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does it make sense for a pure-blood to be an inquisitor?


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Because you start as a slave and are referred to disdainfully as coming from slave background all the way through chapter 3.


I think he's asking, "Would a Sith Pureblood ever be a slave within the Empire?"


Yes, that is what I am asking.

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I don't think it makes much sense, because your competing Acolyte (Ffon) is favored by Overseer Harkun because he is a Pureblood. A lot of lines simply do not make sense in the context of the player character being a Sith Pureblood as well.
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A human or alien would work better. For a dark side inquisitor humans tend to work better, while Zabrak or any other alien species work well for a light side inquisitor, because you get to complain about alien oppression and all that.
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In ancient Roman society, wealthy citizens owned slaves from conquered territories. Race had little to do with

one being a slave. Many prominent Romans relied upon their Greek slave scribes to run their businesses.

Gladiatorial games were one way for a strong slave to gain his freedom (if he survived long enough.)

The devs of SWTOR/George Lucas no doubt based much of "The Empire" upon the Ancient Roman Empire.

In the game, if you are discovered to be Force-sensitive within the Empire, you are taken to be trained as a Sith.

If you survive training and intrigues, you go straight to the top of the caste.


So, that Sith Pureblood slave may have be born to a family of slaves because his ancestors got the shaft somewhere in the past and he was just "lucky" to Force-sensitive.


Or, my favorite explanation : the devs knew that if people could not play a Sith Pureblood SI , they would wail and moan to no end of how unfair it was.

Edited by Noblis
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It is entirely possible for a pure blood to come from the inquisitor background. The pure bloods had a caste system which included a slave caste. The pure blood inquisitor came from that caste.
This. However, it seems like Bioware didn't actually thought about this. Originally, Inquisitor was not supposed to be Pureblood and they did in fact designed the story this way, you can tell by some of the dialogues. But it's rather a mistake, especially if you consider that Kallig was supposed to live during the times of Tulak Hord which means he couldn't really be anything but a Pureblood/mixed-Pureblood.
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This. However, it seems like Bioware didn't actually thought about this. Originally, Inquisitor was not supposed to be Pureblood and they did in fact designed the story this way, you can tell by some of the dialogues. But it's rather a mistake, especially if you consider that Kallig was supposed to live during the times of Tulak Hord which means he couldn't really be anything but a Pureblood/mixed-Pureblood.


The same happened with the Chiss, which was supposed to be an imperial agent exclusive. There's this strange moment in the storyline, where my Chiss BH asked another Chiss were the Chiss resided... Zabraak weren't also early on an available race for the Sith Warrior storyline, from what I've been able to gather. Not sure about the Zabraak but Rattataki weren't supposed to be available on the IA storyline neither. :\


Either way, with the whole Legacy race unlock introduction, it doesn't really make a difference anymore, other than the odd paradox here and there.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Does it actually state you're a pure blood when you select the sith race :p sure it'd make sense that it's a pure blood, but who knows if you're characters father was sith and mother was an ewok lol.


Guys better get some in game DNA tests done!

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Does it actually state you're a pure blood when you select the sith race :p sure it'd make sense that it's a pure blood, but who knows if you're characters father was sith and mother was an ewok lol.


Guys better get some in game DNA tests done!


I think it's "pure" in so much as Purebloods have more or more of the dominant features of the original Sith species, as there has been a lot of interbreeding between Sith and Humans, meaning that they are not literally entirely Sith. There's a Korriban Academy quest where you can scan various Overseers for the quality of their blood and, IIRC, two of the three are human-presenting. Yes, you do get poor results, but it also implies that the "humans" within the Empire can carry old Sith blood.

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This. However, it seems like Bioware didn't actually thought about this. Originally, Inquisitor was not supposed to be Pureblood and they did in fact designed the story this way, you can tell by some of the dialogues. But it's rather a mistake, especially if you consider that Kallig was supposed to live during the times of Tulak Hord which means he couldn't really be anything but a Pureblood/mixed-Pureblood.


This (and imo this alone) is why a Pureblood does make sense as a SI ( I'd maybe put the Kallig bit in spoiler tags). Though as others have pointed out, there are some conversations and dialogue options that contradict this; however, if one was to assume based on the above that npcs are aware that the SI is of slave heritage/in disgrace/may as well be an alien it makes a little more sense. It's a slight stretch and could take some fanagling, but it's possible. I'd say when it comes to the beginning with Ffon, it's safe to assume the Academy would know the SI's family is in disgrace and just lump them in the general "dirty/lowlife/useless alien" category. Afterall, Sith generally view things in black and white.

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This has been discussed to death. Pureblood's can be slaves. Read the Revan novel. When I was playing through, I had people make reference both to me being a slave and to me being Pureblood and had voice options representing both, so it seems to work well in the context of the class. Edited by seekerofpower
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Actually you could be a sith pureblood, just be a lighter skinned skinned one, close to pale as possible. The closer to white skinned you are, the less pure you are thought to be and tainted. Why it is possible.
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If you read the beginning loading screen it states the reason you are a slave was because you were in league with a fallen Sith Lord. you can also tell the Pureblood in the Purity quest-line that you are red skinned as well.


Harkun's distaste of you makes sense with your background.

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Bioware only put pure bloods in due to whining beta testers. Inquisitors were not never and their story was not written for purebloods.


However, Bioware added purebloods, and went the extra mile and justified it. If you read your 'intro' you were in league with a fallen Sith lord and that was how you became a 'slave.'


Of course, no one gives Bioware credit for icing the cake.

Edited by maxetius
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Bioware only put pure bloods in due to whining beta testers. Inquisitors were not never and their story was not written for purebloods.


However, Bioware added purebloods, and went the extra mile and justified it. If you read your 'intro' you were in league with a fallen Sith lord and that was how you became a 'slave.'


Of course, no one gives Bioware credit for icing the cake.


This. During the Foundry flashpoint, there's an option that allows you to say that your species doesn't have any sith blood, even when you're playing... a pure blooded sith(!!!). Guess they forgot to rectify that, the same fashion they forgot to rectify the odd bit concerning a Chiss Bounty Hunter.


- - - -


Also, having played three inquisitors, there is not a single instance in the storyline when a pure blooded Sith is recognized as such, despite what other people may have said in this storyline.

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This. During the Foundry flashpoint, there's an option that allows you to say that your species doesn't have any sith blood, even when you're playing... a pure blooded sith(!!!). Guess they forgot to rectify that, the same fashion they forgot to rectify the odd bit concerning a Chiss Bounty Hunter.


- - - -


Also, having played three inquisitors, there is not a single instance in the storyline when a pure blooded Sith is recognized as such, despite what other people may have said in this storyline.


What odd bit concerning a Chiss Bounty Hunter? Or do you mean Chiss Smuggler?


Yeah, the dialogue of the NPCs in game, do not support Pure Blooded Sith being Inquisitors.


At the same time, the class itself fits a Pure Blooded Sith. Perhaps they should have done the storyline a bit differently, or go back and fix a lot of dialogue.

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What odd bit concerning a Chiss Bounty Hunter? Or do you mean Chiss Smuggler?


No, I mean Chiss Bounty Hunter. Last time I checked, unless you unlock it through the Cartel Market or by fully leveling as a Chiss, you can't play a Chiss Smuggler from the get-go.


Anyway, the line I'm refering to is one where my Chiss BH asked another Chiss where exactly, in the Unknown Regions I think, they resided. That made no sense to me so after some digging, I came to know that the Chiss were originally only available for the imperial agent storyline, just like the Zabraak weren't an option either for the SW.

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This. During the Foundry flashpoint, there's an option that allows you to say that your species doesn't have any sith blood, even when you're playing... a pure blooded sith(!!!). Guess they forgot to rectify that, the same fashion they forgot to rectify the odd bit concerning a Chiss Bounty Hunter.


- - - -


Also, having played three inquisitors, there is not a single instance in the storyline when a pure blooded Sith is recognized as such, despite what other people may have said in this storyline.


Reminds me of the number of times the game fails to realise my trooper is a cyborg.


Particularly in the mission where you have to

rescue some civilians who have been kidnapped and turned into cyborgs

, and they're basically going "Oh no, this is horrible, how could we live with being cyborgs, that's disgusting!" and I'm thinking "Hello - I'm standing right here in front of you. Could you perhaps not insult the person who just rescued you?"

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