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Ode to Infamous


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O dearest Infamous!

In reality, you shalt cease the spread of this cheating, most abominable disease,

Observation of such an abhorréd perturbation could hardly be named hard,

To seek victory through deceit is to signal your defeat, so your toons you shalt delete.

This game's youth was free of acts so uncouth, how now?

Wow, so inane, I beg you halt this campaign.

55 levels have I got, yet still I am one-shot,

When vitality abundant can not even prevent fatality incumbent,

Why Taurus's waste! I cry in haste.



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I find many of them using the augment exploit, but that's not cheating IMO.


I was actually going to post something similar. I've noticed a number (not just Infamous) of notable PVP'ers from respected PVP guilds using this exploit in regular warzones. I disagree with you about it being cheating. Exploiting a bug in the system to gain an unfair advantage over somebody who either can't afford to abuse it, doesn't know about it, or has higher morals is cheating IMO.

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Though your poem and verbal skills are certainly not lacking. You should prepare for the next shellacking,

and cry while you can in some far spot. For hackers we certianaly are not.

Indeed my most enjoyment every day. Is when i beat you in every way.

Run hide, kite, sneak. The fact of the matter will always be your dead meat.


From the crushing blows of Fekens grasp. To Jordo who will simply kick your ***.

To Zalios who will laugh all day, as he parries and sends your own attacks back your way.

And Kylen who when you least expect. shall render you childless, To great effect.

From Denikus to Kira. From the great to the small. We are a team, and good players all!

We all strive and learn from our mistakes. And I know how much this angers and frustrates,

but if you are as angry as your poem may seem. Get your own friends and OUR behinds try to ream.


Wah I cant beat you in a one on one. You must be hacking and that is no fun.

Please, If hacking you are sure we do. Please report us and Everyone too.

Report all those who play this game and learn to take it beyond your brain's capacities,

and metal where with all. Or stop crying and become better then call,

upon us again for a fight. And show us your better and you are right.


I do not doubt you potential skill. I just question if you have the actual will.

To read the skill tree or strategize. Instead you saturate the forums with lies.

Insult me and my guild if you dare. You will fine that most of us don't care.

We have sought to be the best that we can be, and better we are, far more than thee.

For you to claim such a ignorant boast, I look forward to turning you into toast.

I know that this post may seem real long but frankly i am tired of the same old song.

To the griping and anger directed against us. Please check our name. We are INFAMOUS.

I really care not for your crying and boo who. so i will leave with a simple. Sucks to be you.

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Nordow that was extensive and slightly creepy.


As far as i know, no Infanoob uses the augment glitch. However ive noticed some players with enormous amounts of endurance due to Pve gear. If you know of whos exploiting dont be afraid to let us know!

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Please don't bother lying. I've seen several of your players as well as many from other guilds using it. Do I care? Not really its simply an exploit. But no point in lying about it. We even have you guys on camera using the naked exploits back when those were out. Not sure why you're going to go through the effort of denying something as little as augment exploits. Its no big deal. :rolleyes: Edited by PoliteAssasin
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We even have you guys on camera using the naked exploits back when those were out.
[Edit: Wait what? O.o ]




How exactly do you tell if someone is using the exploit? Do they hit like a truck or what? Personally I do not believe in using exploits in any way shape or form unless the vast majority is doing so.


If Infamous players or any player for that matter is using the augment glitch religiously, that is just sad.


As far as naked exploits go, that was just pure entertainment.

Edited by Bellumpvp
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How exactly do you tell if someone is using the exploit? Do they hit like a truck or what? Personally I do not believe in using exploits in any way shape or form unless the vast majority is doing so.


If Infamous players or any player for that matter is using the augment glitch religiously, that is just sad.


As far as naked exploits go, that was just pure entertainment.


The best way to know is if their hp is high 30ks if they are DPS pushing into 40k. I've seen DPS with 45k hp. Can't really tell by the amount of damage since currently many classes can hit hard: focus/rage players, snipers, and backstabbing shadows to name a few.

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The best way to deal with this issue is to take a high quality picture of their health bar and send it to guild leadership, who can then investigate it. Many guilds have ways for people to contact them (eg my sig). I believe most guilds take things like this very seriously. If you notice a fishy health amount but don't have any faith in a guild's leadership, you could send it to them anyway and at the very least they would try to stop it in order to make themselves look better, right?


TLDR: if you notice anything fishy in Ascension, screen-cap it please.

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Heh. A few others and I that PvP didn't even know about that exploit until about two days ago. At least I know I didn't. Kylen told us about it because he saw other players in PvP with 34k hp one game and 30k hp the next. He tried it in a Warzone just to see if it was a thing and turns out it was. I know the people I play with dont use the exploit, but then again it doesn't bother me too much. If you think you need to exploit to be better by all means. /shrug


As for the naked exploit....that was just too fun to pass up. :rolleyes:

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I'll be paying attention to that tonight I normally don't look at others health beside my own team. I did however notice a few Guardians that were taking forever to burn down with no healer in sight.


If the bug add's extra endurance an augment has two stats which means it's bolstering both which would improve damage. There is also some bugs with a few Sorc Talents. Some bugs are positive in favor of the player and some negative they basically make 1 talent point in a 2 point talent a waste of a point because it doesn't do anything unless there are two points in it. I knew about these as soon as 2.0 hit from testing on the PTS and reported it while others just figured them out.

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When I suspected others of doing it, I tried it to confirm. When I see them enter a warzone with a certain amount of health, then their health bar drops to 90%, and when it goes back up it's all of a sudden way higher than it was, it screams augment exploit. Just doing 2 augments my health jumped from 28k to 32k and increased my crit chance fairly significantly.


I really see this as different than both naked PVP and PVP'ing in PVE gear. When bolster first came out, it borked your stats if you were in War Hero gear, so for those of us with only 1 set of gear, there wasn't much more you could do other than to strip down. For those using PVE gear, at least it's gear you earned. I hate it when people abuse the system to get an advantage over other players that they didn't earn. I always felt this community was better than that.

Edited by LaVall
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i've notice an unusually high amount of exploit-usations flying around lately. Now maybe some of it is founded but quite a bit of it is also unfounded. I got accused myself the other day. I was like ***? really? everyone on this server knows how I have no interest in operating that way.


Who didn't run around with no gear for a few matches the first day or two for laughs and because their elite warhero gear was a waste to wear. I did, it was hilarious. All that grinding for gear for nothing. >.< Then i just wore my pve gear for a bit until I actually got around to working pvp again after focusing on PvE stuff for a bit. By then they had changed the EWH gear and I was wearing that while filling in with partisan.


I didn't know about people ripping mods/augs to mess with bolster until I saw scyn say something and I asked him to explain. My thoughts are why waste credits doing that? It's just a warzone. I think it's dumb *shrugs*


Either way they know bolster needs to be fixed. It's a sad joke in the state it is in.


P.S. They need to fix the sorc bugs. How that managed to happen to one faction's class and not the other is beyond me.

Edited by Desiirea
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When I suspected others of doing it, I tried it to confirm. When I see them enter a warzone with a certain amount of health, then their health bar drops to 90%, and when it goes back up it's all of a sudden way higher than it was, it screams augment exploit. Just doing 2 augments my health jumped from 28k to 32k and increased my crit chance fairly significantly.


Make sure it's not them just stimming up or buffing or swapping legit gear :) Most will know the difference but some newbies won't.

Edited by Desiirea
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I don't know about sorc bugs, but I do know that juggernaut tanks are currently taking 1%* more int/ele damage versus guardian tanks. Somebody didn't check talents for equivalence. ;-)


* Flat 1% DR differences, so actually ~1.27% after adjustment.

Edited by Khalhazar
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