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Annihilation Marauder Test Parse Crit%

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Ok, So I tested 10 Attempt with 3/3 Malice and 2/3 DWM, I shouldn't even put the result, lol but here we go






So I had the same Stats as my Second Series of Test, Except i PUT 2/3 in Dual Wield Mastery and 3/3 in Malice


STR : 3043

Bonus DMG : 1396.2

Accuracy : 109.31%

Crit Chance : 25.25%

Crit Multiplier : 68.72%


Reminder of my Second Series ((0 Crit Rating) 23.25% Crit)


Average DPS : 2327,13 DPS

Average Crit : 30.12%


Fourth Series of Test ((0 Crit Rating)25.25% Crit) 2/3 Dual wield Mastery, 3/3 Malice


Average DPS : 2266.95 DPS

Average Crit : 30.03%


I'll let u guys come up with ur own conclusion


P.S. : For all of the series the parse could of been higher I tried to time to stop when my dot wears off, but there always a delay before u get out of combat, and i noticed i usually loose between 40-80 dps just for waiting.

Edited by Aphrodisiak
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Here's a stupidly long parse of mine on a dummy just mindlessly trying to tighten my rotation.


With 0 crit rating I'm still getting over 32% crit chance overall. Currently 36/8/2 build.


(And yes I hit a dummy for 18 minutes straight. I'm new to Watchman/Annihilation and have literally no idea what I'm doing, and my guild wants me to raid with it.)


Edit: Stats!

2574 Strength

1511 Power

100.23% Melee Accuracy

18.07% Melee Crit Chance (0 Crit Rating)

68.27% Surge (306 Rating)

905.4 Bonus Damage

1373-1607 MH Damage

332-498 OH Damage


1399.4 Force Bonus Damage

110.23% Force Accuracy

22.47% Force Crit Chance

68.27% Surge


Conqueror Relic of Serendipitous Assault

Underworld Relic of Boundless Ages

All four buffs.

Re-usable Nano-Infused Might Stim.

Re-usable Nano-Infused Attack Adrenal

Used Inspiration/Bloodthirst once. (I think.)

All augments are blue Overkill 28 augments. (All gear augmented with MK-9s.)

Mix of 69 and 72 armorings/mods/enhancements.

2-piece set bonus.

Edited by KenseiMahou
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Ok, So I tested 10 Attempt with 3/3 Malice and 2/3 DWM, I shouldn't even put the result, lol but here we go






So I had the same Stats as my Second Series of Test, Except i PUT 2/3 in Dual Wield Mastery and 3/3 in Malice


STR : 3043

Bonus DMG : 1396.2

Accuracy : 109.31%

Crit Chance : 25.25%

Crit Multiplier : 68.72%


Reminder of my Second Series ((0 Crit Rating) 23.25% Crit)


Average DPS : 2327,13 DPS

Average Crit : 30.12%


Fourth Series of Test ((0 Crit Rating)25.25% Crit) 2/3 Dual wield Mastery, 3/3 Malice


Average DPS : 2266.95 DPS

Average Crit : 30.03%


I'll let u guys come up with ur own conclusion


P.S. : For all of the series the parse could of been higher I tried to time to stop when my dot wears off, but there always a delay before u get out of combat, and i noticed i usually loose between 40-80 dps just for waiting.


Thanks, appreciate your effort with this. Looks like 3/3 DWM it is (unless I have read those results wrong :p)

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Thanks, appreciate your effort with this. Looks like 3/3 DWM it is (unless I have read those results wrong :p)


It's actually almost impossible to draw conclusions from 10 parses from a single player, it simply isn't as reliable as a simple mathematically correct model. A couple 3 minute parses doesn't even begin to approach statistical significance.


I've swapped from 0 to about 200 now they I've accumulated abit more gear on the basis that the 0 crit rating fad was mostly conjecture and one incomplete spreadsheet over on mmomechanics, the thing about spreadsheets is they don't illustrate natural variance like a fully functioning sim would over 100,000+ iterations. I'm wondering if that while 0 crit rating might yield a better avg, it may do so at the cost of widening the degree of natural variance.


So far my results with adding crit have been similar to 0, but as expected with less lows overall. Unfortunately as I stated above, the limited results of one individual are hardly significant. My overall feeling is that much like pre 2.0, the difference between optimized crit rating and unoptimized crit rating is likely to be so small as to once again fall into the area encompassed by natural variance.


There seems to be something slightly off with some of your damage distributions in some of these parses as well. Would you mind posting the action priority list you use? Also is there a reason you aren't using DST?

Edited by Saferai
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there.

I wanted to give my thought about that. Please apologise my bad english.


I think speed is forgotten here. I´m sure that every personal play style will change the effect but on my opinion ist some speed not bad at all and at the moment with my gear more importat than crit.

Let me show you some examples:


Max power: 2425 / 2441 / 2535


You can see here fine if you are lucky with the Proc or not ;) That why i don´t use the UW relic anymore.


Speed at 1.92% 2440 / 2516 / 2478


Here is the problem that the skill cooldown´s will get some bad spot´s where no skill is free to use.


Speed at 2.92%: 2533 / 2513 / 2475


Last try is bad because i got a bad lag.


Every try was with 4 buff´s and an new Prototype Nano Might Stim.

Nothing else was used, every try was 5-6 minutes long to equalize crit-luck.

You can see my Stats here: http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/aa97683a-70e7-465d-a495-6318722c26e6


What are your thought about that? Had anyone else some experience with that?

Greetings Aiteinti - Vanjervalis Chains

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MainHand DMG (Pri): 1410-1661 DPS

Bonus DMG: 906,8

Accuracy: 99,99 %

Crit: 22,57 %

CritMulti: 67,87 %



Bonus DMG: 1425,3

Accuracy: 109,99 %

Crit: 27,09 %


It´s a German log:

4 buffs, Nano Stim, bloodthirst was used

double AP-Pric Relict (PvP,PvE)

Anhilation 5min+

Edited by LordDavic
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I think there are more factors than being looked at here.


This is on a dummy which does not dip to 30% where we are at risk of being rage starved. This is also a point int he boss fight you will save Bloodthirst for because it is when you deal the most damage. In some fights where you can get two off it's a little different. Or in cases where you have to save it for a burn phase.


Malice offers no assistance to procing extra rage.


Also are STR augments the must haves? What about power augments then make up that missing crit with crit rating. Which shouldn't take much. Especially if crit is so undervalued.

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It is pointless for you and everyone else. With the realese of 2.0 we KNOW that power is better per point then crit (except for certain classes where 100 pts of crit is better FIRST, then into power. But that is another theory crafting topic.). Before 2.0, if you were a Sent/Marauder you did NOT stack crit. At all, zero, sip, ziltch.

Now that's some news :-) You are the first mara I'm hearing about this from. To be serious, you did benefit from crit pre-2.0, I've seen a lot of builds with crits varying from around 22 to 30% buffed, never seen a build with zero crit. And I'm still skeptical about zero crit even post 2.0, I'd still throw in some. I have heard a lot of advocates of zero post-2.0 crit, but have never seen enough numbers to support it. Right now I'm aiming to have close to 24% crit buffed when I get full 72 gear on a carnage mara. Reason: the Sever skill (never played Annihilation, but it has Bleedout with a similar description). I believe a 30% bonus dmg on crits is really nice.

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200 crit is a reasonable investment I figure, it's a 4% return. The curve hits its first hiccup between 200-300, as 300 only returns 5.5% or so.


Quote from him in our website

In a week or so I'll check out full Power vs Crit on the dummy and stagger it with the crit pieces I do have. Simulator with Relics says 3058 dps and I'm currently 2850~2925, so we'll see.
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These parses are misleading.


They do not show the benefit of crit rating because you cannot use Vicious Throw which consumes 3 rage. Critical hits from melee attacks on a bleeding target are just enough to refund 3 rage allowing you to use Annihilation, Vicious Throw AND Vicious Slash when the target has less than 30% health (in lieu of Assault). It also allows you to reset the cooldown of rupture much more frequently thus drastically increasing your damage output.


All of these tests on an Operation dummy just don't work when testing classes with an execute ability. All warrior classes become rage starved when execute can be used. Crit rating helps refund rage in the case of the Annihilation Spec.

Edited by Yeochins
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So full power or with crit build?


Mods mostly 69,several 72 parts

in crit build-29%Crit chance/72%Crit Multi=DPS arround ~~2150


in power/crit build with more power less crit(25%Crit chance/70%Crit Multi)=DPS ~~2300


in full power build(1401Power,20%Crit chance,64%Crit Multi)=DPS ~~2450



Test with all class buff and stim.

Edited by Czikuita
After tests on lvl55 operation dummy
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so we all know marauders dont need crit all that much k settled but power was nerfed in 2.0 and u all are parsing at 68% surge noooooo especially in carnage im running 80% surge and im seeing a constant 2300 dps and even when i spec into anni depending on the op,fp,pvp situation ill be in but i wouldnt go no more then 500 power these days the bonus damge is no where near the advantage ur of the additional 20% surge # auto crits
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so we all know marauders dont need crit all that much k settled but power was nerfed in 2.0 and u all are parsing at 68% surge noooooo especially in carnage im running 80% surge and im seeing a constant 2300 dps and even when i spec into anni depending on the op,fp,pvp situation ill be in but i wouldnt go no more then 500 power these days the bonus damge is no where near the advantage ur of the additional 20% surge # auto crits


What are you talking about? With current gear, there is no way to get 80% Critical Muiltiplier without a) sacrificing accuracy and b) using surge augments which are a dps loss. Also, power did not take a nerf of any sort. I have no idea where you thought you saw that, but it's as it has always been; a flat 0.23 bonus damage per point of power.

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so we all know marauders dont need crit all that much k settled but power was nerfed in 2.0 and u all are parsing at 68% surge noooooo especially in carnage im running 80% surge and im seeing a constant 2300 dps and even when i spec into anni depending on the op,fp,pvp situation ill be in but i wouldnt go no more then 500 power these days the bonus damge is no where near the advantage ur of the additional 20% surge # auto crits


What are you smoking?

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