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RP Servers?


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I'm really into playing my Sage, but I'd like to have a more RP-like experience. Are the RP servers even worth the time to level a toon there for RP sake? If so, what RP server has a good amount of RP?


Of course RP servers are the best area to find rp ;) Which one is the best? Well against the common believe there is no "best", just personal preference :)


My tip would be to join a rp server in your time zone and so far I made good expierence with "Ebon Hawk" and "The Proginator." Generally speaking you just have to find your own little place you feel comfortable with, then it doesn't really matter anymore how many people are rping. What is important is that you have fun and feel comfortable in what you are doing.


Just find yourself a guild which welcomes new people and allows you to grow with time and expierence :)

Edited by Brexten
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I don't know how it is with swtor, but I'd imagine it's like a lot of other RP servers in MMOs where you will find a mostly normal pve experience unless you get in with an RP guild and social circle. There will always be people randomly playing in character, but also people not doing that.
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As with anything else in life, you get out of it largely what you put into it.


If you roll on Ebon Hawk and attempt to find and participate in RP, then you will find success.


Exactly this :) No matter what rp server you choose in the end it goes by that formula :)

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I was asking mostly because I don't want to join a server listed as RP when the players mostly treat it as a PvE server.

The RP servers are, IMO, only slightly better for RPing than the PvE servers. Mostly in terms of having some authority when saying to RP haters "Why did you roll on an RP server if you don't like RP?"


If BWEA enforced naming conventions on the RP servers, that would help.

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^ ^ This. I dislike using internet handles as names in MMOs, it's why I always roll characters on RP servers. It's likely to be populated by the least number of "xxxMeGodLikexxx" names. Sadly, there is no naming rules for RP servers in SWTOR, so I've found way more than I'd like. Edited by Uldihaa
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^ ^ This. I dislike using internet handles as names in MMOs, it's why I always roll characters on RP servers. It's likely to be populated by the least number of "xxxMeGodLikexxx" names. Sadly, there is no naming rules for RP servers in SWTOR, so I've found way more than I'd like.


in fairness how often do naming rules get enforced in other MMOs anyway?


the lack of rules in the first place I'll give BW credit for being honest with us at least

Edited by BrianDavion
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I'm on the Ebon Hawk, and there honestly isn't that much RP going on. For any real RP, you'll basically need a heavy RP guild. Outside of guilds, there's usually a few people trying to RP at the fleet cantina, but not very well.


This isn't the fault of any players. BioWare has very poorly neglected the social aspects of this game and not one thing has been done to help RPers get a coherent RP attempt going outside of guilds.

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I think TOR is very much a light RP game. No speach bubbles, little to do out side of combat and scripted flashpoints and opps mean little to no RP.

As others have suggested only way you will see RP is really to join an RP guild.

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I'm on the Ebon Hawk, and there honestly isn't that much RP going on. For any real RP, you'll basically need a heavy RP guild. Outside of guilds, there's usually a few people trying to RP at the fleet cantina, but not very well.


This isn't the fault of any players. BioWare has very poorly neglected the social aspects of this game and not one thing has been done to help RPers get a coherent RP attempt going outside of guilds.


Well you are (sadly) absolutly right BW hasn't done much to help us RPers. Even some basic things would sway me instantly from that opinion for example an proper lieing emote + animation or simply sitting on gosh darn chairs...


But well you will never see a ton of random rp, simply because people like a well thought through rp story more then something random (even though its quiet refreshing at times :) ) and to have a lot of random rp you would need some organisation of any sorts, but if you organise it you can as well start a guild.


TLDR: Life and rp is a nutshell

Edited by Brexten
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You also have to remember there are varying styles of roleplay and not each person will roleplay a way that is comfortable for you. The best solution is find a group or guild that you feel comfortable with and then it really won't matter if the whole server is roleplaying or just a few. If you are roleplaying in your guild or in your group a lot of times you will not even notice what is in chat.
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in fairness how often do naming rules get enforced in other MMOs anyway?

How is that relevant?


the lack of rules in the first place I'll give BW credit for being honest with us at least

I have heard that on LorRO's official English-language RP server (Laurelin), RP name violations have been subject to forced renames. I have no first-hand knowledge of this, however. And, not surprisingly, people complain about the strict naming rules for the RP servers.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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There is not so much RPing going on on The Progenitor anymore. I think the various server merges started the decrease in roleplaying. Ever since - and now especially with the F2Peeps - there is a lot of rubbish going on, especially on Imp side (which has always been terrible anyway).


Best option for RP-info is still swtor-rp.com. There you find dates and places for RP events on the servers. Don't expect random RPing. You might end up being disappointed.

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Ebon Hawk is probably your best bet for RP.

As someone else stated, his best bet is probably the server which time zone best matches his play hours. I discern no difference in RP quality or quantity between Ebon Hawk and Begeren Colony.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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Ebon Hawk.


Begeron Colony is a ghost town whenever I check it out.


RP in this game has been only slightly more common than Bigfoot sightings, but it is better now than it was before.


Sadly though, don't expect to run into any people who are actually RPing while playing the game.

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I have heard that on LorRO's official English-language RP server (Laurelin), RP name violations have been subject to forced renames. I have no first-hand knowledge of this, however. And, not surprisingly, people complain about the strict naming rules for the RP servers.



this is correct turbine are very strict when dealing with names on RP servers,i myself have reported a few none rp style names and they have been changed within 1-2 hours.

Thing is Bioware don't even enforce there own no star wars franchise name policy,have reported the same name 3 times now and still hasn't been sorted and we got jumped on big time at launch if we had names from the star wars films talk about double standards lol


but anyways on The Prog. server (EU) there is plenty of RP going on mainly on the starter planets and Fleet but also a lot of non rp players so there is a mixture of all sort of weird names..I am sorry to say..came across one today with a name that was more a faceroll over the keyboard as it wasn't even a word just random letters jumbled together.

Edited by Avorniel
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