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Everything posted by jediashnoe

  1. Name: Xam Class: Scoundrel Spec: Sawbones Record Broken: Highest Total Heals #1 Value: 2,482,273 Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/1adaNff.jpg Unranked 8v8 ------ Name: Xam Class: Scoundrel Spec: Sawbones Record Broken: Highest Healing Per Second Per Round #1 Value: 3007.79 Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/37nidvV.jpg Ranked 4v4
  2. Yeah but Luix was the one who blew it out of proportion....I think Jordums was just trying to say that he thought Ursh was a good player but I guess one thing turns into another. Still love you doe, Evo. <3:(
  3. Do you think about what you say? Or do you just run your big mouth? Why don't you offer us some respect instead of bashing on us for things that aren't true. Sounds like you're just an angry little two year old who didnt get the toy truck he wanted.
  4. I understand you could be frustrated with our guild but to just call us out...not cool. And if you actually are just super mad with Infamous, take it up with Feken or I or really anyone in the guild and we can figure things out. The absorb relic bug was extremely annoying, and if you had just asked us to tell the few people who used them to stop using them, maybe we could've avoided all this unnecessary drama.
  5. I would recommend the Harbinger for you. I've played there some and the people seem super cool and there's always 2-3 instances of planets and fleet. Higher population = more Warzone pops and more people to meet! Plus, from my knowledge, there isn't a ton of RP on BC anymore. And we do seem to have a bit of a childish community at times. Happy server hunting!
  6. Guessing I should post here...but AWESOME ranked games against Grim yesterday. They were so so fun and intense. I was sweating...gross but, hey, they were the most competitive games I've played in awhile. I hope we can set up more stuff like that. I'm sorry Infamous couldn't do more. Some lame people over here have to raid n shtuffs. More please!
  7. Notorious doesnt contain almost any Infamous players nowadays. Maybe one or two, but other than that, Notorious is its own guild now. We're really not trying to ruin PvP for anyone. Just looking to play with people we enjoy. It is an MMO after all. We've always grouped up this much but with the lack of notable PvP guilds on Imp side I guess people are taking note of us more often now. Yeah, late at night we usually have 2-3 four man premades running but that's only because that's when most of our players are online. Mind you before server transfers we didnt complain about the ITK, Grim, or Retal premades. Whenever we got into a match against them our pugs were always just people trying to learn how to PvP. And when solo queuing I almost always lost with my pugs. I guess the rolls are reversed now. Sorry to anyone who feels like we're specifically trying to ruin the state of PvP. We're not. It's just unfortunate that a lot of the guilds left and now there's a lot more casual PvPers.
  8. I can gear up my sorc healer if imps need a serious healer. I don't mind kickball either. Someone just has to organize it. And I wouldn't mind helping out if anyone wants! Also, we should try to get a world PvP event.
  9. Ok! So. I'm not sure how many teams are left here. So....now is the time to post if you're interested in doing some semi serious ranked here on Begeren Colony. I've seen some kickball ranked the last couple nights but the problems with that is that the teams will never been even and nobody wants to lose. I know for a fact that Infamous totally wants to queue against anyone who's interested. Just contact me or Feken or Jordo...or whoever really asking if we can get a team together! I also saw something at one time with people signing up for a ranked kickball thingy and such? We could try to organize something like that. Post ideas hur! Edit: And no fighting....QQ....
  10. Heh. A few others and I that PvP didn't even know about that exploit until about two days ago. At least I know I didn't. Kylen told us about it because he saw other players in PvP with 34k hp one game and 30k hp the next. He tried it in a Warzone just to see if it was a thing and turns out it was. I know the people I play with dont use the exploit, but then again it doesn't bother me too much. If you think you need to exploit to be better by all means. /shrug As for the naked exploit....that was just too fun to pass up.
  11. Can't win without your uberhax and pocket healers, Fekey boy.
  12. I can assure you that we weren't using the /stuck exploit. Half of our team thought it was removed from the game, and the other half was trying on new outfits at the eastern turret. And Feken was placing a holo tree somewhere so....the reason we usually move fast to a turret that's being attacked is because of transcendence (as I'm sure you already know). Perhaps it was just bad timing for people on our team to die and it looked like we were exploiting as the speeders rode down from the sky. /shrug. Hopefully we can get more teams Qing so you guys don't only have to face Infamous!
  13. I realized that I don't wanna feed the Neo, actually.
  14. Omg! This sounds awesome Urdy, I imagined Valya sitting on a cliff in Outlaw's Den in Tuskan Raider social gear sniping people
  15. Kyros with 22 medals, 0 deaths, and 439k damage http://i.imgur.com/aNW1n.jpg
  16. Firstly, thanks for the lovely read. Secondly, everyone heals differently. No one is 'doing it wrong' because they don't cast UWM or DS. Scoundrel healing works for people in different ways. Some like to do more burst and others like to keep HoTs up and throw in some damage to build upper hand. Personally I don't try to do so much damage. I like to stay in the back and heal as much as I can so the DPS can do their job and I can do mine. I find myself casting UWM fairly frequently, but I also die fairly quickly if two or more people jump on me simply because I can't get off a cast and all my abilities are on CD. Most good players know to interput a healing cast when they see it, so stacking power/surge/crit with no alacrity isn't necessarily a bad thing. It can actually work for you if you kite and are able to stun enemies so if you need you can cast UWM or KP. I know a fantastic scoundrel healer that rarely casts his healing abilities in Warzones, he does, but not as much as I do. He doesn't run out of energy as fast as I do and he lives longer than me. Having no alacrity means that you needs to constantly keep SRM up on yourself so if you are attacked while running away or whatever you're healing yourself and others and building UH. If your EMP can crit for 3k or 4k what's the point of casting an ability when you have stacks of UH. This entire argument is really silly. Everyone has a different point of view, and just because some stack stats differently doesn't mean they're bad or are doing it wrong. Yes, a million heals is a lot and I've hit just as much as any of you have. However, everyone achieves it a different way. So just respect how they do it and don't go pointing fingers.
  17. *throws a party* JOIN THE CLUBBBBBBB!
  18. Yes! Im hoping we can do more ranked in the future.
  19. 0 damage. That's what I like to see.
  20. Yes, but when we have a team set up imps dont Q ranked. Its not always because theyre raiding either, sometimes I dont even know whats up but they just wont get a ranked team together. However, when we decide to do regular warzones while we wait for another pub team to be set up or something we see full 8 man premades beating on pugs.
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