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phase walk


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It's not the skill's fault if you aren't using it properly. Know the situation, and learn when and where you should place it. Never use it if you aren't going to need it within the next two minutes. If for some reason you screw up and place it, just click the icon on your buff bar to kill the mark and begin the cooldown.



I hate people like this. They are awful in game, but are the first ones to say "I'm using just fine like a pro, I don't know what your problem is."


You aren't impressing anyone, hero.



0.5 second cast time placement, and a 15 min duration (instead of 2) would go a long way.

Edited by KettleBelll
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I hate people like this. They are awful in game, but are the first ones to say "I'm using just fine like a pro, I don't know what your problem is."


You aren't impressing anyone, hero.



0.5 second cast time placement, and a 15 min duration (instead of 2) would go a long way.


I agree, don't penalize you for placing it and not needing to use it within two minutes.

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The main reason for this is that I have no means of determining whether or not I'm in range of it, and if you use it from outside of that range, you waste it.


yes there is - if you planted it and are in range the icon is highlighted and full color, if your out of range it's not highlited


On the whole I like it and it's got some nice utility but a longer timer and possibly shorter cast time would make it much better.

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if I didn't have alts of other ACs, I might like phase walk. but I do have alts of other AC's, so I know first hand phase walk is pretty much garbage compared to the new skills my alts got.
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yes there is - if you planted it and are in range the icon is highlighted and full color, if your out of range it's not highlited


On the whole I like it and it's got some nice utility but a longer timer and possibly shorter cast time would make it much better.


Would be nice that if you were out of range and hit phase walk when place it would pick it up to be placed again instead of going on cooldown.

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I don't panic after the first CC and I would have to be under crazy focus fire (I get that all the time) to have to use this during a skrimish at the main "middle" node in a fight to use this ability.




"Spamming" your phase walk sounds bad and it sounds worst using it on your first CC assuming you just drop it and enter a fight. I bet you guys use your CC breaker after getting mezzed.



Trust me when I say I use this ability wisely. But if you cannot see the flaws in this ability then well f'it, spam maul like some other sins do.


I've already said on my first post that the ability doesn't fit well with a melee class, and that there are better uses than breaking cc. I don't know why you're trying to act like you are somehow superior to the other assassins out there, we are all just people playing a videogame. Nobody ever said using their breaker on the first mezz was good play. I merely am telling you that if you aren't finding uses for the ability, you're doing it wrong, and I don't like how you're suddenly attacking people for listing uses of the ability. I could call you a noob for using madness, but I don't because I enjoy using the spec outside of serious play. You need to tone down your superiority complex.


Phase walk has quickly become one of my favorite abilities, even if it was designed for ranged kiting, simply because of the range, timer, and ability to use it during cc. There's never a fight where I didn't have an opportunity to make use of phase walk, and if you're waiting for that magical moment when all the cards fall in the right place to completely screw someone with a phase walk, I'd say don't hold your breath. I'd rather play with someone who breaks 10 mezzes a game with phase walk than a guy who plants it hoping for the other team to build a house of cards and smash it all with a phase walk, because one scenario is never going to happen and the other saves healers some grief.


If you drop it at the beginning of a fight on an LOS location and get stunned while being attacked by 2 guys, I'd say that is a more than acceptable time to use phase walk.


Frankly cycao, I expected better from you than a post like this.

Edited by JP_Legatus
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If you drop it at the beginning of a fight on an LOS location and get stunned while being attacked by 2 guys, I'd say that is a more than acceptable time to use phase walk.



Yeah, people need to think small when it comes to Phase Walk. If you're looking for the time where you were attacked by five guys but you teleported out to grab a health powerup and then proceeded to kill all 5 guys by yourself by knocking them off a bridge, you'd be looking for a very long time.


I don't get why there's an aversion to use it on the first stun or even a strong mez. It's like poeple tell themselves 'it'll be alright' but 95% of the time it will not be alright. Usually you get CCed because the enemy are preparing to inflict massive pain upon you. If a Jugg just Force Push and then leap to you, just get out of there with Phase Walk. Trust me when I say it's far better if you never found out whatever he was planning to do to you after the leap.

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I hate people like this. They are awful in game, but are the first ones to say "I'm using just fine like a pro, I don't know what your problem is."


You aren't impressing anyone, hero.



0.5 second cast time placement, and a 15 min duration (instead of 2) would go a long way.


I didn't say I'm some kind of PVP genius. I'm saying you can't really complain if you don't have a use for a cooldown within 2 minutes, but you will between 2 and 2:45 minutes.


15 minute duration would be OP for raiding (and I would say warzones too), it would all but guarantee the healers get their healing buff for the whole fight.

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I've already said on my first post that the ability doesn't fit well with a melee class, and that there are better uses than breaking cc. I don't know why you're trying to act like you are somehow superior to the other assassins out there, we are all just people playing a videogame. Nobody ever said using their breaker on the first mezz was good play. I merely am telling you that if you aren't finding uses for the ability, you're doing it wrong, and I don't like how you're suddenly attacking people for listing uses of the ability. I could call you a noob for using madness, but I don't because I enjoy using the spec outside of serious play. You need to tone down your superiority complex.


Phase walk has quickly become one of my favorite abilities, even if it was designed for ranged kiting, simply because of the range, timer, and ability to use it during cc. There's never a fight where I didn't have an opportunity to make use of phase walk, and if you're waiting for that magical moment when all the cards fall in the right place to completely screw someone with a phase walk, I'd say don't hold your breath. I'd rather play with someone who breaks 10 mezzes a game with phase walk than a guy who plants it hoping for the other team to build a house of cards and smash it all with a phase walk, because one scenario is never going to happen and the other saves healers some grief.


If you drop it at the beginning of a fight on an LOS location and get stunned while being attacked by 2 guys, I'd say that is a more than acceptable time to use phase walk.


Frankly cycao, I expected better from you than a post like this.


What, I'm not allowed to vent ever now and then. Phase walk is hands down the worst ability that was added to 2.0 and most people just say "well assassins are op" and a lot thought that prior to 2.0 that this ability would be crazy op (people actually made memes about it).


I know how great this ability is but the fact that its only usable within a two minute window and if you activate it when its out of range it gets put on cooldown doesn't make sense.

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a small purple (golden for shadows) circle that shows the Ø would be great and would be a nice QOL improvement (the ability lighting up and greying out seems a bit laggy to me).

add the ability to place it below any friendly not just yourself and it would be 100% perfect for tanks.

won't comment on it's uses for DD's I'm only a Hobby DD at best I'd say they would benefit a lot from these two things as well but some other talent added to it would be very nice for them.

Edited by DarthSpekulatius
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What, I'm not allowed to vent ever now and then. Phase walk is hands down the worst ability that was added to 2.0 and most people just say "well assassins are op" and a lot thought that prior to 2.0 that this ability would be crazy op (people actually made memes about it).


I know how great this ability is but the fact that its only usable within a two minute window and if you activate it when its out of range it gets put on cooldown doesn't make sense.


Well I agree with you on that point, it'd be nice to see some quality of life concerning phase walk since it's so wonky sometimes. I think it just shouldn't go on cd until you used it. I'd be ok with that since 60m is a big range and don't think I need quality of life where range is concerned, and would only have myself to blame for using it out of range and losing the placement.


Also since this is the phase walk thread, am I the only person experiencing phase walk bugs? I've been having issues where the range is good but pressing the button doesn't move me, it just puts the ability on cd. Time before last I was literally out of combat stealthed in the end zone waiting for a buddy to pass (huttball), and he got pulled and neutral'd it so I check range and hit the button to go up to the catwalks where I planted it and my character jitters for a sec and then nothing happens, ability goes on cd.


Haven't seen any threads about this so I kind of wonder if I'm the only person experiencing this. It's happened at least 5 times that I can remember over the last 3 days, though one of them might have been a net issue, at least 4 were not range or net or anything like that and the huttball one was definitely bugged.

Edited by JP_Legatus
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I have had issues with using the ability just inside of 60m (assuming inside of 60 since its not greyed out) and it wont teleport me. I assume its server v client side lag but could be a bug I have only experienced it one time I think.
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For me this ability is little mistake for this class. Compare with other abilities and their classes and then you see yourself. First somebody need thinking what is to be assassin, this class is for killing in most of times in mele range, so my goal is keep my opponent in my dmg range. that is why i completely don't understand what I have skill for run far away. 100 times more I would rather abilities which helps me keep my opponent in range. Why they didn't give us teleport but not for run away but on the contrary for teleport past my opponent or better behind him :) this kind of phase walk I will accepted in 100%.

Phase walk in actually design is much more useful for any range dps classes.

I'm very curious if EA will make voting for which kind of Phase walk peoples would like to have: teleport for portal or my idea for offensive teleport past/behind opponent?

Another thing, why (I am not jealous) tanks have extra bonus from this skill and other specs no? Can you explain this unfair move? Al should have bonus or none. Or maybe do this, live this heal bonus for tanks and give other dps specs that in some range around portal we will have some +% for dmg.

Another thing which is annoying is that I cant replace portal. Should be 2 buttons; one for create portal and another for teleport, that's all and everybody will be happy.

Cool down when I didn't use it is also stupid for me, 2 min. portal is also to short, 8 min. will be ok --> but this is lighter issues because they will able to reconfiguration (change times) only.

Edited by patyc
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I use it every cooldown when tanking. I don't pvp though. For DPS its only an escape at the moment.


Pretty much this. I put it down at my feet and it boosts my healing, hardly a bad thing. The only fight that makes it moderately annoying is Thrasher because you end up wasting it just to do your best at keeping him well positioned between KBs. Otherwise it's pretty useful and if every little bit helps, then the boost to self heals is a great cushion for healers.


And I put it down at my feet because generally team healers avoid it - then again it does make it hard to spot PBAoEs so in certain confrontations I don't blame them.


IMO, the CD of it could be reduced. Especially in certain fights like the Thrasher or that Jedi in Mandalorian Raiders who just loves to KB you but I figure that kind of recommendation would also make it a little too OP. :p


I think it just shouldn't go on cd until you used it.


See I think that would be neat as well. If you run down the timer without using it, you shouldn't have to face a cooldown. I could definitely live with that and suffer cooldown on use, IE: trying to keep Thrasher in place.




I do admit however, I was looking forward to Spinning Strikes more. I look at Phasewalk and I wish it was more of a Shadow Step where executing places you in the last place you first triggered it. Because with a Shadow Step we wouldn't have to ask for our own Force Charge - that would be it. Put some kind of debuff on the boss (while in tank spec) that lasts for two minutes and gives you the same healing values of Shelter. One of the problems I have with it so far is that teammates just don't use it and when a mob spams PBAoEs I really can't blame the healer for not staying in them.

Edited by tXHereticXt
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I would take an aoe skill over phase walk any day for a dps sin, its mostly useful for tank (even if it got his moment in pvp and pve for all specs).


False advertisement about that AoE back at E3 last year.. i want it.


We are still missing an ability from when they removed Sacrifice from inquisitors back before 1.2.

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I would take an aoe skill over phase walk any day for a dps sin, its mostly useful for tank (even if it got his moment in pvp and pve for all specs).


False advertisement about that AoE back at E3 last year.. i want it.


We are still missing an ability from when they removed Sacrifice from inquisitors back before 1.2.


Phase walk is just so much fun, and great for objective play in wzs... I'm glad we got PW instead of the AoE.

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I would take an aoe skill over phase walk any day for a dps sin, its mostly useful for tank (even if it got his moment in pvp and pve for all specs).


False advertisement about that AoE back at E3 last year.. i want it.


We are still missing an ability from when they removed Sacrifice from inquisitors back before 1.2.


no false advertisement. if you play the game, you will see some double lightsaber mobs using that AOE. BW never said that was a player skill.


as for phase walk... it is not even close to being as useful as the other new skills added.

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I would take an aoe skill over phase walk any day for a dps sin, its mostly useful for tank (even if it got his moment in pvp and pve for all specs).


False advertisement about that AoE back at E3 last year.. i want it.


We are still missing an ability from when they removed Sacrifice from inquisitors back before 1.2.


Yeah, Spinning Strikes.


Basically, if I understood right, it became Deflection because they were virtually the same premise. SS gave you 50% defense as well as returned all damage that it deflected to the attacker - similar to the Warrior/Knight's new skill only SS didn't allow you to move. Additionally those within melee would also take damage do to the constant whirling (mobs still use it in game now) All people would do is either interrupt you or wait for the channel to stop while they /emote laugh. I think ranged attacks could also go through however. EDIT: In fact with mobs that still use this skill, as a Sin tank I could use recklessness and force Lightning to deal damage without getting hit back.


An easy fix would be to make you immune to knockbacks. I'm fine being bolted to the ground while channeling but a simple interrupt is what would kill the skill imo. Treating it like Sorc/Sage bubbles would be nice.


I do hope they give us Spinning Strikes to replace Tumult though, they made a comment about how they would look to other ideas to replace the skill we lost in pre-55 content. And while Sins were not the only ones to lose a skill, I think SS would be an awesome replacement. Just hang around Nar Shaddaa and spin-it-to-win-it because I can!



no false advertisement. if you play the game, you will see some double lightsaber mobs using that AOE. BW never said that was a player skill.


It was actually on the skill bar if I remember correctly. For Sins and Shadows but they took it out for some reason or changed it to deflection instead. I came into beta after that alleged removal so don't quote me on it.

Edited by tXHereticXt
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