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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

EA signs exclusive SW rights with Disney

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This in a nutshell. Exclusivity contracts give EA NO incentive to be creative, or ground breaking.


Right, but they'll still make bank on Star Wars games hand over fist. Just like they rake in the bucks with Madden.


Exclusive NFL contract and a monstrous population that loves the NFL and will buy the same game with slightly different player names every year. EA doesn't innovate Madden.


Will be the same thing here. Exclusive SW contract and a huge population that loves Star Wars and will buy the same game with slightly different setting / story every year. No innovation.


Great time to own EA stock. Horrible time to be a fan of games, and Star Wars games in particular.

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And you gave a perfect troll post to that guy. ;)




Please, tell me how EA, who hasn't had a decent game in years, known for non-innovation, voted Worst Company 2 years in a row, has a poor history with customers, etc. will make good Star Wars games?


It'll be TFU II and that pod racer game "quality" from now on...


Actually, I'm really enjoying SWTOR. I really enjoyed Mass Effect 1 and 2. ME3 wasn't bad except the ending. So please when you state this, state it as an opinion, because it is merely your opinion. I loved Dragon Age:Origins and DA2 was a lot of fun. Dead Space, Dead Space 2 and Dead Space 3, love them too. So...just your opinion and state it as being so.

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Will be the same thing here. Exclusive SW contract and a huge population that loves Star Wars and will buy the same game with slightly different setting / story every year. No innovation.


I would love a new KOTOR style game every few years. This might come as a shock, but I typically don't play Bioware games for their gameplay.... I mean, they're not horrid, but it's not like KOTOR had particularly compelling, tactical gameplay. Neverwinter Nights sure didn't. Dragon Age 1 kinda sorta. I mainly play their games for the story. ME2/3 were pretty much the only ones where I thought the gameplay itself was great.

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Right, but they'll still make bank on Star Wars games hand over fist. Just like they rake in the bucks with Madden.


Exclusive NFL contract and a monstrous population that loves the NFL and will buy the same game with slightly different player names every year. EA doesn't innovate Madden.


Will be the same thing here. Exclusive SW contract and a huge population that loves Star Wars and will buy the same game with slightly different setting / story every year. No innovation.


Great time to own EA stock. Horrible time to be a fan of games, and Star Wars games in particular.


Exactly, which is why I will not buy ANY EA single player Star Wars game without it first getting an almost unanimously favored user review from the masses before I even think of buying it.

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I would love a new KOTOR style game every few years. This might come as a shock, but I typically don't play Bioware games for their gameplay.... I mean, they're not horrid, but it's not like KOTOR had particularly compelling, tactical gameplay. Neverwinter Nights sure didn't. Dragon Age 1 kinda sorta. I mainly play their games for the story. ME2/3 were pretty much the only ones where I thought the gameplay itself was great.


You are the type of gamer I was thinking of when I said there won't be any innovation but there will be money.


That's not a bad thing... if you find entertainment value in that, that's great!


I personally would like to see some innovation every once in a while.

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Exactly, which is why I will not buy ANY EA single player Star Wars game without it first getting an almost unanimously favored user review from the masses before I even think of buying it.


See, I think this is the perfect approach!


Previously, I would see the BioWare name attached to something and purchase it. Probably still a little reckless, but I did always enjoy what I got.


Now -- if I see the EA name anywhere on a product -- I do my research first. They've done nothing to deserve my blind faith, and have lost most of the "trust" I had for them, as a consumer. So, instead of screeching about never buying another game, like some people do -- I follow the same idea you do.


Show me that the game is actually good -- and I'll purchase it. But it isn't worth the risk for me, even if it's a $10 game.

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You are the type of gamer I was thinking of when I said there won't be any innovation but there will be money.


That's not a bad thing... if you find entertainment value in that, that's great!


I personally would like to see some innovation every once in a while.


Most great games aren't innovative. They're just really fun games. Other than maybe Galaxies I can't think of many recent Star Wars games that were in any way "innovative" so I really don't know what opportunity you think is being lost here.


And there's a really nice lack of self awareness to throw out this "oh, you're the type of gamer I meant when I said there wouldn't be any innovation" thing because I said that I'd gladly buy more KOTOR games, when you're talking about video games based on a ridiculously huge franchise like Star Wars on a forum dedicated to a MMO which is essentially a second sequel KOTOR anyway. I guess you only want certain types of innovation, who cares about new IPs.

Edited by Odlus
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From our point of view (people who play and love TOR and SWTOR), this are good news. If someone was worried about what disney will do with swtor, that fear is gone. And be honest, with DICE around i have the feelling that we will see that Battlefront 3 game someday in the future.
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I guess they could have chosen a lot worse publishers

I do not think that EA is certain to make bad Star Wars video games. Miracles do happen ;).

But your link is hilarious. Look at how users rated last EA games on the very same Metacritic . As a consumer i see no reason to be happy that certain publisher gets high score only from professional reviewers but is butchered by feedback generated by actual users of its products. You think that this is positive thing??

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I have a bad feeling about this


Same here but I'm reserving judgement until I actually see what sort of games start coming out.


No one really knows how this is going to affect the Star Wars games franchise at this point but consumer trust and loyalty has to count for something rather than just the quality of the games themselves.


If EA manage to get this right they could start building that trust again which would be nice to see.


Time will tell if they bother to do that though or if they just treat this as another cash grab like SimCity with no regard for the consumer.

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We have a winner!


EA doesn't innovate. Their executive team doesn't possess the intestinal fortitude to fade the risk.


Instead, EA buys companies that innovated and were successful and makes them repeat their games as sequels a few times until the games' players realize there's no longer any innovation and the games sorta suck now. Then EA shutters that company and looks for another one to buy.


Therefore, any and all Star Wars games produced under this contract will be rote re-writes of the same old same old the EA sub-companies have been doing since before EA bought them. No innovation. Nothing cool. No "wow" factor.


In short, there will be no good Star Wars games (think about how KOTOR stretched things) while this contract remains in force.


This about sums it up....

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Same here but I'm reserving judgement until I actually see what sort of games start coming out.


No one really knows how this is going to affect the Star Wars games franchise at this point but consumer trust and loyalty has to count for something rather than just the quality of the games themselves.


If EA manage to get this right they could start building that trust again which would be nice to see.


Time will tell if they bother to do that though or if they just treat this as another cash grab like SimCity with no regard for the consumer.


Hopefully the New CEO will have more of a connection to his customers. Obviously Ritchtello had zero understanding of his customers wants and needs. He severly underestimated the MMO player base and their expectation for online gaming products. I don hold much hope for TOR being any more then what it is nor do i expect a full blown expansion that enriches and expands the game. But i do think EA will think very deeply if they venture into another AAA MMO and realize you cant make a pure theme park MMO with limiting linear game play. As for a cash grab thats exactly what game companies are doing . Neverwinter is a perfect example of F2P models going way to far ,the price point for that games cash shop is absloute robbery.

I dont hold much hope for MMOs now, they are no longer a premium service they are carnival that charge you for admission then fleece you for every last cent you brought with you. I do have high hopes for all the Kick starter projects moving the Genre forward in terms of game play and hope to see more independent studios blossom like trion did.

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But your link is hilarious. Look at how users rated last EA games on the very same Metacritic


Sure, let's sort by user score and take a look at some of the high quality reviews that helped contribute to ME3's low score:




Save yourself the time and trouble of purchasing this god-awful travesty and simply hit yourself in the ********s. Repeatedly. This is the same feeling you will get as the end credits roll over this steaming pile of dog manure.


This game is one of the best games of the Mass Effect series, unfortunately the experience and memory of the poor ending of this game makes that all moot.






CAUTION The author is not afraid of repercussion of this article, unlike â


this is dumb dumb even with total bad ending the even more problem to it the kinect feature on 360 does not do what we ask it when you say player name advance to attack stay back etc then when u use words like ok let go say it sometimes it pick it up


Sodomic, heterophobic pile of crap, propaganding **** BS.


Also sloppy gameplay (though it was like this in ME2 too) and no signs of RPG and of course day 1 DLC.


made just to get look at the corrupted critics just for the money made just to get look at the corrupted critics just for the money made just to get look at the corrupted critics just for the money made just to get look at the corrupted critics just for the money made just to get look at the corrupted critics just for the money


My God, this game is so bad. I mean, ***, is this even real??? Graphics suxxxx monkey balls, no killstreaks, no quick scopez, joke man. This game is garbage PS I didn't play it.


That's just one page. And I didn't even include all of the other "I would have given this game a 10 but the ending makes it deserve a -10" reviews for redundancy. And I kept a stupid one out for throwing out a slur.


One of the few things more lol than using Metacritic scores as an argument is using Metacritic user scores as an argument.

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EA is far too much money-oriented for my personal taste - we won't never ever ever see Star Wars non-action Adventure games made by them. No way. They are far too much profit-oriented for this kind of games (and they wouldn't know how to do them anyway, since they just don't have any experience in that area of non-action Adventure games).

They won't do hardcore RPGs, either.


They will not focus on those games, no, because the market for them is now so small that it would not pay for itself (or maybe barely). People these days want fat a casual games (sadly).

As will anyone who had at least one semester of economy tell you, the primary goal of any company is to make profit. And you cannot make profit if you do not have people willing to buy your product.

It is sad, yes, but unless we somehow manage to reeducate significant part of gamers that hardcore RPGs are good and worthwhile, they will not play them, and therefore there will be much less interest in making them.

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They will not focus on those games, no, because the market for them is now so small that it would not pay for itself (or maybe barely).


Don't be so quick to say that, The Witcher 2 & Dark Souls are hard, and yet they were successfull.

I guess in the end it's not about a game being hardcore or not, it simply needs to be fun to play, and THAT, is what EA needs to understand.

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Sure, let's sort by user score and take a look at some of the high quality reviews that helped contribute to ME3's low score:






That's just one page. And I didn't even include all of the other "I would have given this game a 10 but the ending makes it deserve a -10" reviews for redundancy. And I kept a stupid one out for throwing out a slur.


One of the few things more lol than using Metacritic scores as an argument is using Metacritic user scores as an argument.


Listening to actual user feedback is LOL? Are you among EA top management because this certainly looks like their business model.

Thousands of consumers downvoted the game - look at PC ratio. Going strawman and pulling few (supposedly) random posts does not change it. Compare Skyrim user votes to ME3 ones.

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Listening to actual user feedback is LOL? Are you among EA top management because this certainly looks like their business model.

Thousands of consumers downvoted the game - look at PC ratio. Going strawman and pulling few (supposedly) random posts does not change it. Compare Skyrim user votes to ME3 ones.


Are you aware that the VAST majority of feedback is negative for EVERYTHING?


Basic psychology. More often than not, people will ONLY give feedback when they are upset. How many times have you thanked an excellent healer in your group, aside from the "ty for group"? How often do you acknowledge the excellence in quality from a restaurant?


People expect perfection now, and only have feedback when it doesn't meet their expectations.

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Are you aware that the VAST majority of feedback is negative for EVERYTHING?


Basic psychology. More often than not, people will ONLY give feedback when they are upset. How many times have you thanked an excellent healer in your group, aside from the "ty for group"? How often do you acknowledge the excellence in quality from a restaurant?


People expect perfection now, and only have feedback when it doesn't meet their expectations.

I really don't want to derail the thread further but there are plenty of extremely popular games that have overwhelmingly positive Metacritic user score.

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I really don't want to derail the thread further but there are plenty of extremely popular games that have overwhelmingly positive Metacritic user score.


Yep, so you're statement that "plenty of extremely popular games" have great reviews completely invalidates decades of psychological research and market proof.


Nevermind, I thought we were discussing facts. Continue on, don't let me interrupt you.

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I really don't want to derail the thread further but there are plenty of extremely popular games that have overwhelmingly positive Metacritic user score.


You do realise that metacritic has always had a constant problem with false scoring from water armys right ?

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Listening to actual user feedback is LOL? Are you among EA top management because this certainly looks like their business model.

Thousands of consumers downvoted the game - look at PC ratio. Going strawman and pulling few (supposedly) random posts does not change it. Compare Skyrim user votes to ME3 ones.


I didn't pull random posts. I went to a single page and pulled the ones that specific page that were clearly not valid reviews. I even linked you to the page the posts came from, so your use of "supposedly" just shows you don't actually care about actual evidence or lack of it.


Bethesda doesn't have a rabid hate machine working against it that think its video games are worse than a gulf full of oil or people losing their homes.

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Yep, so you're statement that "plenty of extremely popular games" have great reviews completely invalidates decades of psychological research and market proof.


Nevermind, I thought we were discussing facts. Continue on, don't let me interrupt you.

Accessing and navigating Metacritic site is not hard however i see that in this case help is needed.

Skyrim - user score 8.2


Bioshock : infinite - 8.7


TWD - 8.5


I really can go on and bring you dozens of similar scores but this is SWTOR site and i am afraid to be force-choked

by mods.

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Accessing and navigating Metacritic site is not hard however i see that in this case help is needed.

Skyrim - user score 8.2


Bioshock : infinite - 8.7


TWD - 8.5


I really can go on and bring you dozens of similar scores but this is SWTOR site and i am afraid to be force-choked

by mods.


I fail to see how this refutes decades of psychological study and proof.


The FACT remains:

People are MORE LIKELY to give unsolicited feedback when it is NEGATIVE.


I'm not arguing that the other person quoting some BS website is correct -- as really, neither of you are. Using even a site like that is the same as using these forums to gauge the entire SWTOR community.


Welcome to the internet. Where you shouldn't be trusting anything.

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