of times teams are losing and people scream 'you guys suck' and ragequit only for us to turn the match around and win.


Why is it so difficult for some idiots just to finish a match whether you win or lose? Can you only PvP if a win is going to be handed to you on a plate?


Its equally annoying to get put into a match with minutes left and your team has already lost, thanks for wasting my bloody time quitter who couldn't wait one minute for the match to end!!


Some sort of debuff so they can't join another match for a while would sort it out. It might piss off people who crash, but I doubt it'll happen often enough to be too big a deal.

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Leavers, deserters, quitters or whatever they are called, are annoying for:

(i) the losing team (less chances to win while another guy comes in);

(ii) the winning team, since, IMO, it is not fun to win against a team that keeps "refilling" itself; and

(iii) mostly, for the players that have to fill in the place, since usually you get into a lost game.


This being said, the real problem with leavers is that if we all start acting that way, soon enough the WZ will be unplayable. Imagine everyone quitting... again and again...Therefore, to permit a behavior that penalyze the players that are actually playing and a behavior that can only exist because the other players do not leave... well, in my opinion is not fair.


So, I fully agree with the OP and there should be some kind of punishment.


By the way, in my experience, leavers use to be "experienced" or "know-it-all" players that usually blame the other for losing the game and then leave.


Couldnt have said it better.

I posted this also because i see more and more players just leaving and rejoining. It became really annoying to start a WZ just to realise in a min that its a lost game, than the next queue u get into a 0:4 huttball with 8 players on your side.

So the problem isn't anyones poor performance, but the growing number of ppl leaving and rejoining. So dont talk about "keeping the playerbase" or "the game is allready bad" because this is in my opinion one huge problem. Than we can talk about skills, healers or premades.

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As long as there are players who suck, there will always be players who leave a WZ. A lot of times, those two traits happen to be in the same player. I welcome players who leave, frankly. Most of the time, they're pretty horrible to begin with. Plus, if they leave, I don't have to deal with their nerdrage anymore. Sure, filling the slot of a leaver in the middle of a match is no fun, but you also have the choice to leave as well. No punishment is going to make them stay, and worst case scenario, they won't leave, but rather find ways to keep in combat so they can't be kicked. Look at WoW, people. That crap isn't funny. As soon as you force them to stay, they WILL stay. Doesn't mean they'll actually try, though, and now, you're not only down a body, but they can give the enemy free kills, which is a HUGE disadvantage, in things like Hypergate, or worse, they now have a player to leap to in Huttball. Edited by Zuntrios
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Having a debuff or punishment system wouldn't work. The "leavers" will end up staying to avoid penalization, but they'd probably just semi-afk until the game is over. So, do you want a bunch of non-contributors or a bunch of backfill? I say just let them leave and move on.
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