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Original Vrook Lamar Players?


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Deyvon posted a thread for BC players, and I thought it was a good idea to steal. Original VL players, what was one of your fondest (or most interesting 0.o) memories pre-transfer?


The memory that stands out in my mind is Kirax and I doing our dailies in the black hole when (I don't remember how) we end up grouping with Flux and Desi for the first time. Obviously, we had heard of them in PvP, but I didn't really know them. They offered for us to join them in TeamSpeak and hang out, and I thought they had a funny way of interacting with each other. Flux asked, if eventually ranked came out, whether I'd be interested in being a part of the team. I said "sure", I liked those guys. Little did I know I'd be stuck with him a year later! :)



This thread is dedicated to Jballa, original shadow of Vrook Lamar.

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So I got into an Ascencion HM KP run on my under geared infiltration shadow being lead by Jballa. On the puzzle boss, some says in vent "alright, if people want to start hitting the boss to generate focus and such, feel free to do that". So I start building up stacks of the proc thinking "hey, this is a great idea", then the jet is fired, I'm too close (I think it was my first or second time there) and I'm promptly dead. All I hear in TS is Jballa asking what happened and how (it's tough dying as soon as the fight starts mind you) and I got REALLY quiet. And "we" ( everyone else, I was dead the whole time) still got the droid down. By the way Jballa, in case you were wondering, that's how I managed to die so fast. And don't worry, I haven't done that in a long time. It's been a solid 2 weeks I swear.
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I have quite a few fond memories from VL, but one that sticks out in my mind clearly at the moment would have to be the first time I visited Black Hole. I had just turned level 50 on my sentinel, and I was still a noob. I was grouped with a guildie, Opalira, and we were doing the mission where you fix the hyper-tanks. Well, since it was my first time there, I ran straight into the toxic waste thinking I was perfectly safe... then I died five seconds later. We both burst out laughing while she explained to me that that was what the stim was for.
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Oh man. I really can't pick a favorite. I have lots of strong memories.


Hosting the Ilum cookie wars, and being absolutely floored by how many people showed up. Totally unexpected and I had no idea how to deal with that many people. Thank goodness for some well known pvpers willing to get together and help control that chaos.


Hems playing an imp/pub version of Romeo and Juliet in say RP style in many a battleground over the course of weeks. It was so entertaining.


My first swtor PvP match with Ves.


Early on in PvP I was going to throw in the towel. Was sitting on fleet and said I was quitting and saying I must suck because everyone must think I'm an easy kill because they all piled on me and I would go squish and felt useless. I truly thought I was the worst PvPer on the server and that's why it happened. There were some folks who jumped in and said I couldn't quit. They said that the reason everyone piled on me was because they thought I was good and convinced me to keep trying. If you know who you are. TY *Hugs*


Xavek chasing me across the warzone fields for a couple hours one night yelling until I realised he really wasn't joking around. He hated me. Having never been exposed to that before was a little shocked and surprised by it all.


Flux and Hagrot deciding to rip off their shirts one day in a boring Civil war match and just fighting each other in the snow off in the corner. It was hilarious.


Everyone in the pvp community willing to do a naked pvp match when I hit 100 and we won. It meant so much to have others to celebrate it with in such a fun way.


My first 16 man ascension raid when I was on trial for joining the guild. I was TERRIFIED. Like literally shaking the whole raid. :p I looked up to a lot of their players. I really looked up to Ryd as a sage healer and wanted to be good just like her (i thought he was a girl! LOL). *blushes* I never imagined he'd become my healing partner in crime. :p


Opalirra and Saintvrain on teamspeak when I screamed my first F-Bomb and on accident keyed up, due to getting killed 3 feet from the huttball goal line. LOL There was a lot of laughing. I've since learned not to be quite that emotionally involved in a pvp match. :)


Being kept "in the corner in time out" in PvP LOL


always saying "What's the #1 rule? Don't pass Desi the ball." and everyone else saying " Everyone pass Desi the ball."


Watching Black Sun pouring out of their rez point. That was a sight that literally always scared the crap out of me.


The damn hamster wheel in ilum. I never thought I would miss that, but I do. A lot of times the more active pvp pubs/imps would stop and have a mini truce and chat at each other. I really enjoyed those conversations and getting to know some of the people behind the enemy toons I fought against in warzones. :)


Hanging with Lal'mirch and Flux. I would never be where I am in this game or experienced the play that I have without the two of them. They are the reason I'm in the guild I am, progression raid, and still PvP.


Honestly, probably my favorite memory isn't a vrook lamar memory per se. It's when we all transferred over to BC. That first couple days everyone was so AWESOME. I mean all the BC people were really really kind and welcoming. The person that sticks out the most is Bethany. But, they all were really great at making the VL people feel right at home. And it was awesome to see new names to PvP/PvE with. Everyone was really excited to PvP with new people. It was a lot of fun.

Edited by Desiirea
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Most of my fond memories have been captured in screenshots that I will share later once I get on my home computer. However here are a few that still crack me up


Watching Asmenys yell in Vent that he would be on Desii the entire match, then watching Desii run away from his marauder :D Asmenys was probably the best marauder I've ever seen I miss him :(


One day when I was in a Shades of Serroth premade and I hear in there teamspeak, "I don't believe it". Then I saw an ascension premade storm out of the gates, naked. Somehow they still managed to kick our ***, but at least I laughed that time


Hanging out on the pub node with Flux and Desii when my team was getting beat


Having huge teams on Ilum standing across from one another and in between no man's land. The best is when you would see someone go in to the middle to be pulled by the enemy team and just be demolished.


Reshrewe realizing that his legacy name "Ginaz" wasn't pronounced "Gee-naz" like he thought it did but something else :eek:


Dragon showing up for flashpoints in an orange overcoat because he tried to be as cool as Ushanev, he wasn't



Remembering how terrible operative healing was pre 1.2. It was always fun to join flashpoints and see "Operative Healer?!?!" "So and So has left group". Then once 1.2 hit I was bragging so hard in Vent about how awesome operative healing was now and then remembering that the sorc and merc healer in vent just had their **** nerfed hard. Good times.


One time on imp side we had an awesome team of a 4 man Black Sun premade and a 3 man malevolence premade plus Z'od. Suddenly we faced this mysterious unguilded Pub team who had weird looking gear on who proceeded to absolutely destroy us. We were all shocked at how good they were and after the match we were all pretty shellshocked. We saw those players literally only once and never saw them again. I still think it was developers having a good time, that or a bunch of amazing amazing players played one match and quit.


My all time favorite memory however was the night before the patch where they nerfed the **** out of Soa. We were 4/5 on EV HM and were desperately trying to beat him and his most tricky mechanic, bugs. It was 5:45 AM and we were all dead tired and ready to quit, but we headed in for our 3847235th attempt. The team was Resh, Dragon, myself, Adelise, Ushanev and I can't quite remember the rest. On one pull someone in Vent shared inspirational words and somehow we were able to kill that bastard. Probably the most satisfying boss kill I've ever had, or ever will have.


Oh how I miss the Vrook Lamar days

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I think my favorite memory was when I was still new to the end-game stuff. Back when adrenals stacked and infiltration shadows were a one-hit wonder. I used to do hit and runs in Ilum since there were so many Imps. I remember the first time I met Lal'mirch and watching him do hit and runs with no stealth. We grouped up and started 2v5'ing all the Imps in Ilum. Honestly it was what made me want to join <Ascension> in the first place.
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I remember ..... ummm ...... trollin' around. Quietly at first....then I started to pvp a little, habit got a little worse. Then I joined AOE and I mean what can ya say....


*Masisu Joins Vent*

"Guys the most hilarious thing just happened in a flashpoint. So I kept face-pulling the mobs in The Foundry and we're at the mob right before Revan. The tank doesn't taunt, we still kill the group, and he says, 'Wow, so it is true about you guys then: *****holes or Elitests.' I replyed, 'Why thank you good sir!"

*10 other people start laughing*


*****holes or Elitests....will never get old.



I.....can't.....resist......I remember playing 'Star Wars: The old republic', a game with promise. 'Coin Wars: No reason to subscribe'....not so much.



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So many memories. I really, really miss Vrook. I was never really 'known' till around the end. The memories were pricless, I wish I could re-experience them. My favorite would honestly have to be when I first got to know malevolence, and Taco! I danced with Mady and Hems for a while, until Drizzly and I dueled. It was when I first met Mady, who I've been really good friends with since. I miss hems though, such a great player. Sherruk too for that matter, all the original merc healers on VL were all really cool guys. Something else I really remember was when I grouped with Halogen, Who in my opinion was the greatest shadow to ever enter my presence. That guy, was a monster. I wish he continued to play, but when him and I grouped together and we both would go infil and Both open on someone... Dead before I could even use my 3rd GCD.
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Downing SM EV with True Mandalorians, it was an awesome feeling to down Soa with 7 Bounty Hunters and 1 Agent.

After that it was just one epic moment after another.

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To many....Sweetjuice and I rolling in PVP....getting mad at Flux and Desi (love you desi!)....ummmmm, oh who remembers Jeta? Anyone? Yyyeeeaaaa bahahahahahaha


Chillin' with Lal'mirch in ilum. And then watching Lal'mirch gank people while I ate a grapefruit. They got pretty mad at me but damn it was a good ruby red.


Server first HM Kephess kill. That was incredible. Miss the days of good ole AOE. Ascension and AOE had some fun times trying to get to server firsts. Miss those days.


A lot of memories. Good times. Hopefully bioware doesn't trash this game so we can have some more!

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Yeeah. I remember Jeta. I remember all of Sors Ruina. I was.. heavily, /heavily/ PvP happy in the olden days. I think one of my best memories was really when the guild I was in formerly merged with Ascension, and running 16m EV and KP..


Also, Ilum wars. Motherfraggin' Ilum wars. I've seen things.


(For those wondering, I was Talynn, and still am. Just getting my PvP itch scratched now.)

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Downing SM EV with True Mandalorians, it was an awesome feeling to down Soa with 7 Bounty Hunters and 1 Agent.

After that it was just one epic moment after another.


Yeah I remember being the one agent :D



Almost forgot about that good times. True Mandalorians was always fun for me because I would win all the loot because I was the only none bounty hunter :p

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Yeah I remember being the one agent :D



Almost forgot about that good times. True Mandalorians was always fun for me because I would win all the loot because I was the only none bounty hunter :p


It was hell for the rest of us though, fighting to get w/e unassembled piece that dropped. But it was really funny though.


One of the best moments of that was when Urk-Urk started talking about wanting to burn everything. Man that dude was funny.

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Honestly, probably my favorite memory isn't a vrook lamar memory per se. It's when we all transferred over to BC. That first couple days everyone was so AWESOME. I mean all the BC people were really really kind and welcoming. The person that sticks out the most is Bethany. But, they all were really great at making the VL people feel right at home. And it was awesome to see new names to PvP/PvE with. Everyone was really excited to PvP with new people. It was a lot of fun.






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oh who remembers Jeta? Anyone?


It was her I went to and proposed we start a big war. It ended up turning into multiple 'wars'. This is only a snippet of what was the result. :p




Us overseeing the chaos




Video someone made I didn't know about until much later.


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My all time favorite memory however was the night before the patch where they nerfed the **** out of Soa. We were 4/5 on EV HM and were desperately trying to beat him and his most tricky mechanic, bugs. It was 5:45 AM and we were all dead tired and ready to quit, but we headed in for our 3847235th attempt. The team was Resh, Dragon, myself, Adelise, Ushanev and I can't quite remember the rest. On one pull someone in Vent shared inspirational words and somehow we were able to kill that bastard. Probably the most satisfying boss kill I've ever had, or ever will have.


Oh how I miss the Vrook Lamar days


This day is called the feast of Soa

He (or she) that outlives this day and comes safe home

Will stand a-tip-toe when this day is named

And rouse him (or her) at the name of Soa


He that shall see this day and live old age

Will yearly, on the vigil, feast his neighbors

And say: "Tomorrow is dread Soa's day!"

Then, will he (or she) strip his sleave

And show his carpal tunnel

And say: "These wounds I had on Soa's day!"


THEN, will our names, familiar in his (or her) mouth as household words --

Dragon the manka, Urdnought and Reshrewe, Ushanev and Addy --

Be in their flowing cups freshly remembered!

This story shall the good man (or woman) teach his son (or daughter)

And Soa's destruction shall ne'er go by

from this day to the ending of the world

But WE in it shall be remembered


We few. We happy few. We band of brothers (and sister)

For he (or she) today who clicks his mouse with me

Shall be my brother (or sister) be he (or she) ne'er so vile

This day will gentle his condition.

And gentlemen in WoW, now panda-drowned

Shall think themselves accursed they were not here

And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks

Who tank/dps/healed on Soa's day.


Oh. And don't run your *********** lightning balls through the healers this time. ffs.

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