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Please, allow FACTION DEFECTION as a part of end game!


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OK first i think this is a great idea and would really mix things up a bit and make end game between raids a bit more interesting having something different to work towards.


this is how i think it should work.


  • There should be a double agent quest giver skulking around fleet or on your respective home worlds in various locations - meaning it paths in stealth all over the place and you'd have to find it .
  • Secondly you would have to be full light or full dark in order to interact with the quest giver
  • Quest giver starts you off on a long quest chain requiring you to (for the sake of a good story and character immersion) obtain top secret documents and sabotage various installations and projects of your current faction.
  • then a significant bribe / contribution to the war effort would be required.
  • you lose all you companions
  • there is a induction quest on the light side
  • you lose your ship.
  • you lose anything you cant carry in your wallet
  • you lose anything bound that you cant physically carry in your bags you can easy mail stuff to another character if you need to for crafting mats and the like i guess
  • you must then go through the same class quest line as your "balance" alternate class on opposing faction and gain your new companions and ship along the way
  • there's a long road ahead to get rep with all the factions etc.


yes - this is something i would be into.


also then no one would be able to moan about their respective balance alternate class being more op - cos they will always have the option to play it on whatever side they want.

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OK first i think this is a great idea and would really mix things up a bit and make end game between raids a bit more interesting having something different to work towards.


this is how i think it should work.


  • There should be a double agent quest giver skulking around fleet or on your respective home worlds in various locations - meaning it paths in stealth all over the place and you'd have to find it .
  • Secondly you would have to be full light or full dark in order to interact with the quest giver
  • Quest giver starts you off on a long quest chain requiring you to (for the sake of a good story and character immersion) obtain top secret documents and sabotage various installations and projects of your current faction.
  • then a significant bribe / contribution to the war effort would be required.
  • you lose all you companions
  • there is a induction quest on the light side
  • you lose your ship.
  • you lose anything you cant carry in your wallet
  • you lose anything bound that you cant physically carry in your bags you can easy mail stuff to another character if you need to for crafting mats and the like i guess
  • you must then go through the same class quest line as your "balance" alternate class on opposing faction and gain your new companions and ship along the way
  • there's a long road ahead to get rep with all the factions etc.


yes - this is something i would be into.


also then no one would be able to moan about their respective balance alternate class being more op - cos they will always have the option to play it on whatever side they want.


I like this, but...

1. Why full light or full dark? What if my character is neutral?

2. I think there should be a possibility to go through the "changing factions"-questline and then, at the end, decide not to change sides after all and betray that questgiver or something. Because it would be a lot of content, that actually sounds pretty cool imo, so everyone should be able to do these missions - also the people who do not wish to change sides.

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He isn't mad he is frustrated that you don't seem to understand a few important things and I agree with him so i will try to explain


1. It would not work because the animations regardless of the similarity they are COMPLETELY different.


2. The companion story lines is a major barrier especially if you maxed out affection how would it work if there was a switch? Also what about crew skills you have unlocked? The recipes you have discovered or the mats you have accumulated it is not as simple just to have them on the new character.


3. The most important aspect is the voice overs as they locked to specific classes doing a switch would mean the devs have to re work every cut scene on the new switched character so that they can partake in cut scenes which is a insurmountable amount of work which is simply not a priority.


4. The only possible way I could ever and I mean ever see this happening is if you are legacy level 50 and that the switch happens through some sort of quest line yet if you do this you LOSE your crew skills, you LOSE your armor, you LOSE your affection finally you lose your abilities. In other words your an empty shell but even that is a far stretch which i do not think will ever happen.


what animations are you speaking of?


yes you'd have to lose you companions and get the opposing factions balance class's companions by going over their story line.


yes voice over might have to be reread - but the opposing factions quest story lines have already been scripted so its not to much of a biggie to have the phrases of other sides class quests reread by the actors - and even if they didn't - you could simply say that certain cosmetic alterations and voice-prints have had to be modified for the protection of the defecting character - sort of like a witness protection program


don't think you'd have to lose your armor or equip - except for stuff that required a darkness rating but the journey to the light side would take care of that as you found that you couldn't wear stuff as you began light side attunement from dark.

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I like this, but...

1. Why full light or full dark? What if my character is neutral?

2. I think there should be a possibility to go through the "changing factions"-questline and then, at the end, decide not to change sides after all and betray that questgiver or something. Because it would be a lot of content, that actually sounds pretty cool imo, so everyone should be able to do these missions - also the people who do not wish to change sides.


i say that in order to switch factions you'd need to demonstrate your sincerity - the story is set in a world where your attunment can be sensed by someone who is attuned to the force so it would be a prerequisite - fakers would be smelt out immediately

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OK first i think this is a great idea and would really mix things up a bit and make end game between raids a bit more interesting having something different to work towards.


this is how i think it should work.


  • There should be a double agent quest giver skulking around fleet or on your respective home worlds in various locations - meaning it paths in stealth all over the place and you'd have to find it .
  • Secondly you would have to be full light or full dark in order to interact with the quest giver
  • Quest giver starts you off on a long quest chain requiring you to (for the sake of a good story and character immersion) obtain top secret documents and sabotage various installations and projects of your current faction.
  • then a significant bribe / contribution to the war effort would be required.
  • you lose all you companions
  • there is a induction quest on the light side
  • you lose your ship.
  • you lose anything you cant carry in your wallet
  • you lose anything bound that you cant physically carry in your bags you can easy mail stuff to another character if you need to for crafting mats and the like i guess
  • you must then go through the same class quest line as your "balance" alternate class on opposing faction and gain your new companions and ship along the way
  • there's a long road ahead to get rep with all the factions etc.


yes - this is something i would be into.


also then no one would be able to moan about their respective balance alternate class being more op - cos they will always have the option to play it on whatever side they want.


I loved your ideas, but just let me add a few points:


1 - No matter to what side you defect, you still are the same advanced class and type of weapon you use as before. Per example... a commando would be a commando, but for the empire military and would keep the ability to use an assault cannon. A sniper would be a sniper, but for the SIS and would keep the ability to use a sniper rifle.


2 - This "defection program" would work for ALL classes, although it makes more sense to fit in the agent's one. I won't spoil anything.


3 - I would love to do such long chain quest as you suggested. The seeker droid and macrobinoculars were very long and I loved it all.


I like this, but...

1. Why full light or full dark? What if my character is neutral?

2. I think there should be a possibility to go through the "changing factions"-questline and then, at the end, decide not to change sides after all and betray that questgiver or something. Because it would be a lot of content, that actually sounds pretty cool imo, so everyone should be able to do these missions - also the people who do not wish to change sides.


In my way of thinking...


1 - The character would be certain of his choice. Full light side < i don't want to cope with sith's ideas > or full dark side < the republic is a waste of effort > something like that.


2 - Great idea! :D

Edited by Haggardbr
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i say that in order to switch factions you'd need to demonstrate your sincerity - the story is set in a world where your attunment can be sensed by someone who is attuned to the force so it would be a prerequisite - fakers would be smelt out immediately


That might make sense for the jedi/sith classes (though I wouldn't like the idea for those, too, since it would make things too black-and-white - my light V juggernaut is more of an imperial than my dark V assassin will ever be), I find it funny that a bounty hunter would be forced to be on light V to join the republic military. I mean, shouldn't the opposing side be more worried about your loyalties, not the fact that you aren't 101% sith/jedi yet?

Also, it's annoying enough that you have to work for your relics much more if you are neutral, but if they would actually take away content just because you are neutral...how fair would that be?

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NO they cannot because SNIPER is, at the moment, EXCLUSIVE TO THE IMPERIAL AGENT Class. The moment they became, under your idea, a SIS Agent they are NO LONGER IMPERIAL AGENTS. Therefore they would lose EVERYTHING that is EXCLUSIVE to being an IMPERIAL AGENT.


Gunslingers DUAL WIELDS PISTOLS they do NOT use a Sniper Rifles & a VIBRO KNIFE. There is a DIFFERENCE, the Off-Handed Pistol is used more often then the Vibro Knife.


Saying that the Gunslinger is the same as a Sniper is like saying the Commando is the same as a Powertech. Sure they might function similarly but there is still a difference. Powertechs play their Characters differently then how Commandos play theirs.


I really don't see your point - yes the character would no longer be an IMPERIAL AGENT!!!!! it would instead be an EX Imperial agent and probably keep his stuff and still be able to upgrade his mods.


are you implying that gear progression would halt because you would not be able to turn in the tokens anywhere to get propper agent items? - i guess thats not an insurmountable problem though its pretty simple to have a black market vendor that provide agent item exchanges for arcanian tokens or whatever token is presented. not a show stopper at all -


for your last point there's no reason an agent cant play in teh agents play style on the other side? what are you getting at?

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I really don't see your point - yes the character would no longer be an IMPERIAL AGENT!!!!! it would instead be an EX Imperial agent and probably keep his stuff and still be able to upgrade his mods.


Exactly... as I said, taking the agent as an example, it could turn into an SIS Freelancer Agent and maybe get a title to show that.


are you implying that gear progression would halt because you would not be able to turn in the tokens anywhere to get propper agent items? - i guess thats not an insurmountable problem though its pretty simple to have a black market vendor that provide agent item exchanges for arcanian tokens or whatever token is presented. not a show stopper at all -


I guess that's what he's implying but I don't see the point of a problem with that, since smugglers and agents share the same main stat, just the gear would look different. No big deal for me.


Besides, with the cartel market here, I'm getting used to see sith/jedi with gear looks that should be faction oriented only, if you know what I mean.


for your last point there's no reason an agent cant play in teh agents play style on the other side? what are you getting at?


I agree with you... there's no need to change anything, the animations are already in the game.


One thing that I point out that should remain, is the type of weapon your AC was supposed to use before the defection.


I would love to be a republic sniper. :cool:

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It just would not work. First, the voices. Since each class has their own voice actor/actress it would not fit if all of a sudden my agent starts sounding like the smuggler. And it would not sound right if the Agent voice is suddenly now a smuggler voice. Then there are the companions. You suddenly gain all the smuggler companions without having done the storyline and gain them? Not to mention you would not be able to do the smuggler storyline with your now defected agent.


It will also cause problems with Makeb, as I pointed out before. Then there are all future storylines,faction and class. Bioware is not going to write two separate storylines, one for those who don;t defect and another for those that do. The storylines of the main character and the companions are the biggest obstacles. They simply would not work, even if you finished the storylines future ones would be thrown off and make no sense.


This game was not designed to have defections. Trying to shoehorn it in now would only throw everything into confusion and turmoil. It just will not work. No matter how hard you try you will not make it work, there are too many factors blocking such a system from working at all in this game.

Edited by Kilikaa
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Person pointed out that it would fit with the Agent's Storyline well, no it wouldn't



The Light Agent becomes a Double Agent, while working for the SIS/Republic they remain apart of the Empire to help the SIS from within the Empire. Suddenly changing sides to be a SIS Agent, therefore NO LONGER AN IMPERIAL Agent working WITHIN the Empire completely counters that whole concept. SIS or even an "Ex-Imperial" Agent means that they are no longer IMPERIAL Agent therefore everything that comes from/with/for the IMPERIAL Agent and SPECIFICALLY says "Prerequisite = Imperial Agent" wouldn't work. Sure the Smuggler and Agent may wear similar outfits their weapons ARE different. Gunslingers wield TWO Pistols and the Scoundrel wields a Pistol & a Shotgun, the Sniper is a Sniper Rifle & Dagger while the Operative is a Blaster Rifle & Dagger.


You might say just keep the changed Agent with the Agent stuff, fact remains that the moment they are no longer an IMPERIAL Agent they lose everything that is specifically tied to being an Imperial Agent. SIS Agents and Ex-Imperial Agents are no longer IMPERIAL Agents so they would lose everything tied to it, the Advanced Classes, the ability to wield Rifles/Sniper Rifles, the Voice Actors/Actresses, the Class Ship, the Class Storyline, because they are all tied to SPECIFICALLY being an Imperial Agent.




With the Smuggler, the Dark Smugglers wouldn't join the Empire because it wouldn't make any sense considering they essentially become a Pirate/Crime Lord with their own Criminal Fleet. In other words, they essentially become similar to that of Tyber Zann, founder of the Zann Consortium from the game Empire At War: Forces of Corruption.




Same with the Republic Trooper, just because you are a Dark Trooper you don't suddenly decide to betray the Republic and try and join the very people that you had zero qualms over killing you're entire Career. Aric essentially bashes the former members of Havoc Squad when they betrayed him & the Republic, I seriously doubt he'd be ok with not just you but himself somehow changing sides. And the same with Elana Daru, she left the Empire to join the Republic because she didn't like how the Empire ran things, do you honestly believe that she would just all of a sudden change the way she thinks and want to rejoin those that she had originally left behind. Not to mention, do you believe that the Empire would even take her back considering she is a traitor of the Empire.




Even the Bounty Hunter wouldn't make sense joining the Republic considering the Hunter practically became Republic's #1 Enemy thanks to the former Supreme Chancellor, especially if the Hunter kills the old man. That gets out and the Republic would hunt down the Hunter. So yeah, the Bounty Hunter wouldn't exactly be safe working FOR the Republic.


Sith Inquisitor, even if they go Light, end up being on the Dark Council. How exactly would you propose they all of a sudden change sides and join the Republic, especially when they'd have better chances of changing the Empire from within while serving on the Dark Council. Same with the Sith Warriors.




Basically, how the Game is set-up, both in terms of the Class Storylines but with everything that is SPECIFIC to the Classes, makes Changing Allegiances next to impractical. Also, since the Capital Worlds and Origin Worlds are tied to either Republic Only/Empire Only, not to mention Taris & Balmorra have Republic & Imperial Only Versions, upon changing sides, ALL of that changes. And now those that change will be able to get Datacrons they weren't meant to be able to get. The Agent's Class Ship belongs to the IMPERIAL Agent and I'm pretty sure that the Sith Empire would be able to track the Agent's Ship so upon changing they would lose their Ship and now they would be Ship less.


And with that there goes Class Companions including the Ship Droids [excluding HK-51], now you could say well just create new Companions. Except that would requiring completely new Voice Actors/Actresses, new Companions altogether, new everything. So now you'll have to essentially use the other sides Flashpoints or Companion Gifts to build up the Affection of the brand new Companions.


You are essentially wanting them to create brand new Classes without saying BRAND NEW CLASSES.

Edited by Altyrell
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what animations are you speaking of?


yes you'd have to lose you companions and get the opposing factions balance class's companions by going over their story line.


yes voice over might have to be reread - but the opposing factions quest story lines have already been scripted so its not to much of a biggie to have the phrases of other sides class quests reread by the actors - and even if they didn't - you could simply say that certain cosmetic alterations and voice-prints have had to be modified for the protection of the defecting character - sort of like a witness protection program


don't think you'd have to lose your armor or equip - except for stuff that required a darkness rating but the journey to the light side would take care of that as you found that you couldn't wear stuff as you began light side attunement from dark.


The gunslinger has animations that require two guns correct? Yet the sniper has just one, that in of itself is a different animation. Or the fact that an agent uses a knife like in the ability debilitate the mirror ability is dirty kick which is completely different. Also continuing from that, the agent's offhand is a knife and the slinger's is a additional gun see the difference?


Also yes you lose your armor as the sets are different and on the opposing sides fleet you can't have a sniper use slinger gear and when i say slinger gear I mean traditional gear that drops from ops not moddable gear.

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I love the idea eventough I know it's impossible/near impossible to do.


Most of the reasons why it can't be done, has already been stated above. I would also like to add the fact that you will have access to more datacrons than normal players (not to mention lore objects and titles and whatnot). So I defect to the imp side, go to Korriban and get datacrons I shouldn't have get under normal circumstances. Then I do the same on Hutta, Nar Shaddaa, Dromund Kaas, Taris, Balmorra and even on Corellia (willpower one). This is not fair.


Still I love the idea. I have 2 Bounty Hunter toons, and twice I saved the good guy at the end and killed the bad guy. From a role playing point, that could count as my redemption and I may be allowed to Republic space (most probably unofficially and as a Privateer).


I think the problems with companions could be fixed; you lose all your imp companions and you will be given all the rep ones (BH gets the Commando companions). They all start with zero affection. That would be the easiest solution.


So yeah, this won't happen but still it's a nice idea. And you know what would be better? Work as double agent. Infiltrate to the other faction and work for your real faction from the inside. Go to Dromund Kaas, get in touch with the Revanites and organize the revolt there. Or go to Coruscant and help the Black Sun get more powerful and bribe a few senetors while you're there.

Edited by Lord_Erman
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I think this would be really cool and hope Bioware seriously considers it. It would also add some nice variety to the end-game content, which is always a nice thing.


Hell when I was leveling my Trooper I joked that I wanted to defect with Havoc squad because of how the Republic treated me. Honestly glad I couldn't because I do not like playing on the Imperial side but I too have a sniper that I would love to play on with my Republic guild.


Note: I see a lot of reasons why this would not or should not work, and I don't think that's the point. The point is that some people think this would be cool, so why give theoretical reasons as to why such a feature could not be implemented? This is simply an idea, we do not know how it would or could be executed. Bioware's talented, they could find a way to get this to work if they wanted to.

Edited by Kickimanjaro
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I started a new thread about this then found this one a couple pages back.


I really like this idea. Mirror classes are called mirror b/c most mechanics are the same. It basically comes down to astetics. So some of the complaints I've seen;


Class name: It would hard to be an Imperial agent on the republic side, but how many people just call them agents anyways. It would take a lot of work but I'm sure it's possible. Inquistor/Consular ~ leave off the faction and it's just a class.


Companions: They're dedicated good/bad. A good quest/story can stick them beside you regardless of your faction.


Datacrons: This is probably the most work. You could say who wants to let a traitor onto the homeworld and that could get rid of some. Impleminting a Republic/Imperial/neutral portion to each datacron could be done.


Gear: Impliment a trader vendor for each class. As most tokens/badges are not class specific so again it would take some work but Imp or Repub gear look should remain the same.


Voice/Animations: They already exist, they can carry over.


Ship: Create a docking bay for those that have switched factions and a new ship. There is only 3 per faction why not add a 4th, or use one already existing


I know it would be a TON of work to do but I can't see a reason why it couldn't be. So the benefits of adding it;


Companions: Why not be able to switch them with your mirror class. Pick and choose so you have the ones you want. If you switch you have to start a traitor/defection companion chain. This will provide some variety between classes that have no impact on class mechanics.


Content: An earlier post stated at the end of a quest chain you get to choose whether or not to defect. I'd like to see a better story then the seeker droid/bioculars quest. Content is what a game is about.



To much text & people won't read. I just want to ask aside from the work Bioware would have to do to make it happen why shouldn't it?

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It wouldn't work and it won't happen. Look at Makeb. Even though, in my case, my Sniper is no longer officially serving the Empire she is still contacted by Darth Marr to help the war effort. You can't just switch sides because that would screw up the entire story that Bioware has created so far. If I switched her to the Republic then who is she going to talk to on Makeb? Nobody. The story would make absolutely no sense. that will also greatly affect future story content, both faction and indiviual class stories.


Then there are the companions. Do you really think Lt Pierce or Khem Val or Quinn would suddenly feel the urge to join the Republic? Do you think Aric Jorgan or Elara Dorne, who left the Empire, would suddenly join the Empire? Because of companions and all the associated stories a faction switch would not work. It wouldn't make sense.


MAYBE, in future class story content, BW can allow us to make the choice and have it be meaningful, but they would also have to figure out the companions. Every class would lose some, if not all. New ones would have to be created to replace them. I do not see this happening. Defections just will not work in this game.


The smug contact would now be the story wah wah wah

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I think it is a good idea with a better solution...

Make versions of the classes for both sides (like a republic oriented Agent, and bounty hunter, and an imperial oriented Smuggler and Trooper)

The smuggler and the bounty hunter I doubt would actually be loyal to anyone who isnt paying them so i dont really get why they are faction specific in the first place (other than class balancing)(and yes the bounty hunter would be more inclined to work for the empire, look at the star wars movies)

Another reason I dont see this becoming implemented is the amount of work that would need to be put into it, Bioware just doesnt have the time or want.

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No, it's like saying commando is the same as mercenary, since they are mirror classes with the same abilities but different names and animations.

The different animations are tied into the different weapons which, balance wise, actually makes them independent of their mirror class for non force-sensitives. (I have aggressively said many, many times that mirror classes aside from the force-sensitives do NOT, in fact, play the same by their very nature due to dual wielding penalties.)

[*]Secondly you would have to be full light or full dark in order to interact with the quest giver.

And I HATE when people SUGGEST something like this... My Sith Inquisitor is Darth Nox, because Dark Side is how the Sith are supposed to be in lore. The Light Siders and the Weak are killed and the Strong and the Dark rise to places of power, this is how Sith Society has been structured for Eons, and now I have to be penalized for following my own personal conviction that all Sith must either be Dark Side or incredibly good at hiding it?


Open the defection system to EVERYONE, because Dark Siders should not be penalized and forced to grind 20000 Light Side points simply for the option to change factions.


I've honestly seem better suggestion threads for this, with better reasons for it, more ideas for it, and more open mindedness all around, I'd suggest you look at all of the complaints and take everything in before trying to re-establish your case.

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Honestly, looking through this thread, I fail to see how it isn't possible to switch factions.

Like I said in the thread I started in the community section...



I can come up with storylines that make all of it possible.


For those who say something about losing companions, I can come up with a solution for that. (Relatively simple: You lose some companions, but gain others to replace them.)


Voice overs - not that hard to record some new ones.


It is totally possible to do this, make it exciting and engaging, keep it available to all, work out the problems, and even let people stay on the faction that they started with if they don't want to switch over.


Problems are not problems. They are only solutions waiting to be found.

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I did read your post.


As for the class, it's pretty much a gunslinger with a rifle and different animations. All the animations are already in the game programming.


As for voice overs, they had to hire people to voice over RotHC main NPCs, so they could do again...


This idea could be another expansion pack too.


So you're asking to be able to class change from Sniper to Gunslinger?

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So you're asking to be able to class change from Sniper to Gunslinger?


He's asking for Defection. Not to play as a gunslinger.

It's like you're a soldier for the US, then a few months later. You work for the Army of Great Brittain. Same thing, just another boss.

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He's asking for Defection. Not to play as a gunslinger.

It's like you're a soldier for the US, then a few months later. You work for the Army of Great Brittain. Same thing, just another boss.


That comparison doesn't work too well in the game setting.


What happens if (And this is a very big if) they create a chapter 4 for class quests? And you're a Sniper on the side of the republic?


What about for world quests and storywise? You've just killed hundreds of Republic people over the course of your career, and now you want to work for them?


Who contacts you via holo to go to Makeb?

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That comparison doesn't work too well in the game setting.


What happens if (And this is a very big if) they create a chapter 4 for class quests? And you're a Sniper on the side of the republic?


What about for world quests and storywise? You've just killed hundreds of Republic people over the course of your career, and now you want to work for them?


Who contacts you via holo to go to Makeb?


It was a huge example to be used but I'll try and answer.


If they create a chapter 4, and you get the chance to choose who you want to work for. It should be able to let you choose through your Dark/Light side points.


World Quests. Doing quests, should be normal as before. Only then you do the quests working for the other allegiance.

Storywise should/could be ok, if you allow Chapter 4 to be either defection or stay on the allegiance you are. Over the course of that story, it should give a few options to turn over.

About the kills etc. You're not gonna walk up to a jedi master and be like ''Hi I'm ted, I'm a Sith lord, I've killed a few hundred jedi. Can I be a jedi? '' No you gotta earn trust, trust gained through missions and certain answers you give. If you switch from empire to Republic, your lightside points help with the trust and vica versa.


IF you defect from Empire to Republic, you ''work'' for the republic. so answer your last question yourself.

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It was a huge example to be used but I'll try and answer.


If they create a chapter 4, and you get the chance to choose who you want to work for. It should be able to let you choose through your Dark/Light side points.


World Quests. Doing quests, should be normal as before. Only then you do the quests working for the other allegiance.

Storywise should/could be ok, if you allow Chapter 4 to be either defection or stay on the allegiance you are. Over the course of that story, it should give a few options to turn over.

About the kills etc. You're not gonna walk up to a jedi master and be like ''Hi I'm ted, I'm a Sith lord, I've killed a few hundred jedi. Can I be a jedi? '' No you gotta earn trust, trust gained through missions and certain answers you give. If you switch from empire to Republic, your lightside points help with the trust and vica versa.


IF you defect from Empire to Republic, you ''work'' for the republic. so answer your last question yourself.


That isn't really going to work.. You are forgetting that many of the quests are in zones that are friendly or enemy to one faction or the other.. If you change faction.. You would be totally cut off from the Agent story.. There could be no going back because the quest areas are now friendly to you.. You would have to become a smuggler of some sort.. Gunslinger or Scoundrel.. You could not longer be a part of the Agent story.. That would be like letting a Jedi do a quest on Korriban or Dromund Kaas.. It just couldn't work unless they were sith.. That would be part of the faction change.. This game uses the factions to determine friend and foe.. There is no getting around that..


The other issue is the companions.. Would we keep our companions or would we have to do quests to get the appropriate factions?? How would our affections with them be effected if we faction change??


The best answer and solution I think for changing factions is this..


Only available to characters that are max level or have completed their current characters story..


When a person changes faction, their character is returned to lvl 10, they automatically get the first companion from the baby planet, they then get to choose an AC, and then resume leveling as normal..


Your root class is determined by the class you were in the other faction.. Bounty Hunters become troopers, Smugglers become Agents, and so forth..


This solves the companion issue, and should also solve the story issue.. The other option would be to go back to level one and start from the beginning of the story all together..


Leveling could also be used as a means to build that trust you are talking about.. But this still has to work within the game.. It isn't so simple to just make someone an imperial or republic.. Your faction determines a lot..

Edited by MajikMyst
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That isn't really going to work.. You are forgetting that many of the quests are in zones that are friendly or enemy to one faction or the other.. If you change faction.. You would be totally cut off from the Agent story.. There could be no going back because the quest areas are now friendly to you.. You would have to become a smuggler of some sort.. Gunslinger or Scoundrel.. You could not longer be a part of the Agent story.. That would be like letting a Jedi do a quest on Korriban or Dromund Kaas.. It just couldn't work unless they were sith.. That would be part of the faction change.. This game uses the factions to determine friend and foe.. There is no getting around that..


The other issue is the companions.. Would we keep our companions or would we have to do quests to get the appropriate factions?? How would our affections with them be effected if we faction change??


The best answer and solution I think for changing factions is this..


Only available to characters that are max level or have completed their current characters story..


When a person changes faction, their character is returned to lvl 10, they automatically get the first companion from the baby planet, they then get to choose an AC, and then resume leveling as normal..


Your root class is determined by the class you were in the other faction.. Bounty Hunters become troopers, Smugglers become Agents, and so forth..


This solves the companion issue, and should also solve the story issue.. The other option would be to go back to level one and start from the beginning of the story all together..


Leveling could also be used as a means to build that trust you are talking about.. But this still has to work within the game.. It isn't so simple to just make someone an imperial or republic.. Your faction determines a lot..


I don't think that you've read it properly too. (atleast a part not)

We've been talking about a 3th act. This act will be unlocked upon finishing the story line.

you'll get the decision to defect, yes or no. Do you defect, all contact will be eliminated with your current faction (except that they try to hunt down your *** while you're at it)


About the companions, yes I agree. But I think this has to be an affection thingy.

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