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If your sub bought one thing . . .


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A random question for general discussion. If you had one thing you could chose to bring to SWTOR, what would it be? What would your sub buy?


This could be vanity features like different mounts, armor, player housing OR a type of content you would like included in the game.




Personally I would add a PvP planet. It would be one planet divided by levels (like 10-19, 20-29, etc.) where would could do dailys that revolved around world-kills (like collecting skulls), world-pvp style bosses that either had drops or gave you x amount of warzone com's, and a 4v4 style arena which would require one of each class (example, could not have one sage and one shadow. You'd have to have one knight/trooper/smuggler/consular or warrior/inquisitor/hunter/agent.)

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just one thing?




either an actual appearance tab so some of the neat green/blue drops (or even some grey vendor bought crap) could be used while still getting the stats from your reg. gear.




Full customization of companions a-la Star Trek Onlines crew members..say what you will about STO..the ability to make, name, and spec your own crew-members was awesome.


not sure which I'd rather have.

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A Companion Academy, so you can pay to have companions trained in medicine (healing), martial arts (melee DPS), marksmanship (ranged DPS), and self-defense (tanking). Most of my characters are Tanks, and a lot of the healing companions are the least desirable in every way but their function.
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i would just like to let you know how much illum failed because of the amount of load and their god awful servers/with high end graphics, we are talking 3fps on a better than most average computer.


now if my sub could buy anything other than more content, well then i would want a better space combat system instead of a train ride.

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A random question for general discussion. If you had one thing you could chose to bring to SWTOR, what would it be? What would your sub buy?


This could be vanity features like different mounts, armor, player housing OR a type of content you would like included in the game.


Customisable interiors for ships, you know decorations, colour schemes (maybe even wallpaper of wall hangings), office toys, jukeboxs, holonovels to click on, model ships. Basically a cross between the stuff for the Captains quarters in Mass Effect and the decorating in Skyrim. We could even have a Mod Table to install Augment Slots into our equipment.

Edited by AlexDougherty
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A few more RP props such as usable chairs, a few more vanity items such as clothing that i probably wouldnt use for armour (though i'm sure you could) But would be great as 'costumes'. A bit like the imperial officer armour you can buy from the Cartel Market (something i only use for RP, it has no upgrades in it).


I see some people have mentioned open world PVP, that would be interesting. especially if you want to get two militaristic RP guilds together for a battle.


Open space, or something of the sort. I know they have a plan in the works...


Another RP thing: I always felt that roleplaying a smuggler was great. But i would love to actually smuggle once in a while. have other roleplayers contract you to purchase items that have real value. Not sure how you would work that.

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I would love Legacy bank, just to transfer mats.

Also, I would love the possibility of transferring collected crafting mats straight to the bank


as for Appearance tab, not really needed IMO, it is not that difficult to get orange armor with the design you want (and as of tuesday, even with the color you want) and use it all the time.

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i can't think of anything i want more than JTL.


This or trandoshans. And rifles for bounty hunters.

And because I can't make up my mind a Master of Teras Kasi class, think martial arts witha good or evil bruce le lee movie in space.

Edited by Sjax
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A work bench for my ship that allows you to covert your "bound" items to "bound to legacy". I have so much stuff that I have kept in my locker from the begining. My main has kept his past sabers for instance, they are bound, and for me "that is my true legacy saber" would love to send it to his children to level with!
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The companion acadamy thing would be cool, seriously would love to be able to send a force sensitive comp like Jaesa to heal (sorry Quinn but you just suck).


Personally though I'd love to see JTL space combat within this game's engine - its the one thing i truly wholeheartedly miss from SW:Galaxies along with all the many Fighters, Cruisers, and PoB ships I owned.

(for those that dont want it, either never had the chance to try it in SWG, or never got a feel for it)


JTL was the single most coolest thing I'd ever seen in a game for me cause when ground combat got dull I just had to jump into my adv. tie fighter, jedi starfighter, or one of my fav. neutral behemoths and do some space pvp, or bounty hunting.

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