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PvP'ers need money too.


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Instead of giving dailies and weeklies that will just encourage more people to ignore the objectives in warzones, why not make dailies and weeklies that will encourage world pvp by making some that require you kill x amount of players on <insert planet name here>.


This would be awesome, if they first implemented a working open world pvp scene. Right now i think it would only mean 55's would camp lowlevel spawn locations and gank them.


Like i said earlier, for this to work i think we would need stuff simular to the Gree Event, but permanent and on more then 1 planet....you know some PvE meets PvP type of scenarios. Because this has to work on non-pvp servers as well, so the option to do pve missions in the area should be there - but you should have better gain by being flagged. And obviously on pvp servers there would be perma-flag.


I think the gree event is a tiny step in the right direction, it should be faction based though and permanent. But it's a good way to implement content for both PvE'rs and PvP'rs if they just think it thorugh properly.

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Or knows that you don't really need to use highlevel augs to abuse this particular exploit...


Shhhh, now he'll be running around with MK-1s and presence 3 augments

Edited by Katchie
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Honestly, I don't quite understand WHY some of you are so AGAINST pve grinding... Like it's there for a reason. Most of you are choosing to ignore the other half of the actual game to make money because you apparently don't like it. No one's forcing you to do it, which is why you don't need to do it but gosh darn bros, just grind. You can literally do the daily/weekly on black hole and get 100k on EACH character you have. I know some of you have like 8 alts... that's 800k right there, not to mention the money you get some sending your comps out to sell trash lol.


P.S. Don't get me wrong, some more actual dailies/weeklies for PvP would be amazing, since I do love to PvP, especially on my op. I am in support of more dailies and weeklies to get some more cash but damn.


Because people don't all enjoy the same thing. An MMO is like an all-you-can-eat buffet. Lots of different kinds of gameplay (food). Eat what you like. Don't eat what you dislike. You don't have to like and eat every single thing they serve at a buffet to go to a buffet and enjoy it.


Take space combat in this game. Some people like it. Lots of people hate it and can't stand it. Imagine if it were the only source of credits in this game. Should everyone be made to do something they can't stand just to make money simply because the aspect of the game exists and some people enjoy it or can stand to do it at least?

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Clearly you don't pvp or augment gear.


Clearly you are too lazy to get some money... The money in this game are litterally lay on the floor..

And yet some PvP-ers cry for money.

You know what? If you will earn even 100K per warzone it will NOT SAVE YOU. It is simple economics.

If everyone had excess of money the GTN prices will rise as well. Dont trust me? Search the google about real world economics and how it works.


You can easily make 100-200K per day doing warzones.

Too hard for you to fully augment yourself in a week? lol.. You are just bad.

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Because people don't all enjoy the same thing. An MMO is like an all-you-can-eat buffet. Lots of different kinds of gameplay (food). Eat what you like. Don't eat what you dislike. You don't have to like and eat every single thing they serve at a buffet to go to a buffet and enjoy it.


Take space combat in this game. Some people like it. Lots of people hate it and can't stand it. Imagine if it were the only source of credits in this game. Should everyone be made to do something they can't stand just to make money simply because the aspect of the game exists and some people enjoy it or can stand to do it at least?


Ok. Then why you are trying to deny the PvP fun for a PvE-er? Why you PvP-ers are against Bolster?

If i dont like PvP grind why you deny me to have decenrt gear in PvP when i have top PvE gear?

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Ok. Then why you are trying to deny the PvP fun for a PvE-er? Why you PvP-ers are against Bolster?

If i dont like PvP grind why you deny me to have decenrt gear in PvP when i have top PvE gear?


Because it's a different thing. You have to pvp to get pvp gear and pve to get pve gear. Too bad you also have to pve to get your pvp gear augmented. Or wait for an eternity so you get enough money from pvp.

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Aug kit mk-9 currently costs 125k+ on the Progenitor.

Purple Resolve 28 augs go for 200k.

Sum these two, then multiply by 14, and you see the potential need for some cash...


Especially when you play multiple characters ):

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Here's a simpler solution. Increase the credits per WZ. The end.


Seriously it wasn't that difficult to come up. I swear. Just to throw an arbitrary (but fair IMO) number at this idea, lets start with 20-25k per WZ at level 50 and 25-30k at level 55. Another option could be to scale credits per level. In other words a level 10-19 could get 100 credits per level for a minimum of 1k per WZ and max of 1.9k. Level 20-29 could get 200 per level. At level 55 you'd get 27.5k per WZ (basically in line with my first number).


Simpler but more boring. These dailies the OP and other proposed add some flavor to the PvP, you have more things to do.

I'd add that the risk with just increasing the credits at the end of WZ is making the AFKers to plague the WZ again, since you just have to be there at the end of the WZ. You know the ones who just run to an objective, afking by there earning def/att medals and who can't be kicked...

The dailies and weeklies asking for killing people, scoring in Huttball or whatever need to be active. In my opinion, that's better.

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Why do you need money as PvP-er? to exploit the aug-bolster bug?


PvP still relies heavily on crafting and crafting products. have you ever tried slicing quests for purple aug mats? they're exceedingly rare. the missions are a money sink.


if you PvE, then you can stockpile loads of scavenging/archaeology/bioanalysis mats. guess what you don't get, as an after thought, in PvP without dropping money on companion quests? yep. you guessed it: scavenging/archaeology/bioanalysis mats.


all of that said, every WZ is its own "daily," as they all reward comms and money -- more if you win. I don't have an overwhelming need for more money. I like the idea of more quests/objectives to mix things up. I prefer it as weekly stuff.


and yes, it could reduce the number of objective minded players in WZs. lol

Edited by foxmob
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Clearly you are too lazy to get some money... The money in this game are litterally lay on the floor..

And yet some PvP-ers cry for money.

You know what? If you will earn even 100K per warzone it will NOT SAVE YOU. It is simple economics.

If everyone had excess of money the GTN prices will rise as well. Dont trust me? Search the google about real world economics and how it works.


You can easily make 100-200K per day doing warzones.

Too hard for you to fully augment yourself in a week? lol.. You are just bad.


So your solution is to cut off a selected group of people from earning as much income as the rest? -How about you google that and see what that's called irl:rolleyes:


Please explain how i easily can make creds enough on warzones to fully augment myself in a week. Because you're not basing that on the time you have to spend online right? -But ofc, with your logic an unemployed person on wellfare earns as much as someone with a topjob too - it just takes longer, huh?


Is there ANY valid reason at all, why anyone would be against PvPers being able to earn all their credits via various means of pvp? -Because im not too sure i've seen one yet.


Ok. Then why you are trying to deny the PvP fun for a PvE-er? Why you PvP-ers are against Bolster?

If i dont like PvP grind why you deny me to have decenrt gear in PvP when i have top PvE gear?


First of all, being against bolster does not equal being against an equal playing field. Secondly, sure just make my pvp gear equal to your pve gear in flashpoints and operations too then. Because this was all about equiality, right?


-Right now, the credit payouts are NOT equal between PvE - PvP. When it comes to actual doing PvE or PvP, it WAS equal until now; MY pvp gear didnt work too well in eldergame PvE and your PvE gear didnt work too well in PvP. Is that not equal, hmm?


Aug kit mk-9 currently costs 125k+ on the Progenitor.

Purple Resolve 28 augs go for 200k.

Sum these two, then multiply by 14, and you see the potential need for some cash...


Dont forget the costs to rip out mods and buy actual slots on the workstation, thats another what 50k per item? =)


Then we have all the rest of the items too. Why should vanity items, vehicles, cartel items...anything on the market really - be exclusive to PvErs? If i want a funny pet, why shouldnt i be able to buy that with money earned from PvP? What exactly is the reasoning behind that? -It's not like there is a huge pool of items i can get from my WZ comms....so i assume those items are meant for ALL.

Edited by Twin
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I hate to tell you this, but from what I can tell, most PvE players HATE the dailies as well, so suck it up and do it like everyone else. This coming from someone who does both PvP and PvE, on multiple characters, so filling out multiple PvE/PvP sets for Aug kits/augments


They are boring (yes), tedious, and does feel like a chore.but they are a necessary evil.

Edited by Toraak
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I hate to tell you this, but from what I can tell, most PvE players HATE the dailies as well, so suck it up and do it like everyone else. This coming from someone who does both PvP and PvE, on multiple characters, so filling out multiple PvE/PvP sets for Aug kits/augments


They are boring (yes), tedious, and does feel like a chore.but they are a necessary evil.


i'm not gonna get in on the whole "we deserve dailies" thing. I mean...whatever. but why wouldn't you want fun dailies/weeklies like X amount of kills or such and such protection, etc.? the only remotely valid argument I"ve seen against this is that it would encourage ppl to avoid wz objectives for the sake of the kills. personally, I don't think that's a big deal. it would only occur in pugs, and they're helter skelter anyway.

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Seriously, the hackers are very few in WZ. On POT5 since Ginger I didn't see one.


Just a small reminder that the biggest hack to make credit in SWTOR back in the day was the bot on spatial mission and not PvP. Thanks BW they fix it and ban theses hackers.


If you are a real PvPer and only do WZ you will understand this problem. All the MK-9, augment and Mod swipping is really expensive for a PvPer. If a PvPer use at least 3 seismic grenade per game his profit start to be very very small.


So for PvP sake get out of this PvP forum and go farm your dailies on Makeb. Repair for doing PvP ?!?! Tssss get out now before I force choke you with my legacy abilities.


Ya see i look at those "real" pvpers as players who are limited swtor players . If they dont want to do other content, that is their choice but trying to promote the idea as if it make the 1 limited aspect of their interaction with the game more valid, is childish like say your " gonna force choke you with my legacy whatever". I should probably point out that legacy abilities only work in PVE situations so try to imagine how stupid i think you are right now rotflmao :D


Back when i was playing on POT5 (which is a very long time ago) I, not being a "real " pvper like you , held the server pvp protection record for several months but no doubt a pvp leviathan like you holds many pvp records. I like it all really pvp, raiding and fund everything by crafting high end items that have a large credit value. i would rather go to the dentist than do dailies. Actually i still have over 100,000,000 credits on that server but haven't set foot there in months as i chose a server closer to my location.

perhaps you could make a few credits by putting up some sort of SWTOR begging bowl on your youtube channel you pathetic broke-azzz *****

lmao mainly @you


It is stupid short-sighted ideas like the one you are helping promote that will open the door to pvp repair bills which Eric (who never met a bad idea he didn't like) has already stated in interview, is under consideration. If and when that happens, it will be players like you that will be crying in forums about it even though you helped bring it about

you moronic ****.

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yeah pvpers need money too, in my opinion this is unfair that i cannot earn money as PVPer and i need it too. The ideas from 1st post are good, and maybe more money from WZs is good idea too.
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Clearly you are too lazy to get some money... The money in this game are litterally lay on the floor..

And yet some PvP-ers cry for money.

You know what? If you will earn even 100K per warzone it will NOT SAVE YOU. It is simple economics.

If everyone had excess of money the GTN prices will rise as well. Dont trust me? Search the google about real world economics and how it works.


You can easily make 100-200K per day doing warzones.

Too hard for you to fully augment yourself in a week? lol.. You are just bad.




I am not lazy, I do my PVE dailies almost everyday then PVP because that's what I have to do. If I told you how much money I had right now you wouldn't believe me. I work the GTN very well and sell mats/ run missions during warzones. I make the big need mk kits, augments etc to fund myself (don't want to give you my how to get rich scheme lol). I am fully augmented in purple 28s on two characters by grinding out what I needed fairly early on. Now I'm on auto pilot with massive stockpiles minus those hard to get purples which are all based on RNG which at times can be frustrating. Some people can't spend hours trying to get that stuff like myself.


I am not lazy, I pay my dues, and move on. It just bothers me when people like yourself come on here and think one liners are the key to people's solutions. Bottom line is PVP makes nothing in comparison to PVE content. Not everyone like myself has the time to grind out top tier augments and kits and their corresponding materials.


You're just a PVE scrub bucket, stay out of our warzones.

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I hate to tell you this, but from what I can tell, most PvE players HATE the dailies as well, so suck it up and do it like everyone else. This coming from someone who does both PvP and PvE, on multiple characters, so filling out multiple PvE/PvP sets for Aug kits/augments


They are boring (yes), tedious, and does feel like a chore.but they are a necessary evil.


And why exactly are you against PvP getting it's own "chores"?


Would you say the same thing if you hated pvp in any form or shape, but was forced to pvp for 45min each time you wanted to complete your dailies in 1 area, because the PvE dailies simply didn't pay enough to sustain your needs?


If PvE'rs think that PvE dailies are so boring; maybe they should focus on adding entertainment to that or suggest other sources of income to get implemented, instead of opposing PvPers to get their own "chores" in an area of content they dont dislike.


The "If PvErs have to do boring PvE missions for credits, then PvPers should have to do them too!" mentality, just doesn't cut it. Let us have our own boring and grindy missions to complete within the area of our choice too.

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-Give me a weekly that pays 50K credits for killing 50 mercs.

-Give me a daily that pays me 25K credits for scoring 5 goals in Huttball.

-Give me a daily that pays me 100K for achieving 10K defender points.

-A weekly that pays 150K for completing 5 games with 15 or more medals.

-A weekly that pays 100K for competing in 5 ranked WZ's.

-500K for winning a civil war 600-0, a novarre 100%-0%, reach the data core in 3 minutes or less, score 6 goals in 5 minutes or less, etc.


You get the idea.


I agree the rewards for PvP are lackluster as hell (and I'm not just talking about the money). 2 speeders, 2 pets and that's it. That's hardly something to look forward to. Get them once, yeah, but no long term goals. PvP needs much better rewards.


But that kind money you're suggesting is absurd, especially the 500k for smashing the other team. That quest would only be doable by premades and it would encourage rated teams of 8 to queue in unranked for easy money. They already do it for easy comms and I don't think those teams need another incentive to farm unraked warzones.


The other ideas sound good on paper but just imagine the kind of chaos they would cause if implemented, especially in PuG teams. If you got money for scoring with the Huttball, everyone would rush to middle, try to grab it and no one would support the carrier. Or if money was given out for killing specific classes, people would abandon the objectives and try to hunt others with little to no regard for the team's goal. I don't think we need to complicate warzones any further with side objectives.


But what we could do is make the standard daily (play 4 warzones, wins count as 2) repeatable more times a day. Or make simple quests like kill X people, but that would screw over healers and tanks, so probably not a good idea. It might work in open world PvP, but then people would cry about imbalanced factions (sometimes rightfully so).


Or allow crafters to learn PvP gear schematics and craft PvP shells and mods. Then RE'ing PvP mods could drop PvP crafting materials that could either be sold on the GTN for money or used up to make mods for yourself. I know you're supposed to earn your gear but it isn't really different from PvP'ing on geared characters and sending mods over via legacy items. And it would make crafters happy as well.


If Arkanian gear can be RE'd and Arkanian-level mods crafted, I don't see why we can't do the same with Partisan. Underworld/Conqueror can stay as it is, a showoff for the most experienced PvE'/PvP'ers.

Edited by CommanderKeeva
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I agree the rewards for PvP are lackluster as hell (and I'm not just talking about the money). 2 speeders, 2 pets and that's it. That's hardly something to look forward to. Get them once, yeah, but no long term goals. PvP needs much better rewards.


But that kind money you're suggesting is absurd, especially the 500k for smashing the other team. That quest would only be doable by premades and it would encourage rated teams of 8 to queue in unranked for easy money. They already do it for easy comms and I don't think those teams need another incentive to farm unraked warzones.


The other ideas sound good on paper but just imagine the kind of chaos they would cause if implemented, especially in PuG teams. If you got money for scoring with the Huttball, everyone would rush to middle, try to grab it and no one would support the carrier. Or if money was given out for killing specific classes, people would abandon the objectives and try to hunt others with little to no regard for the team's goal. I don't think we need to complicate warzones any further with side objectives.


But what we could do is make the standard daily (play 4 warzones, wins count as 2) repeatable more times a day. Or make simple quests like kill X people, but that would screw over healers and tanks, so probably not a good idea. It might work in open world PvP, but then people would cry about imbalanced factions (sometimes rightfully so).


Or allow crafters to learn PvP gear schematics and craft PvP shells and mods. Then RE'ing PvP mods could drop PvP crafting materials that could either be sold on the GTN for money or used up to make mods for yourself. I know you're supposed to earn your gear but it isn't really different from PvP'ing on geared characters and sending mods over via legacy items. And it would make crafters happy as well.


If Arkanian gear can be RE'd and Arkanian-level mods crafted, I don't see why we can't do the same with Partisan. Underworld/Conqueror can stay as it is, a showoff for the most experienced PvE'/PvP'ers.


I agree with most of your post.


However, im confident that the dev team could come up with interesting objectives for new pvp daylies/weeklies that wouldn't have such negative impacts on PUG's. IF they wanted to.


Some ideas could be:

-Win 2 warzones straight. Loss in between resets the quest

-Win a huttball game, even though opposing team had the lead at some point

-Interrupt someone turning a node

-Deliver a killing blow to someone who ambushed you from stealth




(These are just from the top of my head suggestions, some of them i think i saw posted in this thread allready)


Im sure we could come up with many awesome suggestions to make a few more dailies/weeklies that in the end likely would annoy us to death, just as PvE'rs appearantly are annoyed at their dailies =)


Can it really be that hard to create a few dailies that differ a bit from the normal "Win a game, play a game" missions?

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