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What happened to the MVP?


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Top dps should just get 8 extra comms, and do away with MVP!


think mvp should work this way, some kind of internal calculation, then just give an extra 8 comms to whatever player did the most overall, some combination of objectives/damage maybe healing/protection, but in a way that it won't gimp a mara/sniper who can't heal or taunt. Or to keep it simple, most kills, then a healer will always be mvp.


But yeah, current system is pretty useless, an extra comm, most people not voting or voting for their buddies, really just a popularity contest, little more. I've had matches where I ignore objectives the entire time and just kill people, but somehow I get 3-4 mvp votes and I think, "lol wut?" that's while solo queuing too, so random strangers mvping some jagoff who ignores objectives and kills, but not mvping the top dps, heals, protection, etc.

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Ancient Hypergate....


Stealther guards pylon for the whole game ... no dps, no protection, no heal numbers

His team is losing middle and losing on kills


On last round stealth caps enemy pylon in last 20 secs and win game for his team....

How any system can calculate that and give him MVP?


MVP is just fine as it is

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I vote for my healer (generally what wins the game for me) and for best damage if we win (and dont have a healer) and I didnt see the big contributor. (that guy that made the big play to win)
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I always vote for the guy I have seen doing good job during the game. I don't care if he's the dps with the lowest damage: if he was the only one clever enough to try to kill the healers or saved the team with a ninjacap or kept the guard busy so I could ninjacap, I will vote for him/her.
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I tend to vote for tanks first cause they get no love usually. Second is good protection followed by healing deaths objectives offensive or defensive if they called out and we won. Damage is followed lastly by solo kills cause people who go out to get solo kills usually are not assisting the team.


I wonder if there is a weight you can add to stats to get a calculated winner who gets it all, but I'd really rather people vote just seems like the match matters more that way.

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Hope you roll republic and stay with them.


This made me laugh, thanks!


I tend to look to healing for MVP votes, and tank protection and objectives. I admit I'm very biased, but when I think of dps'ers, I picture players slobbering while they roll their foreheads across the keyboard and yell out " I just owned that sob lololo hahah I am da tuffest, baddest man on the field."


However, I've also watched some bad a s s dps multi-task with CCs, playing objectives and peeling for their healers or others. While rare, when I see that kind of play I will vote for them straight away. If there were just more non-slobbering, forehead keyboard rolling DPS'ers....those dude and dudettes kick a s s!

Edited by Genttry
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*Reporting inc and numbers of inc in time to get backup as a defender

*Protection (guard)

*Good attitude in the chat

*Assisting the healer(s) "stomping anyone who touches the healers"

*Focusing on enemy healers and IGNORING spamhealed tanks



My main is commando medic so ofc i mostly vote for the guard. I NEVER vote for ppl who attacks first red name they see ,usually a spamhealed tank, (usually top dmg player)

Edited by SWEtree
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I've had matches in 2.0 where no one broke 200k in heals or damage besides me. If that match isn't huttball and we lost horrifically, no one gets a vote - sorry (actually I'm not - come on). I had one match where I had 740k damage and 140k in heals (trickle self healing) and the next highest on my team was 180k damage with no healers. None of you fools get votes and I hate you all. Edited by dcgregorya
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What a bunch of miserly babies. I always give an MVP vote, most of the time randomly. Help your faction get geared instead of being so busy being frustrated and trying to punish them for it.


This would be a valid argument if your vote meant more than 1 singular commendation and 10 valor. Its not worth considering :rolleyes:

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This would be a valid argument if your vote meant more than 1 singular commendation and 10 valor. Its not worth considering :rolleyes:


i have 2 pieces of gear from that completely useless feature.


i mvp the person i see trying to make a difference in a losing fight or when i see them do something that can be considered smart.

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I am seeing less and less people voting for an MVP these days what gives?


As stated numerous times before, MVP doesn't mean anything and is an entirely symbolic feature. Therefore, in a pug group you need to do something to earn my respect in the game to get my vote. Doing top dmg/healing is not good enough as it is too easy to get there and really doesn't say anything about how much he/she contributed to actually winning the game for their side. Highest objective score usually gets my vote if I give it to anyone but even that is not a 100% reliable score as the game doesn't reward active interrupts of planting a bomb/capturing a turret etc nearly enough for what it is actually worth for the teams chances of winning the game.


Currently, I'd rather just skip the entire list of results at the end and exit immediately instead of having to wait for the mvps' to be cast before I can exit the WZ and que for another.

Edited by Kaerwolf
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